All Discussion PAGE 66

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Hi Tdianne.

    We lose a lot in this wicked world we live in, material things and also love ones!

    I lost my younger brother a few years ago who I took care of the last 3 years of his life.

    I would have given everything I have to keep my little brother here with me but the Lord didn't take him from me, he took what belongs to him.

    In the book of Job Job and his friends believed in what we call the doctrine of "retribution theology"-every act receives just punishment or reward in this present life, so we should be able to tell who is righteous or wicked by whether they are visibly blessed or cursed on earth. That's the doctrine of "retribution.

    Our love and fear for the Lord shouldn't depend on whether we have or have not and it is not always evidence or testimony of God's fairness and love for us, therefore we shouldn't charge the Lord when things go wrong in this evil world.

    We dont understand how God runs his universe as we see in Job when God put him on trial when Job pleaded his case.

    Tdianne, the things we lose in this world cant be compared to that which God has prepared for us!

    As God's servants the things we do is for the Lord and there may be no reward and if there is, the determination of the reward is all on the Lord.

    We're given Sustainability but we are unprofitable servants while here on earth as you see demonstrated in Luke 17:7-10.

    Our rewards is in heaven!

    Nothing you have done whether good or bad will go unrewarded.

    God bless you Tdianne.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    May the favor of the Lord follow after the family that things will still remain splendid. Protect their choices amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Jesus Christ answer this prayer forthright for you said those who gather together form an entry way for Holy Spirit to touch down. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    The Lord Ye'shua of the Nations bless this house after Abraham who said that all I appoint you in this land be yours. Your children shall have a share in this world that you will prosper in business, education and resources next to you. You are written as one of Him, a chosen family to receive freely. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Bless the house that they will gather together as one, chill their hearts of the gall of their past to relate to each other, and pursue the morale boosting lifestyle of Christ when searching directions. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Jesus the Christ revolutionize the hearts of the leaders that they will hold a conviction what is Moral to save like Solomon. Turn the hearts of the governing bodies and subordinates as the servants of David that they will go far to fetch water for the king in humility. Unlock the souls of the common folk like the Ezekiel that they will contribute to the small corners when others assume no one hide the sins behind walls. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Jesus the Christ endow this Soul with the prophetic anointing as Your Chosen, the Sons of Jacob, that Ice shall perceive the bounties of the Godhood. The secrets of life, the hope through downturns of the world and a understanding why reality is a beautiful work of art through Faith be with you. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Jesus Christ drizzled over the loved ones a new oil that shall overflow with blessings in their areas of life. Wash them in the love that they shall pay no heed to the false options of the world to remember Uprightness is automatically loving God. Amen.
  • Christian2 - 2 months ago
    Father God I ask for forgiveness of all of my sins and short comings and ask that You protect me from all spiritual warfare and ask that You step in and fight my battle for me and protect me and all of my family members that I pray for daily and often and ask that You keep Your Hand over us to cover us from all wickedness coming against us. I ask for a breakthrough in finding a good women Your timing not mine and ask that You Bless me to find her soon and I will be ready for her. I ask that You led my steps on where to go to find her and where I should go to church. I ask that I find a good Christian women who has a good heart and will be a great match for me. I ask for this as a very high priority in my life. I ask that You Bless me to have the finances to support her and my daughter and that we will have everything we need to have a successful marriage. I ask all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Father God I ask with expectancy and knowing You work all things for my good in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • David Allen - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Thank you Sister and GOD bless you , yes please continue to keep them lifted up in prayer , they are such a good young Christan family and Deanna has wanted a child so badly ,
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please continue to pray for my daughter Deanna and her husband Wes
  • Carleton - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Good evening, this is a blessed conversation because it is about love. We as living souls do not often choose to suffer affliction particularly by those we know and have walked with and shown kindness towards that have hardened themselves towards us. Even so we may seek grace to continue in well doing with what we have left and that may only be the love that Jesus gives to us where we remember his abundant giving that we ourselves were once alien to. It looks like you have friends here Tdianne and hopefully where you live too. We all have our hardships and many can remember when it was better and we may still wish for those days but time has moved us forward into this day with these requirements of us that are sometimes very hard to accept. It is humbling and beautiful to have others come forward to help us in our afflictions and we may be givers and receivers in these times in our Christian walk. I remain thankful to those here that offer their time by prayers and have suffered with my own afflictions because of love to Jesus. I wish you and many God"s blessings of peace in rest.
  • Icemantrin1 - 2 months ago
    Pray that I may be filled with the Holy Ghost Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 months ago
    hello TDiane,

    I am sorry that you are facing the loss of your home that you have loved for some time and will need to downsize in so many ways to accommodate living in a smaller place. I will pray for you.

    I have a friend who had a stroke almost 30 years ago at age 38. She was able to live her life well with some adjustments until a year ago. Her husband died of leukemia and she herself had been having difficulty standing or walking without falling. She is now pretty much bed bound without the ability to enjoy the her whole house. Her daughter now lives with her tending to her when off work. I don't know what she does when her daughter is not there. She does not want me to come over (this has been her wish for about 4 years). I know she is very depressed.

    We have talked a bit, but she has been pretty inward in the past few years with her husband's illness and death and all. But when we talk, she is very weepy and discouraged wondering why God would have her life be this way. I really do not have an answer to her inquiries or yours here because both of you are in a really vulnerable and sensitive spot. Yet, Jesus is our Savior through good times and bad. He never leaves us. He promised this. We can have difficulty seeing His work in us and our life when things are so hard. I will keep you in prayer along with my friend, Kim. Will you pray for her as well?

    Keep the faith, Tdiane. Jesus is really all we truly have in life and the next life. He is our treasure that does not rust or decay, nor can we ever lose Him or can He ever be taken from us. I encourage you to abide in Him, reading of Him in Scripture and growing to know Him more and more until He truly is the treasure you desire above all things. I am trying to do this in my own life as well.
  • Derek - In Reply - 2 months ago
    You ask a good question which sounds like the question Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people, especially believers?

    Everyone has things to be thankful for while also being aware of our challenges. This was true in the Bible times and people even made assumptions, like when things are bad assuming its because of sin or that they're being targeted, instead of considering that it is a fallen world and that everyone has bad things happen to them.

    Just today I read that there was a shooting in a Christian school. I bet the grieving of lost loved ones are asking the same question. I think Paul asked the same question because he was constantly in fear of death and was tortured and had many problems. Jesus was unfairly treated and even murdered. Today in nearly every city in the world are homeless people who will spend tonight in the cold and some are Christians, veterans, servants and they might ask why.

    There is another assumption in society that God will make us happy, healthy, and wealthy if we follow Jesus. I hear that on TV, but that's not exactly in the Bible. It says we will face many trials in James 1 and be happy when we suffer for doing what is right. Romans 5:3-4. This is probably not what you want to hear but as a brother in Christ I want to share the truth. And yes, I'm suffering with something massively too that is a big burden, but different category than you. I think everyone does. I feel bad that you are suffering but keep praying because God does lighten our burdens sometimes. Hang in there, sister in Christ.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Hello David, Thank you for your reply! The thoughts that are written about carnal Christians and spiritual Christians do not doubt that regeneration at one time occurred as Christ suffered one time death and hell and shed His blood freely by the Righteousness of the Father for the children whom believe.
  • America needs Repentance - 2 months ago
    Lord, thank you for the word of God I heard yesterday. Thank you for the comforting to our prayers and the hope you provide for us.

    Thank you for brother Doug, he is an amazing man of the Lord when he speaks your word Father.

    Lord, I want to mention in this prayer for the needs spoken of on this site. Needs at I believe you can change, needs I know you control because you are Lord the King of Judah! The true Living King Alpha to Omega, you are the breath of life. I humbly place these needs in front of you Lord, asking you to please provide your will to these requests. Thank you for hearing theses burdens.

    I pray Father I am not deceived that I only worship the risen Lord and my attention is toward him continually. That my house is clean of earthly idols and my speech is clean from slander. My thoughts are pure as my Christ Jesus thoughts.

    Lord as I live in a world that mocks you, a world controlled by greed and vanity. I pray I will not be demonized by my surroundings but lifted up by your word and the hope I have in the love you give me. Lord for those in my small world I pray for them, Lord I know you know them and the needs they have. Lord I pray for my wife and I thank you for bringing us together.

    Father there is nothing I have gained in this world of value, all my riches are dust. Except salvation through Christ Jesus. Lord I am and was born into sin, and on many days of my life have sinned. But Lord I rest on the fact I believe you have covered our sins and I truly believe you are a risen Savior.

    Father please help those who can't defend their selves, those who are sick, lonely, abused, tormented by evil, chemical addiction, hatred. Lord please help those who don't have you.

    Lord, I pray for those who work to keep this website open, for those who give work to spread understanding of Jesus Christ.

    Father please accept this Thank you from me. Lord please help us grow stronger daily in the word of Jesus Christ.

    America needs Repentance God bless you.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 2 months ago

    Hello Carleton,

    I would have to respectfully disagree with idea of a "carnal Christian" as expressed in your comment. And also in the quotations in Mr. Spencer's comments on the subject.

    I would encourage you to read again very carefully Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 5, and 1 John, as well as many other passages throughout the Old and New Testaments where God discusses the nature of salvation.

    I believe that a careful comparison of scripture throughout the Bible, teaches that when God applies salvation to the life of an individual, it means they have received a new resurrected soul. And in that new soul, they have been raised from death onto life. This is what God terms being "born again" and the "First Resurrection".

    So that in their new resurrected soul, the true believer will, almost immediately, have a new and increasing hatred for sin in their life. Because they have at that moment become a "new creation" in Christ.

    All of this is 100% the action of God alone. And not because of any decision we have made or faith that we have exercised.

    Our salvation is, of course, not totally complete at that point. Because we still have a body that lusts after sin. So throughout the remainder of the true believer's life, there will be a struggle and a turning away from sin in their life. And there will be a continual "growing in grace". But this will look vastly different than an unsaved person that is merely seeking to live a moral life.

    God, of course, will rectify this situation at the Last Day when every true believer will receive their resurrected body, and then become a complete personality in which we will never sin again, as we live eternally in the new heaven and new earth with the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

    What a wonderful Savior we have!

    And it is still the day of salvation so that anyone concerned about their salvation, can cry out to God for his mercy in the very real hope that God might save them. Just like the Ninevites in Jonah.
  • Christian2 - 2 months ago
    Father God I ask that You led me to the right women in Your timing and that I will have a guarded heart until I meet that lady. I ask that You Bless me to have peace if I date someone that I like that is not the lady You led Lord. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Father God I pray, amen.
  • Tdianne - 2 months ago
    Why would God let you work your whole life, while helping others along the way, just so someone can come take it all away. I am older and disabled now, not able to start over. I worked hard to have things when I retired, now after putting my money in the family home, which is where I was to live till death, I was told to leave. Not being able to work I have to live in an income based apartment for which I am thankful to have a roof over my head. I only have room for the necessities so everything has to go. Why would God allow this? I have always tried to be there for everyone I can't understand how a person who didn't work for anything should take what is not theirs.

    It makes me question the way I lived, it seems like when you do right you suffer. I think now helping others was wrong, they only take advantage of you. I always thought as long as I tried to live right God would take care of me, now I have to question that'

    Someone please help me understand why
  • BrotherinChrist - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Also please pray for a smooth transition, if he gets it with moving, getting jobs and work and all that stuff. Thanks!
  • RicoUS - 2 months ago
    Asking for extra strong protection and breakthrough as well as for much more love, joy, peace, strength, faith, trust, wisdom, guidance, discernment and for the Lord's help to live lives pleasing to Him and to walk in His authority and power and to do exploits for Him. Asking for us and all in need. Also asking for a new job, help for K. with school and a breakthrough with A. Thank you.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Lord Jesus please help them in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Amen. In Jesus name.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Lord Jesus please richly bless, protect and guide them. Please help them in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Amen. In Jesus name.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families, pray for my daughter and her husband they lost a son at birth and are heartbroken please pray for my mother please pray for the lost coworkers where i work
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Hi Brother Ronald.

    I wasn't addressing that toward you.

    I said we've had others that use to come on the site "WITH VARIOUS NAMES" and toss those two scriptures out " Acts 8:37 and Acts 9:20" ect.

    Some of us believe these various names is one person.

    I believe sometimes these verses is used as clickbait to debate a topic.

    However Ronald it seems you have went for it a few times.

    Personally I pay attention to the delivery of the post and if it just comes out of nowhere with intensity I leave it alone even if I agree with them.

    This person seems to be rolling their sleeves up.

    I don't hold the view that we have to be open to everything however we should be willing to agree to disagree and move on.

    I'm open to listen when one has brought something new to a past debate!

    I'm not open to debate the same topic with the same verses over and over again.

    I was just pointing out somethings that seems to be a bit repetitive.

  • Someone - 2 months ago
    i need prayers. God knows what ive been asking. Please pray that He helps me. Thanks.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 months ago
    Amen Gig!

    It's a journey! The minute we think we're doing great here comes that old man!

    Thank God for his spirit!


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