God came to us in Christ Jesus-Emmanuel-God enfleshed with all that is human nature except for sin! He lived perfectly and died sacrificially for us. We get to praise Him forever!
Please know I do keep you in prayer since you first came on here to request prayer. I am confident that God is doing what is best in your life for today and every day into the future. Praise the Lord for His faithful care and great power to accomplish all He wills!
Your prayer requests are ones that we all can come in agreement for God to answer not only for you but for ourselves and those in our sphere that we know need God to move in their lives. I will pray for your Mom as she endures dementia and for you as you re for her. I will pray for those you love along with my loved ones. Blessings to you as you wait on God to answer these requests and needs.
My Father is a Mangostic man my Grandfater is a "Messianic Jew" And a self proclaimed preacher i belive they are both unsaved men please pray for them and pray for The Griffin family they are going through alot. Aswell as a special unspoken for Anthony James Griffin
Praying for all. Thank you everyone that prays for me and my family. I Boldy but humbly come before you Lord so grateful for the blood that was shed for all. Please pray for my family and all that are lost. God knows our every need. As i read each request I give praise and thanks for the power of prayer. I have never seen times such as this day but i know where we are gathered in his name HE is in the midst. I have lost loved ones and some that need a closer walk with the Lord, healing, addictions to be broken, I would like prayer for the good family that the scales be removed from blinded eyes to the whole truth the fullness of the Godhead. I know we are supposed to seek out our own salvation with fear and trembling they are good and faith based but some way they do not fully understand the true plan of salvation please pray God will speak to each heart and show them. My mother has dementia but i know God never puts more on each soul more than we take. My mother cared for me and I am and was so blessed to take care of them. My dad has passed its hard on my mother as he passed then hurricane Michael happened and then covid I know you all know. I want to be the best i can be. Search me O God please remove anything from me that is unpleasing to you or keeps me from your will. Pray God will be the center of my life. To each on here I pray that God knows each need and I ask for his will to be done for he knows better then my will. thank you God for allowing this to be on here so I can pray for others as well as to receive. God bless you all in the mighty name of Jesus
Father God I ask that You Bless me to have peace in all of the areas I need peace and I ask that You Bless me to date the women that You have led me to and I ask that it transition well. I ask that I have a safe trip and that everything gets complete which I have sought out for on this trip and that I will have no hinderances. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. I ask for protection for me as I drive and that I will have a great time on the road and back. I ask for prayer for Mr. Devin, he recently had a lose in his family and I ask for prayer for him as led by God, I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all for the support and the love, amen.
Please pray for my family, mother, sister, nephew and brother they need prayers in Jesus' name. Prayer for understanding, protection, guidance and love. Ask in the mighty name of Jesus!
Good morning! Jesus came as a babe in a manger and offered a light of rest to the world if we rest in he himself crucified. All justification is found in him by God's Righteousness. Jesus carried our sins to the grave and arose again in Righteousness for us as a gift from Heaven. By faith we can live and breathe in Him as a new creature not knowing the Father's vengeance but only the Father's mercy. We cry Abba, because it is all we can cry. We must be merciful as He is merciful to us. His light in our stall needs to be a bright witness of our new creature.
Father I humbly glorify your name as you are the Beginning and End. You are the creator of all things. Father I ask for you to bless Jerusalem and the Israelites. Bring them safety and prosperity through Christ Jesus if it be your will. Lord as I see the world turning to believe in falsehoods more than your word help us all not to be deceived.
I pray Father for America, please bring conviction with repentance back to America. I ask you protect the children Lord much evilness is devouring them. The music, television internet Father bring a straight path to hell for them. Hatred and rebellion is what it teaches.
Father for those that have prayer requests on this site, I ask in Christ's name that your will will be to heal their prayers.
Lord I pray a prayer to you of hope through Christ Jesus for the lost, regardless as to why they are, but just because they are. Please have mercy on them.
I also ask for the people that believe in Christ Jesus that our faith not only stays strong but continues to grow. I ask that my communication with you Father improves that my ears open so I can hear you better and have a more deepened relationship with you!
Lord bless the sick and thirsty with eternal water, bless them with the light of world.
Father help me when I Judge others, for I fear being judged by you Father.
I ask Father for a blessing for those on this site that do your work.
Father thank you. I realize I am merely dust and you gave your Son to die for me. Such love is hard to understand and everyday I think of that sacrifice you made for us.
Father I ask you to guide Donald Trump if it be your will Lord Please provide him with a shield from the hatred of this world.
Father I pray that I make decisions in my life that glorify You. That my mouth doesn't spit out hatred, but talks of the love of Jesus.
Again Father please feed the sick and lost. Stir America's pastor to pound the pulpit with your mighty mighty Word Jesus Christ.
"Assurance of salvation" is something we can to greater and lesser degrees struggle with our entire lives often due to the fact that our remaining inner tendency to sin argues against our redemption.
Establishing a daily, non-negotiable commitment to reading and studying GOD's Word (regardless of how we "feel" that day) will greatly help with building confidence that we truly have been converted, and that our faith is genuine- "FAITH comes by hearing and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD".
GOD's unchanging Word (not our "feelings") is the rock and anchor of our relationship with GOD. A very good place to start is the letter of 1st John which was written specifically to believers on this subject. GOD BLESS YOU!
SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOK December 8,2024 Psalm 95:1-7 KJV 1Timothy:12-17 KJV
COGIC WORSHIP 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:Jesus Christ is God,. I worship a God that is power,strength over all the world and all things Philippians 4:13 KJV that reaches the whole world and saves those of faith. I Worship the creator.Holy allows you to listen and do it, act, actions, obey. Immense Gratitude and Imperative God.
I hope we are all keeping our eyes on the middle east , one of the oldest known cities is about to fall . Isaiah Ch 17 . Jeremiah Ch 49 V 23-27 .Amos Ch 1 V 3-5 and Zechariah Ch 9 V 1 .
In the name of Jesus, she is covered in the blood. Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:27 God asks is anything too hard for him? This reminds us that long as we seek him first, everything is alright. I will be praying for your sister. Be strong
Prayers for my cousin Carl would be greatly appreciated . His wife of twenty years has left him taking their granddaughter with her , they were raising her together . He has just recently broken his hand so is unable to make a living and has a mortgage etc . He is a Christian but he's struggling now and feels the weight of the world upon him . Please folks , if you can remember him in your prayers that would be so appreciated , thank you .
God came to us in Christ Jesus-Emmanuel-God enfleshed with all that is human nature except for sin! He lived perfectly and died sacrificially for us. We get to praise Him forever!
Thanks for bringing this request here. I will be praying for your family in the ways you have noted. Very glad to partner with you in prayer today.
Please know I do keep you in prayer since you first came on here to request prayer. I am confident that God is doing what is best in your life for today and every day into the future. Praise the Lord for His faithful care and great power to accomplish all He wills!
Your prayer requests are ones that we all can come in agreement for God to answer not only for you but for ourselves and those in our sphere that we know need God to move in their lives. I will pray for your Mom as she endures dementia and for you as you re for her. I will pray for those you love along with my loved ones. Blessings to you as you wait on God to answer these requests and needs.
My father and grandfather are unsaved men please pray for them.
i am aware they openly refuse my help to lead them to Christ.
They live in texas while i am not in that state anymore
Thank you for sharing your heart too!
God bless your home.
What a timely message!
I ask for prayer for me and my wife in regards to your message.
My wife has a respiratory infection and Bronchitis.
We're hoping not Walking pneumonia.
I pray the Lord would strengthen her Immune system to fight off this disease.
Thanks and God bless.
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:29 KJV
I pray Father for America, please bring conviction with repentance back to America. I ask you protect the children Lord much evilness is devouring them. The music, television internet Father bring a straight path to hell for them. Hatred and rebellion is what it teaches.
Father for those that have prayer requests on this site, I ask in Christ's name that your will will be to heal their prayers.
Lord I pray a prayer to you of hope through Christ Jesus for the lost, regardless as to why they are, but just because they are. Please have mercy on them.
I also ask for the people that believe in Christ Jesus that our faith not only stays strong but continues to grow. I ask that my communication with you Father improves that my ears open so I can hear you better and have a more deepened relationship with you!
Lord bless the sick and thirsty with eternal water, bless them with the light of world.
Father help me when I Judge others, for I fear being judged by you Father.
I ask Father for a blessing for those on this site that do your work.
Father thank you. I realize I am merely dust and you gave your Son to die for me. Such love is hard to understand and everyday I think of that sacrifice you made for us.
Father I ask you to guide Donald Trump if it be your will Lord Please provide him with a shield from the hatred of this world.
Father I pray that I make decisions in my life that glorify You. That my mouth doesn't spit out hatred, but talks of the love of Jesus.
Again Father please feed the sick and lost. Stir America's pastor to pound the pulpit with your mighty mighty Word Jesus Christ.
I would like to elaborate a little further on this important topic.
When a person receives Christ he is given a new heart.
That's where and how change begins!!
The desire to do what's right, and there is a conviction when we don't.
This is Christ spirit working in you.
It is a sanctifying process.
We continue in the word of God for spiritual growth and trust in Christ who will never leave us.
Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
God bless.
If you have truly trusted in the work of Christ alone you have been sealed with the Holyspirit!
You are in Christ. That's your position.
Again if you have truly received Christ, that is irreversible.
However In 2 Corinthians 13:5
The apostle Paul gave the directive to the Corinthians to "test themselves" while dealing with serious problems of sin in the church.
If the individuals were genuinely in the faith, then Jesus Christ lives inside them.
His Holy Spirit would be at work within them, promoting or "causing" sanctification and moral living.
We are also to test ourselves.
If our lives shows no evidence of the Spirit's activity, then Jesus Christ is not indwelling us.
And if Christ is not in us, we failed the test, we're a reprobate!
We are not perfect but we should be growing spiritually.
We're connected to the vine that produces fruit in our lives!
This is not a work performed by you. It is caused by the Spirit of God.
Our faith is in the sacrificial and redemptive work Christ performed on the cross!
When we are born of God: "You are in Christ
We're now Identified with Christ.
This is "Positional sanctification"
It is the work of God whereby He sets us apart and considers us holy in His eyes.
Also there is a practical Sanctification continuously going on.
We are to be growing in the Lord ( 2 Peter 3:18) or spiritual maturity. God started the work of making us like Christ, and He is continuing it.
( Philippians 1:6).
Establishing a daily, non-negotiable commitment to reading and studying GOD's Word (regardless of how we "feel" that day) will greatly help with building confidence that we truly have been converted, and that our faith is genuine- "FAITH comes by hearing and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD".
GOD's unchanging Word (not our "feelings") is the rock and anchor of our relationship with GOD. A very good place to start is the letter of 1st John which was written specifically to believers on this subject. GOD BLESS YOU!
I will lift up Carl and his family in prayer today.
COGIC WORSHIP 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:Jesus Christ is God,. I worship a God that is power,strength over all the world and all things Philippians 4:13 KJV that reaches the whole world and saves those of faith. I Worship the creator.Holy allows you to listen and do it, act, actions, obey. Immense Gratitude and Imperative God.