All Discussion PAGE 467

  • Bibleman72 - 1 year ago
    Hello friends ,i want to ask you to be in prayer for my mom Paula ,the nursing home went thru her purse and took her meds without her consent.They claimed the dr. Didnt prescribe them.She is very angry and feels violated.I feel powerless because i am not that close to her,she is a distance and i dont drive.
  • Bibleman72 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pnovello,i have prayed in agreement with you about your daughter Monique being 100% healed by Jesus Stripes on the Cross.God bless you friend!
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Addendum on attributes of Father and God.

    First of all; the last sentence was somehow isolated from the proper text.

    Secondly; I will need some time (probably until weeks end) to get more verses together related to God's attributes specifically related to being th Heavenly Father; as well as other unique characteristics of God. I still have an alphabetical "laundry list" as it were; but I am looking to focus on verses in this upcoming posting and perhaps attributes not easily assigned to one designation.

    Here's the remaining ones that I have in alphabetical order; I have one person here who has some other ideas.








    Omniscient (3 omnis)












    I'll leave perhaps an open forum here for other descriptions from A to Z. Eventually it is hard to avoid overlap of scriptures as many cover more than one concept and eventually; of course we could end up with most of the Bible for scriptures referenced on the subject!

    Agape; Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Attributes of God: Father and God

    It may seem redundant to speak of God being an attribute of God but His uniqueness nonetheless has certain characteristics. God sees; feels; hears and smells according to various scriptures. He is a jealous God and angry without sin; as well as having all other traits of perfection. Since man was created in God's image; we need not confine that just to physical appearance; in fact it is the invisible attributes of man such as the soul which we can also compare in some sense to the Spirit of God to get a better handle on His innermost thoughts in communing with Him.

    Specifically as Father; God of course chastises all that He loves; He has adopted us into His family and of course He is a father to the fathrless. There certainly are verses where nursing mothers are brought up as well; God has tender attributes and through Christ the children were clearly on His heart (See Psalm 8); and we all have to be as children if we are able to enter the Kingdom of God ( Matthew 18:3). He has delegated authority to the Son; and we as firstfruits are also to be given authority to rule and reign over the earth after suffering here on earth ( 2 Tim. 2:12).

    As God; of course we can look at the 3 "O"s (omnipotence; omnipresence; omnicience) or any other characteristics that make Him unique as compared to the rest of His creation. It is perhaps what we cannot understand that is the most profound; such as the subtle ways that He draws us to Him; ways that the Spirit moves which can't be readily defined by all known doctrines or specific scriptures; of unpredictability in case our comprehension somehow wants to confine Him to our own conceptualization of a box. Such things perhaps can be seen with why He has subtle markings on some creatures; novel stars in the universe etc. For every issue "solved" in science another mystery surfaces; man will never know it all

    As God of course He can't sin; therrefore all that He says is truth. H
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello GiGi

    Hugging and kissing, generally touching, when meeting friends is very common and accepted here. People tend to be very emotional in my country and they don't hide it, actually they like it. On the other hand it is true that we live in an age where the sin in the world exceeds limit after limit (I am wondering what is coming next) and the society has changed radically lately especially during the last 10-15 years. People tend to be violent, without mercy and compassion for others. Crime and especially crime involving children becomes more and more frequent. People realize that and tend to not trust anybody, and they get suspicious and scared for their children. And it will get worse and worse like the Scriptures say about the people of the last times. But we, christians, must be the light and the aroma in this world.

    On Friday I was invited to a wedding. A (true) christian wedding. All people, men and women, dressed properly, behaving properly...a very good impression. There were people that were invited that weren't christians(just christians by custom, but not true ones). They were surprized by the way people were dressed and behaved. When one goes to a secular wedding, the first thing they notice is the nudity of women (I don't mean anything about women, it is just the fashion today). Men full with tattoos, unshaved, etc etc. (fashion as well). A very bad impression. In the old times the Greek Orthodox church wouldn't permit people like that entering the churches. But this has changed now and nobody reacts, and things get worse and worse. So those people were nicely surprized. They really liked the wedding and some asked if they could come sometime and visit our church. This is how we can attract peope to Christ. People still understand what is right and what is wrong. And the right things attract people, at least the sincere ones. Well we started from the "holy" kiss. Yes Paul talks about holy kiss, initiating from a holy love, God's love. GBU
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Heavenly Father, yes, RicoUS is right. Some of us have been waiting for years for the manifestation of God's healing power. Lord Jesus please bring victory from these battles. For three years we have been pleading for a miracle for me and now Lord our daughter was diagnosed as having cancer just last week. O Lord answer RicoUS prayer for my daughter and me. Heavenly Father, I ask for You to answer RicoUS personal prayers. RicoUS is my brother. Amen
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes that's right GiGi, that verse has to do with the formal worship service of the church and not with private meetings.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen sister, amen.
  • Pnovello - 1 year ago
    Saints, I ask that you please agree with my husband and I for healing for our daughter, Monique. She was diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to her liver and lungs last week. She has been healthy her entire life.

    Then overnightshe is dying. So, from now on we will no longer claim she is sick, we claim a miracle. All for the glory and honor to our living God.

    Our Heavenly Father sent Jesus to destroy the works of satan. By Jesus' stripes she plus all my brothers and sisters who need healing are healed.

    Thank you and God bless you.
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Gigi, true, true, oh so true. Very well said. Have a wonderful day. God bless you.
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Father please move mountains in our lives, please send the deliverance we have been waiting for so long. Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles ( Ex. 14:14). Please send strength and encouragement and please also help with these conflicts and cares. Help us to cast them on you. Amen.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Lord Jesus please in your mercy grant healing to Gigi and her loved ones. Please protect and strengthen them Lord. Thank you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
  • RicoUS - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen. Blessings to you too.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Walnutgrove.

    I will pray for your son's salvation when I pray often for the salvation of my three sons and the children of others on this site who have asked the same blessing for their children. We love our children. When ours were born and we brought them up in the faith we did not imagine that they would become prodigals and for so long. But I trust that God will woo them back and bring them to Jesus once again. I keep on praying for this, because we are instructed to persist in prayer, especially for that which is within His will. He will certainly do what He has willed.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you One eighty.

    The Lord is my healer. Our bodies are made truly amazingly resilient all things considered, especially that we are in the process of dying (due to sin) even as we are born. Getting some pretty big bruises from this fall but they are not too painful. My neck is hurting though, and so will be icing that over the next few days. Must have injured the neck when my jaw hit the table in a sideways fashion. I guess I will need to be more careful about keeping my balance.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Jesse,

    Blessings to you today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Yes, Jema, Galatians 3:28 says we are all one in Christ without rank, but equal and equally blessed with the workings of the Holy Spirit.

    I am certainly aware that what women, you and myself included, say in fellowship with others may not be accepted by some men due to the verse discussed in Giannis' post, (but he is not one of them) but each man or woman is to be obedient to the promptings and instructions of the Holy Spirit as to what to say to and what to receive from other believers regardless of their gender. You and I are responsible for what we say and do not need to own what others are willing to receive. If their convictions towards receiving biblical insights from women don't allow them to do so, then I believe God will bring the same insights to them from a man in the future according to His will. So I don't fret over this.

    I am thankful for this forum and blessed by those who participate. Being pretty much a homebody since Covid and retirement, I don't get a chance each day to share insights with others outside my family often, so this forum allows for us to use our minds that God has blessed us with that are being transformed by the Spirit to be as the mind of Christ.

    Thank you for the kind reply
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you David,

    As always, I keep you and yours in prayer due to your persistence in asking, which is suc a good thing to do. May this day be more blessed that yesterday for you and family.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Scrosby, may your prayers be answered swiftly.
  • Scrosby - 1 year ago
    It is a great again to be in the number one more time! Thank you Father God for awakening me up this morning and starting me on my day. You are truly grateful to your children and I heartedly thank you. Continue to heal my mom and my dear friend that is in the hospital. I pray for full recovery for them and everyone else who is sick and shut in. Lord Thank you!!!
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago

    do you perceive what the Holy Spirit of Truth is revealing here?

    Hebrews 6:1

    therefore leaving the doctrines of Christ---not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works. meaning sinning & repenting as a way of a Christian life

    one of these doctrines was that of baptisms, its in the plural form, He's distinguishing from John's, which was only a type & shadow of Christ baptism. John only reach to the cleansing of the flesh, symbolic of the ritual cleansing of the Jewish law, which he was under.

    Christ, the Substance brought the better things to come, the baptism that John point to & desired, it reaches to the heart, the center & seat of our very being. Hebrews 9:14

    Cleansing out the seeds of the evil one. Hebrews 10:22 evil conscience--his presence must be there Mark 7:21

    Thus, Holy Spirit is revealing there's Ephesians 4:5 that's required to reach to this state of perfection were we sin no more.

    Friends, as I lay here, after responding to bro Dan last thread, I continue to feel the springs from the Fountain of Life bubbling up within me, my cup is running over, so I added then added again to that which I received,

    Come on; Zechariah 13:1 Isa 55:1-4 the Grace of God/ Light Rev 22:17

    lets us Micah 4:2 the Jerusalem Gal 4:26 in Spirit & in Truth

    in love & truth
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    concerning the power of the resurrection of Christ within us, Paul reveals this when stating "not I but Christ lives in me"

    the Father had prepared another body for His Son to live & move & have His being in, & where Christ goes He brings His Father with Him, John 14:23


    this is the abundant life that Christ came to bring us, Life behind the veil, the Holy of Holies, there is no sin or sinning in His dwelling, which dwelling place is within our hearts. 1Cor 3:16,17

    the Corithians hadn't not reach the baptizmal of Christ, yet they were believers & were living in a measure of the Grace of God. Holy Spirit had strong extortations toward them to stop living in the flesh, the veil. though they did not lack behind in many of the graces of God.

    indicating, we must press on to perfection Hebrews 6:1
  • David Allen - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Praying for you and your family Sister Gigi
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers , remember all those that dont know the Lord pray he touches there hearts
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you so much for the last paragraph of this post . It is a fact and it is a fact that is often ignored , almost exclusively by men :) . God gave women brains and I believe that the same Spirit is given to men and women , so if a woman is able to shed some light on a scripture etc , and her information is rejected because it's coming out of a woman's mouth , but it's been given her by God's Holy Spirit , then what does that mean for the man who rejects it ? The message comes from the Spirit , it doesn't matter who's mouth it comes out of . The messenger is irrelevant .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You also need to forgive your wife , from the heart and tell her that you do . This is a lot of work for you but I promise , it will be worth it , you have been carrying this sorrow for too long , you need to get on with your life and find some joy in your Saviour . Be strong , you can be happy again but you have to put in some effort and really learn to trust in God and in His love and mercy towards you . You can do it , you want to be happy , I want you to be happy and God wants you to be happy and close to Him .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Bibleman72 , I can hear your sorrow . In a previous post I think you mentioned that you split from your wife ten years ago ? It's time to move forward . The thing you need to remember is.... forgiveness . If we confess our sins God , through Christ , He is faithful to forgive us . Ask God to forgive you for whatever wrong you did your ex wife , apologise to your ex wife , doesn't have to be in person , you could write her a letter . Don't talk about what she did wrong , just apologise for what you did . Get your sorrow and guilt and regrets out of your heart so that you can make room for love and optimism ! You need also to forgive yourself , you are only human , just like the rest of us and we have all made mistakes , big ones ! I know I have , I have said and done very wrong things and hurt people's feelings , sometimes without realising it but other times knowing exactly what I was doing . You have to apologise , it doesn't matter much if your apology is accepted or not , you are not in control of that , just do it . Once you have asked for God's forgiveness ( and be assured if you make a full and honest confession to Him , He will forgive you ) and apologised to your ex wife , you will feel so much better and it will be so much easier to forgive yourself and put all this negativity behind you . God is love , God wants us to be happy , His mercies are fresh every day , because of what Christ accomplished we can start each day with a clean slate , we can be clean , we can enjoy His love and mercy and move forward in His Grace , we can be happy , we can be guilt free , all we have to do is confess , apologise and trust Him . Please try to see that God has a future for you , in this life and in the next but you have to be willing to trust Him and show Him that you trust Him ! Use the prescribed method , confession , apologize , forgive and let Christ take over your life and heart and move forward in God's love and His plan for you see part 2
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    hi bro Dan

    1John 1:3 John was speaking on the other side of the baptizmal of the Christ, he knew in power of being dead unto sin,

    & the power of the resurrection of Christ within Him, joining Him to Christ & the Father John 17:21-24 in a consummate intimate fellowship which he explains to His children "that your joy maybe full, which they had & are experiencing in a measure; as they continue in the working out of their salvation, steadfast & confident unto the end.

    We ourselve experience an increase in joy of this fellowship as He takes away our sin, & we don't return to them. His Presence increases in our lives, receving more of His Spirit by the hearing & obedience of Faith, which gives & increases us in what John say later "an understanding" 1John 5:20 & a part of this understanding is Philippians 4:13 which we have received.

    Could non-believers read this epistles & become believers, of course; Mark 9:23 This is the heart of God Isa 49:6 Acts 13:47

    in love & truth

    Grace be to you
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jesse,

    Thanks my friend, I'm glad you clarified this.

    I will now make it a point to pay more attention to the posters name.

  • Walnutgrove - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my son Donnie that God will save him.

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