I said "the Bible is the very WORD OF GOD HIMSELF". In other words, God is the AUTHOR of the Bible. And when we are reading the Bible, we are reading the word of God Himself.
I'm not sure why, but somehow you seem to have great difficulty reading many of my comments carefully and accurately.
I believe I've made myself clear, and have quoted the scripture passages which support my belief in prior comments.
If you do not believe that every word in the Bible is the Word of God Himself, that is between you and the LORD.
I have no problem with you stating your disagreement with anything I say. But please quote me accurately in the process.
Yes, it took a number of reads in solitude with Holy Spirit to get a well grounded understanding, yet from the very first read, the Witness arose within me, testifying to the truth of the matter, with Scriptures & sound reasoning. It created an hunger & thirst after righteousness without deceit.
I pray all would consider reading this treasure, that God has given to us thru servant, but mostly John 7:17
>The Bible Alone and in its Entirety IS THE VERY WORD OF GOD HIMSELF
Strange ideas coming from you, David. What are your sources in the Bible that says God is the Bible?
Do you think He's the KJV, or NIV, Message, and other translations too like Reina Valera or childrens' illustrated Bibles?
And when you mention He's the Bible, do you mean only a physical Bible or digital Bibles too. Is He the ink of text itself on the page, or the paper, or He's a leather bound cover? What about the Bible came in plastic wrapping with a sticker and UPC code- also God? A paper sack the clerk gives you after you buy it? Where do you draw the line as to what physical or intangible things you consider "God" and what are the scriptures that say God is manifested in physical objects? Is God the apocrypha, too?
>But we cannot separate the worship of God from the Word of God.
Says who? You? Do you think the Bible says that somewhere, if so, please cite all your sources. Have you prayed to God and asked Him if its true or false that He's a book?
What GiGi wrote is totally normal, and what you wrote does not sound like it comes from the Bible, but lets see what scriptures you come up with to defend this idea. God bless.
You are truly the blessing i needed . I felt such a warm feeling when you uplift me with the holy spirit just with your words. I am balling out tears right now and i'll keep you in my prayers. I love that you accepted my testimony with love and blessings and i'll do the same. I know i need to pray and not just read the bible only when i want it but because i need to see the word of god. Idon't think you understand what you have done for me but you truly lifted me out of a dark place and so did the love of god . May god continue to bless you.
you have me crying happy tears with all the love and the effort of me getting closer to god . I love every word and sentence of what you have written and i'll truly begin to trust in the lord . I love and support you and will keep you in my prayers just for what you have done to help me even though its just a paragraph. May god continue to bless you with his favor
Thank you for these excerpts. They are good for us to consider and pray for the Holy Spirit to help us deny what the world offers even lawful things, and use our time and treasures for following the will and example of our Savior. Those raising a family have responsibilities to their children, fulfilling these responsibilities is following the will of God. Others may have a business that supplies the income that pays for what we owe others for their services and for food and shelter. God would have us be faithful in these obligations, too.
But we all can examine our lifestyles to weed out ways we are "loving the world above loving Jesus". At our house, we are purging our belongings by donating many items to charity. We have accumulated too much over the 40+ years of marriage.
So, as seniors, we really do not need as much as we think, and so, we are going room by room to "downsize". I definitely realize that we just have so much more than we need. Others in need will benefit from our giving. I am glad for that.
But even after we downsize in this way, we still need to be sure that our hearts don't wander after things of the world that the Lord would not have us do.
when you are wide awake while the world is sound asleeping to afriad what might show up while your dreaming nobody sees you nobody will believe you.every day you try pick up all the piceies GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROGH God only knows how it's killing you and there a kind of love that God only knows!Love you guys. this is acutlly a song on yotube look it up you will also love there channel is For King And Country the song is God only Knows.
Feeling weary from the constant battle. Asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall on us. Asking this for all in need as well.
Getting back to you regarding the book "No Cross No Crown". Very revealing book emphasizing the need for Christians to "deny ourselves". This "deny ourself" is a concept that is either misunderstood, ignored, or just minimized by most Christians today.
A few excerpts from the book I found interesting.
The work of the Cross is self denial. The way of God is a way of faith and self-denial. Christ conquered self. It is the most perfect pattern of self denial. Whosover he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple.
Love their possessions more than Christ. This made those lawful fisherman quit their lawful trades, and follow Him. Their lawful enjoyments became their idols, they worshiped them more than God.
What, thy wife dearer to thee than thy Savior! and thy land and oxen preferred before thy soul's salvation!
Frankie, this book is a real eye opener for a Christian.The book is somewhat hard to read because of the language usage of 16th century timeframe, but it is full of insight regarding the overall topic "Deny Thyself"!
I've observed that it is hard to tell the lifestyle differences of Christains and secularists today. They live and share in the same worldly lifestyles. They may go to church on Sunday's but they live in the same manner as everyone else during the week.
If we think we are really a Christ follower: we need to ask ourselves this simple question; Have I picked up my Cross and am I denying myself?
1 John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
Be mindful of the fact that when you do this you are sitting at the feet of Almighty God Himself. And as you read, this is God speaking directly to you.
Read the Whole Bible, Old Testament and New Testament BOTH. Some would have you believe that we don't need to pay much attention to the Old Testament; nothing could be further from the truth. 2 Timothy 3:16 ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Notice God is saying ALL SCRIPTURE. Not just the New Testament or some particular part of the Bible.
Pray God as you read that He might open your understanding; and that He might work in your heart "to will and to do of His good pleasure" as He would give you understanding. Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
after the sabbath day 3 women bought sweet spices so that they could anoint Jesus early in the morning they went to the sepulchre and when they where there the stone was rolled away and then they enterd into the sepulchre then they saw a man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment
and then he said that they should tell his disciples and peter that they should go to galilee to see Jesus and then they went and told them but they did not believe them but still went and then Jesus said to them Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. and then when he was done talking he went to heaven and sat on the right side of God
Monet333 , thankyou so much ! Your testimony was awesome and reminded me somewhat of myself many years ago . I had and still have , a lot of work to do on myself :) . It's a lifelong commitment and the very best place to start is the Bible , it is the Word of , the Only Great God Almighty , the Creator and Sustainer of all life , from everlasting to everlasting , the Holy One Of Israel . You must try to forget everything that you have ever heard about Him from people , people get things wrong , the Bible will steer you right . I started at Genesis and read through to Revelation and I did this many many times . Don't try to understand everything straight away because you won't , don't try to remember everything straight away because you won't . You will hopefully be reading this book every day for the rest of your life , get into the habit , pick a time of day when you know you will have a bit of peace and quiet and solitude and even if you only read one chapter a day that's ok . I have to say that the first few years of reading , I literally devoured it and read it about five times a year for about five years ! Don't expect to ever be sinless because you never will be that , only Christ accomplished that . Take little steps every day . You will slowly learn the things that you need to change , no more reading your horoscope in magazines :) , stop judging others so quickly , try to keep your temper inside , not too much alcohol , not too much make up and jewellery , maybe that skirt is a bit short ? These things will come to you as you let the Word of God sink down through your ears and mind and take lodge in your heart . It's a lifelong journey and you are taking the best steps ever ! Towards your God and His Son and if you keep going , you will soon have an idea about how much They care for and love you and all the ways that they have been showing you that love that you didn't even realise :) . God lives and God loves , open your eyes and heart . Stay with us !
Thanks for bailing me out. I had heard the word before but forgot it and did not have the time to look it up. I was hoping someone with some knowledge of Hebrew would share it, so thank you.
As for your question, I don't have an answer for that. I'm not sure that the Bible gives us a definitive answer so I'm unsure. My thoughts are that it was an actual snake that Satan used as an instrument of temptation. But again, I don't know!
I would just like to say i believe i fell into becoming a lukewarm christian. I do began to fear the words depart from me i never knew you. I want to become closer to god not just for a spot in heaven but to have the lord in my heart. I dont think im saying the right things in this testimony the way i wanted to but i'll like to say i want to read the word of god , i want to remove myself from this evil world mentally. I ask for forgiveness for all the sins i have committed and i hope and believe god can forgive you if you are struggling with a sin. I began my journey in the beginning of 2023 to read the whole bible but i was stopping myself which i didn't know why. There was a point where i wasn't praying and then one day i had got on my knee's. I begin to cry and ask for forgiveness and asked the lord to allow me to seek him. I have done this multiple time due to me falling into a lukewarm stage but i decided to restart reading the bible and im not going to plan out seeking the word of god but truly following the lord from my heart. Im starting this journey to find the word of god , stop listening to secular music , remove lust and masturbation from my mind , and share the word of god
Gigi that prayer touched me greatly I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I pray that whatever it is that you stand in the need for that it is already done in Jesus name I pray Amen.
you state "Why do we say that sanctification makes us blameless, not faultless?" if "we" includes all the writer that you quoted here, than I have serious doubts of their salvation, for Jesus expressly states that "ye must be born-again to enter the kingdom of heaven, stating it twice to Nicodemus, which strengthens His statement. Verily, Verily John 3:3-6
your statement goes on; Because the Grace of God working in us does not make us infallible. Sin has so perverted our moral and spiritual powers that we shall never in this present life be free from the infirmities of human nature."
Then they are still living in their old nature & have not been regenerated unto the new creature, created in the knowledge of Him who created him.
So all these quotes are just a high profession, but has not become a possession of the Substance, who is Christ.
It is true that words are intellectual abstract ideas. This does not mean that they are true or untrue. God's words are true words and His truth endures. The words of Scriptures are understood by our mind because they are not concrete physical things like our Lord became when He incarnated Himself. Before that time He was a concrete Being as the second person of the Godhead, but not physical in nature, but spiritual. Even though a spiritual Being, God has a substance about Him, but it is not a physical substance but a spiritual substance that we do not comprehend. But thoughts and words and feelings and decisions of the will are not concrete physical things, but abstract, immaterial things. I was not insulting God or His word by saying this. I was just explaining the difference between Jesus the Son of God from the words He spoke. I value the Bible above all other ideas I can understand with my mind and hide in my heart. But I value the Godhead above all things. He originates the words we come to know, but His words of Scripture are not equal to nor the same as the Being of the Godhead anymore that the healings and miracles Jesus did are the same as the Being of Jesus Christ. They originate from Him. he is the cause and His words and actions are the result of what has been conceived in Him.
David, I do not wish to continue posting on this matter because I think that we both have explained our thinking pretty comprehensively so far. Have a good evening.
I am doing well. I love spring and summer time. The sun really helps my day to day enjoyment of this beautiful world and the wonder of growing things!
I am so happy to pray for you, Latonya.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You today for bringing Latonya safely through this past year! You have blessed her with continued life and a new heart that her body accepts. We thank You for giving her strength to return to work part-time. We ask that in the name of Jesus You will increase her strength and ability to work a bit more each day. We ask that You cause her day to day needs to be amply fulfilled. We ask that her financial obligations be satisfied and that she will have some money to save for the future as well. We ask that Latonya will grow in grace given by You and come to know You more truly and deeply. Amen.
My thoughts are that we do need to be wise about those who call themselves believers and yet live outwardly sinful lives along the lines mentioned in the Corinthians verses you quoted. Their behavior tarnishes the witness of Christ through the church. If stubbornly unrepentant they put themselves in the category of the devil and his angels who believe in Christ and yet tremble because they do not wish to live for God. They are courting the possibility of apostasy.
Also, about the condition of the world around us, my thoughts are that this is not the most evil time in history. It may seem that way because the western world is becoming more and more disobedient to God and the Gospel of Christ, more and more scoffers and mockers who openly challenge the righteous living of believers with their flaunting of sinful living. The world has been cruel, idolatrous, revilers of God and His truth since before the flood and shortly after (think Babel) and all throughout history (think of the persecution of Christian under Roman rule, the slaughter of the Islamic takeovers of countries in the 700's, and the enslavement of so many groups of people throughout time.
We just notice these things more because it is happening before our very eyes. There are many areas of the world where the Gospel is advancing in leaps and bounds with new believers bring added daily in great numbers, but in the western world,
true faithful Christian people are declining and the believers in these cultures are getting more and more worldly.
We should still desire to share the gospel with others because it is what we are called to do from Scripture. If few accept the Gospel, that is no reason to be discouraged, both elect and non-elect need to hear the Gospel. God is the one who brings anyone to faith in Him, so we share the Gospel and leave the conversion to God. Those who refuse the Gospel may come to Christ at a later time or never at all. God knows who are to become His.
Hello Jesse, the Hebrew word for serpent of snake is 'nachash' or 'tannin'.
What do you think about dragonman's question of whether the serpent in the Garden was actually a physical snake/serpent or a spiritual being that took on the form of a serpent. I think that it is the latter, or perhaps Lucifer's image as a cherub was that of a beautiful serpent or dragon in which he could physically appear as such to Adam and Eve.
In Genesis 3:1, we are introduced to the serpent. There is a Hebrew word that means both serpent and snake. I don't recall the word off the top of my head, but I do recall that both serpent and snake are the same word in Hebrew. The word is used for serpent in Genesis and Numbers, and the same word is used for snake in Isaiah.
Dear readers of the KJV , I am a retired veteran of 23 years of service to the armed forces , and retired from the veterans hospital after close to 19 years as well . Today I am fighting COPD and walking with an oxygen tank , and living at a retirement home . please pray that I can continue my fight against this COPD.
The Old Testment was given to Hebrews about 1500 BC. Let's not forget that that Law represented societies of that time. God gave them a law that was familiar to them, all other nations at that time, Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians had similar Laws. So all those practises and customs were already known to them by their living in those other places. They were accustomed to them. Those people at that time didn't have the same mind as we have today. Today we could never consider those practises as normal, we would never eg marry our brother's wife if he died without leaving children or we wouldn't pick our servant to have children with her if our wife could not make children like Abraham did and many other things in the O.T. So don't consider those rules under modern standards. How about the idea that one could have slaves? It cannot even pass through our mind nowadays but at that time it was normal. GBU
Since we don't know who is commenting, we must add that a martyr in Christianity differs from what a martyr is called in Islam. In Christianity as you said a martyr is one who is killed for their faith in Jesus like the early christians who were thrown to the lions in the Roman arenas, whereas in Islam a martyr is one who kills others or gets killed while trying to kill others in the name of their God. Completely opposite things.
Where did I say that "God is the Bible"?
I said "the Bible is the very WORD OF GOD HIMSELF". In other words, God is the AUTHOR of the Bible. And when we are reading the Bible, we are reading the word of God Himself.
I'm not sure why, but somehow you seem to have great difficulty reading many of my comments carefully and accurately.
I believe I've made myself clear, and have quoted the scripture passages which support my belief in prior comments.
If you do not believe that every word in the Bible is the Word of God Himself, that is between you and the LORD.
I have no problem with you stating your disagreement with anything I say. But please quote me accurately in the process.
Thank you Adam.
Yes, it took a number of reads in solitude with Holy Spirit to get a well grounded understanding, yet from the very first read, the Witness arose within me, testifying to the truth of the matter, with Scriptures & sound reasoning. It created an hunger & thirst after righteousness without deceit.
I pray all would consider reading this treasure, that God has given to us thru servant, but mostly John 7:17
in love & truth
Strange ideas coming from you, David. What are your sources in the Bible that says God is the Bible?
Do you think He's the KJV, or NIV, Message, and other translations too like Reina Valera or childrens' illustrated Bibles?
And when you mention He's the Bible, do you mean only a physical Bible or digital Bibles too. Is He the ink of text itself on the page, or the paper, or He's a leather bound cover? What about the Bible came in plastic wrapping with a sticker and UPC code- also God? A paper sack the clerk gives you after you buy it? Where do you draw the line as to what physical or intangible things you consider "God" and what are the scriptures that say God is manifested in physical objects? Is God the apocrypha, too?
>But we cannot separate the worship of God from the Word of God.
Says who? You? Do you think the Bible says that somewhere, if so, please cite all your sources. Have you prayed to God and asked Him if its true or false that He's a book?
What GiGi wrote is totally normal, and what you wrote does not sound like it comes from the Bible, but lets see what scriptures you come up with to defend this idea. God bless.
Isn't there a verse that talks about where the devil is cast down out of heaven?
Thank you for these excerpts. They are good for us to consider and pray for the Holy Spirit to help us deny what the world offers even lawful things, and use our time and treasures for following the will and example of our Savior. Those raising a family have responsibilities to their children, fulfilling these responsibilities is following the will of God. Others may have a business that supplies the income that pays for what we owe others for their services and for food and shelter. God would have us be faithful in these obligations, too.
But we all can examine our lifestyles to weed out ways we are "loving the world above loving Jesus". At our house, we are purging our belongings by donating many items to charity. We have accumulated too much over the 40+ years of marriage.
So, as seniors, we really do not need as much as we think, and so, we are going room by room to "downsize". I definitely realize that we just have so much more than we need. Others in need will benefit from our giving. I am glad for that.
But even after we downsize in this way, we still need to be sure that our hearts don't wander after things of the world that the Lord would not have us do.
Getting back to you regarding the book "No Cross No Crown". Very revealing book emphasizing the need for Christians to "deny ourselves". This "deny ourself" is a concept that is either misunderstood, ignored, or just minimized by most Christians today.
A few excerpts from the book I found interesting.
The work of the Cross is self denial. The way of God is a way of faith and self-denial. Christ conquered self. It is the most perfect pattern of self denial. Whosover he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple.
Love their possessions more than Christ. This made those lawful fisherman quit their lawful trades, and follow Him. Their lawful enjoyments became their idols, they worshiped them more than God.
What, thy wife dearer to thee than thy Savior! and thy land and oxen preferred before thy soul's salvation!
Frankie, this book is a real eye opener for a Christian.The book is somewhat hard to read because of the language usage of 16th century timeframe, but it is full of insight regarding the overall topic "Deny Thyself"!
I've observed that it is hard to tell the lifestyle differences of Christains and secularists today. They live and share in the same worldly lifestyles. They may go to church on Sunday's but they live in the same manner as everyone else during the week.
If we think we are really a Christ follower: we need to ask ourselves this simple question; Have I picked up my Cross and am I denying myself?
1 John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
Read the Bible. Read the Bible. Read the Bible.
Be mindful of the fact that when you do this you are sitting at the feet of Almighty God Himself. And as you read, this is God speaking directly to you.
Read the Whole Bible, Old Testament and New Testament BOTH. Some would have you believe that we don't need to pay much attention to the Old Testament; nothing could be further from the truth. 2 Timothy 3:16 ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Notice God is saying ALL SCRIPTURE. Not just the New Testament or some particular part of the Bible.
Pray God as you read that He might open your understanding; and that He might work in your heart "to will and to do of His good pleasure" as He would give you understanding. Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
May the LORD richly bless you.
and then he said that they should tell his disciples and peter that they should go to galilee to see Jesus and then they went and told them but they did not believe them but still went and then Jesus said to them Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. and then when he was done talking he went to heaven and sat on the right side of God
Thanks for bailing me out. I had heard the word before but forgot it and did not have the time to look it up. I was hoping someone with some knowledge of Hebrew would share it, so thank you.
As for your question, I don't have an answer for that. I'm not sure that the Bible gives us a definitive answer so I'm unsure. My thoughts are that it was an actual snake that Satan used as an instrument of temptation. But again, I don't know!
God Bless!!!
I would just like to say i believe i fell into becoming a lukewarm christian. I do began to fear the words depart from me i never knew you. I want to become closer to god not just for a spot in heaven but to have the lord in my heart. I dont think im saying the right things in this testimony the way i wanted to but i'll like to say i want to read the word of god , i want to remove myself from this evil world mentally. I ask for forgiveness for all the sins i have committed and i hope and believe god can forgive you if you are struggling with a sin. I began my journey in the beginning of 2023 to read the whole bible but i was stopping myself which i didn't know why. There was a point where i wasn't praying and then one day i had got on my knee's. I begin to cry and ask for forgiveness and asked the lord to allow me to seek him. I have done this multiple time due to me falling into a lukewarm stage but i decided to restart reading the bible and im not going to plan out seeking the word of god but truly following the lord from my heart. Im starting this journey to find the word of god , stop listening to secular music , remove lust and masturbation from my mind , and share the word of god
you state "Why do we say that sanctification makes us blameless, not faultless?" if "we" includes all the writer that you quoted here, than I have serious doubts of their salvation, for Jesus expressly states that "ye must be born-again to enter the kingdom of heaven, stating it twice to Nicodemus, which strengthens His statement. Verily, Verily John 3:3-6
your statement goes on; Because the Grace of God working in us does not make us infallible. Sin has so perverted our moral and spiritual powers that we shall never in this present life be free from the infirmities of human nature."
Then they are still living in their old nature & have not been regenerated unto the new creature, created in the knowledge of Him who created him.
So all these quotes are just a high profession, but has not become a possession of the Substance, who is Christ.
can someone remind me how many brothers were there total siblings of Goliath the Gittite
and what were there names
how tall were they each
how old were they supposedly if any data on that.
It is true that words are intellectual abstract ideas. This does not mean that they are true or untrue. God's words are true words and His truth endures. The words of Scriptures are understood by our mind because they are not concrete physical things like our Lord became when He incarnated Himself. Before that time He was a concrete Being as the second person of the Godhead, but not physical in nature, but spiritual. Even though a spiritual Being, God has a substance about Him, but it is not a physical substance but a spiritual substance that we do not comprehend. But thoughts and words and feelings and decisions of the will are not concrete physical things, but abstract, immaterial things. I was not insulting God or His word by saying this. I was just explaining the difference between Jesus the Son of God from the words He spoke. I value the Bible above all other ideas I can understand with my mind and hide in my heart. But I value the Godhead above all things. He originates the words we come to know, but His words of Scripture are not equal to nor the same as the Being of the Godhead anymore that the healings and miracles Jesus did are the same as the Being of Jesus Christ. They originate from Him. he is the cause and His words and actions are the result of what has been conceived in Him.
David, I do not wish to continue posting on this matter because I think that we both have explained our thinking pretty comprehensively so far. Have a good evening.
I am doing well. I love spring and summer time. The sun really helps my day to day enjoyment of this beautiful world and the wonder of growing things!
I am so happy to pray for you, Latonya.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You today for bringing Latonya safely through this past year! You have blessed her with continued life and a new heart that her body accepts. We thank You for giving her strength to return to work part-time. We ask that in the name of Jesus You will increase her strength and ability to work a bit more each day. We ask that You cause her day to day needs to be amply fulfilled. We ask that her financial obligations be satisfied and that she will have some money to save for the future as well. We ask that Latonya will grow in grace given by You and come to know You more truly and deeply. Amen.
My thoughts are that we do need to be wise about those who call themselves believers and yet live outwardly sinful lives along the lines mentioned in the Corinthians verses you quoted. Their behavior tarnishes the witness of Christ through the church. If stubbornly unrepentant they put themselves in the category of the devil and his angels who believe in Christ and yet tremble because they do not wish to live for God. They are courting the possibility of apostasy.
Also, about the condition of the world around us, my thoughts are that this is not the most evil time in history. It may seem that way because the western world is becoming more and more disobedient to God and the Gospel of Christ, more and more scoffers and mockers who openly challenge the righteous living of believers with their flaunting of sinful living. The world has been cruel, idolatrous, revilers of God and His truth since before the flood and shortly after (think Babel) and all throughout history (think of the persecution of Christian under Roman rule, the slaughter of the Islamic takeovers of countries in the 700's, and the enslavement of so many groups of people throughout time.
We just notice these things more because it is happening before our very eyes. There are many areas of the world where the Gospel is advancing in leaps and bounds with new believers bring added daily in great numbers, but in the western world,
true faithful Christian people are declining and the believers in these cultures are getting more and more worldly.
We should still desire to share the gospel with others because it is what we are called to do from Scripture. If few accept the Gospel, that is no reason to be discouraged, both elect and non-elect need to hear the Gospel. God is the one who brings anyone to faith in Him, so we share the Gospel and leave the conversion to God. Those who refuse the Gospel may come to Christ at a later time or never at all. God knows who are to become His.
What do you think about dragonman's question of whether the serpent in the Garden was actually a physical snake/serpent or a spiritual being that took on the form of a serpent. I think that it is the latter, or perhaps Lucifer's image as a cherub was that of a beautiful serpent or dragon in which he could physically appear as such to Adam and Eve.
In Genesis 3:1, we are introduced to the serpent. There is a Hebrew word that means both serpent and snake. I don't recall the word off the top of my head, but I do recall that both serpent and snake are the same word in Hebrew. The word is used for serpent in Genesis and Numbers, and the same word is used for snake in Isaiah.
Hope this helps!
The Old Testment was given to Hebrews about 1500 BC. Let's not forget that that Law represented societies of that time. God gave them a law that was familiar to them, all other nations at that time, Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians had similar Laws. So all those practises and customs were already known to them by their living in those other places. They were accustomed to them. Those people at that time didn't have the same mind as we have today. Today we could never consider those practises as normal, we would never eg marry our brother's wife if he died without leaving children or we wouldn't pick our servant to have children with her if our wife could not make children like Abraham did and many other things in the O.T. So don't consider those rules under modern standards. How about the idea that one could have slaves? It cannot even pass through our mind nowadays but at that time it was normal. GBU
Since we don't know who is commenting, we must add that a martyr in Christianity differs from what a martyr is called in Islam. In Christianity as you said a martyr is one who is killed for their faith in Jesus like the early christians who were thrown to the lions in the Roman arenas, whereas in Islam a martyr is one who kills others or gets killed while trying to kill others in the name of their God. Completely opposite things.