Jim , may God continue to bless you , you may say anything you wish about anything you wish , it shall not touch me as I shall not ever read any of your posts again .
>Hahahaha nervous and impressionable ! Hahahaha , he's not met me or any woman I've ever met ! Thanks for that good giggle >:)
What hubris!
You underestimate your enemy! 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
I apologize I forgot to say I live in a hotel I I had to add my savings account to my regular check to pay the rent every week it's almost gone plus my job is shutting down very soon rent is just too high I try to rent a room couldn't do it so I figure corner inside or corner outside would be just as good when it happens I apologize I didn't give details I'm sorry about the all the texts please forgive me thank you for your kind words
Dear Heavenly father, we come to you in prayer for John Ray. He needs housing and will even just take a corner. Please help him find a place. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Hang in there John Ray, I'm sorry you have no housing at the moment. Are there any homeless shelters near you, or extended hotels? Hope things start to get better. GOD loves you. GOD bless you.
Dear heavenly father we come to you in prayer for Mssue and their two adult sons. We ask that you help the eldest become slower to anger and see that he does not need to smoke if he has your spirit Lord. We also want the youngest to get a full time job to support his family. We ask this in Jesus name, Amen. GOD bless you. Mssue70710, you should try to have a Bible Study and pray with your sons, and if you attend Church, you should take them and their families with you. GOD loves them and wants to help, once they start reading the Bible, they will know that. GOD bless you and your family.
Dear Jim , when you speak of women , who exactly do you mean ? Firstly , women , just like men , are individuals , that means that we are not all the same . Secondly , do you not believe that there is a difference between women who are either atheists or idolators , and sisters in Christ ? It is my opinion that you can say whatever you like about non Christian women and men , but when you choose to speak of fellow Christians , whether men or women , you should not make enormous sweeping generalisations , particularly if they are derogatory and provocative . Christ is aware of the way you speak of women , sisters in Christ or not .
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Considering God is a Spirit and has a visible image in his Son, to embody His unseen qualities of holiness. This necessitates this curious expression. In his own image refers to Jesus Christ the visible image of the invisible God. ( Col. 1:15a) When the Spirit admonishes us, "Be ye holy, for I am holy" it is what the Word become flesh was. ""Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:"(1 Pe.2:22). At the end of his earthly ministry Jesus could say, " For the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." ( John 14:30)
When he set an example how could anyone say he has faith but deny the works? Jesus explained what was the work of God that any man may do. "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." He also said "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart."(Matt.11:29-30) Without taking his yoke and learning of him through straight and narrow what nonsense do we hear of left, right, liberal as though a Christian may run with hares and hunt with jackals? Faith must be wrought in God, and not in the many causes the children of wrath espouse. "But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."( John 3:21;6:29) In his own image demands your total commitment so the glory of the knowledge in the face of our Savior we behold in our hearts and grow from glory to glory.
Male and female created he them. In case of Adam, Eve was already represented as in the Fellowship of God with Man we have our destinies embedded in the Man component. The deep sleep in Adam foreshadows the death and resurrection of the Son. The Spirit narrates the creation of a holy family in him. Adam is a double for Jesus Christ who of God has become wisdom.(1 Co.1:30) Wisdom is the feminine principle. Pr.9:1 "Of whose are we' (He.3:6)
The LORD has declared our works as evil and unrighteous. We have only one of two choices before us. Disagree with GOD, and go through the pain and sufferings HE has promised unto those who reject HIS truths; or we can agree with our LORD and confess, repent, and renew our walk with HIM.
How we react to the LORD'S pointing out our sins and iniquities will determine our future blessings in HIM.
Our nation is in dire need of the LORD'S wisdom. Let we who are saved and active in the work of our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST be like Daniel and pray diligently and faithfully. Let us show the power of the LORD in everything we do in HIS name.
GOD to shine HIS face on all who are obedient and faithful to HIM. HIS glorious blessings are available to all who trust and obey in HIS word.
Praise the LORD for the faithfulness of the brethren on this forum.
How beautiful is your request, God sees you and I know He hears you. Perhaps He leads me to your request today. Blessings to you dear one, may God supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
I ask all your needs be met, for yes He is a God of perfect Love. Trusting Him and waiting on Him through prayer, and does hear you. Stand strong in Him.
I have read your prayer request for your sons. God bless for sharing. I have two sons also. They are precious and beautiful to the Lord, our sons.
Each time you think of them, consider how God must think of them. I know we see their problems in the flesh realm, God sees
their hearts. Bless them in all they do Father, bless them towards the path of your wisdom, bless them with surely goodness and mercy shall follow them all the days of their lives. In Jesus name.
I ask for prayer for my two adult sons, my eldest remove that anger and weed smoking spirit, my youngest for a full-time job to support him and his family. Introduce my sons to Godly influences that they will want to know more about Jesus. God bless
My prayer request is for me I'm a child of God all a lot of the programs that housing people through organizations you have to be an addict alcoholic all kinds of other things but I'm not 61 just trying all I need is a corner inside of a building or outside of the building yes just a corner just pray for a corner thank you
The 7-year time period mentioned throughout scripture, but described in detail in the books of Daniel and Revelation, is also known as
The great tribulation ( Matthew 24:21)
The Day of the Lord ( Isaiah 2:12; 13:6-9; Joel 1:15; 2:1-31; 3:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:2)
Trouble or tribulation ( Deuteronomy 4:30)
The time of Jacob's troubles ( Jeremiah 30:7)
Toward the end of Daniel's life, he has a vision described in Daniel 12.
"At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever."- Daniel 12:1-3
From this passage, we know that
Unprecedented, troubling times are on the way.
There will be some who will awake to "everlasting life."
There will be some who will awake to "shame and everlasting contempt."
Those who are wise will shine.
A further study of this passage and the 7-year tribulation reveals more about the troubling times and who will awake to everlasting life and who will awake to everlasting contempt.
Everlasting life is given by those who trust in Jesus for their salvation.
Everlasting contempt is given to those who do not trust Jesus.
The Words of the LORD are pure Words. Every Word of God is pure. The word (every) is #3605; it means the whole, all, any or every, to complete, (make) perfect.
(Every) Word of God is Perfect!
The words (Holy Ghost) only show up in the New Testament GiGi.
Which of these are perfect GiGi?
The KJB ( Col 1:14) "In whom we have redemption through his blood"
The Nasb "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"
The Niv "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"
The Nlt "who purchased our freedom, and forgave our sins"
Only one of these verses are perfect GiGi, can you not see that?
The other three verses fall into ( Jer 23:36) The word (perverted) is #2015; it means to change or overturn.
Why would modern versions pervert, or CHANGE the words of the living God and remove the words "through his blood"?
THE goodness of God endureth for ever. And though his creature man (who should have been subject and obedient to him) hath sinned against him, and by motions and inclinations of his own will and wisdom (out of the principle of his pure life, which was to have been his guide and governor) hath fallen short of his glory; yet he still pleaseth to visit his poor lost creature with loving-kindness and mercy, and with various dispensations of his life, according to his pleasure. What man is there that hath not received a soul from the breath of the Almighty? And what soul is it that hath not some visitations of life from that living breath? The bowels of eternity most naturally roll towards all its offspring; who seeketh the gathering of them all in the variety, and according to the limitations of his will, in his pure wisdom.
There is a current or stream of life before the promise is known, which secretly visits all, discovering the darkness in some measure unto all, and drawing from it. And happy is he who falls in with, and follows the leadings of the Almighty here; for then he cannot abide in the darkness, but still (according to the need of his condition) will meet with a true guide out of it, and with the true power which redeemeth and delivereth from it. For as the promise made to Adam, had relation to all his posterity; so whoever is visited with any light by virtue of the promise, that light will lead him to the promise, and he (in the obedience thereof) will meet with the sweetness and virtue of the promise. So that the lowest dispensation of God (the creature being exercised therein, feeling the want of God's power, and drawn to depend upon him for mercy and strength) will lead fallen man back again to his Maker, by the virtue which flows into man from the promise, though ever so secretly and hiddenly. For it is not the distinct knowledge of the promise, (though that is a very great advantage) but the virtue flowing from the promise, which saves. Man being touched by that virtue, and by the touch thereof quickened towards God; and in that virtue which comes from the redeeming mercy, cleaving to his Maker, and hoping in his tender bowels, and
feeling the weakness, insufficiency, and corruption of his own will and understanding, and so going forth from himself towards the spring which quickened him. Here is Christ known in spirit, received in spirit, believed and relied on in spirit, and his living virtue already felt, and further waited for. And can this man, thus walking, thus believing, thus obeying, thus cleaving to the principle which gives life, thus receiving virtue from it, and growing up (in that virtue) out of the self-hood, into it; I say, can this man miss of eternal life, which runs along in all the streamings forth of this living virtue?
But oh, how sweet is the stream of life in the sensible manifestation of the promise! He who feels the covenant in Christ, and life streaming into his heart through the covenant, and the seal of eternal peace to his soul, and that he shall never be left nor forsaken by the fountain of mercy, but all that ever befalls him shall conduce towards the working out of the perfect redemption and salvation of his soul; this is a precious state indeed; and this is the state which the feeling of the faith, and the living obedience in the Spirit leads to. Happy are they that walk in the path thereof, who content not themselves with man's knowledge of Christ, with man's belief of the things written concerning him, with man's obedience to the precepts left on record by the apostles, but whose living soul cannot be satisfied without the feeling and pressing after Christ, the life, and without a true engrafting into him in spirit, through the living Word, or testimony of life, received into, and believed on in the heart.
And how sweet also is the ministration of the law, which comes from the promise, and is managed to the soul by the hand of the Mediator! How sweet is it to see the creature fall daily! to find one's own strength to believe, to obey, to suffer, to abide with Christ, to wait on Christ, to hope for Christ, daily battered and brought to nothing, and no life left but what issues from the spring, and is alone maintained by the free current thereof into the heart daily! Here the stroke of the law is received by degrees unto perfect death. Here are the openings of the pure prophecies in the Spirit concerning a new kingdom, a new birth, a new heir, a new life. Here is the axe laid to the root of the tree, and that cut down in the heart which is not to live, and which hinders the heir from his inheritance. Here is the vale of tears; which tears spring from the life, whose virtue washeth away the corruptible day by day. Here is the house of mourning, and that state of darkness entered into, which swallows up all the joy of the dark, earthly spirit, and consumes its nature. Here the light of life is sown, and through these exercises it springs up; and after the passing away of this ministration, breaks forth in strength upon that soul which hath been thoroughly exercised herein.
I desire the good of all mankind, waiting for the swallowing up of the dispensations of death, and the breaking forth of life upon them in the seasons thereof, according to the good pleasure of him whose gift life is, and whose are all the dispensations of it. And in that love, through the openings and drawings of life in me, have I writ what follows; not to upbraid or strike at any but to be an help unto such as the Lord shall please to make it serviceable to. Wait on the Lord, eye him, read in fear, praying to be touched by, and gathered into, that which gives the feeling of the weight of truth. Oh, that men's souls were awakened, that they might know what it is to perish from God, and what to be saved by him! The proper portion of man's soul is the fountain of eternal life; and he can never be happy (nor in true rest, peace, or joy) while separated from it. Let him who is not brutish in understanding, and whose soul is not wholly dead God-wards consider this.
the Principal refer to is the Grace of God, The Light.
How rare it is to understand and effectively put the spiritual gifts into practice in church congregations? My experience is lone ranger mentality that doesn't get very far in ministering to others; or a cessation belief in regard to such matters (except of course for teaching since that normally would affect the Pastor in leadership).
I have said often that there are either fake human manifestations regarding the five senses; or demonic events; or true experiences from the Spirit. Your point is interesting that emotions can be involved with some of these gifts; but isolated without the Spirit or making the feelings be a priority over the Holiness of God gets us into trouble and opens the door for deception at some point. To have no emotion of course means our hearts are cold and we are in danger like the Ephesians were in Revelation 3 and risk having the church fall apart.
I have noticed today that rebuke is almost nonexistant; and this can be because of sloppy leadership in church; lack of discernment or love which prompts us in the Spirit to challenge ourselves first then others. Encouraging words such as truthful statements of how we see the Spirit working in someone is probably sorely lacking today as well; hard to remember the last time I heard it myself. As is often the case as I see it human familiarity and friendships can be a large detractor from effective moves of the Spirit; and sometimes someone from the outside is able to more effectively discern and give words of knowedge (often of course taken as an insult or brushed aside). Tact is important; of course but can't overrule God's truth getting out.
I would say that genuine prayer; and godly music with praise are necessary prerequisites for the Spirit to move. Too often something as seemingly insignificant as gossip can upend what the Spirit is attemptiong to do and quench it. People need to be serious in the house of God. Perhaps I should do a series on this subject?
no sir it is not! there is NO reference to a 7 year trib in those prophecies, furthermore, there is no "treaty" between the antichrist and Israel which is broken in 31/2 years. You are mistaken, I ask you once again, back up your statement, where is the 7 year trib in the bible?
Yeah I guess I should stick to the attributes of God which of course encompasses everything to some respect. I appreciate your analysis; albeit I am surprised at some of your conclusions (at least that you didn't challenge me more in some aspects). It does get tiresome after a while getting into what some call 2nd or 3rd tier matters that are not primary doctrinal issues.
I appreciate your online friendship and prayers. Am finally getting to work next week so probably will be busier and post less often. Hoping to continue to be a witness to my boss as well as another worker and others there.
I hope your husband is able to pray with you and maybe has some ideas here as well.
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
The everlasting covenant was between two equal parties. The Man component as mentioned earlier gave the Son equal status which underpins the Father Son relationship. It also evidently points out emblem in the divine Will. "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" opened the Advent of the Son (as the Word become flesh,) as predestined. Triune God presents the body of the Son, the spirit of Christ as the mist, which we shall come across "and watered the whole face of the ground."(Ge.2:6).
The Spirit moving upon the face of the waters made every atom fall in to the dictates of the divine Law. So fire shall go out when the air is removed a natural law, nevertheless derived from God a Spirit. A body hast thou prepared me establishes consequently an association in His creation. Adam in 'our image' is the double for Son so this association works across from one end of the earth to the other.. We shall come to the point that God breathes in the nostrils of Adam and made him the living soul.(Ge.2:7) This association as a result takes up and down as well. Ep.1:3 refers to spiritual blessings which are word-based. The Advent of the only begotten Son was in the divine Will. Jesus sending disciples was established on the basis. (Matt.10:40; Luke 10:16) Whoever received his disciples was as though he received Christ himself.
God blessed His creation in his Son, the firstborn from all creation, This being the case there cannot any other interpretation to the command, " Dominion over" gives man a license to hunt them down to extinction.
I don't advocate the studing of the letter, for these reasons,
it's takes away from Holy Spirit as our Teacher
in the Apostasy in became rely on as God definitive rule to know Him
it has become a form of knowledge without the power,
in man's ungenerated nature, he going to naturally reject the suffering of picking up the Cross & denying self.
Yet, he deceives himself by thinking he can still follow Christ. Pacifying himself with wearing the cross around his neck, along with his beloved sins in his heart.
With that being said, an a added encouragement it can be a help while we"re in our weaker state, if Holy Spirit is our Teacher & Guide who will lead us into all Truth, again emphasising The Living Word of God heard in our heart, Grace appearance. John 1:9
In Titus 3:5 "washing of regeneration & renewing in the Holy Spirit" define as
(spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), i.e. (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specially, Messianic restoration --"moral renovation, regeneration, the production of a new life consecrated to God, a radical change of mind for the better" effected in baptism, Commonly, however, the word denotes the restoration of a thing to its pristine state, its renovation, as the renewal or restoration of life after death.
The death speaking of here is Rom 6:3-6 the consummation of Matt 3:12 being raise in the newness of His Life, "ye must be born again"
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:"
MOU of the last article carries the divine will, "And God said." is balanced with the Amen part,"and it was so."(v.30)
In the verse following we have the Spirit writing 'finis'( And behold, etc.,) to the covenant which is without recall. "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."(v.31)
What is in a man? The Psalmist asks,"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"(Ps.8:4)This particular psalm vv.6-8) serves as a commentary to vv.28-30
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet." What does the phrase 'the works of thy hands' signify? The animals mentioned, the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air as well as the fish of the sea are all mentioned in the narrative serving man on various occasions. Noah sent a raven to scout after the ark had finally come to settle on the mount Ararat.(Ge.8:4). Raven feeding Elijah is yet another instance. God commands him where he should stay and he does so. "And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there./ So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan./And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning,(1 Ki.17:4-6). By the same token the fish of the sea served the purpose of God. By 'works' the Spirit instructs us of their service in the kingdom of his dear Son.
Secondly the four beasts as memorial display Christian virtues which are sanctified by Son of man as he walked the earth. "And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Re.4:7 Bold as a lion, meek and lowly as a calf, man as the message and prayer life of a flying eagle were in him.
I rejoice to read & understand more from the thoughts of your heart, the inner workings of God's Spirit within, the sincerity, humility, earnestness & simplicity in which you endeavors to love & obey the Lord. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Yes God knew, but in all fairness, Adam must have had also the opportunity to obey as we ourselves now have.
You description of sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience is accurate, but lets finish the verse, "sprinkling of the Blood/Life of Jesus, For His life is in the Blood Lev 17:11,14 it not only cleanses but implants the Divine nature. As we continue steadfastly exercising of the doctrines of Christ, I'm speaking of Grace appearance "the hearing the living Word of God, that's near us even in our heart & in our mouth, the word of Faith that Paul preach, here the power of Life is felt & known, not letter learning. 2Cor 3:6
Sanctification "making holy" is describe in Titus 3:5 unto the new creature, being born again by this Incorruptible Seed.
The Light, conforms & transforms unto Himself, in which there is no darkness at all. Eph5:8 "were" past tense.
The resurrection life is reveal here & now, in ever increasing measures in sanctification work, & is consummated by being baptized in the Holy Spirit, revealed also as being baptize unto His death Rom 6:3-6 the life of the born-again/new creature is the walking in the newness of the resurrection Life of Christ were one is seal & gather to the Gardener, where self is seen no more, its not I but Christ.
There's two stages we may attain to in our growth in Grace/Life
Reaching the state of Adam innocents before he fell, where if not diligent/watchful we maybe ensnared again , Yet if one continues as mention in the exercising of the Grace of God, one will be baptizes by the Holy Spirit, "the threshing floor, (our hearts) thoroughly purge". We're born again, dead unto sin, alive & in union with Christ & the Father John 17:21-23 here & now!
>Hahahaha nervous and impressionable ! Hahahaha , he's not met me or any woman I've ever met ! Thanks for that good giggle >:)
What hubris!
You underestimate your enemy! 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Considering God is a Spirit and has a visible image in his Son, to embody His unseen qualities of holiness. This necessitates this curious expression. In his own image refers to Jesus Christ the visible image of the invisible God. ( Col. 1:15a) When the Spirit admonishes us, "Be ye holy, for I am holy" it is what the Word become flesh was. ""Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:"(1 Pe.2:22). At the end of his earthly ministry Jesus could say, " For the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." ( John 14:30)
When he set an example how could anyone say he has faith but deny the works? Jesus explained what was the work of God that any man may do. "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." He also said "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart."(Matt.11:29-30) Without taking his yoke and learning of him through straight and narrow what nonsense do we hear of left, right, liberal as though a Christian may run with hares and hunt with jackals? Faith must be wrought in God, and not in the many causes the children of wrath espouse. "But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."( John 3:21;6:29) In his own image demands your total commitment so the glory of the knowledge in the face of our Savior we behold in our hearts and grow from glory to glory.
Male and female created he them. In case of Adam, Eve was already represented as in the Fellowship of God with Man we have our destinies embedded in the Man component. The deep sleep in Adam foreshadows the death and resurrection of the Son. The Spirit narrates the creation of a holy family in him. Adam is a double for Jesus Christ who of God has become wisdom.(1 Co.1:30) Wisdom is the feminine principle. Pr.9:1 "Of whose are we' (He.3:6)
How we react to the LORD'S pointing out our sins and iniquities will determine our future blessings in HIM.
Our nation is in dire need of the LORD'S wisdom. Let we who are saved and active in the work of our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST be like Daniel and pray diligently and faithfully. Let us show the power of the LORD in everything we do in HIS name.
GOD to shine HIS face on all who are obedient and faithful to HIM. HIS glorious blessings are available to all who trust and obey in HIS word.
Praise the LORD for the faithfulness of the brethren on this forum.
September 20, 2023
I ask for strength for you all for He is faithful. They that wait upon the Lord!
Never give up, keep praying and seeking
His Kingdom. God bless you.
I ask all your needs be met, for yes He is a God of perfect Love. Trusting Him and waiting on Him through prayer, and does hear you. Stand strong in Him.
Each time you think of them, consider how God must think of them. I know we see their problems in the flesh realm, God sees
their hearts. Bless them in all they do Father, bless them towards the path of your wisdom, bless them with surely goodness and mercy shall follow them all the days of their lives. In Jesus name.
Yes, it's all Forhisnamesake.
The great tribulation ( Matthew 24:21)
The Day of the Lord ( Isaiah 2:12; 13:6-9; Joel 1:15; 2:1-31; 3:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:2)
Trouble or tribulation ( Deuteronomy 4:30)
The time of Jacob's troubles ( Jeremiah 30:7)
Toward the end of Daniel's life, he has a vision described in Daniel 12.
"At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever."- Daniel 12:1-3
From this passage, we know that
Unprecedented, troubling times are on the way.
There will be some who will awake to "everlasting life."
There will be some who will awake to "shame and everlasting contempt."
Those who are wise will shine.
A further study of this passage and the 7-year tribulation reveals more about the troubling times and who will awake to everlasting life and who will awake to everlasting contempt.
Everlasting life is given by those who trust in Jesus for their salvation.
Everlasting contempt is given to those who do not trust Jesus.
The Words of the LORD are pure Words. Every Word of God is pure. The word (every) is #3605; it means the whole, all, any or every, to complete, (make) perfect.
(Every) Word of God is Perfect!
The words (Holy Ghost) only show up in the New Testament GiGi.
Which of these are perfect GiGi?
The KJB ( Col 1:14) "In whom we have redemption through his blood"
The Nasb "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"
The Niv "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"
The Nlt "who purchased our freedom, and forgave our sins"
Only one of these verses are perfect GiGi, can you not see that?
The other three verses fall into ( Jer 23:36) The word (perverted) is #2015; it means to change or overturn.
Why would modern versions pervert, or CHANGE the words of the living God and remove the words "through his blood"?
Would you please answer this question GiGi.
Blessings to you GiGi.
THE goodness of God endureth for ever. And though his creature man (who should have been subject and obedient to him) hath sinned against him, and by motions and inclinations of his own will and wisdom (out of the principle of his pure life, which was to have been his guide and governor) hath fallen short of his glory; yet he still pleaseth to visit his poor lost creature with loving-kindness and mercy, and with various dispensations of his life, according to his pleasure. What man is there that hath not received a soul from the breath of the Almighty? And what soul is it that hath not some visitations of life from that living breath? The bowels of eternity most naturally roll towards all its offspring; who seeketh the gathering of them all in the variety, and according to the limitations of his will, in his pure wisdom.
There is a current or stream of life before the promise is known, which secretly visits all, discovering the darkness in some measure unto all, and drawing from it. And happy is he who falls in with, and follows the leadings of the Almighty here; for then he cannot abide in the darkness, but still (according to the need of his condition) will meet with a true guide out of it, and with the true power which redeemeth and delivereth from it. For as the promise made to Adam, had relation to all his posterity; so whoever is visited with any light by virtue of the promise, that light will lead him to the promise, and he (in the obedience thereof) will meet with the sweetness and virtue of the promise. So that the lowest dispensation of God (the creature being exercised therein, feeling the want of God's power, and drawn to depend upon him for mercy and strength) will lead fallen man back again to his Maker, by the virtue which flows into man from the promise, though ever so secretly and hiddenly. For it is not the distinct knowledge of the promise, (though that is a very great advantage) but the virtue flowing from the promise, which saves. Man being touched by that virtue, and by the touch thereof quickened towards God; and in that virtue which comes from the redeeming mercy, cleaving to his Maker, and hoping in his tender bowels, and
feeling the weakness, insufficiency, and corruption of his own will and understanding, and so going forth from himself towards the spring which quickened him. Here is Christ known in spirit, received in spirit, believed and relied on in spirit, and his living virtue already felt, and further waited for. And can this man, thus walking, thus believing, thus obeying, thus cleaving to the principle which gives life, thus receiving virtue from it, and growing up (in that virtue) out of the self-hood, into it; I say, can this man miss of eternal life, which runs along in all the streamings forth of this living virtue?
But oh, how sweet is the stream of life in the sensible manifestation of the promise! He who feels the covenant in Christ, and life streaming into his heart through the covenant, and the seal of eternal peace to his soul, and that he shall never be left nor forsaken by the fountain of mercy, but all that ever befalls him shall conduce towards the working out of the perfect redemption and salvation of his soul; this is a precious state indeed; and this is the state which the feeling of the faith, and the living obedience in the Spirit leads to. Happy are they that walk in the path thereof, who content not themselves with man's knowledge of Christ, with man's belief of the things written concerning him, with man's obedience to the precepts left on record by the apostles, but whose living soul cannot be satisfied without the feeling and pressing after Christ, the life, and without a true engrafting into him in spirit, through the living Word, or testimony of life, received into, and believed on in the heart.
And how sweet also is the ministration of the law, which comes from the promise, and is managed to the soul by the hand of the Mediator! How sweet is it to see the creature fall daily! to find one's own strength to believe, to obey, to suffer, to abide with Christ, to wait on Christ, to hope for Christ, daily battered and brought to nothing, and no life left but what issues from the spring, and is alone maintained by the free current thereof into the heart daily! Here the stroke of the law is received by degrees unto perfect death. Here are the openings of the pure prophecies in the Spirit concerning a new kingdom, a new birth, a new heir, a new life. Here is the axe laid to the root of the tree, and that cut down in the heart which is not to live, and which hinders the heir from his inheritance. Here is the vale of tears; which tears spring from the life, whose virtue washeth away the corruptible day by day. Here is the house of mourning, and that state of darkness entered into, which swallows up all the joy of the dark, earthly spirit, and consumes its nature. Here the light of life is sown, and through these exercises it springs up; and after the passing away of this ministration, breaks forth in strength upon that soul which hath been thoroughly exercised herein.
I desire the good of all mankind, waiting for the swallowing up of the dispensations of death, and the breaking forth of life upon them in the seasons thereof, according to the good pleasure of him whose gift life is, and whose are all the dispensations of it. And in that love, through the openings and drawings of life in me, have I writ what follows; not to upbraid or strike at any but to be an help unto such as the Lord shall please to make it serviceable to. Wait on the Lord, eye him, read in fear, praying to be touched by, and gathered into, that which gives the feeling of the weight of truth. Oh, that men's souls were awakened, that they might know what it is to perish from God, and what to be saved by him! The proper portion of man's soul is the fountain of eternal life; and he can never be happy (nor in true rest, peace, or joy) while separated from it. Let him who is not brutish in understanding, and whose soul is not wholly dead God-wards consider this.
the Principal refer to is the Grace of God, The Light.
I have said often that there are either fake human manifestations regarding the five senses; or demonic events; or true experiences from the Spirit. Your point is interesting that emotions can be involved with some of these gifts; but isolated without the Spirit or making the feelings be a priority over the Holiness of God gets us into trouble and opens the door for deception at some point. To have no emotion of course means our hearts are cold and we are in danger like the Ephesians were in Revelation 3 and risk having the church fall apart.
I have noticed today that rebuke is almost nonexistant; and this can be because of sloppy leadership in church; lack of discernment or love which prompts us in the Spirit to challenge ourselves first then others. Encouraging words such as truthful statements of how we see the Spirit working in someone is probably sorely lacking today as well; hard to remember the last time I heard it myself. As is often the case as I see it human familiarity and friendships can be a large detractor from effective moves of the Spirit; and sometimes someone from the outside is able to more effectively discern and give words of knowedge (often of course taken as an insult or brushed aside). Tact is important; of course but can't overrule God's truth getting out.
I would say that genuine prayer; and godly music with praise are necessary prerequisites for the Spirit to move. Too often something as seemingly insignificant as gossip can upend what the Spirit is attemptiong to do and quench it. People need to be serious in the house of God. Perhaps I should do a series on this subject?
Let me know.
I appreciate your online friendship and prayers. Am finally getting to work next week so probably will be busier and post less often. Hoping to continue to be a witness to my boss as well as another worker and others there.
I hope your husband is able to pray with you and maybe has some ideas here as well.
Looking forward to seeing your next post.
Rich P
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
The everlasting covenant was between two equal parties. The Man component as mentioned earlier gave the Son equal status which underpins the Father Son relationship. It also evidently points out emblem in the divine Will. "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" opened the Advent of the Son (as the Word become flesh,) as predestined. Triune God presents the body of the Son, the spirit of Christ as the mist, which we shall come across "and watered the whole face of the ground."(Ge.2:6).
The Spirit moving upon the face of the waters made every atom fall in to the dictates of the divine Law. So fire shall go out when the air is removed a natural law, nevertheless derived from God a Spirit. A body hast thou prepared me establishes consequently an association in His creation. Adam in 'our image' is the double for Son so this association works across from one end of the earth to the other.. We shall come to the point that God breathes in the nostrils of Adam and made him the living soul.(Ge.2:7) This association as a result takes up and down as well. Ep.1:3 refers to spiritual blessings which are word-based. The Advent of the only begotten Son was in the divine Will. Jesus sending disciples was established on the basis. (Matt.10:40; Luke 10:16) Whoever received his disciples was as though he received Christ himself.
God blessed His creation in his Son, the firstborn from all creation, This being the case there cannot any other interpretation to the command, " Dominion over" gives man a license to hunt them down to extinction.
I haven't forgotten you in Christ
Jeremiah 31:3
I don't advocate the studing of the letter, for these reasons,
it's takes away from Holy Spirit as our Teacher
in the Apostasy in became rely on as God definitive rule to know Him
it has become a form of knowledge without the power,
in man's ungenerated nature, he going to naturally reject the suffering of picking up the Cross & denying self.
Yet, he deceives himself by thinking he can still follow Christ. Pacifying himself with wearing the cross around his neck, along with his beloved sins in his heart.
With that being said, an a added encouragement it can be a help while we"re in our weaker state, if Holy Spirit is our Teacher & Guide who will lead us into all Truth, again emphasising The Living Word of God heard in our heart, Grace appearance. John 1:9
In Titus 3:5 "washing of regeneration & renewing in the Holy Spirit" define as
(spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), i.e. (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specially, Messianic restoration --"moral renovation, regeneration, the production of a new life consecrated to God, a radical change of mind for the better" effected in baptism, Commonly, however, the word denotes the restoration of a thing to its pristine state, its renovation, as the renewal or restoration of life after death.
The death speaking of here is Rom 6:3-6 the consummation of Matt 3:12 being raise in the newness of His Life, "ye must be born again"
Therefore 2Cor 7:1
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:"
MOU of the last article carries the divine will, "And God said." is balanced with the Amen part,"and it was so."(v.30)
In the verse following we have the Spirit writing 'finis'( And behold, etc.,) to the covenant which is without recall. "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."(v.31)
What is in a man? The Psalmist asks,"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"(Ps.8:4)This particular psalm vv.6-8) serves as a commentary to vv.28-30
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet." What does the phrase 'the works of thy hands' signify? The animals mentioned, the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air as well as the fish of the sea are all mentioned in the narrative serving man on various occasions. Noah sent a raven to scout after the ark had finally come to settle on the mount Ararat.(Ge.8:4). Raven feeding Elijah is yet another instance. God commands him where he should stay and he does so. "And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there./ So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan./And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning,(1 Ki.17:4-6). By the same token the fish of the sea served the purpose of God. By 'works' the Spirit instructs us of their service in the kingdom of his dear Son.
Secondly the four beasts as memorial display Christian virtues which are sanctified by Son of man as he walked the earth. "And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Re.4:7 Bold as a lion, meek and lowly as a calf, man as the message and prayer life of a flying eagle were in him.
I rejoice to read & understand more from the thoughts of your heart, the inner workings of God's Spirit within, the sincerity, humility, earnestness & simplicity in which you endeavors to love & obey the Lord. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Yes God knew, but in all fairness, Adam must have had also the opportunity to obey as we ourselves now have.
You description of sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience is accurate, but lets finish the verse, "sprinkling of the Blood/Life of Jesus, For His life is in the Blood Lev 17:11,14 it not only cleanses but implants the Divine nature. As we continue steadfastly exercising of the doctrines of Christ, I'm speaking of Grace appearance "the hearing the living Word of God, that's near us even in our heart & in our mouth, the word of Faith that Paul preach, here the power of Life is felt & known, not letter learning. 2Cor 3:6
Sanctification "making holy" is describe in Titus 3:5 unto the new creature, being born again by this Incorruptible Seed.
The Light, conforms & transforms unto Himself, in which there is no darkness at all. Eph5:8 "were" past tense.
The resurrection life is reveal here & now, in ever increasing measures in sanctification work, & is consummated by being baptized in the Holy Spirit, revealed also as being baptize unto His death Rom 6:3-6 the life of the born-again/new creature is the walking in the newness of the resurrection Life of Christ were one is seal & gather to the Gardener, where self is seen no more, its not I but Christ.
There's two stages we may attain to in our growth in Grace/Life
Reaching the state of Adam innocents before he fell, where if not diligent/watchful we maybe ensnared again , Yet if one continues as mention in the exercising of the Grace of God, one will be baptizes by the Holy Spirit, "the threshing floor, (our hearts) thoroughly purge". We're born again, dead unto sin, alive & in union with Christ & the Father John 17:21-23 here & now!
Grace & Peace to you