Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 221

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Hadassah,

    I refer you to the reply I gave to Momsage concerning my knowledge of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.

    I do know of the doctrines you listed and others that you have not that I think to be erroneous.

    So, Hadassah, I am not as ignorant as you seem to imply. I am very well informed about the Catholic Church and other sects as I have spent much time studying this topic over the past 50 years.

    Just an aside, when I was very young (9 or so) I began to read the Bible for myself. No one else encouraged me to do so at that age, though I was brought up in a traditional church that read scripture every Sunday service. Soon after that, when I was in 5th grade I determined that I only wanted to read what was true, so I stopped reading fiction books and instead read the Bible, because I knew it was true and I began to read biographies and science books, I read the dictionary, encyclopedias, history books. I was very hungry to know the truth about God, my world, and many other subjects. I was a devourer of such literature. This hunger has continued all my life.

    But this knowledge does not set me apart from any other believer. We are all on the same journey towards God to come to know Him in Spirit and in truth. As I said to Momsage, in this life we know dimly or darkly) as Paul put it, but in the life to come we will know fully. We all have need of having our doctrine corrected and deepened.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Again, Just because I have read much from Christian leaders across time does not mean I think they are correct in everything they write. But it makes me think deeply and check out their ideas against Scripture and with the Holy Spirit's help discern what is correct and what is false. But I, too, do not have perfect doctrine in all matters and am constantly learning and correcting my beliefs, which I think all of us should do.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Momsage,

    I understand your concern. When Jesus said, H"You cannot serve two masters he was speaking of God and Mammon" (money, riches), so I do not think it is an apt verse to this conversation. Even so, it is true that we should not have divided loyalties.

    As to the false teachings of the Catholic church, I do not defend them in any way even as I do not defend false teachings in other sects that profess the Jesus as He is presented in the Word. But even though I reject the false teachings, I do not condemn a whole sect necessarily. None of us have perfect doctrine. Paul tells us that in this life we see through a glass dimly, (or darkly) but in the life to come we will see clearly. In that time we will all have perfect doctrine without error even to the minutest degree.

    1 Cor. 13:12 We should be careful and resist spiritual pride concerning our knowledge of right doctrine. We all have some incorrect thinking on spiritual matters.

    As to your suggestion that I study more about the Catholic Church, you assume that I do not know as much as you do. I, however, have deeply and comprehensively studied the doctrines and history of the Catholic church as well as come other sects when I was seeking out prayerfully where the Lord would have me join in fellowship with. I rejected the Catholic Church as a possibility because of the teachings you and Hadassah mentioned as well as others not mentioned here.

    I know that many ex-Catholics rejected the doctrines mentioned but many who have grown up Catholic have not read much on the history of the Church through the centuries or read the writings of leaders from the early times of the church. I have read much of these and find much food for thought in such writers as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Augustine, and even Aquinas.

    I also have read writings of the Reformers and other protestant leaders such as Calvin, Luther, and others and have found many inspiring thoughts from them, but have not agreed with all of them.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Adam, I am continuing to pray for your healing. Just this morning I was remembering the song

    "Thou Lord God has made the heavens and the earth by thy great power, Thou Lord God has made the heavens and the earth with thine outstretched arm.

    Nothing is too difficult for thee, nothing is too difficult for thee."

    So, I affirmed this before the Lord and asked him to bring healing to all I have prayed for on this site and in my life, because nothing is impossible for God.

    Secondly, Adam. I agree that we should not through the baby out with the bathwater. Any day is good to celebrate the truth about Jesus, and His miraculous birth is no exception. If one chooses to celebrate it at Christmastime, that is a good testimony to give at a time when many hearts are more receptive. This is why I celebrate His coming during Christmas even though I know he was not born in December, but it is a season that opens many opportunities to give account of His incarnation.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen,Oseas, lovely prayer applying Jesus' instructions on how we ought to pray to the Father.

  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Genesis 13:2 is not a proof text for showing godliness leads to wealth. That verse never says that Abraham's possessions were the result of God's blessings for his faithfulness.

    In fact, the scripture tells us that Abraham's possessions came as the immediate aftermath of Abraham's deceitful plan in Genesis 12:11-13 and Pharaoh's actions in response in Genesis 12:15-16. Abraham's actions and the possessions obtained as a result were not based on his fear of God, they were based on his fear of man No one should seek riches in this manner. And was Pharoah rich because he was blessed for obedience to God? Abraham himself says Pharaoh had no fear of God. And God was forced by this entire arrangement between Abraham and Pharoah to intervene with plagues to make Pharaoh drive Abraham out of his land to stop Abraham from continuing to enrich himself on the basis of his lie. Absolutely nothing in this entire incident demonstrates that Abraham was doing God's will and being blessed by God as a result. He was clearly being shotsightedly disobedient and was foolishly putting God's real purpose of bringing about a godly seed through Abraham and Sarah in grave danger.

    In any case, do not use Genesis 13:12 as a proof text that God blesses our obedience to his calling when it only demostrates God's unearned grace and faithfulness to His purposes despite our disobedience in devising shortsighted plans for gaining wealth apart from God's will.

    God did work it out for good by letting Abraham's possessions cause strife with Lot to finally return Abraham to his original calling of separating himself from his relatives. However, Abraham didn't realize God's reason for letting him obtain and keep those possessions until God once again began revealing His plans and purposes to him immediately upon Lot's departure. So God's purposes for letting us have wealth and ours often don't line up and we need to realize earthly wealth is never God's ultimate goal for his children.
  • Oseas - 1 year ago
    Our GOD and Father who art in heaven,

    we thank you for this another day of life and

    for the daily bread that you give us to feed our bodies,

    but above all, it feeds our souls with the living bread that comes from heaven, the bread of life, the heavenly manna;

    Follow us and bless us throughout this day, O Lord

    Keep us and deliver us from all evil, from all danger,

    Encamp your angels around us, around your people on all the face of the Earth,

    Your kingdom come to us according to Your Word,

    the kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever,

    In our works and activities, bless us and prosper us, O Lord GOD

    We thank you in the name of your beloved Son JESUS Christ, from now on and forever

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you brother Jesse. We are indeed kept by the Power of God, & nothing, but nothing, can snatch us out of His Hands. Some believe that God does keep but we also have the power to undo what God has done. But I ask, 'would a blood-bought, forgiven sinner, one gloriously redeemed from the clutches of the enemy, ever want to resort to the world's carnal offerings, however attractive they may be'? And with the Spirit within to continually minister ever so graciously yet firmly - not keeping to certain hours of the day to attend to our needs, but constantly, waking or sleeping?

    Sometimes, I sense that believers/Fellowships don't spend much time at all on what the Holy Spirit actually does in a believer's life - that it truly is a whole new life now lived by His Power & not ours - that we are not only "not our own", but we won't want to belong to anyone else. When I read some testimonies on here, that a brother or sister has lost all taste for this world & even the thought of sinning against a loving heavenly Father becomes abhorent, I am joyful that that dear one has indeed been mightily touched & 'gripped' (as you rightly stated), taking comfort in the securing, keeping Power of God. Every blessing to you dear Jesse.
  • Carleton - 1 year ago
    Good evening all. From my own observations. One reason I love a believer's Baptism is a believer's testimony. Even more wonderfully so when this believer is still a young person. In close congregations and in simple Christian homes we witness many young person testimonies and we also were blessed to have watched the child grow up and mature. Many times part of a testimony is a simple burden, a lack of faith, a lie with friends, teacher or family that was forgiven. This testimony in our churches is a public testimony for any person in the building to witness. The testimony in words is simple, yesterday (so to speak) they were burdened and they prayed for forgiveness and Jesus answered their prayer. Now they felt their burden lifted and many claim His peace is now ruling. A few questions from those in attendance may be asked like "do you love everyone?" or "do you believe that Jesus has forgiven your sins?" A sister or brother, uncle or aunt or teacher,etc.. may give testimony that they thenselves witness a change in this new believer's life. It is the spirit that the congregation is looking for, does it witness to their spirit. A show of hands for support from the congregation may occur. A question might be asked then "do you desire to be Baptized" with an affirmative, Baptism is soon arranged. This event is always a blessing and the proving together by God's Spirit in the body makes a very close congregation and congregations are very close with each other within the Church. I think most young people and older would rarely have their born again experience in Church more likely alone with God. I do know exceptions though.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    My dear brother in Christ Jesus,

    Chris, although this was not written to me, I just want to say thank you for everything you've just shared. I wish it were even more than three pages. So powerful, and so true!

    We are being kept by the power of God. I firmly believe that if He wasn't the one keeping us in His grip, we would have no hope!

    God bless!!!
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wow! The situation with your friend is so sad and so serious. :( Your friend, even if she is imagining the ghost, doesn't realize that the devil has her held captive by this evil idea and, what can you expect from believing in such a terrible doctrine. I'll pray for her and you for this situation. Knowing what to do is concerning. Do you think she would be willing to listen to your advise and the bible as to how God sees this thing. If God is so against it perhaps she would realize it isn't her mother but a servant of the devil trying to deceive her with a false sense of security, deceiving her into false beliefs. Perhaps if you can help her to realize and accept that God is saying, through His true word, that her mother has passed on and is not there with her then she might give up on this idea. References that might help you: 1 Timothy 4:1 - Leviticus 19:31 - 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 - 1 John 4:1.

    I know a lot of people believe their loved ones are watching them from heaven, even Christians. I have always wondered if they have ever thought that through to a conclusion. Why God would allow such a thing when heaven is a place of peace and joy, why let people look down on this cursed world after they have gone to be with Him and are in His wonderful Prescence. I suppose they think their loved ones would want to do that but that doesn't make any sense either. Do they think Jesus isn't enough for the ones they've left behind to be there for them? Do they think the loved one is actually able to touch them with a sense of comfort somehow and to desire that instead looking to Jesus for their comfort? To look to someone else, a dead person instead of Jesus, for help from above is idolatry. Even worldly people believe this, like their deceased loved ones automatically went to heaven and since religious people accept it they do too. I hope this has been a little bit of help to you and, again I will be in prayer for you and her. :) God Bless
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 3.

    So, I'm well aware of the cost of so great Salvation & also the cost of living the life that is hidden in Christ. The Holy Spirit within does do great & mighty things in the one in Christ, & we have barely experienced what He can do when one comes face-to-face with Satan's cohorts.

    Some could say that I had just back-slid, but my own sense was that I was never saved, but simply had the marks of a Christian. Until I knew the depth of sin, my sin, I was just playing with God, not unlike those who believe in a watered-down Gospel (i.e. Christ has saved me forever, so I can sin giving little regard to it). I realize that those who don't believe in the eternal security of the believer, believe that we who do believe in it, no longer pay attention to sin but that untrue, because nowhere in the Word do I find that a true child of God can ever resort to a life of sin & still believe he is saved - that's deception. The Spirit of God simply won't permit such a thing happening because He has taken up residence within & our lives "are hid with Christ in God". I simply can't make mockery of God's great salvation. And for your own testimony, only you can discern that the love you once had for the Lord (before you turned back to Him) was a life governed by His Spirit or devoid of Him. No one else can judge that. For me though, there has to be a point of a deep conviction of our sinful state, acknowledgement of it, & a turning to the Savior for salvation. When that happens & the Holy Spirit is given, we are the Lord's right into eternity ( Romans 8:9). Blessings to you too, & if you have further enquiries on what I've shared or on why the foundations of our belief are so important, I would welcome them.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2.

    I won't give details of that here, but the turning away was gradual & what God had first meant to me had gone completely. Did I not have any conviction by the Spirit of sin & estrangement from God? I knew what I was doing, but No, I felt nothing of the Spirit's Work. What was I at that time? Was I ever saved & temporarily fallen away? Or maybe, I was never saved, just giving a Christian persona to family & others? I couldn't tell for sure at that time - but I could say now, that God knew exactly what my state was. My own belief, was that I was never saved (unlike in your testimony, where I understand that you both believed that you were in a saved state then falling into continual sin). Why I believe that I wasn't saved, was simply because I had no sense of guilt, of consequences of sin, etc. which only the Spirit of God can give to God's child. Even with the prayers of my father & the Church, I continued in a sinful lifestyle, till the time that God would step in, bringing in deep conviction & the certainty of Hell. And in God's mysterious Ways, it initially took an unsaved bisexual 'friend' whom God used to trigger my mind & spirit to my own sin & wickedness (he certainly wasn't a Christian - just a trigger). And btw, I have always been a heterosexual, only that acquaintance of mine 'leaned' the other way.

    I believe that if I died in that state of sin, I would be lost in Hell. "But God, Who is rich in Mercy" ( Ephesians 2:4-6), at the right time, brought me to my senses, & the wretchedness of my sins came before me. I could do nothing else but weep hard & long for my sins - and instantly knowing & experiencing His glorious Salvation only through His Son, with great release & joy. You shared that you have never turned away from the Lord since re-birth & you never will. I too, by the Spirit's enabling have stayed true to Him, even having been tested in the face of the enemies of the Cross while in ministry (I won't go into that here). To Page 3.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    Sorry for the confusion Momsage; we can be a little limited in adequately expressing our thoughts via the written page. My premise is based on the fact (& this is scriptural as I gave earlier), that God makes no mistakes, those He secures & seals giving re-birth, is a work that cannot be undone, either by God or man. If this belief is faulty, maybe discussion can be had on this aspect. And this would be important, for I find that much of what we believe is based on either a true or false foundation, & this base determines the belief we hold (i.e. what we build on that foundation).

    So if this (securing/sealing) is true, then when God saves a soul from the penalty of sin, He alone knows the genuineness of that repentance, whether in time that person falters in sin & recovers, even stepping away for a season, or even how faithful he will be even to the point of persecution & death. No other person on Earth, except possibly the 'saved' person him/herself, would have any degree of assurance of what has taken place in his/her life. Then for those of us who believe in the eternal security of the believer, we base our belief on the Word of God & the Work of God in salvation of each soul, that none will ever be lost. If we can be lost after truly being saved by God's Spirit, then God's Work is faulty & man by his own Will can be the decider of when he chooses to be saved. But if God alone saves, then that soul will remain saved even though, as mentioned, he may be rocked about with sin in the interim.

    Now in my case, as you asked about, when I mentioned that "I had left the Lord", I meant that I left the Christian upbringing given me, I left the Word of God implanted in me, & I left any desires I might have had towards spiritual things. It wasn't a spur-of-the-moment thing; Satan had groomed me to reject all I had known before & to attend to the appeals of the flesh & from my peers. To Page 2.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    We know that we are of GOD, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of GOD is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is True, and we are in Him that is True, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life - 1John 5:19-20

    John 1:11-13

    11 JESUS came unto His own, and His own received Him not.

    12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe on His NAME:

    13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD.

  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    What the Word of GOD says after weighing the content of your message, it is written in Isaiah 33:10-15:

    10 Now will I rise, saith the Lord; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself.

    11 Ye shall conceive chaff, ye shall bring forth stubble: your breath, as fire, shall devour you.

    12 And the PEOPLE shall be as the burnings of lime: as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.

    13 Hear, ye that are far off (the GENTILE peoples), what I have done; and, ye that are near(the JEWISH people), acknowledge my might.

    14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who AMONG US shall dwell with the devouring fire?(GOD is a devouring fire, understand?) who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

    15 He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil;

    2 Peter 3:7&11-12&17-The heavens(the 1st and 2nd heavenly places in Christ- Ephesians 1:3-or 1st and 2nd Covenant-Old and New Testaments)and the earth(the current Israel infested of idolatries and sorceries,whose holy city is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt),which are now,by the same Word are kept in store,RESERVED UNTO FIRE against this Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.(that is the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium)

    11 Seeing then that all these things shall be DISSOLVED,what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of GOD,wherein the heavens being on fire(GOD is a devouring fire) shall be DISSOLVED,and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

    17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

    To JESUS Christ, our Saviour, to Him be Glory both now and for ever. Amen.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen. "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

    "Jesus Christ" is that name (verse 10).
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    May God bless you too Ronald , this world is full of distractions and discouragements , the Pure Word of God is a lamp to our feet but , if that lamp is dimmed through false doctrine then our feet can slip ! May God's love and mercy and Word ,keep you on the straight and narrow . Stay strong ,Christ is coming ! :) .
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema,

    Amen, a little here, a little there, people become numb and blind to what is happening not able to discern what is evil, Isaiah 5:20. The leaven in the dough is almost ready to bake.

    God bless and hold on to Him, tough roads make for tough feet that can carry you to the end of the road.

  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for your encouraging words :)
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    " a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump " , yes ! No truer words ! Amen to you .
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jimbob: It's good to hear from you and I am enjoying discussing the things of God on this site. I understand now that you don't get on here very often so I'll just look forward to hearing from you when you do. I enjoy reading your comments on the beautiful, true Word of God; the KJB. I think, just my thought, is that somehow before we leave here that God is going to somehow diminish the faith in these false translations. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and have a happy celebration of the birth of Christ. :) God Bless You
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    As you know I have agreed with much of what you say in your comments but what you said about God being one God and Jesus being another, "two separate Gods united for one purpose" Unless I misunderstood, I can not agree with you on this. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are 3 in one not separate in any way. Saying God and Jesus are two separate Gods is like having a friend helping you move. Two of you working together to accomplish something. It just sounds to me like this is somehow diminishing the deity of God and Christ. :)
  • KJBO Admin - 1 year ago
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  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sorry I think I may have hit the amen choice by mistake, I meant to do it for Valmar because his comment would have been the same as mine. I do have a question, however, you said something in your comment that, I admit, confused me. At the end you admitted that you yourself had left the Lord but then returned, Praise the Lord for that, but isn't that backsliding or if, though you were living in sin, you had died in that state you would have gone to be with Jesus anyway and your name still would have been in the Lamb's Book of Life because it was sealed unto salvation or no matter how long you were in sin until you returned, God would not have allowed you to die, or you weren't saved in the first place, but no, you said you returned, or I totally misunderstood what you said which is possible. Please don't think I am being facetious, I would not do that, these are legitimate questions to your comment. God Bless :)
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, Momsage, man will always have free will & be able to make choices in life (a gift granted by God). What I've tried to show from my comment you referred to, is that when God by His Spirit is indwelling & controlling His child, the child, though having free will & maybe somewhat self-willed, will always be under the Spirit's watchful Ministry - and this can include correction, warning, discipline, even death (so that the "spirit may be saved": 1 Corinthians 5:5).

    From what the Word tells me about the Work of the Spirit, is that a truly saved person, though subject to correction will be kept by HIS Power & not ours: 1 Peter 1:3-5 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy HATH begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, TO an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth NOT away, RESERVED in heaven for you, Who are KEPT by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." All of God's Work & according to His Promise; or else, we can be popping in & out of salvation (re-birth) at will, making mockery of God's faultless & unfailing work.

    Thank you for the testimony of you & your husband's 'salvation', your departure from the Lord & subsequent joyful return. I think many of us can testify similarly of such an experience - but in each case, we have to rely on God's Work & Word & the knowledge that "the foundation of God standeth sure, having this SEAL, The Lord KNOWETH them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity" ( 2 Timothy 2:19). I believe that those whom the Lord seals (& He alone knows them by name), can never be un-sealed. As in your case, or even with me, having at one stage left the Lord & enjoyed the world's offerings, & then returned, it is the Lord's application of His Work in our lives - and this Work usually testifies well through personal testimony. Blessings.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I hope you'll let me be straight with you. I mean no offense but perhaps you overlooked the part in my comment where I said I loathed ALL false doctrines but loved and grieved over the poor souls that are deceived by them. Well I did, and I do. I think that's compassion. You once said you didn't defend the Catholic Church but it seems that you are. Defending a false doctrine so people who are immersed in them can be placated is very harmful. One false teaching is idolatry, among so many other things, and the people have such a heartfelt desire to believe in that. They may get truly saved by someone's witness but if they continue to commit that idolatry, like praying the rosary and lighting candles to false gods, they will be like the seed that fell on the wayside and the fowls (idolatry) devoured them Matthew 13:4. I was raised a Catholic, had to stick with it until I left home because my mother asked me too. That was a while ago but I have kept up with it's influence in the world and it is getting worse and worse as time goes on. I would never say the Pope was the antichrist. I would never say anyone is the antichrist. To me that is not wise. As to the part of the Catholic doctrine being true, Jesus said "you can't serve two masters - Matthew 6:24. One will be hated and the other loved. The scriptures also says in Galatians 5:9 " a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." A little false doctrine ruins the whole doctrine. Catholics believe in the one true God but idolize the Pope. They worship Mary and a whole slew of other dead people, salvation is obtained by good works, etc. I think you understand. All false doctrines probably have a little bit of truth mixed in. That's how the devil in lures souls in. Might I suggest you study the doctrines of Catholicism. See if they don't teach many things contrary to what the KJB teaches. You can find them on a Catholic Church website so you will know they are the true teachings. God Bless :)
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Mankind's free will does not go away once he is saved. It will be with him until death, so mankind ALWAYS has the freedom to choose to live for God or not. You say people who sin after getting saved, never really got saved. Please read my testimony.

    My husband and I were living sinful lives with no regard for God and we were very happy. Then, through the witness of a fellow employee, Tim started feeling his need for Jesus in his heart and the employee's wife started witnessing to me and Tim and I got saved, on the same day, several weeks later. Our whole lives changed drastically. We loved Jesus and through His grace and power we left our sins, we started attending church with our friends that witnessed to us, we bought bibles and loved reading and studying them, we had such wonderful times of prayer, we loved everything Godly in our lives and got rid of everything sinful. We had such joy in our hearts. What, other then true salvation, could have made us suddenly make these wonderful changes in our lives. There was no reason. But after several years we let the cares of the world, that came upon us, cause us to became discouraged and weary to the point of drifting further and further away from prayer, bible study, all the things of God that had kept us on the straight and narrow path. Eventually we stop living for Him and went back into worse sin then before, then Tim divorced me. I was so devasted. I knew my only answer to be able to go on (I had 3 small children) was to surrender to Jesus and forsake the life of sin I was living and ask for forgiveness and accept Him back into my heart. I have been living for Him ever since. I never remarried nor had any further relationships. Tim continued in sin until, on his deathbed, through the witnessing of his sons and daughter, he accepted Christ again and less then a day later he died. This was in 1982. I love Jesus so dearly and I am diligent in living for Him. I don't plan on every leaving my Savior again. God Bless :)
  • Carleton - 1 year ago
    Good evening. Signing in for questionnaire.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    It is true that if anyone ate a biblical diet they would be very healthy. Look what Daniel did when the king wanted him and his friends to eat the kings food of meat and "drink." :)

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