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  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY - 3 months ago

    SCHOOL BOOK November 17, 2024 Ezekiel 47:13-23 KJV

    COGIC WORSHIP 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: I worship a God that is Father, A God that is a holy promise land-inheritance. A God that is a haven-Blessings to his people. Malachi 3:10 KJV
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Thanks brother Jesse for taking on this task with this wonderful meaty letter of Paul to the Romans. I'm sure that this too will be to us very profitable. Just to your Romans 1:11: your explanation here was an eye-opener for me. I've always taken this verse to mean that Paul, as he fellowshiped with the saints there, would by the Holy Spirit impart (or, administer) a lacking spiritual gift (grace) to the church there, for their establishment & maturing. However, the way I understand what you've shared, it seems that Paul would exercise the gifts (graces) with them that he had been blessed with for his life & ministry, so that believers might be strengthened and matured as they sat under such a Spirit-empowered ministry. I trust that I've understood it correctly, as this does make better sense for the reason of his going there.

    I will continue to follow your work in this Book Jesse as often as I can, though I will be on vacation for nearly a month, & will not always have acces to spare time or the internet. But I will definitely make it a point to keep up with yours & other's postings here. Blessings to you & all others.
  • Tunney - 3 months ago
    Thank You, Father for giving us a new day to learn to worship and praise You. Help us to rise up in faith and be prayerful for our country and the leadership to trust in Your word and not to lean on our own understanding.

    Praise GOD for the completion of our election process. May we now learn to work together to glorify You.

    November 16, 2024
  • [email protected] - 3 months ago
    In Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

    I ask that you pray in agreement with me for the following:

    Lily - salvation spirit of darkness broken off her and home her job and relationships with family

    Jr - salvation spirit of pride and confusion broken off him his home his relationship his health and finances

    Archer and Aris - wisdom and holy spirit guidance, peace

    Samuel - spirit of unforgiveness broken off and doubt and darkness broken off him and every area in his life

    Sonia and Tristan - pray for breakthrough and salvation and free from bondage

    Me - healing, financial breakthrough, husband that is godly and loves the lord and family, my job, my mind and every area of his life, all debt paid off, new house and car

    family - those who are lost and not serving for their salvation and same for my friends
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families and my mother
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 months ago
    (Romans Part 5):

    Romans 1:14 - I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.

    The word barbarian is a reference to anybody that cannot speak Greek because to the Greeks, any language other than Greek, you were saying "Bar-Bar." You were saying a bunch of nothing, something that a newborn might begin to say when they start talking, "Bar-Bar!"

    But they named anybody that was not experienced in Greek culture and Greek language a barbarian. Paul says, I am a debtor. I am in debt. Those in ministry are in debt to God's people. They have a commission by God to fulfil. Paul says that I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise, or unperceptive!

    Romans 1:20 - For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    Please notice the conclusion. It says, "so that they are without excuse:" The word excuse APOLOGEA, is we get our word apologetics from it. It is a legal term that means defense. People have no defense whatsoever. Not one human being is ever going to be able to stand before God and say, "I didn't know!"

    Romans 1:22 - Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    So, they said "I'm intelligent. Don't tell me there's a God. I got a brain." And they became fools! The word fools in the Greek is where we get our English word moron from. They became fools (Morons)!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 months ago
    (Romans Part 4):

    Romans 1:11 - For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

    Now this is the only place in scripture where the bible literally says spiritual gift. All the other places, you'll notice that it will say gift, but the word spiritual will be italicized. This is the only place where it is found. And the term gift, he's emphasizing spiritual.

    The word gift in the Greek text does not mean a gift that is given to somebody. The word gift is the word CHARISMA. Sound familiar? Charismatic comes from this, except this Greek word means expression of grace. That's all it means! CHARIS is the word for grace. CHARISMA is the word for expression of grace.

    He says, I want to come so that there would be some spiritual expression of God's grace to you from me.

    Romans 1:12 - That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.

    The word faith, PISTIS, means persuasion in Greek. And it is a word that describes the Holy Spirit's persuasion over us when He ministers to us, and His persuasion through us when He ministers through us. And the early church says, and like Paul said, your faith is known throughout the world. He wasn't talking about their human practice of faith. He was talking about God's Spirit through you is being spoken of throughout the whole world.

    The bible never says that faith is of man. It always tells us, and we are going to learn this in the book of Romans, that faith is a gift from God. It is not something that man produces; it's something that man is given.

    It is a word that describes the presence and activity of God's Spirit in a believer's life. It is the presence and the activity. In the book of Acts, they used to call the Christians those people "Of the faith." They are of a certain persuasion that you can't see. They call Him Jesus Christ, but you can never see Him! That's why we are of the faith, of the persuasion of God.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 months ago
    (Romans Part 3):

    Romans 1:5 - By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:

    By whom, or through whom, and this would be Jesus, we have received. We receive from God that which we need as He fulfils His purpose in us.

    Next, the compliance: It says, "For obedience to the faith." I don't know if you caught it but listen to this. We get it all the way through Romans, and it may change your whole view in understanding about what faith is. It won't be religious faith. It will be Spiritual faith. God gives us the grace for obedience to the faith. We have no ability or capacity to obey the faith of Christ!

    And then we have the circumstances: For Paul, it's among all nations. The word nations is the word Gentiles. And lastly, the cause for this is for His name. Literally, upon the basis of His name. If I represent Christ, He's going to give me the grace to do what He wants me to do because it represents Him. He made the promise to me.

    I go out and I share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those aren't empty religious words. I go knowing and believing by faith that God promised. To all of those who will believe, He will give them His Spirit. They will be saved. That's a promise!

    Romans 1:7 - To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The word beloved means the object of love. We are the object of God's love. We are beloved of God. God's love is always directed in our direction and is always in ministry and care over us. Not only are we the beloved of God, but we're called saints. Notice again the words "to be" are not in the Greek text. We are saints by calling.

    A saint doesn't mean holy in the sense of pure. That's a totally different Greek word. This word holy or saint means to be set apart. When the Spirit of Christ came into my spirit, came into my heart, He set me apart for Christ and for the Lord's purposes.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 months ago
    (Romans Part 2):

    Romans 1:4 - And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

    And declared to be the Son of God with power. I've shared this before and I know not everyone agrees, but I will share this again. The Greek text takes the term "Son of God" and it's just a title. Declared to be Son of God.

    Without getting into too much detail, in the Greek the word Son doesn't mean somebody that has been born. There are different words in Greek that's translated son. Son is actually a legal position, an inheritor of all of his father's things. It is called a HUIOS, a son. Jesus Christ is presented as the inheritor of all things of the Father in heaven. He is the rightful owner. He purchased us. He purchased the earth. Everybody will answer to Him.

    But please notice the categories for His deity. It says with power, literally in power. All three of these things describe the same act. In power, according to the spirit of holiness, and by (or out of) the resurrection from the dead:

    God in heaven gave approval as to who Jesus Christ is when He raised Jesus from the dead. That was the finishing point. He died for our sins on the cross, but had He not been raised from the dead, that sacrifice would have meant nothing. It's God's approval to raise Him from the dead.

    This makes Jesus Christ all human and all God, all at the same time when He came, 100% human and 100% God.
  • Jesse - 3 months ago
    Biblical Greek Perspectives:

    The book of Romans (Constitution of the Christian faith)

    (Romans Part 1):

    Romans 1:1 - Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

    The word servant is actually the word slave. And without getting into detail about the DULOS (the slave), when one serves Christ and is a slave or servant, it is not an 8 to 5 job. It is 24 hours a day, totally the servant and slave of Christ. Paul is not the servant of people. He's the servant of Jesus Christ. Therefore, he represents Christ in service to Christ.

    Something else I would like to share; our English text says that Paul is called to be an apostle. The words "to be" are added to the text. If you notice in your bible, the words "to be" are in italics. It literally reads a called apostle, not called to be an apostle, but a called apostle. It tells us what kind of apostle he is. He's called by God. He's not appointed by man. It's not even his own choosing or ambition. But he's an apostle of Jesus Christ by calling.

    Also, about his consecration. Paul was separated unto the gospel of God. God separated him for a purpose just like He does all believers. Not all believers are separated and set apart to be an apostle, but every believer is somebody who has responded to the calling. It is not something that we decided to do. We responded to His call.

    We also have been separated. Every believer has a function in the body of Christ. We're not just saved by Jesus in order to go to heaven and have our sins forgiven, but we actually have a function.
  • Mattithyahu22 - 3 months ago
    Please keep my mother in your prayers. Pray for the healing of her eyes and health, she's sick and grieving the death of my dad.

    Thanks to all the people who prays for those things and may God bless you.
  • America needs Repentance - 3 months ago
    Father hallowed is your name, thank you for hearing my prayers and answering my concerns. Father I pray for America's repentance, that we as a nation will repent and bring worship back to you all Mighty and Knowing Father.

    Father I pray for the elderly, please give them comfort.

    Father I pray for the weak in faith, that they will be strengthened with your Word.

    Father I pray for the sick, that you'll have mercy and heal them.

    Father I pray for Americas government that they will follow your Word. I pray Father you will lead and protect Donald Trump.

    Father I honor your name and your will.

    Father I pray for the nonbelievers that Jesus is the Messiah. I pray for their salvation in your Word, O Holy Father. I truly believe Christ is my Savior.

    Father for those that are held captive with addiction. Wether is chemical, mental, spiritual I pray for their release from this horrible situation. O Mighty God free them from captivity.

    Father I pray your free love will help those who have depression.

    Father I praise your Name

  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and all my family in your prayers
  • MotherMac - 3 months ago
    Thank you for the Verse for Today. I am grateful

    that you posted it today.

    Psalms 25:2

    "O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me."

    Thank you!

    God bless us all. Amen!
  • Tunney - 3 months ago
    Praise GOD for a peaceful outcome of our nation's election. THE Lord Jesus Christ is still on the throne. He will soon return.

    May the saints continue to be faithful to His word and stand in the gap, and make up the hedge for the glory of GOD.

    Happy holidays every one, God to shine His face on you.

    November 14, 2024 Thursday
  • RicoUS - 3 months ago
    Asking for the Lord's help concerning a difficult family dynamic (dysfunction, strife), healing and guidance for a teenager who suffered a lot of abuse, for us to turn to the Lord with all our hearts, salvation of unsaved loved ones, deliverance from bondage, healing of physical and emotional ailments, to be witnesses for Him. Asking for His strong protection and for the Lord to fight our battles. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Thank you Gigi. I keep lifting up your name in my prayers.
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask that You Bless everyone who is praying and interceding for one another on here and ask that You Bless our hands to prosper and do well in life. I ask that a breakthough is upon all who intercedes in all the area they are needing breakthough and I ask this also for the people praying for them. I ask for Your covering over all of us and protection as we continue to intercede and and pray for one another. I ask that all of the prayer request are heard and are handled Father God as soon as they post there prayers and I ask that You send prayer warriors to intercede on all of our behalf's to have the prayer request prayed for. I ask for a breakthrough in the area of finances and that The LORD will Bless my hands to prosper and become an overflowing cup so I can help as led by GOD to all who is leading me to help and I connect this to all who is in need of a financial miracle in the Will of THE FATHER and I ask that all who is need of finances for their needs have their hands to prosper and have their needs meet and that they will be a light for the LORD for His Kingdom and I ask that we stay in prayer for the nation of Israel as led by GOD. I ask that the LORD send very high level protection over all of the individuals in the Nation of Israel that the LORD wants the protection sent to and I ask for the same protection for all who intercedes in prayer. I ask that THE LORD Bless all of our hands who are in prayer for Israel and for intercession for others. I ask all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ NAME, Amen.
  • Mattithyahu22 - 3 months ago
    Please pray for nephew and mother, ask the Lord to set them free of their problems and stresses, and bless them with great blessings. They are a big part of my life, I take care of them daily and hate seeing them like this, they need more than me to pray for them. Thanks and God bless!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 months ago

    I will lift up your requests over the next few days. God's blessing on all whom you have mentioned and for the outreach.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Dear David Allen,

    Happy to continue to pray for you and your family.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 months ago

    I will pray for you stomach to settle down and whatever is bothering it will dissipate.
  • Onesimus - 3 months ago
    Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and body. Please pray for my deliverance from my enemies and from any bondages and strongholds of the enemy that are on me. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He protects me from my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual, material, and financial needs.
  • David Allen - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Thank you and GOD bless you
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their young families in your prayers please pray for my mother
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Amen Zamar2Zion!

    Revelation chapters 1, 2, and three is a good passage of scriptures we should greatly consider.

    God bless you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 months ago
    Dear Christabell.

    I am happy to pray for Hollie. Glad you found out the cause of her symptoms and a remedy that will relieve them and return her sinus to gppd health and function.
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask for Your protection and covering over me, my family members I pray for daily and often, my loved ones, and everyone who connects. I ask for protection from witchcraft attacks coming against me and my family members I pray fro daily and often and everyone who connects. I ask that You send very mighty angels from Your Kingdom to guard all of us and keep us safe. I ask that You be a great light in my life and continue to lead me down the path of where You need me to go and I will go and I ask for provision to be a great Blessing to others. I ask that You Bless me to be a very mighty man of valor and I ask that You order my steps and continue doing a great work in my life. I ask for healing for my grandmother and ask for provision in all the areas she is in need, healing for my daughter in all the areas she is in need and ask that she is healed better then what she was before the sickness and ask for provision to be able to provide for my daughter in all the areas she is in need. I ask for protection from things coming against my mother and ask for peace in all the areas she is stressed and I ask that You Bless me to be a Blessing to my mother Father God, I ask for finances to pay all of my Bills on time and have enough to enjoy life, I ask that everything goes well with my doctors apointment and ask that I get the correct medication and ask for focus in all of the areas where I am needing it and motivation to continue in all of the areas I am in need. I ask for protection over my brother Joshua and covering over him and ask that You be with him and keep his moral high and his focus sharp and to keep pressing on to the things You have for him and also for me, all of my brother, my mother, my uncles, my cousin and her husband. I ask for a breakthough in area of dating. I have been a very long season of isolation for 6 years and I ask for someone to help on the journey. I ask all of these things Father God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all.
  • Zamar2Zion - 3 months ago
    Prayers for the Church, I will pray for all of yours. Reading Revelation 2 and I feel that it really a time where those who are not saved are avoided. Some need to remember where they came from. Lives they lived and that they were loved. I remember Pastor came and got my dad who was mad, turned from God. Pastor was knocking on his room door my dad yelling go away. Pastor wouldnt leave until he opened the door. Long story short, Dad repented. I was like 6-7 years old. Now we got to get back to the that zeal I feel is not like it was. Avoiding sin, not the sinners.

    Revelation 2:2-6

    2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

    3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

    4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

    5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

    6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

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