Hi Molly, I'll pray for you. You remind me of my sister with 4 girls and one boy being a single mom. My wife and I had helped my sister and by God's grace they are doing good financially . We gave them the love through the Lord Jesus Christ. Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray daily for instruction from the Lord in the Bible. God knows what is going on and he will help by directing your path to better living. May God help you and you're family get through this in the Lord Jesus Christ .
Please read theses verses and pray to God to open your understanding to the right way to go.
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Lord Jesus as we conclude this week of prayer and fasting on the theme "surrender" please help us to do that and please grant breakthrough. Fight our battles, we are battle-fatigued, weary, worn. Infuse us with your strength and power. Strongly protect us and our loved ones. Save many in our families. Deliver from bondage, heal and restore. Help me not to worry about the job situation. Help K and H and B and F as well. Thank you.
I wish I was there to help you . God is always with you , don't give up on Him , keep praying and be patient . You are never alone , do u go to church ? Is there anyone there that you can confide in and ask for help from ?
Thanks, brother I have heard other preachers teach this so-called gap theory. They may be trying to match with science on dating the earth, but like you, there's nothing to back it up, that dog want hunt.
My deepest Prayer goes out for my disabled son. Forgive me first of all for not knowing how to pray, to write request of prayers, but good intentions for my son. I am not selfish, I am not arrogant, my heart Cries daily the heart goes in prayers for his not being heard, him not able to get the Help in every which way. I live round trip of four (4) hours away. I have reached out for every Certified Professions (so called) to help him, all they say or concluded is with: He does not answer the phone, answer the door, does not go with the Emergency Ambulances etc. as to where the APS comes in and still get promises of reaching out for him, His life is shattered from Promises and they expected him to respond with positive attitude. His disability is: Both legs are amputated above his knee's, his body is deteriating drastically as to Bones show on his skin, his very weak as to where he is at the point where his strength can no longer climb on to his wheelchair or scooter, He cannot prepare his own meals, his eye sight is almost blind, has health problems where his uncontrolled of bathroom wise, The Programs expect him to answer the door with no legs, to answer the phone when he cannot find the power button. His body is so broken from lack of care, his body is so in need of health care of a nurse or doctor. again, that was a promise to be attended to him. He has no way to or has no motor vehicle or another human to assist his transportation unless his brother is around. I as a mother am a stroke victim, who is using a walker, cannot lift him, for the stoke took my strength as well, I have used every income I could to assist him on his needs for his got no way to clean his bedding, clothes etc. they the resources has sent a care worker out and automatically took one look at him and his living situation and walked out faster than ever. I have tried every resource as possible to help/reach out for help and none to be found. I am losing my son. so scared when that time
Hi Christian, I'll pray for you. It seems the whole world is coming down on you. To overcome the worldly evilness is to overcome it with the word of God. Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray daily for instructions . God knows our hearts and knows the future. God will deliver us from all harm if we let him . We can move mountains with the faith of Jesus Christ . May God in Heaven bless you with understanding of his word with the comfort of the Holy Spirit .
Please read these verses for strength and comfort.
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Pray for me to grow in ministry and also in my bible study life. Pray for my kids Perez and Kayla to grow in wisdom and understanding to GOD's words and also my financial support to take my son through to the university because being a single mum is not easy. amen
Prayer for protection from things trying to be like me and act like me. I ask for a breakthough in doors being closed. I ask that LORD God will close all doors that I have opened. I ask for protection from manipulations people are using to steal energy from me. I ask for protection from all things trying to casue me to have a bad day. I ask for a divine covering over me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for a breakthough in the area of finances and ask for debt cancellation. I ask for protection from things trying to hinder my prayers and cause me to hear form things not led by God. I ask for a breakthough in a dating relationship. I ask for a breakthough in the area of closing doors to the enemy. I ask for all the things the enemy have stolen I will get get back as soon as possible. I ask for protection at drill this weekend from manipulations people will throw on me to hinder me from doing well. I ask for a breakthrough in the area of investing. I ask for prayer for knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Freddy , it sounds to me as if you have been fighting the good fight for a long time now , it can be a hard slog sometimes can't it ? Feels like it's just you against the world . Know this that it's never been just you , He has been with you every second , giving you His strength . He will continue to do so Freddy . Read Psalms 69 , 70 and 71 as often as you feel alone and afraid for yourself and your path . Don't stop praying and remember who you are and to Whom you belong . You are precious in His sight and you are always in His sight .
I will pray for your continued recovery from surgery. If you are in so much pain, does the doctor know? Have you asked for pain meds that can be more effective?
I am sorry you are hurting so much. My prayer is that the surgery was successful and that you heal quickly and thoroughly.
Day 30 January 30, 2025 West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar Isaiah 40:28-31 KJV Waiting on God
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Isaiah 40:28 KJV
" You have to believe Jesus Christ is the true and living God is the only way to find out. Jeremiah 10:10 KJV - Peace and safety Psalms 91:2 KJV, Romans 8:2 KJV
Guaranteed results are strength to endure,support, refresh, moral order.
God is always there. Matthew 28:20 KJV, Exodus 34:6 KJV-reality
The presence of Christ is not just true and mighty Psalms 21:6 KJV also mighty to save 1 Timothy 2:4-5 KJV
Words you say and believe to actions to be and get reality.
Ways you can be and get what you want-reality. are listen to God's voice and word to obey, follow, "do it" in speaking , actions, attention of communications.
Isaiah 40:29 KJV
" Jesus Christ showing all he is holy to result- Isaiah 40:29 KJV. Faith, love and hope to always Exodus 34:6 KJV. Referred scripture " Matthew 5:6 KJV"."
Isaiah 40:30 KJV
My Respond:
We believe the Bible to be the Inspired and only infallible written Word of God. John 14:6 KJV
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
" They shall mount up as eagles-giving you understanding Psalm 103:5 KJV, Psalms 91:4 KJV. Because of Jesus resurrection eternal life we can do all things Philippians 4:13 KJV.
Freddy, I'll pray for you. It takes a lot for you to express your feelings. God knows everything we do and he givesus mercy . May God give you strength and peace with love . Read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray . God is love and God wants us to love . Read 1 Corinthians 13 , it's Apostle Paul's love chapter. Charity equal love.
Please read these verses and all things will come to pass. God is always with us .
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Please give yourself time to heal- after surgery it takes a few days to a week to start feeling kind of normal, maybe a bit longer. Let yourself let go and let the Lord heal you and give you rest and peace. I prayed for you. Jesus is Lord!
Austin, I'll pray for you. I also had surgery and I was afraid, but God gave me the strength to make it through the pain. Keep reading Romans through Philemon for today's doctrine and pray . God knows your pain and suffering, he will answer your prayers. I pray that God will heal you and give you strength to overcome this situation.
Please read this verse and pray to The Father in Heaven....
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Susan, I'll pray for you. Keep reading Romans through Philemon for doctrine for today and keep praying . God does not give us sickness, it's the world we live in, but God can heal us by using to pray people, knowledge of information or just heal. I hope and pray you have comfort from the Holy Spirit.
Please read this verse that I use to get through healing and it
will come to pass.
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Agreed brother Ronald; I too find this theory very hard to swallow, given the Scriptures we have before us. Yet, as in all things that are outside the revelations from Scripture, we can only make assumptions that are not clearly based on fact - and therefore can only be withheld in our hearts & not broadcasted so as to lead others astray.
And there is nothing in this theory of a pre-Adamic world that any Scripture gives support or leaning to. I did listen for a little while (for 10 mins) to Dake's talk on this subject ("Finis J Dake teaching on the pre-adamite world", presented by Dake Publishing, Inc), but had to turn aside when Dake spoke of God knowing how a man or devil would behave (in relation to sin), only after they sinned. Does this not deny the Omniscience of God? For this is why the Gospel of Salvation was already in God's great Plan, knowing that His creation would be tempted by Satan, fall into sin, & into total disrepair & judgement, save for the Mercy of God to offer the life-line of salvation. Indeed, Dake speaks very well, and as you wrote, with an eidetic memory (not knowing whether he always uses a script or not), so can be convincing with his clear & powerful speech; though in the greater part, I'm sure he is very biblical & thorough in his understanding of the Word & presentation of it. Blessings & thanks for offering those insights.
I have watched a few of Dake's videos, and I find him to be a very intelligent man with an eidetic memory; he is also quite convincing. While there are Scriptures in the Old Testament that pertain to the end times, some prophecies have already been fulfilled. It can be easy to take a theory and find Bible verses that seem to support it.
One thing to note is that Dake teaches about a pre-Adamic world, which he places between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. However, there are no Scriptures to back this claim.
As Jesus said to His disciples when they asked about the destruction of the temple, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Thank you, and God bless, study with prayer and open ears to the Holy Spirit for your understanding
I thank God for His servant, the Prophet William Marrion Branham.
By God's grace I have been saved from a life from an early age full of abuse, rejected and abandoned. For which I am most grateful to God is from the gay world.
About 13 years ago, my pastor informed me by telephone that I was no longer welcome in the church, because the brothers had complained that they were being harassed by me with homophile thoughts.
I left everything to God and for the solution. In those 13 years, God has given me the strength not to pollute my body and to completely separate myself from all worldly entertainment places. I continued to dedicate myself and testify about the Love of God. I also testified to gay people about these horrible diabolical distortions for which I was not always thanked.
Now after 13 years I have a serious relapse in the use of hard drugs and have not been paying the house rent for my house for 3 months. I don't want to be a victim and keep fighting but realize that I urgently need help.
My prayer 'request' is not to sink deeper, and that the solution may come to be allowed to go back to the church. I do not hate my brothers, but may the Lord forgive them and open their eyes to His Love, Power, and Victory.
13 years is enough. Every day I see how The Word is fulfilled. I spend my time as a volunteer through a foundation to support others with their financial administration.
Prayer for protection from things trying to hurt me and ask for protection from witchcraft. I ask for the covering of the blood of Lord Jesus. I ask for a divine covering to be placed on me. I ask for increase in finances and ask for debt cancellation. I ask for protection from spiritual warefare and ask for help with my homework. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all for praying for me.
I want to compare Passover to Jesus' Last Supper, as they are distinct events with significant meanings. Passover, as outlined in Exodus 12, involves the Israelites roasting whole lambs, and eating them with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They were instructed to eat in haste, ready to leave Egypt, establishing a lasting ordinance for future generations.
Matzah, or unleavened bread, symbolizes the swift departure from Egypt, while bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery. Passover lambs were sacrificed on the 14th and eaten on the night of the 15th. This is why the disciples were at the temple sacrificing lambs instead of being present at the cross when Jesus died.
In Luke 22:15, it is made clear that the Last Supper, the Lord's Supper, was not a Passover meal. Jesus mentioned He would not eat the Passover with His disciples, and the Last Supper occurred on the 14th before the sacrificial lambs were killed. Jesus was crucified later that day; the Passover meal is eaten on the 15th Jesus was in the tomb when the Passover meal was eaten.
During the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples were reclining, not standing with staffs. After their meal, Jesus instituted the new covenant, which commemorates His death for us, rather than being a Passover observance.
Jesus Christ fulfills the Passover, with every instruction pointing to Him and the New Covenant. Just as the Israelites were protected by the blood on their doorposts, we receive life through Jesus' blood. The lamb without blemish symbolizes His perfect, sinless life. The 14th of Nisan, the day of Jesus' crucifixion, is also when the Passover lambs were sacrificed, illustrating the completeness of His sacrifice.
The wine and bread symbolize His body and blood, sacrificed for us, as Jesus fulfills Passover, becoming the final sacrifice that leads us from death to eternal life.
I hope this makes sense, just my understanding. Thank you, brother, for continuing your work,
Prayer for a Blessed day and ask for protection from things trying to steal my energy. I ask for protection from spiritual warfare and ask for protection from things trying to hurt me. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Day 29 January 29,2025 West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar Psalms 19:1 KJV God's Glory in Creation.
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Praise God for the beauty and majesty revealed in his creation "Jesus Christ is God + believe on him sons of God
John 1 :12 KJV"
Psalms 19:1 KJV
" Heavens Showing God perfection - Malachi 3:10 KJV giving you what you want. Romans 1:20 KJV Confirming me as man according with Jesus Christ God the Father is Victory in Jesus Psalm 18:49 KJV."Jesus Christ is God + believe on him sons of God
John 1 :12 KJV"
Heavens-Everything is the LORD's thereof. Psalms 24:1 KJV. Firmament handiwork giving me what I want and to do (strengthen hands to work) establishments to all the world. Jeremiah 10:12 KJV
Note: Heavens being Firmament- armies defend it agaisnt prince and principalities of the air-evil one. Not to be tried-Triune God.
Psalms 19:4 KJV For the words of my mouth are pleasing in God sight. 1 John 3:22 KJV
Thanks again brother for another great explanation going through Galatians. Though I did let out a bellow of a laugh when I read of you wanting to put "From henceforth let no man trouble me" as your answering machine response to those calling you, disturbing your meditations, peace, & sanity (sorry for these my musings). Looking forward to Ephesians. GBU.
I'm reading cpt 3 of revulation. Can some one explain to me why the church of Philadelphia was the only church Christ seems to be easier on than the other 6 churches.
Was the church of Philadelphia the only church trying to do the right thing in Christ eyes.
Please read theses verses and pray to God to open your understanding to the right way to go.
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ray, in Christ Jesus
I see the gap theory as an great possibility,
You are hurting my feelings! lol!
Just kidding on my feelings being hurt.
I see there may be some truths to an early earth and a Gap Theory but not pre Adam mankind.
I will explain why on a later date.
I've been on a very busy schedule this month.
Thanks, brother I have heard other preachers teach this so-called gap theory. They may be trying to match with science on dating the earth, but like you, there's nothing to back it up, that dog want hunt.
God bless,
Please read these verses for strength and comfort.
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ray, in Christ Jesus
Please read these verses for strength and comfort.
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ray, in Christ Jesus
I will pray for your continued recovery from surgery. If you are in so much pain, does the doctor know? Have you asked for pain meds that can be more effective?
I am sorry you are hurting so much. My prayer is that the surgery was successful and that you heal quickly and thoroughly.
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Isaiah 40:28 KJV
" You have to believe Jesus Christ is the true and living God is the only way to find out. Jeremiah 10:10 KJV - Peace and safety Psalms 91:2 KJV, Romans 8:2 KJV
Guaranteed results are strength to endure,support, refresh, moral order.
God is always there. Matthew 28:20 KJV, Exodus 34:6 KJV-reality
The presence of Christ is not just true and mighty Psalms 21:6 KJV also mighty to save 1 Timothy 2:4-5 KJV
Words you say and believe to actions to be and get reality.
Ways you can be and get what you want-reality. are listen to God's voice and word to obey, follow, "do it" in speaking , actions, attention of communications.
Isaiah 40:29 KJV
" Jesus Christ showing all he is holy to result- Isaiah 40:29 KJV. Faith, love and hope to always Exodus 34:6 KJV. Referred scripture " Matthew 5:6 KJV"."
Isaiah 40:30 KJV
My Respond:
We believe the Bible to be the Inspired and only infallible written Word of God. John 14:6 KJV
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
" They shall mount up as eagles-giving you understanding Psalm 103:5 KJV, Psalms 91:4 KJV. Because of Jesus resurrection eternal life we can do all things Philippians 4:13 KJV.
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
Please read these verses and all things will come to pass. God is always with us .
Psalms 100:2
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ray, in Christ Jesus
May He bless you and keep you.
Please read this verse and pray to The Father in Heaven....
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ray , in Christ
Please read this verse that I use to get through healing and it
will come to pass.
Psalm 37:5
Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
And there is nothing in this theory of a pre-Adamic world that any Scripture gives support or leaning to. I did listen for a little while (for 10 mins) to Dake's talk on this subject ("Finis J Dake teaching on the pre-adamite world", presented by Dake Publishing, Inc), but had to turn aside when Dake spoke of God knowing how a man or devil would behave (in relation to sin), only after they sinned. Does this not deny the Omniscience of God? For this is why the Gospel of Salvation was already in God's great Plan, knowing that His creation would be tempted by Satan, fall into sin, & into total disrepair & judgement, save for the Mercy of God to offer the life-line of salvation. Indeed, Dake speaks very well, and as you wrote, with an eidetic memory (not knowing whether he always uses a script or not), so can be convincing with his clear & powerful speech; though in the greater part, I'm sure he is very biblical & thorough in his understanding of the Word & presentation of it. Blessings & thanks for offering those insights.
I have watched a few of Dake's videos, and I find him to be a very intelligent man with an eidetic memory; he is also quite convincing. While there are Scriptures in the Old Testament that pertain to the end times, some prophecies have already been fulfilled. It can be easy to take a theory and find Bible verses that seem to support it.
One thing to note is that Dake teaches about a pre-Adamic world, which he places between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. However, there are no Scriptures to back this claim.
As Jesus said to His disciples when they asked about the destruction of the temple, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Thank you, and God bless, study with prayer and open ears to the Holy Spirit for your understanding
I thank God for His servant, the Prophet William Marrion Branham.
By God's grace I have been saved from a life from an early age full of abuse, rejected and abandoned. For which I am most grateful to God is from the gay world.
About 13 years ago, my pastor informed me by telephone that I was no longer welcome in the church, because the brothers had complained that they were being harassed by me with homophile thoughts.
I left everything to God and for the solution. In those 13 years, God has given me the strength not to pollute my body and to completely separate myself from all worldly entertainment places. I continued to dedicate myself and testify about the Love of God. I also testified to gay people about these horrible diabolical distortions for which I was not always thanked.
Now after 13 years I have a serious relapse in the use of hard drugs and have not been paying the house rent for my house for 3 months. I don't want to be a victim and keep fighting but realize that I urgently need help.
My prayer 'request' is not to sink deeper, and that the solution may come to be allowed to go back to the church. I do not hate my brothers, but may the Lord forgive them and open their eyes to His Love, Power, and Victory.
13 years is enough. Every day I see how The Word is fulfilled. I spend my time as a volunteer through a foundation to support others with their financial administration.
The time is coming for Israel.
I want to compare Passover to Jesus' Last Supper, as they are distinct events with significant meanings. Passover, as outlined in Exodus 12, involves the Israelites roasting whole lambs, and eating them with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They were instructed to eat in haste, ready to leave Egypt, establishing a lasting ordinance for future generations.
Matzah, or unleavened bread, symbolizes the swift departure from Egypt, while bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery. Passover lambs were sacrificed on the 14th and eaten on the night of the 15th. This is why the disciples were at the temple sacrificing lambs instead of being present at the cross when Jesus died.
In Luke 22:15, it is made clear that the Last Supper, the Lord's Supper, was not a Passover meal. Jesus mentioned He would not eat the Passover with His disciples, and the Last Supper occurred on the 14th before the sacrificial lambs were killed. Jesus was crucified later that day; the Passover meal is eaten on the 15th Jesus was in the tomb when the Passover meal was eaten.
During the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples were reclining, not standing with staffs. After their meal, Jesus instituted the new covenant, which commemorates His death for us, rather than being a Passover observance.
Jesus Christ fulfills the Passover, with every instruction pointing to Him and the New Covenant. Just as the Israelites were protected by the blood on their doorposts, we receive life through Jesus' blood. The lamb without blemish symbolizes His perfect, sinless life. The 14th of Nisan, the day of Jesus' crucifixion, is also when the Passover lambs were sacrificed, illustrating the completeness of His sacrifice.
The wine and bread symbolize His body and blood, sacrificed for us, as Jesus fulfills Passover, becoming the final sacrifice that leads us from death to eternal life.
I hope this makes sense, just my understanding. Thank you, brother, for continuing your work,
God bless,
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Praise God for the beauty and majesty revealed in his creation "Jesus Christ is God + believe on him sons of God
John 1 :12 KJV"
Psalms 19:1 KJV
" Heavens Showing God perfection - Malachi 3:10 KJV giving you what you want. Romans 1:20 KJV Confirming me as man according with Jesus Christ God the Father is Victory in Jesus Psalm 18:49 KJV."Jesus Christ is God + believe on him sons of God
John 1 :12 KJV"
Heavens-Everything is the LORD's thereof. Psalms 24:1 KJV. Firmament handiwork giving me what I want and to do (strengthen hands to work) establishments to all the world. Jeremiah 10:12 KJV
Note: Heavens being Firmament- armies defend it agaisnt prince and principalities of the air-evil one. Not to be tried-Triune God.
Psalms 19:4 KJV For the words of my mouth are pleasing in God sight. 1 John 3:22 KJV
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
Was the church of Philadelphia the only church trying to do the right thing in Christ eyes.