are guided by their own wills.d And you unholy ones, what have you in the Scriptures? they belong not to you, for they were holy men that spoke them forth. And you that are led by your carnal wisdom and reason, and not by the movings of the Holy Ghost, what have you in the Scriptures, for they were given forth by the movings of the Holy Ghost; and they condemn you and your ways, who are not guided by the same Spirit that gave them forth. And you who take them to plead for sin, and live in it, what have you to do in the Scriptures, who use them quite contrary to the end for which they were given forth? for they were given forth by holy men from the Holy Spirit, for holy ends, and they condemn you and your practice, and you are shut out of them who would use them to uphold the devil's kingdom and your own lusts. You envious scorners, backbiters, and false accusers, you are shut out of the Scriptures, and they condemn you. Swearers and liars, the Scriptures have shut you out, and by them you are condemned. You drunkards, gluttons, whoremongers, and unclean persons, what have you to do to talk of the Scriptures, which holy men gave forth, they witness against your filthy practices. You
covetous and proud oppressors, you are rasede out of the Scriptures and saints' conditions and are found amongst the heathen. You fighters, quarrellers and violent persons, who live in strife and contention, suing one another for carnal things, you are condemned by the Scriptures and shut out of them. You wanton lustful ones who live to the flesh in your sports and pleasures, you are witnessed against by the Scriptures and have no right in them. And you hypocritical professors of all sorts and forms, who have got the saints' words and worshipsf in notion and form, but live not the life of saints, nor led by that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures and by which the saints were guided and sanctified, you have naught to do with the Scriptures; they were not given out to imitate and jangle upon, but to be fulfilled: not to talk on and live in the world's ways, words and customs and fashions in your own wills, lusts and pleasures; for they that spoke them forth were come out of the world and did witness against all the ways and worships of it; and they spoke notg other men's words from the letter, ash you do; nor did they imitatei other men's practice, but by the eternal spirit were they guided into the
piritual worship, and by that spirit did they speak forth the Scripture; not to the world or formal professors, butj to such as had denied the world, and had given themselves up to be guided by the holy Spirit in holy ways: and they spoke their own conditions, and their own measures, holding forth to others, what they had received of God, and not what others had received; and their kingdom stood not in words but in power. And here are you shut out of the Scriptures and their conditions, who say and do not, and your kingdom is in words, and not in life and power; you hypocrites, and formal imitators, who worship by what you imagine and conceive from other men's words, but have it not from the same Spirit that they had. You are shut out of the Scriptures, and they witness against you and your imagined ways and worships. You that preach and pray, and not by the movings of the Spirit of God, you are shut out of the Scriptures, and your invented words and long prayers are condemned by them to be heathenish; and all your ordinances, your singing and sacraments which are not in
the same Spirit, is condemned by the Scriptures; and whatever you do in your worshipsk to God, and not in the power and guiding of the same eternal Spirit, the Scriptures witness against you and your worship, and declares you to be led by al contrary spirit, which is not the same, and you are among the heathen who worship in vain, and receives no acceptance from God, for you receive for doctrines the commandments of men, & your fear towards God is taught by the precepts of men, & not by the Spirit, & what you have is by tradition; and here you are shut out of the Scriptures. Wherefore cease your tattling of other men's conditions inm the scriptures, and see what right yourselves have in them; and mind to see what you are, and what the saints were, and apply your own conditions and promises to yourselves, and not other men's.n And cease your stealing, you thieves that have found out other ways to climb up, and not in at the door by which the saints have always entered, for all that come in at the door witness against you and your stoleno words and forms; and by that Spirit that leads in at the door are you discovered to be thieves, and judgment is coming against you, and you shall restore fourfold for all you have stolen and shall be brought to poverty for all your riches, and youp first shall be last of all
And you hirelings and parish masters who bear rule by your means over your hearers, what have you to do to talk of the Scriptures, as to declare the statutes of the Almighty, since you hate to be reformed or to come into their condition that gave them forth: you trade in the letter for gain but are not conformable to them that spoke it forth; it was not given forth by any that made a gain of it for carnal ends to get riches; no, they that gave it forth bare witness against your generation, to be hirelings, covetous, proud boasters, greedy dumb dogs, idol shepherds that could never have enough, belly-gods, such whose teachings never brought any to the knowledge of the truth. Ravening wolves in sheep's clothing, who had the form but not the power; now what have you to do with the Scripture or the saints
conditions,q to talk them over to people for money, you are shut out of the Scripturesr; cease your stealing that which was other men's, and take your own in the Scriptures, which are the woes and plagues pronounced against your generation by them who gave forth the Scripture, and sell that to your hearers, for the saints conditions you are strangers to, and you have no inheritance in them but are found without, amongst them who professed the letter but were enemies to that Spirit that gave it forth; and you are found doing the same works now, stirring up the powers of the earth against them in whom that Spirit is manifest; as did your fathers, so do you, and fill up their measure, that upon you may come the sufferings of all the holy men of God. And here you are shut out of the Scriptures and are ignorant of that Spirit that gave them forth and the ends for which they were written; and you take those promises that were given to holy men, and
you apply them to such as live in theirs filthiness; and those Scriptures that were written to warn people from sin, you take and wrest to make people believe that they shall never be set free from sin while they live; and thus being ignorant of that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, you are led by a contrary spirit and so contradict the Holy Spirit; and God in wisdom hath hid the mystery of the Scripture from that spirit that acts in you, and hath shut it out and you with it. And hence it is that when you meddle with the Scriptures you are in such confusion and sets one scripture against another, and then twine and wrest and add to your own invented meanings to reconcile them again; but they who are guided by the same Spirit that gave them forth sees your folly, and that the Scriptures are at unity, and so are all that come into them to live the life of them in their measures, but you are without the life of them, and your kingdom stands in words and not in power and therefore is confused, and you lead into confusion all that follows you. Wherefore all you that fear the Lord, mind not words but the power, and believe not men because they run rambling up and down the Scriptures, but see what right they have in them, which is no more than they live the life of them; for while you follow these you are kept out of the kingdom of God, and feed upon words and wind; but the kingdom of God consists not in words, but in power and life.
Thank you for letting us know John. There is good and knowing. That Jesus hears our prayers. Hallelujah praise be to our god and Father who cares for us all, in Jesus name. Always stand ready and help where you can. Acts 6. Love you in Christ. Stay strong in the Lord.
I think you need to reestudy more deeply because the Law was not given by GOD to Israel to give life to them, GOD knew of this, of course. Neither to lead them to death, this was not the point of GOD. The Law was established to put a moral discipline among the people which GOD had freed from Pharaoh's yoke.
The GOD's people developed and grown up exceedingly in Egypt, and in the way of desert they were living as brute beasts, and the idolatry of Egypt was in their heart. So to walk among them, GOD established the Law: The 1st: Thou shalt have no other gods before me; no image, no bow down to them; not take my name in vain; keep the sabbath day;Honour thy father and thy mother:not kill; not commit adultery;not steal;no false witness, and not covet.
No, God's Standards, showed not the nature of sin by the Law. Sin would be to disobey GOD, this is correct. Nor GOD's Standards showed the condition of the human heart, the Law would never do that. Actually, GOD laid down the moral Law and just required obedience, that's it. The sin would be to disobey GOD.
You say they were inability to fully meet the Law's demands. No, it' was not about inability to obey Law's demands, even Paul said that "the Gentiles, which have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law, these, having not the law"; So Israel, that was the body of Moses, with the presence of GOD among them could perfectly to LITERALLY obey the Law. The battle was between GOD X the Devil in having the dominion of the people.
About the Bible's letter it"is NOT a stumbling block;it is the very(written)Word of God,given by the Spirit & enabling that Word to be applied to the believer", BUT only if it as long as it be interpreted by the Spirit, otherwise, if interpreted by the letter, it is a stumbling block, yes, and it kills exactly as the Devil did- Genesis 3:1- and they died by the letter and die to this day, including the gods- Psalms 82:6-7 combined with Isaiah 41:23.Take a look.Very deep
Hi Strobe. In Genesis 3:20, Adam named his wife 'Eve' (Hebrew, Chavvah), as this name means, "life, or living". You might remember that Adam first called her 'woman' (Ishshah, Genesis 2:23), meaning, 'woman, female' (as one coming out from man), but then he named her, Eve. We aren't told what prompted Adam to now call her Eve; probably, he saw in her the God-given capacity to reproduce & hence be the progenitor of others of their type, not being created in the way God had done for them. So this verse then strongly implies that there were no living humans before Adam & Eve, as Eve was our very first Mother & all in the world must come through her line & manner of birth (not creation).
Thanks for your comments Oseas. I can see that we read & understand the Bible in differently. You write: "the letter kills, I would say "letters" are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". In writing about the 'letter kills', Paul (in 2 Corinthians 3:6) is contrasting the Letter of the Law given to Israel, which could never give them life, but only lead to death. There was nothing wrong with the Commandments of God: they showed God's Standards, the nature of sin & condition of the human heart, & their inability to fully meet the Law's demands. "But what the Law (the Letter) could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh" ( Romans 8:3).
And when His Son paid sin's price, the Letter of the Law had no more hold on those who looked to Him & not to the Letter to save them. God's Spirit was given to believers, who would now be subject to the Spirit: "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" ( Romans 8:2). So, the letter of the Bible is NOT a stumbling block; it is the very Word of God, given by the Spirit & enabling that Word to be applied to the believer. If we dismiss the Word of God as just being 'a letter (a tree if knowledge)', then we must also dismiss that the Word is "God-breathed", yet we must obey it 'to the letter'. If we don't, then we can do whatever we want with it, even as we see the behavior of many so-called believers. Let's not try to be so tuned to the Spirit so as to avoid the very Words that the Spirit has given us for our understanding & obedience. The Holy Spirit will never ask us to do or behave in a way that is inconsistent with the revealed Word of God.
As far as the 'root of sin being the sound of words by a lying tongue', the Devil might be the author of sin, but we can (as the Lord Himself did) choose to listen & obey him or not. Sin lies at our door - the door of our heart.
I agree with this FrankieJ. One experience I have had is my own flesh still wants to be a king in Babylon even after finding an assurance of Salvation by the mighty peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we share.
Thank you FrankieJ! Even Daniel who died in faith lived in the flesh in Babylon. The warfare that continues is between the flesh and the Spirit. Our heart cannot be in this world or we are trying to serve two masters. So it is spiritual vs natural. Only until we die we need by the Grace and peace of God in Christ keep His peace while in the flesh in its darkness and His marvelous Light. We, however do not by our own flesh want to give honor of the power of Christ to any part of this world. We can love our neighbor because He first loved us in saving grace. Honor the True King. He left us in the conquered world for His purpose for a time. His Kingdom is present and Spiritual if we only believe until the end.
I agree when we die this life is over, we are no longer in the time we live in, minutes, hours, days, and years for there is no knowledge in death. That is why death in the Bible is called sleep, Psalms 13:3Daniel 12:2. It is like when we go to sleep we do not have any knowledge of time or what is going on around us. When we die it is like we go to sleep and the next thing we know is when we are resurrected, we awake from death, whether it is a day, or thousands of years.
Thank you brother. Your comments & research have prompted me to be more alert to the Greek texts (& possibly Hebrew as well), ensuring that a diligent rendering be made to the KJV (TR).
Every 'deception' and 'truth' can be confirmed with the 'Word of God' for the 'Word is God ' ( John 1:1). It is the only Book in the world that is able to do that.
The Word of God is not a Book, the Bible, it's the words of God & a true testimony of Him, but not God the Word.
Was the Bible in the beginning with God or was God the Word ? Is the Bible able to discern the intend & thoughts of your heart? or God the Word, who is a sharp two edged sword piercing even to the dividing of soul & spirit. Is the Bible able to ride a white horse ? or the Word of God, Rev 19:11-16
It was the Word of God who the Lord possess in the beginning of His ways, Proverbs 8:22-36
Christ the Word, the power & the Wisdom of God who was with God in the beginning.
You been corrected in this seven mountain theory of yours,
Friend, it appears that He, the living Word of God has found you out & your faith is flawed, for your own words are a witness against you, deceived would be a appropriated word for this situation you now find yourself in.
Unfortunately in your carnal natural state your understanding has been blinded to this, but there is repentance if you turn from darkness, from the power of Satan to God, the Light that been reveal to you. Ephesians 5:18
& truly may God grant you this repentance, though it maybe just a sin of ignorance.
my sister says if a person has been saved, you don't have to be baptized and because you have been saved nothing can stop you from going to heaven. I have been saved, but not baptized, but I also believe that you still need to do what is right to get to heaven. Don't we still need to follow the 10 commandments? I get so confused listening to different people preach, how do you know which one is right.
yes, God reaches out to us while we're yet in Babylon, We must become obedient, pick up the cross & follow Christ out of her as commanded. lests we become partaker of her sins & plagues. Rev 18:4
Hi Frankie, Just meditating a little. Babylon is clearly a hostile environment for the believer and yet God draws men to Christ on the Cross even this day, so we harden not our hearts to this purpose while yet dwelling in Babylon.
Thanks brother Jesse for all the information provided. May God bless you for the effort and work done to collect all that info and copy them for us in this site. GBU
You are right,what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD.The Word is GOD, self-executable.The Word of GOD is exclusivelly referring to the 7 hills where is sat a certain Whore which rides upon a Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns, as says the Word of GOD-Rev.13:1-9
By the way,the roots of the Beast is Babylon described in verse 3: "the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,and his feet were as the feet of a bear,and his mouth as the mouth of a lion(Babylon),decribed in Daniel 7:3-6
By exclusion,there is not any Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns in"Jerusalem being one of them as well as Babylon,Moscow,Mecca,Lisbon,Tehra,Ammon and 19U.S.cities also",so what GiGi said in his reply has nothing to do with the Scriptures as he thinks erroneously from a human perspective
Scripture is really referring to the seven hills of the Antichrist's cradle,a devilish religious system developed by Satan within the Roman Empire,after he had corrupted the Church of Rome that was established by the Apostles Paul and even Peter,both were killed by persecution,thus was developed a satanic Antichrist's movement through the corrupt church of Rome,the ancient Catholic Church,later Roman Catholic Church.Notice that the book of Revelation describes 7 churches,and the church of Rome would be the eighth,it was left out because the APOSTATE church of Rome already had been reproved by JESUS
The Church of Rome still existent developed a systematic opposition against to the true Churches of the Lord that preached the Gospel of God's Kingdom,preached firstly by the Lord JESUS Christ,and after by the Apostles and disciples of the Lord.By the way,The Gosple of GOD's Kingdom is still preached today
19 They went out from us, because they were not of us;for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us:but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not of us
It is clearly written in the 'Word of God' that 'The Mystery Babylon' sat on 'mountains' not 'hills', which you referred to, through which this whole world has been deceived ( Rev. 12:9).
Actually there are other cities built on or between 7 hills, Jerusalem being one of them as well as Babylon, Moscow, Mecca, Lisbon, Tehra, Ammon and 19 U.S. cities also.
Thank you for your reply.There are two interesting points. See that the point of your speaking/speech, about death&the grave,it is about the letters of a translation and specific biblical versions. Also you say that"the 'root' is the sin nature passed onto each one of us,which we can't avoid..."
Let's see, we are speaking of the Word of GOD,the Word is GOD, GOD is Spirit,the Spirit gives life,so He is my focus,for the letter kills,I would say"letters" are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,GOD x DEVIL,GOD recommended you shall not eat of "letters",for in the day that you eat thereof you shalt surely die.Why?The letter of the Bible is a stumblingblok, understand? Only and only the Spirit gives life, is Truth
See, There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going(or understands his steps)Prov.14:12&15.A wholesome tongue is a TREE OF LIFE:but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit(it causes destruction by spirit)-Prov.15:4.
The other point: See, The"root" is not the sin.Sin entered the world by the Devil's tongue,sin is an effect of the sound of words sounded by the lying tongue,even in the interpretation of the Word of GOD,in fact this is the greatest sin,in fact the source of sin is the tongue-Gen.3:1.
Thus GOD says by His Word:Deut.30:19-20KJV
19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you,that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH,blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE,that both thou and thy seed may live:
20 That you may love the Lord thy GOD,and that you may obey His voice,and that you may cleave unto Him:for He is thy life,and the length of thy days:...
You said:"the tongue can only do when the root of evil in the human heart begins to manifest itself".You forget that the manifestations are the effect of the evil things the men saw and heard.That which comes out of the MOUTH,this defiles a man-Matt.15:11.
are guided by their own wills.d And you unholy ones, what have you in the Scriptures? they belong not to you, for they were holy men that spoke them forth. And you that are led by your carnal wisdom and reason, and not by the movings of the Holy Ghost, what have you in the Scriptures, for they were given forth by the movings of the Holy Ghost; and they condemn you and your ways, who are not guided by the same Spirit that gave them forth. And you who take them to plead for sin, and live in it, what have you to do in the Scriptures, who use them quite contrary to the end for which they were given forth? for they were given forth by holy men from the Holy Spirit, for holy ends, and they condemn you and your practice, and you are shut out of them who would use them to uphold the devil's kingdom and your own lusts. You envious scorners, backbiters, and false accusers, you are shut out of the Scriptures, and they condemn you. Swearers and liars, the Scriptures have shut you out, and by them you are condemned. You drunkards, gluttons, whoremongers, and unclean persons, what have you to do to talk of the Scriptures, which holy men gave forth, they witness against your filthy practices. You
covetous and proud oppressors, you are rasede out of the Scriptures and saints' conditions and are found amongst the heathen. You fighters, quarrellers and violent persons, who live in strife and contention, suing one another for carnal things, you are condemned by the Scriptures and shut out of them. You wanton lustful ones who live to the flesh in your sports and pleasures, you are witnessed against by the Scriptures and have no right in them. And you hypocritical professors of all sorts and forms, who have got the saints' words and worshipsf in notion and form, but live not the life of saints, nor led by that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures and by which the saints were guided and sanctified, you have naught to do with the Scriptures; they were not given out to imitate and jangle upon, but to be fulfilled: not to talk on and live in the world's ways, words and customs and fashions in your own wills, lusts and pleasures; for they that spoke them forth were come out of the world and did witness against all the ways and worships of it; and they spoke notg other men's words from the letter, ash you do; nor did they imitatei other men's practice, but by the eternal spirit were they guided into the
piritual worship, and by that spirit did they speak forth the Scripture; not to the world or formal professors, butj to such as had denied the world, and had given themselves up to be guided by the holy Spirit in holy ways: and they spoke their own conditions, and their own measures, holding forth to others, what they had received of God, and not what others had received; and their kingdom stood not in words but in power. And here are you shut out of the Scriptures and their conditions, who say and do not, and your kingdom is in words, and not in life and power; you hypocrites, and formal imitators, who worship by what you imagine and conceive from other men's words, but have it not from the same Spirit that they had. You are shut out of the Scriptures, and they witness against you and your imagined ways and worships. You that preach and pray, and not by the movings of the Spirit of God, you are shut out of the Scriptures, and your invented words and long prayers are condemned by them to be heathenish; and all your ordinances, your singing and sacraments which are not in
the same Spirit, is condemned by the Scriptures; and whatever you do in your worshipsk to God, and not in the power and guiding of the same eternal Spirit, the Scriptures witness against you and your worship, and declares you to be led by al contrary spirit, which is not the same, and you are among the heathen who worship in vain, and receives no acceptance from God, for you receive for doctrines the commandments of men, & your fear towards God is taught by the precepts of men, & not by the Spirit, & what you have is by tradition; and here you are shut out of the Scriptures. Wherefore cease your tattling of other men's conditions inm the scriptures, and see what right yourselves have in them; and mind to see what you are, and what the saints were, and apply your own conditions and promises to yourselves, and not other men's.n And cease your stealing, you thieves that have found out other ways to climb up, and not in at the door by which the saints have always entered, for all that come in at the door witness against you and your stoleno words and forms; and by that Spirit that leads in at the door are you discovered to be thieves, and judgment is coming against you, and you shall restore fourfold for all you have stolen and shall be brought to poverty for all your riches, and youp first shall be last of all
And you hirelings and parish masters who bear rule by your means over your hearers, what have you to do to talk of the Scriptures, as to declare the statutes of the Almighty, since you hate to be reformed or to come into their condition that gave them forth: you trade in the letter for gain but are not conformable to them that spoke it forth; it was not given forth by any that made a gain of it for carnal ends to get riches; no, they that gave it forth bare witness against your generation, to be hirelings, covetous, proud boasters, greedy dumb dogs, idol shepherds that could never have enough, belly-gods, such whose teachings never brought any to the knowledge of the truth. Ravening wolves in sheep's clothing, who had the form but not the power; now what have you to do with the Scripture or the saints
conditions,q to talk them over to people for money, you are shut out of the Scripturesr; cease your stealing that which was other men's, and take your own in the Scriptures, which are the woes and plagues pronounced against your generation by them who gave forth the Scripture, and sell that to your hearers, for the saints conditions you are strangers to, and you have no inheritance in them but are found without, amongst them who professed the letter but were enemies to that Spirit that gave it forth; and you are found doing the same works now, stirring up the powers of the earth against them in whom that Spirit is manifest; as did your fathers, so do you, and fill up their measure, that upon you may come the sufferings of all the holy men of God. And here you are shut out of the Scriptures and are ignorant of that Spirit that gave them forth and the ends for which they were written; and you take those promises that were given to holy men, and
you apply them to such as live in theirs filthiness; and those Scriptures that were written to warn people from sin, you take and wrest to make people believe that they shall never be set free from sin while they live; and thus being ignorant of that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, you are led by a contrary spirit and so contradict the Holy Spirit; and God in wisdom hath hid the mystery of the Scripture from that spirit that acts in you, and hath shut it out and you with it. And hence it is that when you meddle with the Scriptures you are in such confusion and sets one scripture against another, and then twine and wrest and add to your own invented meanings to reconcile them again; but they who are guided by the same Spirit that gave them forth sees your folly, and that the Scriptures are at unity, and so are all that come into them to live the life of them in their measures, but you are without the life of them, and your kingdom stands in words and not in power and therefore is confused, and you lead into confusion all that follows you. Wherefore all you that fear the Lord, mind not words but the power, and believe not men because they run rambling up and down the Scriptures, but see what right they have in them, which is no more than they live the life of them; for while you follow these you are kept out of the kingdom of God, and feed upon words and wind; but the kingdom of God consists not in words, but in power and life.
I think you need to reestudy more deeply because the Law was not given by GOD to Israel to give life to them, GOD knew of this, of course. Neither to lead them to death, this was not the point of GOD. The Law was established to put a moral discipline among the people which GOD had freed from Pharaoh's yoke.
The GOD's people developed and grown up exceedingly in Egypt, and in the way of desert they were living as brute beasts, and the idolatry of Egypt was in their heart. So to walk among them, GOD established the Law: The 1st: Thou shalt have no other gods before me; no image, no bow down to them; not take my name in vain; keep the sabbath day;Honour thy father and thy mother:not kill; not commit adultery;not steal;no false witness, and not covet.
No, God's Standards, showed not the nature of sin by the Law. Sin would be to disobey GOD, this is correct. Nor GOD's Standards showed the condition of the human heart, the Law would never do that. Actually, GOD laid down the moral Law and just required obedience, that's it. The sin would be to disobey GOD.
You say they were inability to fully meet the Law's demands. No, it' was not about inability to obey Law's demands, even Paul said that "the Gentiles, which have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law, these, having not the law"; So Israel, that was the body of Moses, with the presence of GOD among them could perfectly to LITERALLY obey the Law. The battle was between GOD X the Devil in having the dominion of the people.
About the Bible's letter it"is NOT a stumbling block;it is the very(written)Word of God,given by the Spirit & enabling that Word to be applied to the believer", BUT only if it as long as it be interpreted by the Spirit, otherwise, if interpreted by the letter, it is a stumbling block, yes, and it kills exactly as the Devil did- Genesis 3:1- and they died by the letter and die to this day, including the gods- Psalms 82:6-7 combined with Isaiah 41:23.Take a look.Very deep
You are welcome, and thank you also for the additional information you provided along the way!
Blessings to you also my brother!
And when His Son paid sin's price, the Letter of the Law had no more hold on those who looked to Him & not to the Letter to save them. God's Spirit was given to believers, who would now be subject to the Spirit: "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" ( Romans 8:2). So, the letter of the Bible is NOT a stumbling block; it is the very Word of God, given by the Spirit & enabling that Word to be applied to the believer. If we dismiss the Word of God as just being 'a letter (a tree if knowledge)', then we must also dismiss that the Word is "God-breathed", yet we must obey it 'to the letter'. If we don't, then we can do whatever we want with it, even as we see the behavior of many so-called believers. Let's not try to be so tuned to the Spirit so as to avoid the very Words that the Spirit has given us for our understanding & obedience. The Holy Spirit will never ask us to do or behave in a way that is inconsistent with the revealed Word of God.
As far as the 'root of sin being the sound of words by a lying tongue', the Devil might be the author of sin, but we can (as the Lord Himself did) choose to listen & obey him or not. Sin lies at our door - the door of our heart.
I agree when we die this life is over, we are no longer in the time we live in, minutes, hours, days, and years for there is no knowledge in death. That is why death in the Bible is called sleep, Psalms 13:3 Daniel 12:2. It is like when we go to sleep we do not have any knowledge of time or what is going on around us. When we die it is like we go to sleep and the next thing we know is when we are resurrected, we awake from death, whether it is a day, or thousands of years.
God bless.
Let take a look at what you stated
Every 'deception' and 'truth' can be confirmed with the 'Word of God' for the 'Word is God ' ( John 1:1). It is the only Book in the world that is able to do that.
The Word of God is not a Book, the Bible, it's the words of God & a true testimony of Him, but not God the Word.
Was the Bible in the beginning with God or was God the Word ? Is the Bible able to discern the intend & thoughts of your heart? or God the Word, who is a sharp two edged sword piercing even to the dividing of soul & spirit. Is the Bible able to ride a white horse ? or the Word of God, Rev 19:11-16
It was the Word of God who the Lord possess in the beginning of His ways, Proverbs 8:22-36
Christ the Word, the power & the Wisdom of God who was with God in the beginning.
You been corrected in this seven mountain theory of yours,
Friend, it appears that He, the living Word of God has found you out & your faith is flawed, for your own words are a witness against you, deceived would be a appropriated word for this situation you now find yourself in.
Unfortunately in your carnal natural state your understanding has been blinded to this, but there is repentance if you turn from darkness, from the power of Satan to God, the Light that been reveal to you. Ephesians 5:18
& truly may God grant you this repentance, though it maybe just a sin of ignorance.
A friend In love & truth
yes, God reaches out to us while we're yet in Babylon, We must become obedient, pick up the cross & follow Christ out of her as commanded. lests we become partaker of her sins & plagues. Rev 18:4
2 Cor 6:14-18
A friend to the Truth
I have done a research and found out that you quoted 1 Cor 15:55 from the critical edition of the NT, not from the Received Text.
You are right,what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD.The Word is GOD, self-executable.The Word of GOD is exclusivelly referring to the 7 hills where is sat a certain Whore which rides upon a Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns, as says the Word of GOD-Rev.13:1-9
By the way,the roots of the Beast is Babylon described in verse 3: "the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,and his feet were as the feet of a bear,and his mouth as the mouth of a lion(Babylon),decribed in Daniel 7:3-6
By exclusion,there is not any Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns in"Jerusalem being one of them as well as Babylon,Moscow,Mecca,Lisbon,Tehra,Ammon and 19U.S.cities also",so what GiGi said in his reply has nothing to do with the Scriptures as he thinks erroneously from a human perspective
Scripture is really referring to the seven hills of the Antichrist's cradle,a devilish religious system developed by Satan within the Roman Empire,after he had corrupted the Church of Rome that was established by the Apostles Paul and even Peter,both were killed by persecution,thus was developed a satanic Antichrist's movement through the corrupt church of Rome,the ancient Catholic Church,later Roman Catholic Church.Notice that the book of Revelation describes 7 churches,and the church of Rome would be the eighth,it was left out because the APOSTATE church of Rome already had been reproved by JESUS
The Church of Rome still existent developed a systematic opposition against to the true Churches of the Lord that preached the Gospel of God's Kingdom,preached firstly by the Lord JESUS Christ,and after by the Apostles and disciples of the Lord.By the way,The Gosple of GOD's Kingdom is still preached today
19 They went out from us, because they were not of us;for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us:but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not of us
Actually there are other cities built on or between 7 hills, Jerusalem being one of them as well as Babylon, Moscow, Mecca, Lisbon, Tehra, Ammon and 19 U.S. cities also.
Thank you for your reply.There are two interesting points. See that the point of your speaking/speech, about death&the grave,it is about the letters of a translation and specific biblical versions. Also you say that"the 'root' is the sin nature passed onto each one of us,which we can't avoid..."
Let's see, we are speaking of the Word of GOD,the Word is GOD, GOD is Spirit,the Spirit gives life,so He is my focus,for the letter kills,I would say"letters" are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,GOD x DEVIL,GOD recommended you shall not eat of "letters",for in the day that you eat thereof you shalt surely die.Why?The letter of the Bible is a stumblingblok, understand? Only and only the Spirit gives life, is Truth
See, There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going(or understands his steps)Prov.14:12&15.A wholesome tongue is a TREE OF LIFE:but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit(it causes destruction by spirit)-Prov.15:4.
The other point: See, The"root" is not the sin.Sin entered the world by the Devil's tongue,sin is an effect of the sound of words sounded by the lying tongue,even in the interpretation of the Word of GOD,in fact this is the greatest sin,in fact the source of sin is the tongue-Gen.3:1.
Thus GOD says by His Word:Deut.30:19-20KJV
19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you,that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH,blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE,that both thou and thy seed may live:
20 That you may love the Lord thy GOD,and that you may obey His voice,and that you may cleave unto Him:for He is thy life,and the length of thy days:...
You said:"the tongue can only do when the root of evil in the human heart begins to manifest itself".You forget that the manifestations are the effect of the evil things the men saw and heard.That which comes out of the MOUTH,this defiles a man-Matt.15:11.