All Discussion PAGE 572

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Children and the Resurrection

    Since the subject of animals has come up; I thought I would tackle another subject: that of children and the Rapture/Resurrection.

    Point One: The Rapture is for the church; therefore it doesn't necessarily prove unbelieving kids are part of that event. Matthew 18:10 makes it clear that children have an angel beholding the Father in heaven continually; that and other verses make it clear that kids all make it to heaven before the age of accountability. They would necessarily rise by the Great White Throne Judgment.

    I have noted previously that those who physically survive the Tribulation and die before the end of the Millennium may be among those who are in the Book of Life; rather than assuming all are lost at that Resurrection. Even that is somewhat nebulous as the man who dies at 100 is considered accursed and that may show that only rebels and unbelievers die at that time; the rest living physically the whole Millennium and then standing before God along with the resurrected wicked at that time.

    I would tend to think that kids would be Resurrected at the beginning of the Millennium after the Tribulation. Clearly those martyrs in Christ would arise at that time; perhaps a bit sooner actually before the vial judgments after the Trumpet judgments.

    I will also say that kids can be prayed for as to being Raptured out and those families already in a Covenant with God may have some sway in regard to that issue with blessings spreading to their offspring. That would NOT go beyond a child's age of accountability however. I would surely expect many youth to come to Christ through the Tribulation who the enemy has not successfully destroyed before that time. Many older folks just won't have the strength to endure very long into that period and energy needed for widespread evangelism. Those kids below the age of accountability will also exist in the Tribulation; most I would expect will die but be saved by God's grace.
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    we have been commissioned by Christ to preach the truth. The Bible tells us to be instant in season it out tell the people the truth when they want to hear it and when they don't and be not weary in well doing for if you'd be not weary in well doing if you faint, not the Lord, will bless you. As a Christian, I will never throw a rock and hot my hand. David stood before a giant and threw a rock and he's laid him. He did not hide his hand.
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I don't care if it's a Baptist ministry I met this ministry I don't care about the name or who they associate with I said a Bible believing ministering such as a nondenominational I don't care what the name is that they carry if they're not preaching the truth they're going to leave here and stand before God and they're gonna end up in hell a Bible ministry best preaching the gospel from the front to the back people who don't believe in Christmas who don't celebrate Easter just a pure, downright truth, the gospel, the Holy Spirit, leading gardening, directing those that are preaching the truth
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm not implying anything I'm saying that you are compromising. If you don't tell them the truth and then just leave it up to them to either receive it or deny it but God is going to hold you accountable for not telling them that being in a Catholic ministry, as a Christian is an abomination.
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    If you stand before someone knowing they're in a Catholic ministry and you don't tell them that they need to leave that ministry. The Lord is going to hold you accountable for not telling them the truth so that's what he left us here for is the tell the people the truth, so you're not gonna tell me, God is gonna move them out and in his own timing because if he's allowed you to preach the truth to them that time would be then right then and now, so you're gonna tell me you're gonna stand before someone to know that they're being indoctrinated falsely but they have a desire for the truth. Are you gonna let them go back to a false gospel,
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    All the dead are said to rise at the Great White Throne Judgment. There is one obscure verse Ecclesiastes 3:21 shows how the soul of an animal goes down; while a man goes upward at death (where acording to Heb. 9:27 we are immediately judged).

    That could likely be when we see animals rise again.

    The Millennial Kingdom is likely the creatures that survive the Tribulation. It is unclear what percent of them die in that time; although one of the vial judgments kills ALL the life in the sea (hence there IS no more sea in the new earth). As with the replenishing of the Dead Sea (see end of Ezekiel); I would surmise that there is a fresh water stock of fish that multiply; although God could do something else (it appears fresh water and some fish already are entering underground in that area but only in certain sections; scripture shows how the reeds along the edge remain salt water areas).

    It also appears that horses at be present at the Second Coming; as they will come down with the saints and with Christ Himself; if that is to be taken literally. It is conceivable that Resurrected bodies of humans will be able to jump into the earth's gravity and not be destroyed; these creatures therefore would have to be either horses that live in heaven or perhaps resurrected for that event which is just speculative.

    Of course there are the extinct prehistoric dinosaurs and other creatures as well as many living under the sea and in the earth we are probably not familiar with today. There are also angelic beings that look like creatures (Cherubim) but are spirit beings.

    I would surmise also that whatever the original ancestors looked like will be seen as well; it would be likely that reproduction as with resurrected men would halt after animals are Resurrected. I would also hazard a guess that the animals would be in their original role as well as being docile enough for us to hang around; like an outdoor pet.

    Not a subject to nix fellowship over differing views...
  • Ladybug76 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Catholics Jehovah witness Muslims Mormons. They are all in the same category together you want to separate Catholics from the rest but they all fall in the pot together. You can't justify the wicked you can't. Catholics are just as wrong as Jehovah witness they all preach a false gospel, every single one of them.
  • Gwenpooh13 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I think that they were Jew beacuse they were God's chosen people.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Angelica14 - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my incarnenated partner, keep him safe and strong and minds of things, i pray in jeses name hes realeased when the time is right, pray for my financial help, im so much need my lord , protect me and my children. Thank you.
  • Jema - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    I believe that all Christians today make up the Kingdom of God , we are not however , filling the earth with the Glory of the Lord . The Kingdom will be fully realised when Christ returns and all flesh shall see the Glory of the Lord . In the last chapter of Luke , Jesus talks quiet a bit about the Kingdom to come . All things will be made new , the kingdoms of this world , THIS WORLD , will become the Kingdoms of God and if His Son , then the meek shall inherit the earth and the temple in Ezekiel shall be the centre of God's Kingdom which shall be in Jerusalem in the land that was promised to Abraham and his descendents forever , who's descendents we are if we are Christ's , then we are Abraham's and heirs to those promised made to Abraham and his seed . We shall be like him , overseeing and guiding and ministering to , the humans that are left alive after the wrath of God has been poured out .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I know right ! I realise that often animals are used as metaphors but I believe there are often three aspects to look for , the literal , the metaphorical and the spiritual . God created animals firstly for His pleasure , Jesus says that God sees every sparrow that falls and He expects us to not be cruel to any creature . I'm sure that God , who knows us all intimately , knows how beneficial animals are to us and how much we appreciate and care for our pets / livestock etc . The garden of Eden would have been filled with all manner of animals and they would have walked along side Adam and Eve before their fall into disobedience . God made all creatures beautiful and perfect, animals still are ! We are the sinners , not them !
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Great encouragement today from you , thanks .
  • Saved2 - 1 year ago
    Good day,

    Sabbath, is the equivalent of our Sarurday and /or has another reference to another High feast?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David, How is your family doing? Happy to pray for you and yours. Will do?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Charlie,

    I meant to say "walk by the Holy Spirit.

    By doing this we will follow Him in our daily lives with power to obey what is good and righteous. Before we were regenerated by the Holy Spirit we did not have this power that comes only from the Holy Spirit to those who desire to live as Christ did.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    One eighty

    Good to hear from you. Thank you for letting us know that you are so very busy. many people on this forum are. I completely understand your explanation of why you may not have responded to people.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Thank you, Giannis.

    I really hate the way so many believers have taken sides on this matter and instead of being gracious and affirming the faith in God in others, accuse other believers of being wrong, uninformed, lacking in faith, or less spiritual than those who chose the way they did not. We must stop trying to shame one another on this matter. You are so right, it is a medical matter, not a spiritual one and the sooner we shed the pointing, wagging finger attitude of judgment the better off we will be as the body of Christ.

    I refuse to spend my time and energies being concerned about what choices others made in this matter to see if their choices measure up to my position or not. That is counterproductive, divisive, and unkind. Let others live with their own choices peacefully without the strife of others second-guessing them, their faith, and their rightness or wrongness of taking the vaccine or not.

    That said, I do hate that some have suffered harm from the vaccine. Most people have not. I do hate it that so many were hospitalized with severe illness from Covid and many did die. I hate that what measures we were advised to take to stay well did not, in the eventual analysis, help. And I especially hate that this issue was so politicized. We saw that it was in May-June of 2020 when Republican gatherings were said to be "superspreader" events and the protests with people shoulder to shoulder in the streets were not termed so and their lack of masking was defended by the media and many politicians. I knew then that this is being exploited by the left to the detriment of our country and especially to vulnerable people, business owners, and so many employees who lost so much as a result of knee-jerk decisions of government.

    But we are now on the other side of the pandemic and so we go forward instead of rehashing it yet once again.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Sorry Charlie, but what you are saying here is not true. We can trust God AND be led to take certain measures in particular circumstances that may in the end help us or not. The point is to walk by spirit in such matters and be determined to obey God.

    Whether we wanted to or not, the whole world participated in this "social experiment" of Covid escaping the lab in China, whether on purpose or accident. Those of us who followed guidelines given to us from doctors, the Secretary of Health, and others in leadership in our government, including the President at the time the vaccine first became available. We each made our choices for our own reasons and it is not a matter of acting in faith or in lack of faith, as you say.

    So let's all stop politicizing this issue and show compassion and extend the grace of Christian liberty to each of us no matter our choices.
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Isaiah 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. ... the lion shall eat straw like the ox... plenty of animals there.
  • Shaunm1963 - In Reply - 1 year ago
  • One eighty - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Blessings to All,

    Firstly, I apologize to those who in the past have kindly responded to my posts, but didn't receive a reply back. I'm not much of a computer person. I had forgotten until rather recently that the replies to my posts were automatically sent to my email. I do recall, though, that I read about this when I signed up, assuming, mistakenly, that I'd notice them in the "view all" page. Needless to say, recently checking my email, which is rare, I was surprised to read how many replies I missed.

    There are also some replies that I have been aware of from some of you which in the past I haven't answered. Please be assured, I'm not ignoring anyone. Just a lot of "stuff" on my plate. Many times I refrain from starting a thread or joining in an existing one, simply because I know I'll be tied up with "life" for the next amount of unknown days where I won't be able to reply to others. Truth is, also, if I don't feel inspired, usually I try to refrain from participating. I'm thinking I'm not the only busy person on this site, and that we would very much enjoy having more time EFFICIENTLY and thoughtfully discussing these topics. Also, be assured your efforts were not in vain. I've read them all now. Your concern and genuine replies are appreciated and to be granted serious consideration.

    The reason I wrote this on this thread is because I wanted to convey some thoughts regarding covid and the vaccine. Perhaps later. My time is presently needed elsewhere.

  • Giannis - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 1 year ago
    Hello GiGi

    I completely agree with you.

    A man has to do everything he can to protect himself from any kind of danger and leave the rest (that he cannot do ) to God. The latter is a rule in our christian lives. Many have misunderstood what faith represents. It is not living without trying to avoid dangers. It is not like crossing a road with blind eyes just because God protects us. In such a case He will not protect us, and He will teach us a lesson. Isn't that what satan said to Jesus? Fall down from here and God will send angels to pick you up in their hands, The same he does to us. One of the important things I have understood in my christian life that has to do with our relationship with God is that there is always a part which is for us to do and a part that God does. "We do what we can and God does what we cannot do." Of course there may be many times that we can not do anything really. In such a case we leave everything to the Lord.

    About vaccines. Many, in my country as well, had come to the church leaders and asked them what to do, to get the vaccine or not. What my church did was to tell us that this is not a spiritual matter for the church to give advice. It is a medical matter. And for medical matters one has to visit his dictor and discuss it, this is what doctors are for. Pastors and elders are not doctors., it is not their job to advice about things they couldn't possibly know.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I meant: the Catholic church is not the only church that has errors.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I think that our perceived disagreement here is really a matter of semantics, particularly what we believe "fellowshipping" means.

    I agree that believer use the term 'fellowshipping' to mean gathering together of like minded believers to share the truths of the Word and build one another up in faith. I agree with that narrow use of the term 'fellowshipping'.

    But there is a wider use of the term 'fellowshipping' that I am referring to here: that is meeting together with others in a social situation to share personally with each other. This can include sharing a meal, as Jesus did with the sinners and tax collectors, meeting for coffee and a time to chat, going to an event together, such as a sorting event, going fishing together, camping, a cruise. Any number of activities can be referred to as fellowshipping. This is opposed to say a work assignment or required meeting.

    I certainly believe we should make us of every opportunity to share the truth of Christ with others. God does bring opportunities to us to do so with people He brings into our sphere of life experience. These may be people from other denominations within Christianity or adherents to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, atheists, etc. We are not to shun meeting with these people to share the Truth with. The Gospel is for those who are apart from God to bring them into true and right relationship with Him and begin holy fellowship with Him and the Church. The Gospel is also for those in Christ to assure us of our salvation in our Lord Jesus and remind us of what He did to save us. This always is a comfort to those who know Him. It sustains our faith to hear it preached repeatedly. We are to relate all of the Scriptures to what has been done by Jesus for the salvation of the elect of God.

    Ladybug, we do not need to continue this conversation further. I have clarified myself repeatedly. So, any further discussion may not be needed.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Whether on is truly in Christ or not is not determined by the Christian church they attend. There are many denominations in the broad spectrum of the Christian faith. Some say that they alone are the only true church or say that they will not fellowship with people outside of their denomination. The determining factor of whether one is in Christ or not is whether they have been born again, regenerated by the working of the Holy Spirit on their heart, soul, spirit, mind, and will to receive the gospel that tells of Christ, who died for our sins to bring us forgiveness, rose from the dead to bring us justification before God, and proclaims that those who believe in Him are redeemed, saved by grace and made a new creation in Christ. Those who have been truly born again will have the life of Christ produced within them and they will desire to live godly lives that conform to the life Christ lived in obedience to His Father and ours.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I have never said that we should compromise either the truth of Scripture nor our moral behavior when meeting with people we are discussing here. Please stop implying that I am suggesting that we do so.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    No thanks, I do not listen to messages from ministries I have not vetted.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, Ladybug76,

    We do present them with the truth about salvation in Jesus. We leave it up to God to work on these people through the working of the Holy Spirit to lead them into what He desires for them. He will do it. We can encourage them to read

    Scripture and pray for God to direct them to what He wants for them and where He wants them to fellowship. We can trust God to do all of this in His timing, not ours.

    I have never stated that we compromise God's truth in communicating with these folks, nor to compromise our moral behavior when fellowshipping with them in ways such as: meeting for a meal, visit at their home or mine, or other social activities. I do not think we should attend their church services. So, I think we are on the same page here, Ladybug, but I think that you may have a certain prejudice or disdain for Catholics. I may be wrong on this, though.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Ladybug, Your assumption of what I was saying about that those who reach out to unbelievers or those in sects that have aberrant teachings that are crucial to salvation is cause compromise is incorrect. We hold out the gospel to those we are led to, ust as Paul did.

    And, yes, we are to teach our children, but the passage in Peter is within the context of being persecuted from those outside the faith and enduring hardship and mistreatment for doing good and for spreading the gospel message to those who seek us for the hope they see we have, which is Christ.

    Perhaps for you it would be hard to refrain from compromising in such situations. For, it is not hard to maintain a faithful and godly stance in such situations. It was the Pharisees that Jesus railed against for their "holier than thou" heart attitude and their rigid adherence to maintaining separation from those they deemed 'unclean' or 'unholy' or 'gentiles'. We all should have the mind of Christ in this matter and be willing to reach out to those in need of the truth of the gospel in order for them to come to Jesus according to the work and leading of the Holy Spirit both in us and those we hope God to bring to salvation.

    It is not what we want that matters, but God's will that matters when it comes to having those we to whom we minister to leave the Catholic Church. He may have some truly born again believers remain in the situation in order to minister to others. Then there may be a time when they leave for another fellowship. Please remember that the Catholic church only Protestant sect that has errors that are quite concerning. I could name some that most people here would consider o.k. to be involved with, but I won't name names. Certainly there are some quasi-Christian sects we should encourage people to part ways with such as Jehovah's Witness, Mormonism, Christian Science, to name a few because the teach a falsely about who Jesus is and what He has done to save us, a different Jesus/gospel

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