Thank you Giannis. Deuteronomy 7:6-8: "For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt."
It seems that was already in God's Mind & Plan that He would 'create' a special people (as you mentioned), & that would happen coming out from the people of the world; and according to His Oath made to Israel's forefathers, setting His Love upon them. God could have chosen any people, but was it just a random selection/chance that the lot fell on Abraham & his progeny? Or did God already know that Abraham would be the one to obey the call & leave everything behind in obedience, in love & servitude to the Living God? Or, could God have selected a dozen possible men from the world & pick the one who showed the greatest propensity to obey & follow Him? We could have many options, but without God's Omniscience being at the forefront in His Elective Program, to me, nothing else seems to fit for understanding (to some degree) the mysterious workings of God.
It does make any difference whether we talk about Israel or the church when we refer to "selection". Both were selected, for different reasons but with the same way. Israel for bringing the Savior into the world and the church for bringing the Savior all over the world.
Has God chosen Israel? Actually the answer is that God didn't chose but actually created Israel through Abraham. So all Israel through the centuries was invited/selected to participate in His plan to bring the Savior on earth but not everybody was willing to participate. Everybody in that nation was selected but not everybody accepted that invitation. It says somewhere that (in my words) many are invited but few are selected. Why would God invite somebody whom He wouldn't want to save? Here the free will of people comes into account.
Similarly Judas was selected and invited to be an apostle but he didn't guard his heart and eventually loved money more than Jesus, and we know his end.
If God selects someone for any reason other than knowing beforehand their attitude towards His gospel, then He would had been an unrighteous God. And we know He is not. Jesus has revealed to us everything we need to know about God, His character, His attitudes, etc
There is a lot packed into this verse ( 2 Corinthians 4:4), and much more can be said but I tried to keep it short. Yes, I agree, Israel's blindness is temporary. God has made a promise to Israel and when the Lord returns, that promise will be fulfilled.
And you're correct about 2 Peter 3:9 & of course, John 3:16,17. How could we speak of a loving God Who has 'suffered long with a wholly sinful & depraved world, & yet not be willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance'? And this verse could not be applied solely to the elect whom God will save, and not the world of sinners, because He would know that according to His Plan of Election, that the Elect would definitely be saved & could never perish into everlasting fire - for that is not His Will & Plan for His Elect. It therefore must mean that God is giving the world time to hear the Gospel, be convicted by His Holy Spirit, repent, & be saved - and this salvation & rebirth they receive reveals God's Election for them; and yes, God already knew they would be saved & those who would refuse His Son. GBU.
Brother Giannis. Always glad to hear from you & receive your understanding of the Word of God. This subject of election I have temporarily laid aside, as I await GiGi's commentary on it specifically, as she continues with her subject of God's Attributes/Character which I've appreciated very much.
But since you've raised it here, and cited Romans 9:9-16 in respect of Esau & Jacob, I also referred to this Scripture in my response as you've seen. My emphasis was on the fact that God's Sovereignty in Election in this case was based wholly on His choosing the descendency of Israel, His chosen people, and NOT for the salvation of their souls: each one in Israel, along with Isaac, Jacob, Esau & all of Israel, were still responsible before God for their faith, obedience, & devotion. So, there would be many in Israel, then & now, who would be rejected by God for salvation in spite of their Election, receiving the Law & Promises. Indeed, "not all Israel which are of Israel" ( Romans 9:4-6).
I understand from what you've shared here, that you too believe in the "foreknowledge of God" in His election of those to be saved. Romans 8:29,30 and 1 Peter 1:2 particularly reveal this Truth. Now, I realize that some have 'reinterpreted' 'Foreknowledge' (Gk. prognosis) to be in relation to His Sovereign Plan without any factor affecting it (whether from man or God Himself): i.e. He simply chooses & it happens. Whereas, I believe, and please correct me if I'm mistaken, that 'Foreknowledge' in the New Testament refers to the prior knowledge of God, particularly seen in His Omniscience and Sovereign Plan. It implies God's prior knowledge of all events, all individuals, of all time, and quite often in the context of His redemptive purposes for mankind. This term is used to express the concept that God, in His infinite Wisdom, knows all things before they happen and has a predetermined plan for creation and salvation according to that knowledge. To Page 2.
May I intervene in your discusion with GiGi about the "elected" people? It is true that God selects people for salvation. But why does God select some persons over some other? The story of Jacob and Esau gives us the answer.
Romans 10-15, "10 And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;
, 11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. 14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
God selected Jacob over Esau not of works. actually both men were not born yet, but due to His grace. But how is that grace is granted to somebody? The lives of both men show the answer. Jacod wanted to receive the promises given to Abraham, Esau thought those promises were not of any value so he sold them to Jacob for some food, similarly Judas sold Jesus for some money. They both gave away the most valuable thing in the world for something useless, they completely humiliated God and His promises. Jacob didn't do any work so that the promises given to Abraham to be given to him, but simply believed in God's promises and went for them, Esau didn't. So God who knows beforehand what both men will do in the future selected Jacob. Just think if God selected Esau. How it would seem to us that God selects somebody who doesn't believe in Him and humiliates His promises? Not possible, isn't it? So God selects people according to how they will stand infront the salvation He offers to people through Jesus. It says somewhere that the will of God is that ALL people will be saved, but not everybody believes in Christ, so they are not selected.
My family is currently going through some very trying times financially. We are a single income family and love and trust our Lord and his provision provision and timing. Love you all in Christ!
Day 10 January 10, 2025 Matthew 25:14-30 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Matthew 25: Verse 14
"Jesus Christ is God. Is One to all the World.God's word to believe he is the only God. (Refrence one example applied to servants)
Me REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY example has applied my faith believing Jesus Christ Is God end of law unto New Testament Holy Bible - Romans 8:2 KJV"
Matthew 25 Verse 16
My Interpetation REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY:" Father and Son are one Jesus Christ is God"
Matthew 25 Verse 19
My Interpetation REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY: Says God's word is with faith to receive.
Matthew 25 Verse 20
My Respond:
God will prosper me in all labour's.
Matthew 25 Verse 21:
My Respond:
I believe this scripture helps me to be apart of West Angeles Church Cogic Cathedral. Myself identified as member.
Matthew 25 Verse 28
My Respond:
Scripture supports me to have joy on my own life away from the Christian Church
Matthew 25 Verse 29
My Respond:
Supports me to do the will of God attending Sunday Service, giving supporting West Angeles Church Cogic Cathedral, Reading my Holy Bible, prayer and fasting.
Father God I ask for protection from things trying to hinder my breakthrough. I ask for increase in finances and debt cancellation. I ask for protection from things hindering my prayers and ask that I have protection from things coming against me and my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for psalms 91 to be placed over all of us. I ask for the Blood of Lord Jesus Christ to be placed over all of us. I ask for a breakthough in dating. I ask that I find a good women for me and I for her. I ask for healing for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for increase in focus for me in all areas of my life. I ask for prayer for help in school that I can get all of my school work accomplished each and every day. I ask for prayer for understanding the material and doing well on each assignment. I ask this for the rest of the time I am in college. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
I have no wisdom to give but that which scripture states:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Be not wise in your own eyes. Depart from evil". (This is from my own memory, as I don't fully understand how to use "Reply" yet). Albeit, it seems you are struggling to 'do the will of God' and are having difficulty just 'resting in the Lord'. The Bible teaches us to 'rest', but it is difficult to rest when you are 'troubled about many things'. Like Martha (who wanted to 'serve the Lord' and couldn't understand why Jesus didn't tell her sister Mary who was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to His Words, to come and help her 'serve') you are focusing so much on doing it 'right' that you aren't able to rest and 'let the Lord lead you'. Jesus told Martha, "Mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken from her." The Bible always reinforces 'resting in the Lord,' 'wait on the Lord and He shall direct your path'. Martha thought Mary was just being lazy, but Mary was actually 'waiting on Jesus' by listening to His teachings. Personally, I believe Martha missed out on a surprize blessing from the Lord by scurrying around trying to cover all the bases. Jesus had fed 5,000 with a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread! Don't you think He could have fed ALL those in Martha's house if she had just rested and 'let Jesus take the helm of her boat?' Our own efforts and works often lead us astray and block both physical and spiritual blessings that God wants to shower us with. Psalm 91 gives the answers to ALL our efforts "The Lord is my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT WANT* (*my emphasis). He makes me to lie down (rest) in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (a dark, scary place), I will fear no evil for THOU ART WITH ME*. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me"
Brother Dan thank you and GOD bless you i get on this app every morning and pray for others , I have for sometime now , several years i think , after praying i ask others to pray for me , i am and been so blessed
Prayers for peace in the mist of a hard separation, i no that gods in control and is able to carry me thru anything . He alone knows my heart. Prayers desired always for me and my family, my lost loved ones .
David I see you post a lot asking the same prayers. It must be weighing on you heavily!! God hears your prayers and I am believing and praying with you my Brother!! God Loves YOU :)
Father God I ask for protection from witchcraft. I ask for protection over me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask that You help me in my prayer life as my prayers are being hindered. I ask for increase in finances. I ask for protection from things hindering my breakthroughs. I ask for guidance, wisdom, and understanding on which women I should date and not date. I ask for understanding on when to move forward with a women I wish to date or when to step back from that women. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV
I believe in God's word scriptures holy bible having faith Jesus Christ death, burial, and his resurrection after the third day gives me joy Romans 8:2 to recieve and do the will of God.
"It wasn't Satan that blinded their minds that made them unbelievers. It says Satan hath blinded the minds of those who believe not. So, the unbelief came first.
I believe Israel's "temporary blindness" as a nation is directed at the ministry of the Law. It wasn't meant to give life under the Levitical priesthood.
First off, Praise the Lord that he kept you close, and no harm was done to your body. Secondly, your story has touched my heart. My mama was diagnosed with new onset Congestive Heart Failure, and she is only 61. I admit it is hard to care for a parent, more so mentally and emotionally than physically. Because things are changing, but I would do it a thousand times over. Because God takes care of those who takes care of his children, and loyal parents should not have to worry. I thank God you have children who love you and care for. I love your post. God Bless you
Please pray for my grandma and grandpa. They need prayers for their health. Also, pray for me. It hurts me so bad seeing their decline. Also remember all the people affected by all the wildfires, winter storms, cold, and those still recovering from the hurricanes.
I have a woman's issue that I need the dear Lord and Savior to heal me from. Prayers going up for all who are afflicted with various things. May God through Christ Jesus deliver us from them all.
My youngest son struggles with heroin addiction. He does well when he's working and has come a long way. Unfortunately
His job is seasonal so he relapses when he is not working. Please pray he finds his way to forever sobriety and that he opens his heart to God and has a relationship with him. I know God can help him find his way and he has a chance for a wonderful life.
We were dead in our sins, hostile to God as His enemy, blind to the gospel's truth, and separated from God our Savior. But God chose us and made us spiritually alive, blessed us with faith to believe the gospel and put our faith in Jesus. It is all a gift of God and none of us can boast of any works we did to receive it all!
This concludes this section of my study. I will continue with a new section soon. Thanks for reading. I know that some will not agree with some of my opinions here and I am fine with that. I welcome input, of course. And I hope to inspire others to think deeply and prayerfully on these topics as I have so as to come to a better understanding of these great truths taught in the Scriptures. I so love how God leads us to come to know Him and His ways more and more as we seek out the Scriptures His truth and though our interpretations may be weak, in error, or in need of more growth, God works with us in our human inability to know in full, but in part. This life is truly a journey towards knowing Him as our only hope for eternal life.
It seems that was already in God's Mind & Plan that He would 'create' a special people (as you mentioned), & that would happen coming out from the people of the world; and according to His Oath made to Israel's forefathers, setting His Love upon them. God could have chosen any people, but was it just a random selection/chance that the lot fell on Abraham & his progeny? Or did God already know that Abraham would be the one to obey the call & leave everything behind in obedience, in love & servitude to the Living God? Or, could God have selected a dozen possible men from the world & pick the one who showed the greatest propensity to obey & follow Him? We could have many options, but without God's Omniscience being at the forefront in His Elective Program, to me, nothing else seems to fit for understanding (to some degree) the mysterious workings of God.
It does make any difference whether we talk about Israel or the church when we refer to "selection". Both were selected, for different reasons but with the same way. Israel for bringing the Savior into the world and the church for bringing the Savior all over the world.
Has God chosen Israel? Actually the answer is that God didn't chose but actually created Israel through Abraham. So all Israel through the centuries was invited/selected to participate in His plan to bring the Savior on earth but not everybody was willing to participate. Everybody in that nation was selected but not everybody accepted that invitation. It says somewhere that (in my words) many are invited but few are selected. Why would God invite somebody whom He wouldn't want to save? Here the free will of people comes into account.
Similarly Judas was selected and invited to be an apostle but he didn't guard his heart and eventually loved money more than Jesus, and we know his end.
If God selects someone for any reason other than knowing beforehand their attitude towards His gospel, then He would had been an unrighteous God. And we know He is not. Jesus has revealed to us everything we need to know about God, His character, His attitudes, etc
There is a lot packed into this verse ( 2 Corinthians 4:4), and much more can be said but I tried to keep it short. Yes, I agree, Israel's blindness is temporary. God has made a promise to Israel and when the Lord returns, that promise will be fulfilled.
Blessings to you also!
And you're correct about 2 Peter 3:9 & of course, John 3:16,17. How could we speak of a loving God Who has 'suffered long with a wholly sinful & depraved world, & yet not be willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance'? And this verse could not be applied solely to the elect whom God will save, and not the world of sinners, because He would know that according to His Plan of Election, that the Elect would definitely be saved & could never perish into everlasting fire - for that is not His Will & Plan for His Elect. It therefore must mean that God is giving the world time to hear the Gospel, be convicted by His Holy Spirit, repent, & be saved - and this salvation & rebirth they receive reveals God's Election for them; and yes, God already knew they would be saved & those who would refuse His Son. GBU.
Brother Giannis. Always glad to hear from you & receive your understanding of the Word of God. This subject of election I have temporarily laid aside, as I await GiGi's commentary on it specifically, as she continues with her subject of God's Attributes/Character which I've appreciated very much.
But since you've raised it here, and cited Romans 9:9-16 in respect of Esau & Jacob, I also referred to this Scripture in my response as you've seen. My emphasis was on the fact that God's Sovereignty in Election in this case was based wholly on His choosing the descendency of Israel, His chosen people, and NOT for the salvation of their souls: each one in Israel, along with Isaac, Jacob, Esau & all of Israel, were still responsible before God for their faith, obedience, & devotion. So, there would be many in Israel, then & now, who would be rejected by God for salvation in spite of their Election, receiving the Law & Promises. Indeed, "not all Israel which are of Israel" ( Romans 9:4-6).
I understand from what you've shared here, that you too believe in the "foreknowledge of God" in His election of those to be saved. Romans 8:29,30 and 1 Peter 1:2 particularly reveal this Truth. Now, I realize that some have 'reinterpreted' 'Foreknowledge' (Gk. prognosis) to be in relation to His Sovereign Plan without any factor affecting it (whether from man or God Himself): i.e. He simply chooses & it happens. Whereas, I believe, and please correct me if I'm mistaken, that 'Foreknowledge' in the New Testament refers to the prior knowledge of God, particularly seen in His Omniscience and Sovereign Plan. It implies God's prior knowledge of all events, all individuals, of all time, and quite often in the context of His redemptive purposes for mankind. This term is used to express the concept that God, in His infinite Wisdom, knows all things before they happen and has a predetermined plan for creation and salvation according to that knowledge. To Page 2.
May I intervene in your discusion with GiGi about the "elected" people? It is true that God selects people for salvation. But why does God select some persons over some other? The story of Jacob and Esau gives us the answer.
Romans 10-15, "10 And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;
, 11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. 14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
God selected Jacob over Esau not of works. actually both men were not born yet, but due to His grace. But how is that grace is granted to somebody? The lives of both men show the answer. Jacod wanted to receive the promises given to Abraham, Esau thought those promises were not of any value so he sold them to Jacob for some food, similarly Judas sold Jesus for some money. They both gave away the most valuable thing in the world for something useless, they completely humiliated God and His promises. Jacob didn't do any work so that the promises given to Abraham to be given to him, but simply believed in God's promises and went for them, Esau didn't. So God who knows beforehand what both men will do in the future selected Jacob. Just think if God selected Esau. How it would seem to us that God selects somebody who doesn't believe in Him and humiliates His promises? Not possible, isn't it? So God selects people according to how they will stand infront the salvation He offers to people through Jesus. It says somewhere that the will of God is that ALL people will be saved, but not everybody believes in Christ, so they are not selected.
I know you are working during the week. Hope the storm doesn't cause any trouble for you and your family.
Matthew 25: Verse 14
"Jesus Christ is God. Is One to all the World.God's word to believe he is the only God. (Refrence one example applied to servants)
Me REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY example has applied my faith believing Jesus Christ Is God end of law unto New Testament Holy Bible - Romans 8:2 KJV"
Matthew 25 Verse 16
My Interpetation REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY:" Father and Son are one Jesus Christ is God"
Matthew 25 Verse 19
My Interpetation REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY: Says God's word is with faith to receive.
Matthew 25 Verse 20
My Respond:
God will prosper me in all labour's.
Matthew 25 Verse 21:
My Respond:
I believe this scripture helps me to be apart of West Angeles Church Cogic Cathedral. Myself identified as member.
Matthew 25 Verse 28
My Respond:
Scripture supports me to have joy on my own life away from the Christian Church
Matthew 25 Verse 29
My Respond:
Supports me to do the will of God attending Sunday Service, giving supporting West Angeles Church Cogic Cathedral, Reading my Holy Bible, prayer and fasting.
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Be not wise in your own eyes. Depart from evil". (This is from my own memory, as I don't fully understand how to use "Reply" yet). Albeit, it seems you are struggling to 'do the will of God' and are having difficulty just 'resting in the Lord'. The Bible teaches us to 'rest', but it is difficult to rest when you are 'troubled about many things'. Like Martha (who wanted to 'serve the Lord' and couldn't understand why Jesus didn't tell her sister Mary who was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to His Words, to come and help her 'serve') you are focusing so much on doing it 'right' that you aren't able to rest and 'let the Lord lead you'. Jesus told Martha, "Mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken from her." The Bible always reinforces 'resting in the Lord,' 'wait on the Lord and He shall direct your path'. Martha thought Mary was just being lazy, but Mary was actually 'waiting on Jesus' by listening to His teachings. Personally, I believe Martha missed out on a surprize blessing from the Lord by scurrying around trying to cover all the bases. Jesus had fed 5,000 with a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread! Don't you think He could have fed ALL those in Martha's house if she had just rested and 'let Jesus take the helm of her boat?' Our own efforts and works often lead us astray and block both physical and spiritual blessings that God wants to shower us with. Psalm 91 gives the answers to ALL our efforts "The Lord is my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT WANT* (*my emphasis). He makes me to lie down (rest) in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (a dark, scary place), I will fear no evil for THOU ART WITH ME*. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me"
Just wanted you to know, I haven't been ignoring you.
I've been trying to finish up this work week and get prepared for this coming winter storm.
I haven't been able to give much time to the site this week.
I figure this storm will make me set still and allow me to focus a little more on the site.
Thank you so much. May God continue
to bless you and your Mom. Amen!
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV
I believe in God's word scriptures holy bible having faith Jesus Christ death, burial, and his resurrection after the third day gives me joy Romans 8:2 to recieve and do the will of God.
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
"It wasn't Satan that blinded their minds that made them unbelievers. It says Satan hath blinded the minds of those who believe not. So, the unbelief came first.
I believe Israel's "temporary blindness" as a nation is directed at the ministry of the Law. It wasn't meant to give life under the Levitical priesthood.
His job is seasonal so he relapses when he is not working. Please pray he finds his way to forever sobriety and that he opens his heart to God and has a relationship with him. I know God can help him find his way and he has a chance for a wonderful life.
Thank your u
PT. 8
We were dead in our sins, hostile to God as His enemy, blind to the gospel's truth, and separated from God our Savior. But God chose us and made us spiritually alive, blessed us with faith to believe the gospel and put our faith in Jesus. It is all a gift of God and none of us can boast of any works we did to receive it all!
This concludes this section of my study. I will continue with a new section soon. Thanks for reading. I know that some will not agree with some of my opinions here and I am fine with that. I welcome input, of course. And I hope to inspire others to think deeply and prayerfully on these topics as I have so as to come to a better understanding of these great truths taught in the Scriptures. I so love how God leads us to come to know Him and His ways more and more as we seek out the Scriptures His truth and though our interpretations may be weak, in error, or in need of more growth, God works with us in our human inability to know in full, but in part. This life is truly a journey towards knowing Him as our only hope for eternal life.