P.S. and yes, women are only to teach other women & children. For man was created first then woman as his loving guide & helper. Yet is to be treated w/honor, love & respect by her husband. She can voice her opinion in their relationship yet, the man has the final say if a choice can not be reached. Ladies, especially these days, do Not like hearing that yet God is the one both answer to & His word stands firm. (Had I known this yrs ago, I'd still be married).
Very well spoken. Thank you for your spiritually guided words. They strengthin my belief that we need not speak in tongues to get to heaven.! Pray for my Penacostal friend that believes otherwise. So ta, Robert Breaker goes deep in his teaching of the rapture. I learned so much from him & Mr. Voddie Baucham & I'm 'rightly divided'. Lol..
I pray it brings you & the Mrs. closer to Him.! I was mislead for yrs by a friend that is Penacostal. Yet my fault cuz I would only listen to pastors teachings & not read for myself. Found so many things wrong w/what I thought I knew & learned thing I had No idea about. So I studies harder these last few yrs & learned for myself as God tells us to. I for one don't want to learn the hard way come judgment day.! Evil will use the best of them to lead us away from Christ. We (especially men) must stand firm & when we do, giving God all the glory, it's truly amazing how much calmer & at peace we will be in ruff times, w/His 'peace that passes all understanding'. For us mere humans its so very easy to be led astray. Sad thing is most don't realize it till its to late.! Happy reading.
Paul was arrested again sometime after 64 A.D. and condemned to death. During his second imprisonment, Paul wrote II Timothy and put a date in there. It's around 67 A.D., the year before Nero himself died.
Pastoral Instruction. Paul presents principles and instructions that should prevail in a local church. It is the principles and instructions for the ministry in the church in the last days. And that would include us.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 1 - The Power for Service
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 2 - The Pattern for Service
And I find it interesting that Paul uses several types of people, soldiers, farmers, students, slaves, to show how a believer is to serve the Lord.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 3 - The Perils of Service
These are the perils or dangers of things that will come against the church in the last days.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 4 - The People of Service
Paul mentions over 20 people that he has had service with to say goodbye to them. He mentions things to them, but also leaves instructions. And you should know by now that every time Paul mentions somebody's name, it's not just to say hi, but he's got some teaching to go with it.
And so, Timothy was considered Jewish. And in case some of the Hebrew and Jewish people would hear that he's Jewish as he's traveling and wanted to corner him and pin him down as to whether he's been circumcised, and whether he's been through the synagogue ceremonies, Paul had him circumcised so that he would be free to preach the gospel in the synagogues.
Timothy was ordained by Paul and the Presbytery ( I Timothy 4:14; II Timothy 1:6).
He accompanies Paul on his third missionary trip ( Acts 19:22; Acts 20:4; II Corinthians 1:1, 19).
Timothy ministered in at least five churches as Paul's representative. He sent Timothy to:
1) Thessalonica ( I Thessalonians 3:2, 6).
2) Corinth ( I Corinthians 4:17; 16:10; II Corinthians 1:19).
3) Philippi ( Philippians 2:19-23).
4) Berea ( Acts 17:14).
5) Ephesus ( I Timothy 1:3).
Timothy was with Paul during Paul's first imprisonment ( Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:1; Philemon 1:1) and went to Philippi after Paul's release ( Philippians 2:19-23).
After Paul's release from his first imprisonment ( Acts 28:30), he revisited several cities leaving Timothy at Ephesus.
Paul went on to Macedonia from where he wrote Timothy this letter ( I Timothy 3:14-15).
Timothy was around 35-years of age when Paul wrote I Timothy.
Paul was arrested in Troas and taken to Rome and imprisoned for the second and last time.
Timothy also suffered imprisonment ( Hebrews 13:23).
Written by Paul. Paul's Inscription is on all thirteen of his letters.
It was written to Timothy who was pastoring in Ephesus and its territories, because out of Ephesus went the missionary journeys. So, Timothy not only was pastor at Ephesus, but also several churches. We know at least the churches that are in the book of Revelation.
His name mentioned 24 times in the New Testament. Timothy was from Lystra and was saved during Paul's first missionary trip ( Acts 14:19-20; 16:1-2). His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, were godly Jewish women, and we see that in 2 Timothy 1:5. They were Jewish, they were raised on the scriptures, and they also had been saved under Paul's ministry, and had a great influence over Timothy's life.
Timothy was about 15 years old when he met Paul.
Timothy's father was a pagan Greek ( Acts 16:1; II Timothy 1:5).
Timothy was raised hearing Old Testament Scriptures ( II Timothy 3:14-15).
He joined Paul, along with Silas and Luke, during their second missionary trip ( Acts 16:3).
Paul had Timothy circumcised so that he might have the freedom to preach the gospel in Jewish synagogues ( Acts 16:3; I Corinthians 9:20).
Because his mother was Jewish, he is considered Jewish, even though his father was a Greek. Now had it been reversed, and his father was Jewish and his mother a Greek, he would not be considered Jewish. The mother has to be Jewish to be considered Jewish.
For every believer, Paul fought for their minds, that their minds would be taken captive by Christ, and that their minds would be in obedience of Christ, and not following some false teaching.
Paul knowing that if you learn his gospel, that you would be learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will not contradict anything Jesus said. In fact, it would give more meaning and depth to it when we go into the teaching section.
All of Paul's letters (Romans to Philemon) are arranged according to 2 Timothy 3:16, that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine (the book of Romans), for reproof (which would be 1st and 2nd Corinthians), for correction (the book of Galatians), and for instruction in righteousness (and that's Ephesians through Philemon).
Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians are known as the prison epistles written by Paul when he was in prison, along with Philemon, the last letter.
So, there's a collection of four. The first three and the last one go together. And the reason why Philemon is on the end is because the personal letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon are put at the end of Paul's letters, and the church epistles, and the church letters are put at the front.
But just for your understanding, Philemon goes with Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. And then we have 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.
And then we have 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. I just shared with you 1 Timothy, and I am giving you 2 Timothy right now. These three (1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus) are known as pastoral epistles, Paul writing to Timothy and Titus who he put in charge of other churches. Titus was on the island of Crete.
And Timothy of course is the one who followed in Paul's footsteps. He took over for Paul after Paul's death. Paul trained him for over 20 years as he followed and went with Paul on his journeys.
No matter how much good we do we can never be good enough to earn salvation, Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." No matter how many good works we do we can never atone for our own sins. So what can we do? Romans 10:13 gives the answer "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.".doing our best is not and never will be enough for salvation, only faith in Jesus Christ can save us from our sins! God bless
Dear Ronald, I can understand your thoughts. Mostly the verses and writings (Anabaptist contemporaries with Simons) that I am sharing is mostly for my own edification. A few years ago, I also shared a waking vision of the Lamb in what appeared to be an eternal setting. The vision around 30 years ago was consistent with the Lamb being separate from the Father and His presence as the bosom (my meditation ahead of the vision was on the bosom of Abraham) of God was confirmed by voice by the Father.
So this is partly why I cannot be found offended in any part of my life or belief. Tomorrow is another work day with sweat involved and my wife and daughter tomorrow are driving together across the nation. Next Sunday, God willing I will pick up my wife again at the airport!! Praying for safety for the week!
People have shared much Scripture in this thread. I am one who believes that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God. I believe each and all are fully God, but not three Gods. One in unity, three in persons, is what I believe. The Last Supper discourse in John is very informative on this.
But the Scripture I wish to share is Isaiah 9:6 where God is said to be an Everlasting Father (I understand that this prophecy is concerning Christ, but including this title shows that Christ is truly God in the oneness of the Godhead.
If God is called an Everlasting Father, then He is eternally a Father, therefore there would be an eternal Son or He would not be called Eternal Father. This title tells us that God did not become a Father at some point because He is said to be the Eternal Father. For this reason (and the many other verses speaking to Jesus' eternal divinity) I believe that the Son is also eternally a Son, and if eternal, then God because only God is eternal.
The concept of the Triunity of God is Scriptural. But it is an aspect of the Godhead that we in our finite, creaturely minds cannot ever comprehend. But we can believe it by faith in what is said in Scripture without having internal knowledge of how and what the Godhead is in His three Persons, but One Divine Being. It is easy for me to believe this, but others who have been taught differently will struggle with it more.
Indeed David 0921, our beliefs can only rest on what the Scriptures alone declare. And even if some might be unclear or requiring much comparing, with prayer, the Doctrine of the Person of God is one that is clear in the NT.
Paul even declared, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." 1 Timothy 3:16.
Speaking of Jesus, for He alone could be so described in that verse, it should leave one with no doubt that in Him dwelt 'all the fullness of the Godhead bodily '. It was indeed a mystery & certainly difficult to grasp with human intellect, but with both faith & understanding the nature of the sacrificial atonement & substitutionary aspects, no other sacrifice could ever make such a complete & eternal payment for our sins. The first Adam was made from the elements of the Earth but the last Adam was not but 'was a quickening (life-giving) Spirit '; for "the second man is the Lord from Heaven".
That is beautiful, as an old man that gave me chills. I totally agree that the Son of God came forth before anything that is. He was before the angels, before any creation, He is the beginning of creation, He is begotten, the only Son of God who came out from God and all that is, is by Him and for Him. Scripture does not tell us how he was begotten, born, or came out of God but He had a beginning.
My understanding that is not what John 1 is about, God has no beginning or no end, Jesus the Son of God is begotten He had a beginning, if not He would not truly be the Son of God. That beginning, (In the beginning) was before everything that is. He is the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" It started with the Son of God, and it will end with Him.
Thank you again for having this conversation still going through the Scriptures you posted.
There should be; based on comments on my last post a sense of us being new creatures in Christ. In order to share the hope within us a testimony should be something we have "in and out of season." ( 2 Tim. 4:2). At least as important as how we first came to faith is a continuing testimony of our sanctification; and in particular how He has been faithful to us; often through answered prayer and circumstances of trials meant for our good. Let the reader look up the verses on God's chastisement for those He loves. We should if growing in God a healthy respect for that and should be able to testify how we have learned appreciation for such measures because it demonstrates His lovingkindness. (I am still working on finding it all joy to face various trials as James 1:2 exhorts).
Such "mundane" things related to family and God working things through those relationships is just as important as we find on a foreign mission field as it is part of our mission field. The same can be said; of course of our vocation and even recreation (hopefully where we have opportunities to share with those we hang out with and have similar interests). It is always facinating to me to see how God uses different individuals with different giftings to fulfill His purposes. There tends to be an unhealthy skew towards those with say a teaching gift if and when those with wisdom or discernment should be allowed to contribute helpful things to build up the church. For instance; a Pastor IF they are teaching truth will realize when someone is coming into the camp with doctrine contrary to scripture; but a discerning person can sense evil very fast and can preempt certain damage being done. From a practical viewpoint Pastors need to delegate responsibility much as Moses did after Jethro's good advice.
In short doctrinal truth needs to accompany the Spirit; lest we be as the Ephesians and lose our first love or preach another gospel to our ruin.
The other day I shared a bit how God appears to have revealed things to me through a dream and subsequent circumstances. I can only think of 2 other dreams that seemed to have showed me something. One was the night before my Grandmother died warning her that she would stand before God; the other about donuts when at a retreat; and when I woke up they found 5 bucks and bought a box of donuts for us. Some admittedly seem to dream more than others things of significance others seem to have insight or visions into the future.
Although I don't subscribe to the total Cessationist mindset I certainly don't want to cause unnecessary division here to those who do in regard to spiritual gifts. My focus here is on what is NECESSARY to experience which is the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come (if I have it memorized John 8:6 or something to that effect). We must learn to recognize His voice as His sheep and also other influences whether they be our own vain imaginations or that of demons influencing us. We must comprehend that we are not who we used to be; and that of course is helped by testing ourselves to see if we are in the faith. (again I'll let you guys find that verse man my memory is bad). Without the Spirit scripture simply doesn't come alive to us; and also the Divinity of Christ isn't comprehended (see Christ's comment to Peter on that subject).
Discernment I will say is necessary today; and I would also say that is needed for casting out demons which is also needed today. Nonetheless the GRIEVOUS abuses and fraudulent manipulations of obvious gibberish with the same few words and phrases in tongues; and the handful of physical healings with proper corroborating evidence; etc. along with other hoopla and often demonic Kundalini type movements make many clearly be a stench to God. The fruit of the lives of preachers; the integrity or lack thereof of the Word are 2 big issues.
As you know, the Word is GOD, self-executable, great mystery. For a wonderful meditation: Philippians 3:20-21KJV
20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord JESUS Christ:
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
Hello Ronald, I still have a little time on this end of the week and possibly more time later this week. Just to throw in the mix is a writing I found and support.
"we are comforted through the mercy of God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ and believe the gospel of John 3:16, namely, that God our heavenly Father in his unfathomable mercy has given us his only begotten Son Jesus Christ as a Redeemer and Savior, who fulfills for us all the righteousness of God, has taken away all of our sins, appeased the wrath of God, established peace between God and us, and has conquered Satan, the world, hell and death for us, etc. For he is the promised Seed who crushed the serpent's head, the Seed of blessing, in whom all generations of the earth are and shall be blessed that believe in his name.
He is the true Messiah, our King and High Priest who by the one holy offering of his body and blood has reconciled his people with God. He is the Throne of Grace established by God for us, whereby we draw nigh to God, and have free access unto him by the Holy Spirit. He is our horn of salvation, and in short, our eternal life. For there is no name given us under heaven whereby we may be saved but by his name alone."
So my thought on the origin of the Word that it proceeded from God in the beginning was before the Word was made flesh.
Sory for the delay, thank you for your reply like you said it is a very contentious subject with roots that are 1600 years old and nowhere in Scripture is salvation based on it. That was done in the Athanasian Creed in 415 AD. I want get into all that.
Sory for the delay, thank you for your reply, I agree with the word, and it being translated Easter is no big deal it does not change the meaning of what was going on. Easter is one day, and Passover is one day, and it is a preparation day, it is not a feast. The Passover meal is eaten on the night of the 15th of Nisan not on Passover day the 14th. When Luke wrote Acts, Easter was not a Christian holiday, it would have been resurrection day or the Feast of Firstfruits.
When they translated it, Easter was a Christian Holiday that is the question why. Thank you for your knowledge of the Greek language you are a blessing to us on this site.
Dear David0921 , I'm sorry if I shocked you :) . In the Christian company that I keep , in the real physical world , I don't know anyone who believes that Jesus is God , so there are plenty of people who don't believe this , I suppose birds of a feather flock together . I have read the Bible very many times , so I'm aware of all the scriptures that people will quote when they assert that Jesus is God and I almost understand why people believe this . However , if I ever come to that conclusion myself , it will be because the Bible has convinced me , not because a person has convinced me . Please don't be offended by my honest expression , I like to be honest when I'm asked about my beliefs . We could go back and forth all day quoting scripture to each other but I'm guessing that neither of us will change the others mind and I would not insult you by trying . I imagine that you would also need to be convinced by what you read for yourself in the Bible , just like me :) . For what it's worth to you , I shall give you just a few of the scriptures that seem to me to very clearly state that Jesus is the Son of God and not God Himself : 2nd Corinthians Ch5 V19 , John Ch14 V9-11+20 , 2nd Corinthians Ch1 V3 , Ephesians Ch1 V3 , 1st Peter Ch1 V3 , John Ch9 V3+4 , John Ch10 V37+38 and John Ch14 V10 . Thanks for listening , I very much enjoy your posts and don't really wish to get into a lengthy debate on this subject , if I ever change my mind on this subject , I will come on here and announce it I promise :) .
I have been reading and studying the Scriptures you have posted, I will touch on a few, by the way, great work. Again, I know my understanding may be different and I do not want to offend, I do thank you for this discussion.
John 1:4 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." This life came from the Father,
My understanding of this, it is part of John's prolog to his gospel as John writes, "In the beginning" is the beginning of Jesus's ministry, not before creation. Mark used it in Mark 1:1 also in Luke 1:2 and John uses it again in 1 John 1:1 "From the beginning" he is again talking about the beginning of Jesus's ministry, "the Word of life" which was the eternal life from the Father, John 5:26. This life is that light that shined and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we behold his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
Jesus the true only begotten Son of God, who came out from the Father John 16:27. He was sent by the Father, Galatians 4:4 from the glory of the Father, the same matter, and divinity as the Father, and the Word was made flesh, born of a virgin and walked among us. We see in Revelation 19:13 His name is called The Word of God. Full of unfailing love and obedience to the Father, God was manifested in Him on earth 1 John 1:21 John 4:21 John 4:9. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit without measure.
John 3:34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
Will study more of your posts and reply, if you want to continue the conversation, I understand your time is tight.
I just wanted to say that God is good, today. I'm thankful for his great Grace and mercies towards me. God Bless you all 1st Corinthians Chapter 12 Body of Christ Christians.
Father I'm asking for us and all in need. Please grant salvation to our unsaved loved ones and all the unsaved. Deliver those in bondage. Protect us and our loved ones. Guide us Father and us to bear good fruit and plenty of it. Its been so tough lately for so many. So many enemy attacks but you said in your word that the battle belongs to the Lord. Please rise up Lord. We need you. Father please send the Holy Spirit for Jesus' sake. And Father you know the specific requests we are raising up to you. Please send breakthrough. Praise and glory and honor be unto you. I pray in your holy name Lord Jesus. Amen
Yes, Jema, I have found it a huge blessing to have been led to this site. So much encouragement and exhortation from others that have helped me examine my faith and to examine what others say by the Scriptures. I am thankful to those who contribute on here, make their prayer needs known, and those who pray for these and for those who with us on this site, whether they are frequent posters or silent readers. You have blessed me with your thoughts. Thank you.
Yes, we are often called to wait in the Spirit for an answer to prayer to come or for the fulfillment of a calling to ministry. Learning how to wait on Him is a challenge. What do we do in the time of waiting?
What changes are we to make in this time of waiting? Are we to just "carry on" our normal life until the waiting time is completed?
There can be many types of instances where we are to wait for what the Spirit has led us to expect. The disciples had not been told not to go fishing after they had seen the resurrected Lord in the Upper Room nor did they where not told when Jesus would come to them again. But before His ascension He did come to them and opened up the Scriptures to them (OT) to show their meaning, how they typified Himself and how the prophecies were fulfilled in Him. Then Jesus blew on them and said to "receive the Holy Spirit" (which they did at that time). He then told them to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the promised Spirit with power.
I don't have much of anything to add to what I've already said. But I do want to emphasize some things.
Your view of OT Salvation is a Gospel of Grace plus Works. In that while the OT Believe was saved by Christ's Atonement their obedience to the Ceremonial Law contributed to their Salvation in some way. And that is not possible based on everything we read in the Bible about the Nature of Salvation. Salvation is by God's Grace ALONE. It is 100% the work of God. Remember the man who picked up a few sticks in Numbers.
In John 3 where Jesus is talking with Nicodemus about Becoming "Born Again", He was clearly expecting Nicodemus, a teacher, a Pharisee, someone that should have been familiar with what was required for Salvation in the OT, to have understood this as a MASTER OF ISRAEL. John 3:10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a MASTER OF ISRAEL, and knowest not these things?
This idea of OT Believers going to a place called Hades when they die is not taught in the Bible. I know that you want to put your weight on the story of Luke 16 about the Rich Man and Lazarus. But when we examine that story very carefully we know for a certainty that it is not talking about a possible historical event. That story is NOT a "historical parable" it is a "parable" like many that Jesus told when on earth to teach some Spiritual Truth. Nowhere does the Bible teach that someone "buried" has "eyes" to see or that there could be any communication with Abraham who is in Heaven. The Bible just absolutely does not teach that. Nor does the Bible anywhere teach that OT Believers go to a place called Hades when they die.
So, forgive me for being so bold and presumptuous, but it seems to me that your Dispensational view of the Scriptures forces you into an understanding of God's Judgment and Salvation Plan for Mankind that is complex and convoluted. And prevents you from seeing the consistency and cohesiveness throughout the Bible.
Well said, Amen. I also wanted to ask that you subscribe to (or just watch) 'Rapture Revealed' by Pastor Robert Breaker. He tells all about the order: Rapture, 7 yr. Tribulation, Armageddon then the 1,000 yr reign. Was reading a post from a year ago and you have the order different then he tells.
Living in the Spirit requires discipleship, after Jesus resurrection the disciples were not sure what to do next, so they went fishing! I wonder as Peter, James and John along with the rest, were unsure if the last 3 years with Christ would mean anything? Their thoughts accusing and excusing one another as they stared into the waters, wondering what's next?
We too, who have been called may suffer these things that concern who and what we will be.
Waiting on the Spirit, is the most important moment in any disciples life. When Jesus does appear, His spirit will make you dive into the waters of life,without concern for the consequences.
There will be this moment, which for some seems an eternity, and yet as Christ appeared in the storm, suddenly they would find themselves at the shore.
Waiting on the Spirit is the key to understanding when and how He shows up. when you understand these things, then you truly are on the doorstep of the kingdom of God! Repent and be Baptized
Paul was arrested again sometime after 64 A.D. and condemned to death. During his second imprisonment, Paul wrote II Timothy and put a date in there. It's around 67 A.D., the year before Nero himself died.
Pastoral Instruction. Paul presents principles and instructions that should prevail in a local church. It is the principles and instructions for the ministry in the church in the last days. And that would include us.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 1 - The Power for Service
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 2 - The Pattern for Service
And I find it interesting that Paul uses several types of people, soldiers, farmers, students, slaves, to show how a believer is to serve the Lord.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 3 - The Perils of Service
These are the perils or dangers of things that will come against the church in the last days.
II TIMOTHY CHAPTER 4 - The People of Service
Paul mentions over 20 people that he has had service with to say goodbye to them. He mentions things to them, but also leaves instructions. And you should know by now that every time Paul mentions somebody's name, it's not just to say hi, but he's got some teaching to go with it.
I will share the introduction to Titus soon.
God Bless!!!
And so, Timothy was considered Jewish. And in case some of the Hebrew and Jewish people would hear that he's Jewish as he's traveling and wanted to corner him and pin him down as to whether he's been circumcised, and whether he's been through the synagogue ceremonies, Paul had him circumcised so that he would be free to preach the gospel in the synagogues.
Timothy was ordained by Paul and the Presbytery ( I Timothy 4:14; II Timothy 1:6).
He accompanies Paul on his third missionary trip ( Acts 19:22; Acts 20:4; II Corinthians 1:1, 19).
Timothy ministered in at least five churches as Paul's representative. He sent Timothy to:
1) Thessalonica ( I Thessalonians 3:2, 6).
2) Corinth ( I Corinthians 4:17; 16:10; II Corinthians 1:19).
3) Philippi ( Philippians 2:19-23).
4) Berea ( Acts 17:14).
5) Ephesus ( I Timothy 1:3).
Timothy was with Paul during Paul's first imprisonment ( Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:1; Philemon 1:1) and went to Philippi after Paul's release ( Philippians 2:19-23).
After Paul's release from his first imprisonment ( Acts 28:30), he revisited several cities leaving Timothy at Ephesus.
Paul went on to Macedonia from where he wrote Timothy this letter ( I Timothy 3:14-15).
Timothy was around 35-years of age when Paul wrote I Timothy.
Paul was arrested in Troas and taken to Rome and imprisoned for the second and last time.
Timothy also suffered imprisonment ( Hebrews 13:23).
Written by Paul. Paul's Inscription is on all thirteen of his letters.
It was written to Timothy who was pastoring in Ephesus and its territories, because out of Ephesus went the missionary journeys. So, Timothy not only was pastor at Ephesus, but also several churches. We know at least the churches that are in the book of Revelation.
His name mentioned 24 times in the New Testament. Timothy was from Lystra and was saved during Paul's first missionary trip ( Acts 14:19-20; 16:1-2). His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, were godly Jewish women, and we see that in 2 Timothy 1:5. They were Jewish, they were raised on the scriptures, and they also had been saved under Paul's ministry, and had a great influence over Timothy's life.
Timothy was about 15 years old when he met Paul.
Timothy's father was a pagan Greek ( Acts 16:1; II Timothy 1:5).
Timothy was raised hearing Old Testament Scriptures ( II Timothy 3:14-15).
He joined Paul, along with Silas and Luke, during their second missionary trip ( Acts 16:3).
Paul had Timothy circumcised so that he might have the freedom to preach the gospel in Jewish synagogues ( Acts 16:3; I Corinthians 9:20).
Because his mother was Jewish, he is considered Jewish, even though his father was a Greek. Now had it been reversed, and his father was Jewish and his mother a Greek, he would not be considered Jewish. The mother has to be Jewish to be considered Jewish.
For every believer, Paul fought for their minds, that their minds would be taken captive by Christ, and that their minds would be in obedience of Christ, and not following some false teaching.
Paul knowing that if you learn his gospel, that you would be learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will not contradict anything Jesus said. In fact, it would give more meaning and depth to it when we go into the teaching section.
All of Paul's letters (Romans to Philemon) are arranged according to 2 Timothy 3:16, that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine (the book of Romans), for reproof (which would be 1st and 2nd Corinthians), for correction (the book of Galatians), and for instruction in righteousness (and that's Ephesians through Philemon).
Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians are known as the prison epistles written by Paul when he was in prison, along with Philemon, the last letter.
So, there's a collection of four. The first three and the last one go together. And the reason why Philemon is on the end is because the personal letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon are put at the end of Paul's letters, and the church epistles, and the church letters are put at the front.
But just for your understanding, Philemon goes with Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. And then we have 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.
And then we have 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. I just shared with you 1 Timothy, and I am giving you 2 Timothy right now. These three (1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus) are known as pastoral epistles, Paul writing to Timothy and Titus who he put in charge of other churches. Titus was on the island of Crete.
And Timothy of course is the one who followed in Paul's footsteps. He took over for Paul after Paul's death. Paul trained him for over 20 years as he followed and went with Paul on his journeys.
So this is partly why I cannot be found offended in any part of my life or belief. Tomorrow is another work day with sweat involved and my wife and daughter tomorrow are driving together across the nation. Next Sunday, God willing I will pick up my wife again at the airport!! Praying for safety for the week!
Love is the point of this conversation, I know!
I hope you don't mind if I add a comment.
People have shared much Scripture in this thread. I am one who believes that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God. I believe each and all are fully God, but not three Gods. One in unity, three in persons, is what I believe. The Last Supper discourse in John is very informative on this.
But the Scripture I wish to share is Isaiah 9:6 where God is said to be an Everlasting Father (I understand that this prophecy is concerning Christ, but including this title shows that Christ is truly God in the oneness of the Godhead.
If God is called an Everlasting Father, then He is eternally a Father, therefore there would be an eternal Son or He would not be called Eternal Father. This title tells us that God did not become a Father at some point because He is said to be the Eternal Father. For this reason (and the many other verses speaking to Jesus' eternal divinity) I believe that the Son is also eternally a Son, and if eternal, then God because only God is eternal.
The concept of the Triunity of God is Scriptural. But it is an aspect of the Godhead that we in our finite, creaturely minds cannot ever comprehend. But we can believe it by faith in what is said in Scripture without having internal knowledge of how and what the Godhead is in His three Persons, but One Divine Being. It is easy for me to believe this, but others who have been taught differently will struggle with it more.
Paul even declared, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." 1 Timothy 3:16.
Speaking of Jesus, for He alone could be so described in that verse, it should leave one with no doubt that in Him dwelt 'all the fullness of the Godhead bodily '. It was indeed a mystery & certainly difficult to grasp with human intellect, but with both faith & understanding the nature of the sacrificial atonement & substitutionary aspects, no other sacrifice could ever make such a complete & eternal payment for our sins. The first Adam was made from the elements of the Earth but the last Adam was not but 'was a quickening (life-giving) Spirit '; for "the second man is the Lord from Heaven".
That is beautiful, as an old man that gave me chills. I totally agree that the Son of God came forth before anything that is. He was before the angels, before any creation, He is the beginning of creation, He is begotten, the only Son of God who came out from God and all that is, is by Him and for Him. Scripture does not tell us how he was begotten, born, or came out of God but He had a beginning.
My understanding that is not what John 1 is about, God has no beginning or no end, Jesus the Son of God is begotten He had a beginning, if not He would not truly be the Son of God. That beginning, (In the beginning) was before everything that is. He is the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" It started with the Son of God, and it will end with Him.
Thank you again for having this conversation still going through the Scriptures you posted.
God bless,
There should be; based on comments on my last post a sense of us being new creatures in Christ. In order to share the hope within us a testimony should be something we have "in and out of season." ( 2 Tim. 4:2). At least as important as how we first came to faith is a continuing testimony of our sanctification; and in particular how He has been faithful to us; often through answered prayer and circumstances of trials meant for our good. Let the reader look up the verses on God's chastisement for those He loves. We should if growing in God a healthy respect for that and should be able to testify how we have learned appreciation for such measures because it demonstrates His lovingkindness. (I am still working on finding it all joy to face various trials as James 1:2 exhorts).
Such "mundane" things related to family and God working things through those relationships is just as important as we find on a foreign mission field as it is part of our mission field. The same can be said; of course of our vocation and even recreation (hopefully where we have opportunities to share with those we hang out with and have similar interests). It is always facinating to me to see how God uses different individuals with different giftings to fulfill His purposes. There tends to be an unhealthy skew towards those with say a teaching gift if and when those with wisdom or discernment should be allowed to contribute helpful things to build up the church. For instance; a Pastor IF they are teaching truth will realize when someone is coming into the camp with doctrine contrary to scripture; but a discerning person can sense evil very fast and can preempt certain damage being done. From a practical viewpoint Pastors need to delegate responsibility much as Moses did after Jethro's good advice.
In short doctrinal truth needs to accompany the Spirit; lest we be as the Ephesians and lose our first love or preach another gospel to our ruin.
The other day I shared a bit how God appears to have revealed things to me through a dream and subsequent circumstances. I can only think of 2 other dreams that seemed to have showed me something. One was the night before my Grandmother died warning her that she would stand before God; the other about donuts when at a retreat; and when I woke up they found 5 bucks and bought a box of donuts for us. Some admittedly seem to dream more than others things of significance others seem to have insight or visions into the future.
Although I don't subscribe to the total Cessationist mindset I certainly don't want to cause unnecessary division here to those who do in regard to spiritual gifts. My focus here is on what is NECESSARY to experience which is the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come (if I have it memorized John 8:6 or something to that effect). We must learn to recognize His voice as His sheep and also other influences whether they be our own vain imaginations or that of demons influencing us. We must comprehend that we are not who we used to be; and that of course is helped by testing ourselves to see if we are in the faith. (again I'll let you guys find that verse man my memory is bad). Without the Spirit scripture simply doesn't come alive to us; and also the Divinity of Christ isn't comprehended (see Christ's comment to Peter on that subject).
Discernment I will say is necessary today; and I would also say that is needed for casting out demons which is also needed today. Nonetheless the GRIEVOUS abuses and fraudulent manipulations of obvious gibberish with the same few words and phrases in tongues; and the handful of physical healings with proper corroborating evidence; etc. along with other hoopla and often demonic Kundalini type movements make many clearly be a stench to God. The fruit of the lives of preachers; the integrity or lack thereof of the Word are 2 big issues.
Greetings in Christ JESUS
As you know, the Word is GOD, self-executable, great mystery. For a wonderful meditation: Philippians 3:20-21KJV
20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord JESUS Christ:
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
"we are comforted through the mercy of God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ and believe the gospel of John 3:16, namely, that God our heavenly Father in his unfathomable mercy has given us his only begotten Son Jesus Christ as a Redeemer and Savior, who fulfills for us all the righteousness of God, has taken away all of our sins, appeased the wrath of God, established peace between God and us, and has conquered Satan, the world, hell and death for us, etc. For he is the promised Seed who crushed the serpent's head, the Seed of blessing, in whom all generations of the earth are and shall be blessed that believe in his name.
He is the true Messiah, our King and High Priest who by the one holy offering of his body and blood has reconciled his people with God. He is the Throne of Grace established by God for us, whereby we draw nigh to God, and have free access unto him by the Holy Spirit. He is our horn of salvation, and in short, our eternal life. For there is no name given us under heaven whereby we may be saved but by his name alone."
So my thought on the origin of the Word that it proceeded from God in the beginning was before the Word was made flesh.
I am not offended in any way. Your argument is not with me, it is with the Word of God and God Himself.
But if Christ is not God, He cannot be our Savior and we are still in our sins and subject to the Wrath of God.
And that is not a gospel I would ever want to associate myself with.
I can't think of a more serious question for anyone to resolve.
May God lead you into truth as you search His Word.
Sory for the delay, thank you for your reply like you said it is a very contentious subject with roots that are 1600 years old and nowhere in Scripture is salvation based on it. That was done in the Athanasian Creed in 415 AD. I want get into all that.
Thanks again and Truth Will Out.
God bless,
Sory for the delay, thank you for your reply, I agree with the word, and it being translated Easter is no big deal it does not change the meaning of what was going on. Easter is one day, and Passover is one day, and it is a preparation day, it is not a feast. The Passover meal is eaten on the night of the 15th of Nisan not on Passover day the 14th. When Luke wrote Acts, Easter was not a Christian holiday, it would have been resurrection day or the Feast of Firstfruits.
When they translated it, Easter was a Christian Holiday that is the question why. Thank you for your knowledge of the Greek language you are a blessing to us on this site.
God bless,
I have been reading and studying the Scriptures you have posted, I will touch on a few, by the way, great work. Again, I know my understanding may be different and I do not want to offend, I do thank you for this discussion.
John 1:4 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." This life came from the Father,
My understanding of this, it is part of John's prolog to his gospel as John writes, "In the beginning" is the beginning of Jesus's ministry, not before creation. Mark used it in Mark 1:1 also in Luke 1:2 and John uses it again in 1 John 1:1 "From the beginning" he is again talking about the beginning of Jesus's ministry, "the Word of life" which was the eternal life from the Father, John 5:26. This life is that light that shined and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we behold his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
Jesus the true only begotten Son of God, who came out from the Father John 16:27. He was sent by the Father, Galatians 4:4 from the glory of the Father, the same matter, and divinity as the Father, and the Word was made flesh, born of a virgin and walked among us. We see in Revelation 19:13 His name is called The Word of God. Full of unfailing love and obedience to the Father, God was manifested in Him on earth 1 John 1:2 1 John 4:2 1 John 4:9. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit without measure.
John 3:34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
Will study more of your posts and reply, if you want to continue the conversation, I understand your time is tight.
God bless,
Yes, we are often called to wait in the Spirit for an answer to prayer to come or for the fulfillment of a calling to ministry. Learning how to wait on Him is a challenge. What do we do in the time of waiting?
What changes are we to make in this time of waiting? Are we to just "carry on" our normal life until the waiting time is completed?
There can be many types of instances where we are to wait for what the Spirit has led us to expect. The disciples had not been told not to go fishing after they had seen the resurrected Lord in the Upper Room nor did they where not told when Jesus would come to them again. But before His ascension He did come to them and opened up the Scriptures to them (OT) to show their meaning, how they typified Himself and how the prophecies were fulfilled in Him. Then Jesus blew on them and said to "receive the Holy Spirit" (which they did at that time). He then told them to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the promised Spirit with power.
I don't have much of anything to add to what I've already said. But I do want to emphasize some things.
Your view of OT Salvation is a Gospel of Grace plus Works. In that while the OT Believe was saved by Christ's Atonement their obedience to the Ceremonial Law contributed to their Salvation in some way. And that is not possible based on everything we read in the Bible about the Nature of Salvation. Salvation is by God's Grace ALONE. It is 100% the work of God. Remember the man who picked up a few sticks in Numbers.
In John 3 where Jesus is talking with Nicodemus about Becoming "Born Again", He was clearly expecting Nicodemus, a teacher, a Pharisee, someone that should have been familiar with what was required for Salvation in the OT, to have understood this as a MASTER OF ISRAEL. John 3:10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a MASTER OF ISRAEL, and knowest not these things?
This idea of OT Believers going to a place called Hades when they die is not taught in the Bible. I know that you want to put your weight on the story of Luke 16 about the Rich Man and Lazarus. But when we examine that story very carefully we know for a certainty that it is not talking about a possible historical event. That story is NOT a "historical parable" it is a "parable" like many that Jesus told when on earth to teach some Spiritual Truth. Nowhere does the Bible teach that someone "buried" has "eyes" to see or that there could be any communication with Abraham who is in Heaven. The Bible just absolutely does not teach that. Nor does the Bible anywhere teach that OT Believers go to a place called Hades when they die.
So, forgive me for being so bold and presumptuous, but it seems to me that your Dispensational view of the Scriptures forces you into an understanding of God's Judgment and Salvation Plan for Mankind that is complex and convoluted. And prevents you from seeing the consistency and cohesiveness throughout the Bible.
We too, who have been called may suffer these things that concern who and what we will be.
Waiting on the Spirit, is the most important moment in any disciples life. When Jesus does appear, His spirit will make you dive into the waters of life,without concern for the consequences.
There will be this moment, which for some seems an eternity, and yet as Christ appeared in the storm, suddenly they would find themselves at the shore.
Waiting on the Spirit is the key to understanding when and how He shows up. when you understand these things, then you truly are on the doorstep of the kingdom of God! Repent and be Baptized