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  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Rainwalker,


    God bless,

  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob,

    I really appreciate your reverence and passion for the Word of God, the Bible. And when it comes to the original languages and the manuscripts used by the KJV translators, they were and are indeed without error. God has indeed protected His Word throughout time in that sense. I also deeply respect the attitude of the translators in keeping as closely as possible to a word-for-word translation into English of the original languages; this is demonstrated by their use of italics when adding words to assist in the flow of the language.

    The KJV is not a paraphrase Bible in any sense whatsoever. I personally would not own or consult a paraphrase Bible EVER; if we want to consult a commentary, let it be identified as such as it is the work and understanding of men. A paraphrase Bible is not the Word of God in any sense whatsoever.

    The KJV Bible is certainly by far the best translation in the English language available today. And God has graciously provided tools such as interlinear versions and concordances keyed to the KJV so that a teacher or serious student of the Bible can check out the translation of any verse in the KJV using the original Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic.

    But the KJV is not without any error of any kind. And there are certain verses and words where the translators might have done a better job and possibly used a legitimate alternate word or phrase. And there are at least a couple of instances, of which I am aware, where they translated a singular word in the plural and vice versa. There is no doubt that the KJV translators were at least to some degree influenced by the doctrines of the their church of that day. These discrepancies are very few and far between as I understand from several faithful Bible teachers whom I trust.

    That said, when I read the KJV I am convinced that I am indeed sitting at the feet of God Himself, knowing that what I am reading is from the Mouth of God Himself. And I can always check out the translation.
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey, greetings.. sorry for the intrusion, but Jesus did not go to hell, or anywhere else while dead. This is a common misunderstanding of the biblical text in Peter. If you notice in Peter 3:18... being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (made alive) by the Spirit.. the subject is the spirit, the next words are.. By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared... notice Genesis 6:3.. And the Lord said, My Spirit..(Spirit) will not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be 120 years. So.. the Spirit of God was "preached" through Noah to the "disobedient" to call them to repentance for 120 years while preparing the ark. There is no abode of the dead until the judgement. The word prison is used to illustrate the state of being bound, similar to the use of .. "chains under darkness" in Jude. It is understood that hades is a term commonly used for

    "the grave".
  • Jcubria - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I think the Parable of the Prodigal Son is applicable to your question. Luke 15 11-32. He we see the father was looking out and awaiting every day hoping his son would return. Our Father God has this "agape" love for us too!

    Luke 15:20 (KJV) 20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

    Finally, he "came to his senses" (Greek, phe mi), that is, "he became enlightened," or "began to see the light"! He reasoned that his father's hired hands had enough bread to eat, "but I am dying here with hunger!" (v. 17). With emotional reasoning, he decided to go home and say, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight" (v. 18). He recognized that he had sinned first against the heavenly Father, then his earthly father! Being so humbled by the experience, he wanted to tell his father, "I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men" (v. 19). But regardless of what the young man had done, the mercy of his father was beyond measure. When the father saw his son coming down the road toward home, (1) from a distant he spotted him, as if he looked each day for him to come back, and (2) he felt compassion for his son, (3) ran to him, (4) embraced him, and (5) kissed him (v. 20). The son told his father exactly what he vowed to say: "I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son" (v. 21).

    The depth of the son's repentance is matched only by the depth of the father's love. His actions touch the heart. The father saw the young man while he was still a long way off. This suggests the father longed and looked for his son's return one day. Then, he had pity on his son by running to meet him. This indicates that the father took the initiative in being reconciled to his son.* Mal Couch. "Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary". Marion, IA: Laridian, Inc., 2021.
  • Pnovello - 1 year ago
    Father God, I plead Psalms 27:7 for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of us have been crying out for miracles, healings, jobs, familyfor years. Please now have mercy upon us and answer our pleas. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
  • Jcubria - In Reply - 1 year ago
    If you have never read the KJV before I would recommend something like the The Defined King James Bible - LARGE PRINT available at The KJV Store. It has all the King's English words defined on every single page at the very bottom.

    From the Preface of the Defined King James Bible:

    As the Defined King James Bible has come to it's completion, we the publishers are overjoyed. We have long awaited the appearance of such a King James Bible that would easily inform the reader of meanings of words which, though excellent in 1611, have changed slightly through the years...

    There are two portions of Scripture that come to mind concerning the understanding of the Words of God. The first portion is in Nehemiah. Nehemiah 8:8 states: "So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading." This is what The Defined King James Bible has done. It will cause those who read the King James Bible to know "the sense" and "to understand the reading." They do not need to go to one of the modern versions which have inferior Hebrew and Greek texts, inferior translators, inferior translation techniques, and inferior technology.

    A second portion of Scripture is found in Acts. Acts 8:30 states that Philip, when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch, "ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?" The Eunuch's reply in the next verse was: "How can I, except some man should guide me?" The footnotes in The Defined King James Bible will act as a "guide" so that you, too, might understand "what thou readest".

    You will notice that there has been no change whatsoever in the Authorized King James Bible. It has been kept as the standard which has united English speaking people throughout the world. There have been only clarifying footnotes based upon sound English dictionaries and, where needed, the original Hebrew and Greek languages.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I understand your point.

    Since the Scriptures say that God would not LEAVE His Holy One in Hell (the abode of the dead), then I believe that the soul of Jesus went there like all human souls did before the resurrection, but His time there was short and after He had accomplished whatever He was to accomplish in this abode He resurrected. What He actually did in this place is inferred from other Scriptures. I do not wish to go into that here. Each person will infer what they wish. That is fine with me, also.

    Have a good day Jema.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Chris and Jema,

    The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the Dead is an actual historical event. It occurred exactly as recorded in John 11. But like many of the historical events recorded in the Bible, and in particular like all of the miracles that Jesus did, this is a "historical parable" in that God has placed it the Bible to teach us something about the Gospel, the Nature of Salvation.

    Lazarus was DEAD. God makes that crystal clear in that his Body had started to decay; "he stinketh". So Lazarus could do absolutely nothing to contribute in any way whatsoever to his resurrection back to physical life. But Christ, Eternal God Himself, spoke and said "Lazarus come forth". And Lazarus did rise and came forth.

    This is a beautiful picture, a "parable", teaching us what happens to someone when Christ applies Salvation to their life and they become Born Again. Before God saves us we are Spiritually Dead in trespasses and sins. We "stink spiritually" and have no ability to contribute to our Salvation in any way whatsoever ( Rom 3:10-18); CHRIST MUST DO ALL OF THE WORK, 100%, TO SAVE US IF WE ARE TO BECOME SAVED. So when Christ saves us He raises us from Spiritual DEATH to Spiritual LIFE and gives us Eternal Life by giving us a New Resurrected Soul. This is becoming Born Again. Christ in effect says, SINNER COME FORTH. AND WE DO COME FORTH. Just like Lazarus.

    The passage in Luke 16 regarding a Rich man and Lazarus CANNOT be a literal historical event for many reasons when we examine the language carefully. The Language is describing a situation which is contrary to the Nature of Salvation itself; no one in the grave has eyes to see or a mouth to speak. And there is no communication between those in the grave and those in heaven. This is indeed a story, a "parable", like many that Jesus told which were not historical events, but were designed to teach some aspect of the Gospel. But a discussion of this "parable" is a subject for another comment and another day.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes Jimbob.

    Psalm 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

    The "Holy One" is Christ Himself, not David the man.

    So Christ, Eternal God Himself, took upon Himself the sins of those whom He "saves", He Died in His entire being and experienced the Wrath of God as Full Payment for their sins, and DID go into the grave (or hades). But His Soul was not left there. Because He Rose from Death since that the full payment for the sins of His Elect had been COMPLETED.

    So when Christ applies Salvation to someone whom He "saves"; i.e. they become Born Again, He gives them a New Resurrected Soul (or Spirit) which in itself, "cannot sin" 1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

    So when the True Believer dies physically, their "unsaved Body" goes into the Grave and corrupts to await the Resurrection of the Last Day when their Salvation will be COMPLETED and they will receive their Resurrected Spiritual Body ( 1 Cor 15). But their Soul, i.e. their Spirit Essence, goes immediately to be with Christ in Heaven.

    I understand you want to distinguish between the Soul and the Spirit of Mankind. But despite the two verses in Hebrews and 1 Thessalonians, I see the words Soul and Spirit as being synonymous when speaking of the Spirit Essence of Man.

    Regarding the Luke 23:46 passage, that is absolutely true. Christ's Spirit went to be with the Father in Heaven, and not into the Grave with His Body which DID NOT corrupt. Why?

    And now I'm going to shock you by suggesting that Christ actually made full payment for the sins of HIS Elect even before the Foundation of the World ( Rev 13:8 & Heb 4:3). And the Cross was a actually a DEMONSTRATION of that payment that had already been made. This is why Christ was able to say "IT IS FNISHED", even before He died physically on the Cross and rose again from the grave three days later.
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Blessings to all who seek His Truth.

    I want to start this by saying thank you to whoever started this King James Bible site, The Holy Spirit was with you.

    Many here do not believe the KJB is the Inspired Word of God. If you are one of those people then I ask that you please google this (Truth is Christ) on youtube and watch some of the videos that show Amazing patterns, and facts that only happen in the King James Bible and could only be done by God Himself! PROOF that God Inspired the KJB! It is truly Amazing!

    If you are seeking the Truth on whether God preserved His Word in a book for this generation, (and you should be) if you are honestly seeking Truth, you will find it in (Truth is Christ) on youtube.

    If you don't think the KJB is the Inspired Word of God then that's even more reason for you to watch these videos because you are being deceived by words of men.

    Leave a comment on your thoughts if you seek the Truth and watch these videos, you will not be disappointed but much more importantly you will find the Truth!

    God Bless all you seek His Truth.
  • Gumby 713 on 2 Timothy 3 - 1 year ago
    2 Timothy 3:17 typo.....throughly?
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Same to our family too GIGI! Thank you, I hope you all have a good day!
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm sorry Gigi , to me , you use far too much room for interpretation of these verses , I've read the 1st Peter verse you gave and it does not say that Jesus went to hell for the three days between his death and ressurection , if you wish to interpret it that way that's fine but it's not what I take from that verse . Your explanation of these verses is five times longer than the actual verses which is not a good sign to me . We shall have to agree to disagree on those things :) .
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Gigi

    I sense in my heart, that you felt in your heart, that within your studies of God's words, you believed, you are being led by the Spirit of God, this, the Spirit of God gave me a sight of, which by your own words were confirmed.

    All must acknowledge, that God speaks the same meaning of the Scriptures to all, the Scriptures are in continuity from Genesis to Revelation " there's no different angles to the Truth" as you're implying in this statement

    Friend, the influence that you are of can only come from the cup Babylon

    If you ever come to the Truth, you will acknowledge that which I have spoken to you is from the love of God to your eternal soul, for no other purpose than your deliverance from her.

    Concerning the Quaker's, their writing from 1646-1700 I own these beliefs, & have found by experience, through experiential knowledge of them to be true, according to Scripture, sound reasoning & the Witness within my own conscience, which has delivered me from my captivity of the sins that so easy beset me, when I walk according to your faith.

    As of now, these truths that are meant for your peace are hidden from you.

    in love & truth
  • David Allen - In Reply on Psalms 38 - 1 year ago
    Praying for you and your wife
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please pray for me and my family today please remember my daughter Jessica and her family
  • Jeremiah616 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I have been praying for your daughter and family. Please pray for my family. Thank you. - Matthew 18:19
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Would you explain this question?
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema. Just a couple of points to note from your understanding of those passages you quoted. You believe that Simon the Leper ( Matthew 26:6) might be the same person, now named Lazarus (in John 11:1-6). As I understand it, the account of the sickness, death & resurrection of Lazarus (brother of Mary & Martha) took place some time before the account of Simon the Leper. Jesus was on His second journey (after first leaving Jerusalem (in Winter): John 10:22, then onto Jordan: John 10:40) when news came to Him of Lazarus' sickness ( John 11:3). But Jesus continued to stay at Jordan ( John 11:6) & then went to Bethany to deceased Lazarus.

    Now the account of Simon the Leper, also in Bethany, occurred very near to the Passover Feast ( Matthew 26:2). And we know this to be so, because after the woman's anointing of Jesus in Simon the Leper's home, Jesus' disciples were annoyed at the waste of this ointment, & Judas Iscariot then left them to put into effect his wicked act. And of course, Jesus then celebrates the Passover with His disciples at the appointed time. So the Lazarus (in John 11) & Simon the Leper (in Matthew 26) can't be the same person and of course it would have saddened Lazarus (& others) tremendously that he who died because of some sickness & was raised by Jesus, yet wasn't healed of his leprosy.

    As well, the account of the rich man & (the other) Lazarus ( Luke 16:19-31) is understood to have happened after the Lazarus (of John 11) was raised to life, not before. A synopsis of the Gospels shows that after Jesus began His journey towards Bethany, He also ministered along the way ( Luke 13:22 to Luke 17:1-10). After this, Jesus arrives in Bethany to see the lifeless body of his friend.
  • Jamesj - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Are you from Calf mountain? Because I am!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Frankie J.

    You are free to think what you wish about me. But I also can flatly say that your evaluation is entirely wrong about me. Such judgments like yours do not shake me one bit. Actually, I am amazed that people on this forum spend time stating (and thinking) that they can see into a person's heart and know what God knows about a person's relationship with God and how the Spirit is or is not guiding someone.

    Frankie, I have read many of your posts and there is much that I disagree with concerning your positions on many Biblical topics, but I know it is best to not do a back and forth with you. Your judgment of me has proved me right in that way.

    You know Frankie, you play it fairly loose with many Scriptures and then at other times you cite Scriptures to back up your view and then other times you accuse people who learn from the Scriptures as not being taught by the Holy Spirit. Your inconsistency in this approach to Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit shows me that it is best to not converse back and forth with you at length. I do wish you well and that you grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ; that you continue to seek the Lord and learn from Scriptures as the Holy Spirit guides you. That is how those of us who did not live with Jesus during His earthly life nor during the time the apostles were preaching and teaching converts learn of the faith once and for all passed down to the saints.

    I can tell from your posts that you embrace Quakerism which teaches that people can get new revelation from God from the Holy Spirit through quiet contemplation or passivity. I do not believe this to be sound doctrinal practice and will stick with my Bible and the knowledge the Spirit brings forth to me through studying His true Word. I do not trust the revelations of men who claim that the Holy Spirit is teaching them things outside of what is written in Scriptures.

    But this forum is open to all and I am glad you are here with us.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Jema, I was out for a while today doing errands, and am between errands now, but I wanted to get back to you to give you this Scripture prophecy of the Old Testament king David in Ps. 16:10

    "For Thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see decay."

    This prophecy was about Jesus not David, as Peter declares in Acts 2:27 and through to vs. 36.

    This prophecy of God through David says that the Holy One (Jesus-as Peter identifies the Holy One) was put in the grave bodily, but His soul went into hell. But, Praise God!, was not left in hell to suffer corruption or decay, but was raised up from the dead in body and soul, and was seen and touched by the disciples as Peter and John affirm to being eyewitnesses.

    So, this verse in Ps. does say that souls went to hell when their body dies, and, unlike Jesus', our bodies decay. But since we were raised with Christ, our souls were raised up and are seated with Christ in heaven until the resurrection of our bodies on the last day.

    This verse is so strong in revealing that souls live on after the body dies and reside either in the presence of God or in hell until the resurrection. I don't think that believer's souls go to hell as Jesus' did. He needed to have His soul in hell, alive and conscious so as to have completed the work of being condemned for our sins and to preach to those souls in hell whose bodies were long decayed into dust since the flood. What He preached I do not know, but His message is always to humans.

    Jesus was also in hell in His soul in order to bring captives in His train as He rose from the dead ( Eph. 4:8) Also see Isaiah:61:1.

    I also believe that Jesus bound Satan when His soul was in hell, gaining victory over Him. Since this binding, the gospel has been of great effect throughout the world-despite the presence of other evil beings that are not bound in hell as Satan is. But this is a study for another day.

    Jema, hope this helps.
  • KJVALPHANA69 - 1 year ago
    Ezekiel 47:1-9,12


    (12) 12And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

    This is the most important Bible verse in My Moment right now, for I believe that this Supports My Daily needs and happenings; that the Lord God of creation is really the ONE who Help Me most! that when I am down so lowly and helpless, I just look up and down and everywhere as God is My Effort and Power to move forward, I am THANKFUL for all His Creation they are My Real Money ,My Finances and My 'Barter of Exchange' for My Daily Living and for My WELFARE! God Himself did not left Me alone! I am always with everything He created! I THANK YOU GOD,I THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE THINGS; YOU ARE THE POWER WHO GAVE ME ALL THESE THINGS,THE PLANTS, THE WEALTH,THE CHANCES AND THE POWER TO MOVE FORWARD TO LOOK FOR MY BRIGHTEST HORIZON! MY WAY OF LIFE AND MY LIFESTYLE NOW,IS MY LIVING TESTIMONY,THAT ONLY GOD CAN GIVE ME EVERYTHING!ALL THESE THINGS FOR ME TO OWN!IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN!
  • KJVALPHANA69 - 1 year ago
    God created Me in Perfection, I am perfected by the Blood of Jesus in the Calvary. I am perfect everyday, for God created the day in His Will. Everyday is God's Day.

    Lord, I pray for My Project intentions to be materialized, soon! So, that Me and My Family will be benefitted, so with My Relatives, Friends and Countrymen, so with the Whole World!

    That I may exercised My Education, Profession, to show My Talent and developed Skills to the World.

    That in so doing I am serving You, God of Creation in all I Might!

    That Jesus Christ is My Savior in all these Hardships, Struggle, and Perseverance; just to Prove, to Show, to Value My WORTH.

    I am THANKFUL everyday in God's day, Wonderful Day of Jesus Christ! AMEN.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I think it best for you to just pull up my post and see what questions I asked that you wish to respond to.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    oops, Tnt, accidently hit send.

    to continue:

    Jesus was fully human in flesh and blood as John says in 1 Jn. 4:2 that true believers confess that the Son of God came in the flesh. And John also says in Jn. 1:1 that Jesus is the Word of God, was with God in creating the world with the Father and the Spirit, and was God. He still is God, the Word, the only begotten Son of God from all eternity, but since His birth of Mary, He is also fully human as well. Only one who is fully God could take upon Himself the nature of what He created in order to secure salvation for these He created from sin and death. And only one who is fully human can be the perfect sacrifice for all of the sins of humanity. It is a one for one exchange, the sinless one for sinful humanity, the second Adam (who lived a perfect life) for the first Adam (who sinned and brought sin to every human person generated through his disobedience). Jesus was the perfect, spotless, unblemished, sin-free human who was solely qualified to be an acceptable sacrifice for our sins. But He was also the perfect Divine Son of God of inestimable value to the Father who was given for us as this sacrifice. Jesus, the perfect human and most love Divine Son of the Father was the only way for mankind to be redeemed. This is the everlasting covenant made between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit before the creation of the world.

    So, as Duncan cited, God is our only Savior, all salvation comes from God alone on Jesus, our Lord. There is no other God to save us but one true Godhead.

    I hope that this is helpful.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Tnt

    This is what I believe to be true:

    God has no beginning nor no end. He is eternal in His Being as well as His essence.

    Yet, we have in the Gospels the account of Jesus' conception and birth. Jesus, the eternal Son of God, Divine as the Father and Spirit are, took onto Himself a full human nature to become a man. He was born of Mary in about 6 B.C., being both God and man in one person. Th Divine Son of God was born into this world as a human infant, being in every way human but without sin, for the Divine Son of Man (who is the Person who took on human nature) can never sin. In every action, thought, word, motive, Jesus did, He did it as the Person of the Divine Son of God who remained the Divine Son of God in His humanity.

    Some divide Jesus up into a human person and another divine person, where sometimes the human person is acting and at other times the divine person is acting. But Jesus was and is only one Person but with two natures since His incarnation, with both divine and human natures that are united but not mixed together (otherwise Jesus would be less that true God and also more than truly human).

    Jesus told the Jewish leaders: "before Abraham was, I am" ( Jn. 8:58). The leaders took up stones to kill Him for they knew He was claiming to be God in using the name "I am" and also in saying He was in existence before Abraham lived, which speaks to His eternality.

    Heb. 4:15 speaks of Jesus being tempted in every way in His human nature, but never sinned and never possessed a sinful human nature that we all do. But He was fully human, In Heb. 5:7 we are referred back to His time in the Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed to the Father with tears and supplication and the shedding of blood tears in facing the upcoming crucifixion. He
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Here is the Scripture citation;

    1 Peter 3:18-19
  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob,

    Thanks for your reply. I will consider your thoughts on this topic, Hope your day goes well and you know the blessing of God on your life.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 of 2

    Hi Gigi; came in from work & notice the 1st part was not posted or have not found it.

    quoting you

    I realize that there are several differing views on this topic and I was just entering in what I believe to be true from my study of Scripture,,,, hopefully give something for others to ponder and seek out in the Scriptures as I do with what I read from others that think differently than I do.

    I think it is a good thing for people to be open about their beliefs on here so that we can examine beliefs from differing angles and hold them up to the Word of God for verification. end quote.

    What you've stated here is an evident token of not being taught of God by His Spirit, but is of human origin, the studying of the letter, without the Spirit guidance.

    For the Spirit of God would speak the same thing to all, He's not double-minded

    What you believe & stated leads one into a 'form of godliness" without the power to be truly godly as you've stated in another comment & I quote:

    "the struggle we wage between the sinful nature & the reborn spirit within us"

    Correct me if I'm wrong, from what I gather from this statement is; you consider yourself to be born again, if so than you would have become a partaker of His divine Nature having "pass tense" escape the corruption that is in this world through lust, & according to your statement you're not, for you still struggling with the sinful nature. Therefore your not born again by the incorruptible Seed. John 5:18

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