Thank you Fuji for your further comments here. I fully agree what you wrote about the uniqueness of the Gospels, and I too am particularly fond of John's Gospel as he recalls events & wisdom that are particularly pertinent to understanding the Nature of Jesus & His relationship to the Father. The one thing that always makes me sad, is that my hunger for more details of the events portrayed in the Gospels are not given. And I suppose rightly so, as John 21:25 declares to us. So, I need to learn to be more content with what is given, and of course, the tremendous insights in the epistles, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach & comfort my heart through all that's in the Word & from Himself.
I used to live & work (ministry) in Karachi, Pakistan for a little while before being 'shown the door'. There are approx. 3000 mosques in Karachi alone, of various sizes & importance. And as you wrote, there would always be a mosque nearby for those folk, particularly to the diligent who need to drop everything five times a day to go to prayer. So, in non-Islamic countries, where mosques are very much fewer in number, it would be reasonable for them to live as close as possible to their place of prayer & the meeting of their other needs. Blessings.
Hello there ! Don't be discouraged ! James is the kind of book that makes even the most devoted Christian examine themselves very carefully . Every time I read it I feel guilty , as if James was looking right into me as he wrote it ! It seems to me that James has listed all my faults and failings and is rebuking me personally . I'm sure this is intentional , it's easy for us to sometimes be a bit self satisfied and pleased with ourselves , imagining that we are better than we actually are . To me , the book of James is there to bring me back down to the reality of who and what I actually am , a sinner , in need of God's mercy and forgiveness every day . It's like a report card that says ' must do better ' and it's addressed to us all , not just you and not just me . Take it on the chin and vow to do better tomorrow , every day !
Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ. I have recently received the Lord Jesus into my life after not putting all my faith in Him. Yet now I have made the conscious decision to devote my life to Him and strive to live a holy life. I would really appreciate any prayers for me to be sanctified by the Word of God and His Spirit and to be able to grow as a Christian. Thank you all and hallelujah!
I will pray for Magda that God takes care of her amidst difficult and unsafe situations and provide the means for her to return to your circle of family and friends soon.
makes me wonder. I must be a deep sinner; I thought that I was always with the God up above all this time. now this scares me. how do I convince myself I am a believer
question: Does God really hear especially the Disabled? my son was living homeless, not intended, his/was an active user/drug addict. at the time he was trying to survive and to go clean from the addiction. his disability is: no legs, majority of blindness, rely on a mobile scooter that I as his mom, purchased for him. at the time he lost his charger, out on the hot sun of 115 degree. hungry, thirsty, pushing his scooter to his dad's home when his dad did not want him at his hoe, and his dad is an active user as well. so my son stated, he was out in the back of the home, scorching hot, facing the sun, not intentionally, and he spoke to god. he asked GOD NOT TO BE SO HARD ON HIM, but to me, I question. Did god hear his plea>? why? is my son still struggling, his been clean for 2 months now, and his got no one seems as the DSHS, THE DISABILITY Corporation, has given up on him, the hospital's knows his pain and refuses his treatment as to where my son refuses it as well. I keep weeping and asking: Who can I go to , to help my son. Seems as tho the churches only sayL: I am sorry, we well put him on the prayer list. I am sad. No I am not an active druggy or alcohol, just loving my son is the addiction I have.
I do not keep Passover, because Jesus fulfilled it. It is one of the ordinances taken out of the way and removed.
Instead, I observe the Lord's Supper, which was instituted by Jesus in it's place.
Verse 14 of John chapter 19: "And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!" No doubt they are preparing for the Passover. It is approaching.
Jesus & the Disciples kept the Passover far earlier in the day, as the day began so it was many hours earlier than those who betrayed Him. They all kept it, but Jesus did it much earlier. Jesus did it at the start of the day. The Jews did it later in the day near sunset. Jesus' trial and Crucifixion happened fast. From betrayal to Crucifixion it was about 6 or so hours. So sometime near the end of the first 12 hours of the day, give or take, Jesus was placed upon the Cross. Remember a day starts in the evening as it begins to grow dark.
John 18:28: Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: & it was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the Passover.
Jesus was on the cross as the lambs died.
Jesus was placed in the tomb at Sunset the 14th, just prior to the Sabbath which began at Sunset. So hour 1 of the 15th began at sundown at about 7pm.
Counting forward. 24 hours, we are at Sunset on the 15th at about 7pm. So hour 1 of the 16th began.
Counting forward 24 hours and we are at Sunset of the 16th. Which was Friday. At Sunset Friday, Saturday begins at about 7pm.
Counting forward 24 hours, just prior to Sunset Saturday, Jesus Christ is Resurrected, fulfilling the 72 hours He told us He would be in the grave. He is raised from the tomb the same time He was placed in the tomb.
At Sunset on Saturday, Sunday begins about 7pm. At this point, Jesus has already left the tomb and been Resurrected.
Further to my question about the emblems and in reply to Chris and Jesse , thank you for your replies to me .
I have never believed in transubstantiation and recognise it as one of many spurious catholic doctrines . I'm also aware that the Bible has many layers and I always look for the literal , then metaphorical and then spiritual aspects in what I read . The events at the last supper are fascinating to me and I am always amazed by how different the accounts in the four Gospels are and yet they are perfectly symbiotic . The differences in the Gospel accounts are mostly down to the four different personalities of the writers , remember in the mouth of two or three witnesses ? Here we have four witnesses with four distinct personalities which we can see coming through in their accounts . I'm particularly fascinated by John's account , very different from the other three . He doesn't even mention the new covenant and is the only one to mention the washing of the disciples feet . He focusses very much on Jesus's words , which is great as he's the only one to do that to that extent . The Bible is the Gift that keeps on giving as it reveals itself to us continually showing us something deeper each time we read it , in that it is truly alive and is a living seed growing in us as we learn from it and allow it to take hold of us and grow in us , truly a living Word . I used to be sure that it is essential for us to take the bread and wine every Sunday at church . I'm not so sure now but I am sure that it's definitely beneficial and is also an act of obedience and submission . It can only do us good ,but we shouldn't feel left out if we are not able to partake for whatever reason .
I'm not a fan of islam but one thing I know , there are a lot of muslims where I live and I wondered why they tend to live close to each other , I found out that they don't choose to live close to each other but to their mosque , so they can always get to it . Nothing must block their path .
my oldest twin is struggling with diabetic, almost blindness, weakness, as well as an amputee (no legs) and refuses help to the doctors, caseworkers, hospital, his way to underweight from 160lbs to 80 something for he shows only bones. I have hounded and hounded DSHS, AREA OF AGING/DISABILITY, for care workers, they state they send some out, but he rejects them, as they say. as this day, he is alone, sleeps on the floor for no furniture, has Fieses on him, hungry, I am having APS (adult protected services) check on him, his in and out of the hospital, the APS , I assume are trying to do some Adult in dangerment charges on me., I think, I live round trip 4 hours away, I try as much to go to him, his not able to live with me Court order, I need HELP and if god is around to assist in this need for my twin, to put love into his heart, trust in his life again, his had so many promises from all these Professional and none has been met, they only have exceptional before they assist. but monitor his reject for hospitalization, etc. "IN NEED OF PRAYERS-INEVERY WHICH WAY" in GOOD WAY.
22 Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.
7 Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.
You said;
"The lambs were killed in the evening of the 14th any time after the sun started to go down."
You realize this statement is in error.
The evening of the 14 is in fact the 12 hours prior to sunset. At Sunset on the 14th it is officially the morning hours of a new day. It is officially the 15th. Since the 15th is a Sabbath, the lambs would NOT have been slaughtered after sunset.
A day begins and ends at Sunset.
Matthew 26:2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
Matthew 26:3 Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, unto the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, 4 And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him. 5 But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the people.
Tuesday would have ended at about 7pm, Sundown. Wednesday would have started at about 7pm, Sundown.
We will call it hour 1.
Beginning at about hour 1 Jesus and His Disciples would be eating the Passover. The meal likely would have lasted about 3 hours or less. After the meal, Jesus and the Disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. It would have been dark. Even though it was a new day, and the new day had dawned at 7pm, it was still the night time portion of it. After about 2 hours of prayer, the soldiers came and arrested Jesus. Which means only about 5 hour of the new day had gone past so far.
In biblical sense, it was 5am or hour 5, when Jesus was arrested. If we were to look at it in by modern definition Jesus's arrest would have occurred at 12 midnight.
This is why people have trouble with the scriptures. They get the time wrong.
*god's true son's name phropsied in: isaiah 7:14-15 & prophecy fulfilled in matthew 1:22-23, meaning god & christ will be with u.s.= us saved & sanctified & filled with abba's comforter: john 14:13-18 & 14:26*
Seeking God's Wisdom West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
I Pray asking God for wisdom to make godly decisions, having faith in which is already done for me of my heart, words of mouth and being my shield.- Ephesians 6:16 KJV
"To give up believing in within yourself to be done not with God and him doing it for you.
Ways to help you to not believe in doing yourself without God are
Prayer Matthew 7:7 KJV Believing Jesus Christ Is God the Father Proverbs 19:20 KJV
Listen to his voice and Word to obey, follow "do it" in speaking actions, attention of communications.
God wants you to come into his sanctuary-today's Christian Church and read holy bible, to learn about Jesus Christ being God and Intentions "And it shall be giving you" John 17:3 KJV
Principle-Holy To all religions. Always performaning righteousness, holiness in actions "to do it" of God. To have faith, hope, love."
Wisdom helps you obey God in feelings of short comings, failures. God wants you to come to Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:13 KJV
James 1:6 KJV
" No challenges, afflictions, tests will occur about or upon me I John 1:3 KJV- Gaurtenteed
Wisdom - Comes from the knowledge of God, and the capacity to make use of it, discernment, judgment, discretion, sagacity, skill, dexterity.
James 1:7 KJV
" That you see your life as real here on earth in Jesus Christ Holy Bible, instructions on how to live life. In repentance of sins. James 4:8 KJV Jesus Christ is the only way to make life to reality. John 14:6 KJV scriptures text is for you to believe in Jesus Christ to get what you want and also is a book you can read only. "We believe the Bible to be inspired and only infallible written Word of God."
Please pray for my family my daughters and their young families, please pray for my mother, Please remember Magda in your prayers I pray for their protection and blessings
Amen Sister GiGi ,, GOD is so good to us even when times are tough. He watches over us with such Love , the gift of grandchildren is such a blessing , all children are a blessing , Tonya is doing well and the baby as well , I am so glad you and your family are doing good , I pray for you and your family every morning on this web site , it is a start to my new day , It is uplifting to me , I very seldom go into details because Jesus already knows them , But I have a very special request I have someone that is so dear to me and I love her , her Name is Magda please say a special prayer for her , for GODs protection , for GODs blessings she is a horrible place , a place where life has little value Pray the Lord bless her and protect her and return her here , Thank you sister we serve a Big GOD and can make possible the things we think are impossible , It was good to hear from you and so /glad you and your family are doing well and growing , GOD is good I always look forward to hearing from you , GOD Bless you
Let's hope that God's people will be diligent in prayer, faithful in the trenches of hardship and mistreatment, courageous in speaking up when the Holy Spirit presses us to do so, and always repay good for evil, letting God be the one to execute justice and bring about the rebuilding and strengthening of out nation over the coming years.
I join with you in prayer against the wrongs that have been done by those who side with evil and stand against God and His ways in our country and the world.
May God give mercy and blessing to any who have received wrong actions from governments near and far.
And we can pray for an end to the war in Ukraine and in Palestine, that He will thwart the attacks of terrorist groups and nations, and protect people from being victimized by those who wish to harm someone with criminal acts.
When I was young, our nation had a greater sense of decency and value for human life that is present today in our elected officials and in people residing in our country. May God perform great and mighty miracles in our families, neighborhoods, cities, states, and country. Let us trust in God and stand firm in believing for God to bring revival to our country and the rest of the world. May there be a overwhelming turning from unbelief to faith in Jesus in our lifetime!
I continue to keep you in prayer knowing that God is at work in your life and shaping you into the image of Jesus Christ, our Lord. We rest in His righteousness imputed to us, not on our own righteousness. Our life in this world is one of continual fighting against our sinful nature. But we have a new spiritual, born again nature from the Holy Spirit in us. He is the power that brings us to defeat the sinful desires in us. He is the power that sanctifies us day to day. He is the power that keeps us in the faith. He is the power that causes us to desire God and His righteousness in our lives. God is abounding in grace, mercy, and love towards us. He chose us to be adopted into Him as His children. So we can know that He will be our Father forever. He know all there is to know about our struggles and promises to help us, to intercede, and to fight for us against our enemies.
I am more than happy to lift your prayer request up to our Lord Jesus. He told us to ask in His name and the Father will hear and answer. So, let's pray with faith that He does what He says He will do for us.
I am sorry to hear that you are hard-pressed with those things that concern you so.
We can be so thankful that we are in Christ and can turn to Him with our concerns knowing that He does truly care about all we ask for and what we do not ask for. I am glad He knows the whole of things when we do not. We can be confident in Him.
Glad to hear that baby is born and all has gone well for Mom and baby. What a blessing each baby is.
Today I was singing "Twinkle Twinkle" to my 8 month old granddaughter and she was singing along in babybabble. Even when I would sing a line and stop, she would sing back to me in all her noises, repeating after me for each line. So cute!
We need to get it on video tomorrow as she was in her high chair with a face full of food smears when she did this. We hope to get a "cleaned up" version tomorrow!
I do keep you and your requests in my prayers. You are teaching me to be a better prayer partner. It is easy to pray for a request and kind of be done if the person doesn't continue to ask for prayer as you do so faithfully. God is great. He is good. He is able to meet all of needs. He has the power to do what is impossible for humans. so let's remember to praise Him as we go along in our daily life and when we commit our prayers to him.
It sounds like you are experiencing matters that are having a negative effect on you in many ways.
Jesus told us to cast all of our cares on HIM because HE CARES for each of us. He will help you. Be persistent and keep "Knocking on the heavens" in prayer for Jesus to help you and give you rest and peace.
If you think that you are becoming dependent on the pain meds, you should talk to your doctor. Perhaps there are some on-opiod pain meds that could replace the opiods. My other thought is the possibility of your medical condition would be helped with physical therapy? Of course, the nature and underlying cause of the need for surgeries and subsequent pain may not be such that this or other types of therapy (massages, chiropractic) would help. And lastly, if your surgery incision is completely healed, water therapy can be helpful if you have access to a hot tub or swim spa that can help soothe and relax your area of pain. These therapies have helped me with low back pain from degenerative discs and arthritis.
I am sorry that you have has such a painful year. That is really draining and mentally discouraging. My hope is that you will get past this and not need more surgery and that the areas of pain will heal and return to healthy tissues.
Thanks for letting us know your prayer need. I am confident that others here will also pray for you. We do believe that it is God who helps us when we seek Him in prayer, so trust in His faithfulness and promises to hear our prayers and answer in the best way.
Thanks brother Giannis for that detailed reply. It was indeed very informative to learn of the Jewish seven day week also known as 'Sabbath'. I took the liberty to refer to the OT, and picked on Genesis 29:27, "Fulfil her WEEK, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years" (words by Laban concerning Leah & Rachel). In Hebrew, it comes up as, 'malle (fulfil) shabua (week) zot (this)'. Interestingly, 'shabua' means a week of seven days, with a further note of its "connection to the Gk, Sabbaton, refers to the Sabbath or a week". And this is what you have shared with us here. So we can believe that the 'first day of the Sabbath' does not speak of the seventh day, but of the first of the week: a Sunday. Thank you again for clearing that up. Blessings.
If this was not a metaphor but an actual change of substance, then not only would that be in conflict with the Scriptures, but would require much faith & imagination in taste & texture, to be convincing; it would be a mental affirmation to the one partaking, whereas faith demands an actual outcome, such as our faith in Christ for salvation: if we don't see the change in us by the Holy Spirit's Presence, in our thoughts, our ways, our direction in life, then how do we justify that it is 'Christ in us, our hope'; it would be just a vain hope - a hope that we will make it.
When Jesus compared His coming from Heaven & offering of Himself, to that of Israel's forefathers who ate the manna which only afforded temporary life until death, Jesus said that His offering through partaking in His Body & Blood gives eternal life. This must mean that those who partake in the Lord's Supper, do so because of their indissoluble connection to their Savior, vividly being reminded, through the (emblems), of the Life sacrificed for them & the great cost to secure their salvation. The forefathers of Israel ate that manna & died, but the Living Bread from Heaven came to give life, not given to sustain the body, but to strengthen & gladden the soul. There can be no merit in eating a mystically re-constituted bread & wine (which can't happen), except to possibly make one feel closer to Christ. The merit is found in obedience to the Lord, a life lived in holiness, & taking every occasion (particularly in corporate worship) to remember why we are different & special to God. GBU.
I would like to respond to this. There are many who believe in transubstantiation, the changing of bread and wine into the literal flesh and blood of Christ. I personally believe that taking communion represents Jesus' flesh and blood, not to be taken literal.
I realize that it seems to indicate otherwise in John Chapter 6, and many of the disciples (not the 12), but many others who were following along and listening to Jesus speak did in fact take it literally. They thought He was speaking about cannibalism. In John 6:60-65, we see the perplexity of the disciples. Many of them left because of Jesus' words.
I think that John 6:63 gives us a clear understanding that Jesus was not speaking about His literal blood and literal flesh. He says that it is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
The word quickeneth means make alive. It is the spirit that makes alive, the flesh profits nothing. There is no spiritual benefit in the flesh. So, the words Jesus spoke were not physical. It is spirit. It is not physical life; it is spiritual life. So, He says everything that I just told you about my flesh, and my blood, take that and change it into spiritual metaphors and you'll have what it means.
Hello Fuji. Yes, reading through John 6:26-60, one could easily assume that Jesus spoke about His actual Flesh & Blood that had to be consumed; and the disciples themselves were astonished & probably confused by such words ( John 6:60). I understand that the RCC believe & teach that the physical emblems of bread & wine mystically convert to Christ's actual Body & Blood ("Christ's Presence" as they call it) when consecrated to God (transubstantiation). And of course, that would mean that Christ would have to be sacrificed every time the eucharist takes place. The belief is that for present cleansing of all sin, Christ's Body must be remembered & partaken of. And how can it be partaken of, except by death (even in the mystical sense), though as I understand it, the RC doesn't believe that those converted elements represent His death again.
We read clearly in Hebrews 10:1-12 what the writer was bringing out when comparing the sacrifices conducted by the Jewish priests to that of our great High Priest. And particularly, verse 3, "But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year", when we also read verses 10 to 12, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once (for all). And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God".
So we see here that Christ's Sacrifice was, and could only be made once, & this one Sacrifice alone was absolutely sufficient to deal with all of mankind's sins. And of course, the cleansing we speak of, is what God does by forgiving us, on the basis of His acceptance of His Son's Perfect & Complete Work at Calvary. Onto Page 2.
Galatians 5:19 - Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
He says here are the performances of the flesh, the works of the flesh. They are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication (sexual immorality), uncleanness, which means all impurities. That's what uncleanness means. It's even a word that is described demonic forces, unclean spirits, all impurities. Lasciviousness, which means uncontrolled lust.
So, these first four have to do with immorality. It goes from the simple, and ones we are all familiar with, to the ones that are out of control.
Then there's idolatry, and this all has to do with religion. Idolatry is idol worship. Witchcraft, which is literally the word PHARMAKEIA, which is the word for drugs. Not in and of itself, but for idol worship, they used to use drugs to drug people to get them to be able to reach a "spiritual high" in meetings of idolatry.
And hatred is literally the word hostility. Variance means conflicts or fighting's. Emulations are jealousies. The word wrath means rages of anger. It doesn't mean to get mad. It means to be under the influence of rage all the time. Strife is the word for self-ambition. Seditions is the word for divisions.
And heresies, we've all heard the word. It literally means to choose. That's what the word heresy means. It means to choose what group or political party you want to be part of. But in the church, it's what we choose to believe. Not so much what the bible says, but what we choose to believe. That is a heresy. All false teaching is based on what somebody chooses to believe is true but is not backed up by the word of God.
Galatians 5:10 - I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.
He says, I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded: The Greek word is PHRONESIS for mind and it means the frame of mind. He says that you're going to have the same frame of mind that you did when you first received Christ, the same attitude, the same approach to legalism as I do. There's a persuasion that has persuaded you that it is right even though you know it's wrong!
Galatians 5:12 - I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
He says if circumcision carries any spiritual weight, maybe they ought to be castrated. That's a very sarcastic "dig" by Paul about the mutilation of the flesh! If they want to be spiritual, let them be castrated. I wish they were cut off. This term "cut off" in the Greek text is the word APOKOPSONTAI, and that's exactly what it means, castrated.
Galatians 5:16 - This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit. That's a Present Tense Imperative. Be continually walking under the influence of God's Spirit. That's the command. In Ephesians 5:18, Paul says be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. The word filled means influenced. Seek to be influenced by the Spirit.
You can tell that he focuses on the influences in our life, the persuasions and the various things that influence us and take us captive. Seek to be under the influence of God's Spirit.
Galatians 5:18 - But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
So, he says about the condition, if you are being led by the Spirit, listen to this literal translation, we are not under the law. You're not under the law. You are under the influence of God's Spirit.
Galatians 5:1 - Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
He says, stand firm therefore. The word fast means firm, stand firm. Also, the term stand fast, or stand firm is what is called a Present Imperative, which means be continuously standing. It's not a one-time thing. Be continuously standing firm!
I think that's an interesting concept. The reason why he places that at the beginning of the sentence is because it's one of the most important words in the Christian vocabulary. To stand firm! In other words, once I've received Christ, I'm at the highest position spiritually that I will ever be.
That's what Ephesians is all about, is our position in Christ. I'm in Christ in the Spirit realm, seated with Him at the throne of God. Always! That will never ever change. Far above all principalities and powers, and demonic forces, the whole thing, I'm in Christ!
And so, it's interesting that once I have received Christ, I am to stand. There isn't anywhere else to go. Spiritually, I have arrived. I need growth. I need understanding. I need development of my relationship with Christ. But I can't get any more saved than the first time I got saved. I will always be in Christ. One day I will shed this physical body, and then my position will be realized in the spirit realm, as the physical body will not hold me down any longer.
Galatians 5:8 - This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.
It's interesting because the word persuasion, that's where the word faith comes from. There are many different persuasions in the world, especially different philosophies of people and of religious views.
Paul is saying that there is only one persuasion that comes from God. He's telling them that this persuasion does not come from the one who is calling you. Notice how I translated it? That is a Present Tense, a Present Participle. It is the one who is constantly calling you!
I used to live & work (ministry) in Karachi, Pakistan for a little while before being 'shown the door'. There are approx. 3000 mosques in Karachi alone, of various sizes & importance. And as you wrote, there would always be a mosque nearby for those folk, particularly to the diligent who need to drop everything five times a day to go to prayer. So, in non-Islamic countries, where mosques are very much fewer in number, it would be reasonable for them to live as close as possible to their place of prayer & the meeting of their other needs. Blessings.
I will pray for Magda that God takes care of her amidst difficult and unsafe situations and provide the means for her to return to your circle of family and friends soon.
Instead, I observe the Lord's Supper, which was instituted by Jesus in it's place.
Verse 14 of John chapter 19: "And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!" No doubt they are preparing for the Passover. It is approaching.
Jesus & the Disciples kept the Passover far earlier in the day, as the day began so it was many hours earlier than those who betrayed Him. They all kept it, but Jesus did it much earlier. Jesus did it at the start of the day. The Jews did it later in the day near sunset. Jesus' trial and Crucifixion happened fast. From betrayal to Crucifixion it was about 6 or so hours. So sometime near the end of the first 12 hours of the day, give or take, Jesus was placed upon the Cross. Remember a day starts in the evening as it begins to grow dark.
John 18:28: Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: & it was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the Passover.
Jesus was on the cross as the lambs died.
Jesus was placed in the tomb at Sunset the 14th, just prior to the Sabbath which began at Sunset. So hour 1 of the 15th began at sundown at about 7pm.
Counting forward. 24 hours, we are at Sunset on the 15th at about 7pm. So hour 1 of the 16th began.
Counting forward 24 hours and we are at Sunset of the 16th. Which was Friday. At Sunset Friday, Saturday begins at about 7pm.
Counting forward 24 hours, just prior to Sunset Saturday, Jesus Christ is Resurrected, fulfilling the 72 hours He told us He would be in the grave. He is raised from the tomb the same time He was placed in the tomb.
At Sunset on Saturday, Sunday begins about 7pm. At this point, Jesus has already left the tomb and been Resurrected.
I have never believed in transubstantiation and recognise it as one of many spurious catholic doctrines . I'm also aware that the Bible has many layers and I always look for the literal , then metaphorical and then spiritual aspects in what I read . The events at the last supper are fascinating to me and I am always amazed by how different the accounts in the four Gospels are and yet they are perfectly symbiotic . The differences in the Gospel accounts are mostly down to the four different personalities of the writers , remember in the mouth of two or three witnesses ? Here we have four witnesses with four distinct personalities which we can see coming through in their accounts . I'm particularly fascinated by John's account , very different from the other three . He doesn't even mention the new covenant and is the only one to mention the washing of the disciples feet . He focusses very much on Jesus's words , which is great as he's the only one to do that to that extent . The Bible is the Gift that keeps on giving as it reveals itself to us continually showing us something deeper each time we read it , in that it is truly alive and is a living seed growing in us as we learn from it and allow it to take hold of us and grow in us , truly a living Word . I used to be sure that it is essential for us to take the bread and wine every Sunday at church . I'm not so sure now but I am sure that it's definitely beneficial and is also an act of obedience and submission . It can only do us good ,but we shouldn't feel left out if we are not able to partake for whatever reason .
I'm not a fan of islam but one thing I know , there are a lot of muslims where I live and I wondered why they tend to live close to each other , I found out that they don't choose to live close to each other but to their mosque , so they can always get to it . Nothing must block their path .
22 Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.
7 Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.
You said;
"The lambs were killed in the evening of the 14th any time after the sun started to go down."
You realize this statement is in error.
The evening of the 14 is in fact the 12 hours prior to sunset. At Sunset on the 14th it is officially the morning hours of a new day. It is officially the 15th. Since the 15th is a Sabbath, the lambs would NOT have been slaughtered after sunset.
A day begins and ends at Sunset.
Matthew 26:2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
Matthew 26:3 Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, unto the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, 4 And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him. 5 But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the people.
Tuesday would have ended at about 7pm, Sundown. Wednesday would have started at about 7pm, Sundown.
We will call it hour 1.
Beginning at about hour 1 Jesus and His Disciples would be eating the Passover. The meal likely would have lasted about 3 hours or less. After the meal, Jesus and the Disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. It would have been dark. Even though it was a new day, and the new day had dawned at 7pm, it was still the night time portion of it. After about 2 hours of prayer, the soldiers came and arrested Jesus. Which means only about 5 hour of the new day had gone past so far.
In biblical sense, it was 5am or hour 5, when Jesus was arrested. If we were to look at it in by modern definition Jesus's arrest would have occurred at 12 midnight.
This is why people have trouble with the scriptures. They get the time wrong.
Seeking God's Wisdom West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
I Pray asking God for wisdom to make godly decisions, having faith in which is already done for me of my heart, words of mouth and being my shield.- Ephesians 6:16 KJV
"To give up believing in within yourself to be done not with God and him doing it for you.
Ways to help you to not believe in doing yourself without God are
Prayer Matthew 7:7 KJV Believing Jesus Christ Is God the Father Proverbs 19:20 KJV
Listen to his voice and Word to obey, follow "do it" in speaking actions, attention of communications.
God wants you to come into his sanctuary-today's Christian Church and read holy bible, to learn about Jesus Christ being God and Intentions "And it shall be giving you" John 17:3 KJV
Principle-Holy To all religions. Always performaning righteousness, holiness in actions "to do it" of God. To have faith, hope, love."
Wisdom helps you obey God in feelings of short comings, failures. God wants you to come to Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:13 KJV
James 1:6 KJV
" No challenges, afflictions, tests will occur about or upon me I John 1:3 KJV- Gaurtenteed
Wisdom - Comes from the knowledge of God, and the capacity to make use of it, discernment, judgment, discretion, sagacity, skill, dexterity.
James 1:7 KJV
" That you see your life as real here on earth in Jesus Christ Holy Bible, instructions on how to live life. In repentance of sins. James 4:8 KJV Jesus Christ is the only way to make life to reality. John 14:6 KJV scriptures text is for you to believe in Jesus Christ to get what you want and also is a book you can read only. "We believe the Bible to be inspired and only infallible written Word of God."
I will be praying for you and your health, safety, and all that you request in prayer before the Lord.
Let's hope that God's people will be diligent in prayer, faithful in the trenches of hardship and mistreatment, courageous in speaking up when the Holy Spirit presses us to do so, and always repay good for evil, letting God be the one to execute justice and bring about the rebuilding and strengthening of out nation over the coming years.
I join with you in prayer against the wrongs that have been done by those who side with evil and stand against God and His ways in our country and the world.
May God give mercy and blessing to any who have received wrong actions from governments near and far.
And we can pray for an end to the war in Ukraine and in Palestine, that He will thwart the attacks of terrorist groups and nations, and protect people from being victimized by those who wish to harm someone with criminal acts.
When I was young, our nation had a greater sense of decency and value for human life that is present today in our elected officials and in people residing in our country. May God perform great and mighty miracles in our families, neighborhoods, cities, states, and country. Let us trust in God and stand firm in believing for God to bring revival to our country and the rest of the world. May there be a overwhelming turning from unbelief to faith in Jesus in our lifetime!
I continue to keep you in prayer knowing that God is at work in your life and shaping you into the image of Jesus Christ, our Lord. We rest in His righteousness imputed to us, not on our own righteousness. Our life in this world is one of continual fighting against our sinful nature. But we have a new spiritual, born again nature from the Holy Spirit in us. He is the power that brings us to defeat the sinful desires in us. He is the power that sanctifies us day to day. He is the power that keeps us in the faith. He is the power that causes us to desire God and His righteousness in our lives. God is abounding in grace, mercy, and love towards us. He chose us to be adopted into Him as His children. So we can know that He will be our Father forever. He know all there is to know about our struggles and promises to help us, to intercede, and to fight for us against our enemies.
Has your sister had her surgery yet! If so, I hope she is recovering well. I will continue to pray for her throughout this episode.
I am more than happy to lift your prayer request up to our Lord Jesus. He told us to ask in His name and the Father will hear and answer. So, let's pray with faith that He does what He says He will do for us.
I have been praying for you.
I am sorry to hear that you are hard-pressed with those things that concern you so.
We can be so thankful that we are in Christ and can turn to Him with our concerns knowing that He does truly care about all we ask for and what we do not ask for. I am glad He knows the whole of things when we do not. We can be confident in Him.
Glad to hear that baby is born and all has gone well for Mom and baby. What a blessing each baby is.
Today I was singing "Twinkle Twinkle" to my 8 month old granddaughter and she was singing along in babybabble. Even when I would sing a line and stop, she would sing back to me in all her noises, repeating after me for each line. So cute!
We need to get it on video tomorrow as she was in her high chair with a face full of food smears when she did this. We hope to get a "cleaned up" version tomorrow!
I do keep you and your requests in my prayers. You are teaching me to be a better prayer partner. It is easy to pray for a request and kind of be done if the person doesn't continue to ask for prayer as you do so faithfully. God is great. He is good. He is able to meet all of needs. He has the power to do what is impossible for humans. so let's remember to praise Him as we go along in our daily life and when we commit our prayers to him.
I will be keeping you in my prayer.
It sounds like you are experiencing matters that are having a negative effect on you in many ways.
Jesus told us to cast all of our cares on HIM because HE CARES for each of us. He will help you. Be persistent and keep "Knocking on the heavens" in prayer for Jesus to help you and give you rest and peace.
That is a lot of surgeries!
If you think that you are becoming dependent on the pain meds, you should talk to your doctor. Perhaps there are some on-opiod pain meds that could replace the opiods. My other thought is the possibility of your medical condition would be helped with physical therapy? Of course, the nature and underlying cause of the need for surgeries and subsequent pain may not be such that this or other types of therapy (massages, chiropractic) would help. And lastly, if your surgery incision is completely healed, water therapy can be helpful if you have access to a hot tub or swim spa that can help soothe and relax your area of pain. These therapies have helped me with low back pain from degenerative discs and arthritis.
I am sorry that you have has such a painful year. That is really draining and mentally discouraging. My hope is that you will get past this and not need more surgery and that the areas of pain will heal and return to healthy tissues.
Thanks for letting us know your prayer need. I am confident that others here will also pray for you. We do believe that it is God who helps us when we seek Him in prayer, so trust in His faithfulness and promises to hear our prayers and answer in the best way.
If this was not a metaphor but an actual change of substance, then not only would that be in conflict with the Scriptures, but would require much faith & imagination in taste & texture, to be convincing; it would be a mental affirmation to the one partaking, whereas faith demands an actual outcome, such as our faith in Christ for salvation: if we don't see the change in us by the Holy Spirit's Presence, in our thoughts, our ways, our direction in life, then how do we justify that it is 'Christ in us, our hope'; it would be just a vain hope - a hope that we will make it.
When Jesus compared His coming from Heaven & offering of Himself, to that of Israel's forefathers who ate the manna which only afforded temporary life until death, Jesus said that His offering through partaking in His Body & Blood gives eternal life. This must mean that those who partake in the Lord's Supper, do so because of their indissoluble connection to their Savior, vividly being reminded, through the (emblems), of the Life sacrificed for them & the great cost to secure their salvation. The forefathers of Israel ate that manna & died, but the Living Bread from Heaven came to give life, not given to sustain the body, but to strengthen & gladden the soul. There can be no merit in eating a mystically re-constituted bread & wine (which can't happen), except to possibly make one feel closer to Christ. The merit is found in obedience to the Lord, a life lived in holiness, & taking every occasion (particularly in corporate worship) to remember why we are different & special to God. GBU.
I would like to respond to this. There are many who believe in transubstantiation, the changing of bread and wine into the literal flesh and blood of Christ. I personally believe that taking communion represents Jesus' flesh and blood, not to be taken literal.
I realize that it seems to indicate otherwise in John Chapter 6, and many of the disciples (not the 12), but many others who were following along and listening to Jesus speak did in fact take it literally. They thought He was speaking about cannibalism. In John 6:60-65, we see the perplexity of the disciples. Many of them left because of Jesus' words.
I think that John 6:63 gives us a clear understanding that Jesus was not speaking about His literal blood and literal flesh. He says that it is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
The word quickeneth means make alive. It is the spirit that makes alive, the flesh profits nothing. There is no spiritual benefit in the flesh. So, the words Jesus spoke were not physical. It is spirit. It is not physical life; it is spiritual life. So, He says everything that I just told you about my flesh, and my blood, take that and change it into spiritual metaphors and you'll have what it means.
This is my understanding of this subject.
Blessings to you!
Hello Fuji. Yes, reading through John 6:26-60, one could easily assume that Jesus spoke about His actual Flesh & Blood that had to be consumed; and the disciples themselves were astonished & probably confused by such words ( John 6:60). I understand that the RCC believe & teach that the physical emblems of bread & wine mystically convert to Christ's actual Body & Blood ("Christ's Presence" as they call it) when consecrated to God (transubstantiation). And of course, that would mean that Christ would have to be sacrificed every time the eucharist takes place. The belief is that for present cleansing of all sin, Christ's Body must be remembered & partaken of. And how can it be partaken of, except by death (even in the mystical sense), though as I understand it, the RC doesn't believe that those converted elements represent His death again.
We read clearly in Hebrews 10:1-12 what the writer was bringing out when comparing the sacrifices conducted by the Jewish priests to that of our great High Priest. And particularly, verse 3, "But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year", when we also read verses 10 to 12, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once (for all). And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God".
So we see here that Christ's Sacrifice was, and could only be made once, & this one Sacrifice alone was absolutely sufficient to deal with all of mankind's sins. And of course, the cleansing we speak of, is what God does by forgiving us, on the basis of His acceptance of His Son's Perfect & Complete Work at Calvary. Onto Page 2.
Galatians 5:19 - Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
He says here are the performances of the flesh, the works of the flesh. They are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication (sexual immorality), uncleanness, which means all impurities. That's what uncleanness means. It's even a word that is described demonic forces, unclean spirits, all impurities. Lasciviousness, which means uncontrolled lust.
So, these first four have to do with immorality. It goes from the simple, and ones we are all familiar with, to the ones that are out of control.
Galatians 5:20 - Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Then there's idolatry, and this all has to do with religion. Idolatry is idol worship. Witchcraft, which is literally the word PHARMAKEIA, which is the word for drugs. Not in and of itself, but for idol worship, they used to use drugs to drug people to get them to be able to reach a "spiritual high" in meetings of idolatry.
And hatred is literally the word hostility. Variance means conflicts or fighting's. Emulations are jealousies. The word wrath means rages of anger. It doesn't mean to get mad. It means to be under the influence of rage all the time. Strife is the word for self-ambition. Seditions is the word for divisions.
And heresies, we've all heard the word. It literally means to choose. That's what the word heresy means. It means to choose what group or political party you want to be part of. But in the church, it's what we choose to believe. Not so much what the bible says, but what we choose to believe. That is a heresy. All false teaching is based on what somebody chooses to believe is true but is not backed up by the word of God.
Galatians 5:10 - I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.
He says, I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded: The Greek word is PHRONESIS for mind and it means the frame of mind. He says that you're going to have the same frame of mind that you did when you first received Christ, the same attitude, the same approach to legalism as I do. There's a persuasion that has persuaded you that it is right even though you know it's wrong!
Galatians 5:12 - I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
He says if circumcision carries any spiritual weight, maybe they ought to be castrated. That's a very sarcastic "dig" by Paul about the mutilation of the flesh! If they want to be spiritual, let them be castrated. I wish they were cut off. This term "cut off" in the Greek text is the word APOKOPSONTAI, and that's exactly what it means, castrated.
Galatians 5:16 - This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit. That's a Present Tense Imperative. Be continually walking under the influence of God's Spirit. That's the command. In Ephesians 5:18, Paul says be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. The word filled means influenced. Seek to be influenced by the Spirit.
You can tell that he focuses on the influences in our life, the persuasions and the various things that influence us and take us captive. Seek to be under the influence of God's Spirit.
Galatians 5:18 - But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
So, he says about the condition, if you are being led by the Spirit, listen to this literal translation, we are not under the law. You're not under the law. You are under the influence of God's Spirit.
Galatians 5:1 - Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
He says, stand firm therefore. The word fast means firm, stand firm. Also, the term stand fast, or stand firm is what is called a Present Imperative, which means be continuously standing. It's not a one-time thing. Be continuously standing firm!
I think that's an interesting concept. The reason why he places that at the beginning of the sentence is because it's one of the most important words in the Christian vocabulary. To stand firm! In other words, once I've received Christ, I'm at the highest position spiritually that I will ever be.
That's what Ephesians is all about, is our position in Christ. I'm in Christ in the Spirit realm, seated with Him at the throne of God. Always! That will never ever change. Far above all principalities and powers, and demonic forces, the whole thing, I'm in Christ!
And so, it's interesting that once I have received Christ, I am to stand. There isn't anywhere else to go. Spiritually, I have arrived. I need growth. I need understanding. I need development of my relationship with Christ. But I can't get any more saved than the first time I got saved. I will always be in Christ. One day I will shed this physical body, and then my position will be realized in the spirit realm, as the physical body will not hold me down any longer.
Galatians 5:8 - This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.
It's interesting because the word persuasion, that's where the word faith comes from. There are many different persuasions in the world, especially different philosophies of people and of religious views.
Paul is saying that there is only one persuasion that comes from God. He's telling them that this persuasion does not come from the one who is calling you. Notice how I translated it? That is a Present Tense, a Present Participle. It is the one who is constantly calling you!