All Discussion PAGE 337

  • GiGi - 1 year ago

    Asking for prayer for me as I go in tomorrow to do an ultrasound of my neck and thyroid. There was a nodule on the thyroid a few years back and it is time for a re-check to see it's status as to how it looks, whether it has remained the same size, etc. Please pray that all is just fine with this gland. Thank you for praying for me.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    It seems that most churches now a days are accepting of remarriage after divorce and many pastors do perform these remarriages "in the sight of God". I have heard the rationale for this as that the people are repentant and so their marriage is not adulterous, which doesn't make sense at all if they are still sexually involved with each other in the remarriage. It is such a touchy subject in the church now a days and most people won't speak about how Jesus prohibited re-marriage in most cases. Jesus mentioned about how the law of Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of men's hearts. It seems that the hearts of so many believers today are even more hardened to the will of God in these matters but soft-hearted towards God in so many other areas of their lives. May people be found to have a willingness to "go it God's way" in matters of marriage.

    I hope you have a good evening. I was out delivering soups to people and just got home. I am always happy to pray for you, Richard.
  • BJGibson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    There are six (6) things the Lord hates and the 7th is an abomination. In my reply I want to try and unpack, if you will, each one separate replies. "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:" Proverbs 6:16 KJV

    The next verse entails:

    "A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood," Proverbs 6:17 KJV

    A cross reference scripture to this verse:

    "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight." Proverbs 12:22 KJV

    In this scripture verse, God informs man to be truthful in dealing with all others and especially God, since God knows all things and knows when man is being truthful. God informs man to be fair to others. Man shouldn't lie to others to get the advantage or to gain a sense of superiority over others, which could result in having a proud look due to an inward feeling of being puff up, creating a feeling that one is better than the other. When humanity finds itself having the need or want of being better than others then this is when the believer needs to ask God for help, for deliverance from the desire to feel better than others. Its a feeling and its also deceptive because no one is better than the other. Having gifts, abilities and callings does not make one better than the other. Since God blesses man with these gifts they are to be used to help others for the glory of God and not man get the glory for what God has endowed. God has a righteous way of using man to work His good works through others. The Holy Spirit given by God can deliver man from lying to himself and deliver Him from also from lying to others.

    I hope this reply will be prayerfully received. Peace be multiplied, in Jesus Name, Amen.
  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY on Matthew 6 - 1 year ago
    Matthew 6:33 KJV

    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


    I will be delivered and who it concerns through our Lord Jesus Christ in oral tradition

    Psalm 91:3 KJV

    3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Gee thanks.

    As I always say at church looking forward to being with the Lord if He comes before the next time we meet; and everyone else second if we are still here. Friends are hard to come by in this life; I am fortunate to have at least one praying for me daily; and others quite frequently in my behalf. Your steadfastness; again is something I treasure. I have seen; for instance since I left a church where I used to live a few years back NO one try to contact me except for the one friend that led me to another church where I fellowshipped until I came here to live with my parents. I brought up what seemed like a trivial issue to my Pastor and they probably didn't want to talk with me after that. I have seen people fall away; including one guy who literally used to weep over the state of the lost and spend as much time every week praying as he did witnessing (almost 10 hours) when working full time and supporting a family. Then he separated from his wife and acted very cruel in supporting her and his 4 or 5 kids. My best friend in High Schoo who led me to pray with him and his mom in 1982 to come to faith after multiple efforts showed no interest in getting together with me when I told him I was coming to visit. That could have something to do with the Pastor of the church his mom attends. I was looking for a church at the time and when a stranger asked the Pastor on the way out how his divorce was doing (i.e. proceeding) I realized that this wasn't the church for me. Maybe he didn't get it.

    That subject of course is one of contention as I don't believe in divorce and remarriage for any reason if a spouse is alive but even if we accept the "exception clause" as meaning adultery I was in a church with another Pastor that was remarried after apparently having some substance abuse and other issues with his first wife. I feel that is my mission as a subject but can't force my view here as stated before on the subject.

    Anyway God bless.

    Rich P.
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Lee the follower , just read your testimony and thoroughly enjoyed . Glad to hear you are on the straight and narrow , as for those whispering behind your back , bear them no ill will . Jesus knocked at your door and you opened it . Where will those whisperers be when Christ returns to take you to himself and bring you into his Father's Kingdom ? Keep your eyes on the prize and know that you are never alone , God sees you , don't give a second thought to what atheists and idolators think of you . He who knows you best wants you with Him , rejoice and stay strong in His love .
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Today I finished reading Daniel , chapter 11 blowing my mind...again :) . Then I read Joel and Zephaniah , both very exciting if slightly scary books . I can't pick the best bits out of Joel because it's all fab but especially Ch 3 V 9-21 . Zephaniah is also all fab but certain verses always jump out at me every time I read them , Ch 1 V 4-6 especially V 6 . All of Ch 2 and all of Ch 3 . Very appropriate books to be reading at this time I think . Any thoughts on these books anyone ? Thy Kingdom Come .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Richard,

    This is an interesting and perplexing subject concerning the necessity of Satan in the overall plan of God for creation. We are not capable of fully and truly comprehend God's purpose in created Satan and us ABLE to sin when He is UNABLE to sin and for us to be judged by Him (some whom will have a life of eternal anguish and separation from God suffering forever in the lake of fire) and those of us so elected to salvation to spend eternity with God in joy and love and bliss.

    I have read that God's attributes are "active" in the sense of being ever expressed and that none are "latent" as to being unexpressed. So does not possess love where He can choose to love or not to do so, nor does He possess hatred for sin where He can choose to judge or not to judge. He IS all of the attributes we ascribe to Him. These attributes are His essential nature and He cannot depart from any of them nor set any aside. We are not like this.

    It is hard for us to see love, hate, power etc. as being truly personified as they are in God. But He is so much greater than what we are essentially. His Essence (what He is-not what He is made of) is ALL that He is and He has not revealed ALL of WHAT or WHO He is. But Jesus has revealed God to us in Himself to the extent that we as far lesser and limited beings can know.

    Richard, I love conversing with you. It is good to have someone here who values deep thoughts concerning God and His ways. In a world where most people are centered on themselves it is good to push ourselves to be God-centered, looking to Him and desiring to know Him more that we want to know ourselves, to promote Him and His ways more than promoting ourselves and our reputation or self-image to ourselves and to others. Thanks for being "in this" with me.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Just looking forward to Isaiah Ch 65 :) Thy Kingdom Come .
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Concluding remarks on necessity of Satan

    Armageddon; and the ultimate end of Satan at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ is the ultimate conclusion of God's plan in using the enemy of our soul to purge the world of rebels and to end the power of death completely with a new heaven and earth (see 1 Cor. 15:26; Revelation 21 and 22).

    Eternal punishment fits the crime so we can understand as wicked as things have been throughout human history it has stored up wrath for Satan as well as the unregenerate ( Romans 2:5 and subsequent verses in that chapter). The philosophy of "do as thou wilt" that is prominent among self proclaimed Satanists is contrasted with a sacrificial love that only Christ can offer. Everything seems backwards but the Lord has the master plan no matter how clever men and their devices are to destroy Christ (see Psalm 5:10; and read Psalm 2). Unregenerate man simply cannot understand how being a servant or slave of Christ brings men to freedom and how the opposite appeals to the flesh leave one in bondage in the end. They think we can somehow go back to Eden (as seen in the humanistic music of the 60's); but we see the result of this "free love" in the 70's and beyond with the rapid decay of traditional families in regard to sustainability of marriages and the removal of God's design for a family and harmonious home life. Whether Satan himself ever realized how wicked he would become is debateable; it would appear that Antichrist himself and or other rulers may not have realized this in verses such as Isaiah 10:7. The enemy always wants to sugarcoat the extreme jeopardy of man remaining in a sinful state by distracting him with grand delusions that lead nowhere but to destruction.

    We see in Psalm 23:5 a verse on eating in the presence of enemies which indeed we will do during the Millennium when some inevitably will rebel at the end and insanely under Satan attempt one final time to destroy God and His people leading to failure.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello momsage,

    What is vapor? I meant in the sense James asks,"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."(Jas.4:14) As for NKJB It is simply that I cut and pasted from a Bible Dictionary that I have been compiling. I have helped my self with verses, great many NIV NKJB and several others. I would rather go by the spirit of the sense than King's James version save me. Find you fault with it? I did not mean to offend anyone. God forbid!
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema: I think it was sweet of you to ask God to protect this beautiful birds. I don't think man should mess with God's creation as in stopping a natural predator from catching and eating it's prey, but dogs don't kill swan for food they do it for fun so I think God was glad to keep them safe. God bless :)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The necessity of Satan (part four)

    Matthew 13:24-43 discusses the parable of the wheat and the tares; ending with a private discussion with the Disciples. This necessity of such a condition WITHIN the professing church also must exist along with the general contrast between believers and unbelievers. Therefore; in general we must not only have confession but POSSESSION of the Holy Spirit in order to have genuine salvation (see Ezekiel 36:26). This principle in scripture cannot be overemphasized; if Christ found His greatest resistance from the "religious" leaders among the Jews of that day; we can be certain much of our opposition will come from those calling themselves Christians. Surely judgment begins at the house of God ( 1 Peter 4:17).

    If we are honest with history there are errors that can be found with fallible human beings even in the best denominations (sometimes despite truthful doctrines). I call Satan the "equal opportunity destroyer" because he doesn't discriminate as to what means of deception he uses and hence it fits his character hating everyone created in the image of God. He only hates the most those who are a threat to his kingdom; those who can see past the veil over all mankind ( 2 Cor. 4:3-6). His methods are myriad-mind control; fear; temptations; bondage; etc. People are used according to his purpose and we should be aware that his web is everywhere in this current world system. Things can and must get worse; worse than in all human history as Jesus promised for the end times to come for God's plans to come to fruition ( Matt. 24:21). Of course the world wants to hear that peace is coming "peace; peace when there is no peace." ( Jeremiah 6:14). There is no peace; however for the wicked as God states in Isaiah 48:22 and other places in that book and the rest of scripture as well.

    Incredibly the world will fall for "the lie" ( 2 Thess. 2:9-12). Whatever utopia is offered (AI or otherwise) God will use to purge the dross
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Bennymkje: I have a question for you. Why did you quote the NKJB instead of the KJB? The NKJB uses the word vapor. the KJB uses vanity:



    Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments; conceit. synonym: conceit.

    Something about which one is vain or conceited.

    Worthlessness, pointlessness, or futility.


    To engage in idle, boastful talk.

    These words are not interchangeable other then diluting the meaning of vanity to just a simply way of speaking with pride. Obviously the true scripture is wise in using vanity for it's meaning.

    I thought this was a KJB discussion group only? Why would you chose to use a false doctrine translation of God's Word even if a verse happens to quote the same way, which this one doesn't, it's still a worldly version written by men?

    God Bless :)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The necessity of Satan (part 3)

    I already touched on man and some logic as to why God allowed for his fall. His foreknowledge; of course already planned for this with the redemption and atonement the Son of God was to fulfill at the set time here on earth.

    One concept that must be considered in depth is that we need to be crucified with Christ in order to live ( Galatians 2:20). Similar doctrines are mentioned with verses such as Matthew 16:25-26 where Christ states that we are to lose our lives to gain eternal life as losing our SOUL is far worse. Christ came to bring life in reverse order to where it was lost; restoring the spiritual aspect first then later at the Rapture and Resurrection of the just PHYSICAL restoration. Again that illustrates that our spiritual state is at primary importance as our spirit lives on forever in whatever STATE it is at death.

    The enemy is a master player and manipulator; going from persecution to self "affirmation" in order to decieve the masses. The lie of course remains the same; he promises life and freedom while stealing; killing and destroying the soul of an individual.

    Considering my initial posting on this subject as to the vast superiority in strength of Satan over us (apart from Christ) I will continue to expound on what it means to have such resistance. Rewards come from suffering; we in a sense bring fullness to the Son of God Himself who will eventually rule and reign with us as kings and priests ( Rev. 5:10). Again; concepts such as losing our life to gain it is foreign to the flesh. God uses the enemies of our soul to buffet us and test our faithfulness. Those who don't really care about their spiritual "experience" as to its source can and inevitably WILL fall. When we see such verses as Revelation 13:8 we know that ALL unregenerate ultimately WILL worship the Antichrist beast. We realize that the difference between holy angels and fallen ones is if the Spirit is directing it or Satan.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Re.13:1 "The beast"

    ""These six things doth theLordhate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:/A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,/An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,/A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (Pr.6:16-19). Each characteristic is an abomination so when he becomes the champion of the Christian groups be it Evangelical or Baptist or any other, one begins to understand the depths of the apostate church covers. Never mind the Lord God is in control. The Beast has seven heads so whichever the wind turns he is up to do the bidding of Satan. His 10 horns indicate his ability to disregard the law of the land. But his ten crowns tell that he is already judged.

    "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."(v.2)
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wasn't sure if your health issue commentary was directed to me but I will keep you in prayer. Hope others will also lift you up in that regard. Glad you got your heat back. Thankfully we haven't lost power here lately more than a few minutes. A bit concerning we may get some ice this week as it warms up.

    As always your analysis is thorough; detailed and pertinent. Much better than mine; no doubt as you have already drawn the conclusions that I am inferring. My approach I suppose tends to start with a general premise then focus in on the issue and such before coming to the resolution and conclusion. There is no doubt that many and most will not go to the meat of the word or spend much time in meditation on the Word; however. I am trying to balance doctrine with practical experience; emphasizing knowing Christ rather than a lot about Him.

    What is difficult is explaining the spiritual realm as my discernment has shown me in light of scripture. I see many testimonies which are pertinent as to what is behind the scenes when a person comes out of the occult; but often are lacking in basic concepts of sin and repentance which are needed to be saved and the understanding that it is our sin that allows Satan to have legal permission to torment us much of the time. The other extreme is those who seem to have no concept of any spiritual struggle in their lives but are steeped in doctrine (usually correct as I wouldn't waste time in a congregation where false doctrines are espoused). An imbalance also often exists as to certain giftings; often emphasizing teaching gifts (which elders should have) at the expense of concepts such as spiritual warfare in conservative churches; with the opposite being true of charismatic ones (where doctrine too often is either weak or caves in to whatever emotional response is desired; or spiritual manifestations without DISCERNMENT as to what spirit (God or Satan) is behind the manifestations.

    Thanks for prayer.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Part two: The necessity of Satan in God's Master Plan

    We often think of how messed up things are since the time of the fall of man; but don't consider the beginning when "all the sons of God sang for joy" and the reason Lucifer himself was created and ultimately fell. One thing common to Adam and Eve as well as Lucifer is that although they were created perfectly in right standing with God and without sin they had the POTENTIAL to fail.

    That is interesting to consider since we were created eternal beings; in regard to the Tree of Life for instance which would have placed us in a situation where we would never die physically but also could disregard anything better. In His Providence the Lord allowed Lucifer to fall and didn't have a remedy for him as he did for man as we see the laments in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. This didn't mean there wasn't some sadness as the dirge in these verses indicates when it describes how far he fell and his final end.

    Again looking at Adam and Eve if they could live forever physically then in some sense death would never take them out or perhaps lead them to hell; at the very least they would live on earth until the judgment and could very easily decide it is worth living in sin with such a delay in final judgment (or the first death as opposed to the second death currently for the wicked who must die physically). It also seems that the tree of life bringing healing to the nations is designed for an eternal glorified body so not suitable for fallen man (that ostensively could get a free pass from eternal punishment as well). In any case Christ offers something better; death came upon all so that eternal life could be so much better spiritually as well as with a glorified body suitable for heaven. In the battles of life we can be united with the victor and winner of the war (Christ); or continue to be associated with the usurper (Satan) who has temporary leadership on earth. Without struggle there would be no reward.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Re.13:1 "The beast" (1 of 2)

    "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

    In this context we need keep in mind where the Lord God has his throne set up. He is seated over the floods. So the beast the epitome of blasphemy does not represent all nations. It is a wicked and tumultuous sea nevertheless. (Is.55:20) What are the wicked all worked up. In Ps.59 we have some clues. They are ungodly to be called heathen because they hold truth in unrighteousness. They are workers of iniquity. the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.The Psalmist prays, "And save me from bloody men./For, lo, they lie in wait for my soul: the mighty are gathered against me; not for my transgression, nor for my sin, O Lord."(Ps.59:2-3) Obviously culture wars are not personal but demonizing man created in 'our image" because of color or their creed. They make a noise like a dog while they take out torchligh parade. "Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear?/But thou, O Lord, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision."(59:5-8) The Bible is not talking about past or future but what is in the divine Will of the Father, which is in the now. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision./ Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." The Lord knows what is their worth, so low that God has them is utter contempt. Satan has found the son of perdition to further his agenda. It is thus the beast makes his entry into the world stage.

    He has seven heads signifying seven abominations rule the roost where each is inimical to the holiness of God. ""These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him" (Pr.6:16-19)

    His ten crowns tell that he is already judged.
  • Stephen Agyekum - 1 year ago
    lord God thank you for a new Year ,dear God i need your help,im at the deportation comp in Germany,please i need your help in the name of JESUS.......amen
  • My name is stephen Agyekum - 1 year ago
    Im at the deportation comp now, lord god i need your help.........amen
  • Bibleman72 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear David,hi brother ,i made sure to pray for you specifically.And your daughter Jessica.Lord bless you my Brother
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good Morning Richard,

    I agree that we are to be careful of what we say to Satan or any evil spirit. We are to exalt Jesus before them and resist these evil beings with faith in Jesus and confidence in our salvation. We are to know Scripture and quoting it out loud is our weapon to oppose evil beings just as Jesus did. We are to pray to the Father in times of trouble, focusing on communicating with Him and not so much with the evil one. We should also accept that some sufferings are for a purpose that God wishes to accomplish in us, so we can ask Him to help us be humble and willing to accept His will for us even when it is painful or wrought with difficulties.

    The evil one is a predator who is vastly stronger than us. But we can remember that Jesus has overcome the world and the devil. We can believe what Jesus said that He who is in us is greater that He that is in the world. Not only does this tell us that God is in us fighting for us, but also that since we have God in us, the evil one has NO PLACE within us. We are cleansed and filled with the Holy Spirit. He leaves no place for the evil one. Thankfully!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good morning,

    It was very cold here last week 9in the 20's and teens) and there was snow in many places. We just had about an inch so driving was ok in our city. On the coldest day and night we lost power for a few hours and when it came back on our furnace was not working. It was last Sunday and being holiday weekend, no one could come to fix it. We had one cold night! But the repairman came the next day. It was a simple fix. I am thankful for that.

    40 years ago I worked in a restaurant that was a "soup and sandwich shop", I made the soups for each day. So, I learned a good skill in that way. Soup making has become so sophisticated since then. It used to be that people made soups out of what was leftover and needed to be eaten up. Now many soups have specialty items in them and such which increases the cost. I try to keep it simple so I don't have to buy something I will only use once.

    Going to have a massage this morning. This should help with the pain I feel in my shoulders from lack of cartilage. I cannot get another steroid shot in them until March and the one I had in November is on the decline. Please pray for this aspects for me.

    Tomorrow I will have an ultrasound done on a lump on my thyroid that was discovered a few years ago. Time for a recheck. Please pray that this lump is benign.

    And my blood labs came back and my white blood count is in well into the high range but I am not ill. 3 of the 5 types of white blood cells are high. So, maybe some inflammation somewhere in my body. Will go to the rheumatologist in about a week on that issue. So please pray for this that is not a blood disorder or bone marrow disorder, which is a possibility. But it may just be due to arthritis and inflammation I have from Behcet's syndrome I have.

    I appreciate conversing with you. I love the discussions on the Bible. And I also like conversations like these that help us get to know each other better. Blessings to you.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Satan and God's master plan

    Much can be said about today's music and entertainment industry as to how they mock God. In all of this we can tend to ignore the passage in Jude 1:9 where slander against Satan himself by Michael the Archangel was not proclaimed; there was an appeal to the Lord to rebuke him. If that is the case for an Archangel surely it should be the case for us. Yet many wish to mock Satan as well to their own detriment.

    This statement is by no means; of course to suggest that we should worship the Devil. We simply cannot fight against an enemy who is vastly superior to us any other way; and the verse Luke 14:31 demonstrates this principle fighting against an army of superior manpower. This is why deliverance ministers that implore a demon to "go to hell" are clearly unscriptural (or else if true by now there wouldn't be any left to possess and oppress men). Satan is not ruling in hell; or in hell currently as that is the place where he will suffer eternally himself. God has; however given him a sort of usurper role at present where he is given an army of principalities and powers to rule over regions of the earth as many verses in Daniel indicate. Demons are also under his rule; likely disembodied spirits from the offspring of Nephilim it would seem. Jesus and the prophets never went after these principalities ruling over nations; but cast out devils living inside individuals. Again Daniel shows how in Daniel 10:13 Micheal fought against a principality for 21 days before his prayers could be answered. We don't often think of that being an issue with prayers being answered but should consider such things.

    From the outset let me say that no amount of dissertation can help answer all of the questions we as mere mortals can ask regarding the state of suffering we must endure in a fallen world or fully comprehend the reasons God allowed it in His sovereignty and Master plan. The sufferings of Christ are the prime example.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Hebrews 11:1 states: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." In my last post I discussed the concept of repentance and that it isn't something we merely learn by our own wisdom or intuition but that it is a gift from God as many scriptures state. 2 Timothy 2:25 as well as scriptures in Acts; 2 Peter and Romans show how repentance is granted or given by the Lord. As stated in my earlier comments no contrition on our part is able to save us. This is not to say; however that the admonition in Romans 6:1-2 isn't pertinent; we shouldn't seek to sin more for more grace. Our testimony should come from a genuine admission of realization of our state before salvation. We realize that we are no better than a murderer; adulterer or any other sinner that is repugnant to society at large. Of course our NATURE has to be understood; or else we are as Judas Iscariot did just sorry for our actions rather than realizing the cause is a rotten heart needing to die to itself and be rebirthed. Peter had a downfall and Thomas doubted but they recognized the Lord when He made Himself known to them.

    My earlier statements should by no means detract from the importance of emulating external actions which are outflows of GOOD FRUIT in our lives. 1 Corinthians 11:1 (easy to memorize with this numbering) gives Paul's exhortation to imitate him as he imitates Christ. Demonstrations of such behaviors are much like a parent to a child in this case. How we need such examples in church leadership today! How many of these mega pastors live even close to Paul who would work for himself so as not to burden the churches and suffer as he did with deprivation and imprisonment for the cause of Christ?

    We are not to idolize people but those of Godly character should motivate us; and also bring the fear of the Lord and His holiness to unbelievers as Paul did with the prison guard ( Acts 16:30-33). Our lifestyles must back up our words.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    (MacBeth; William Shakesphere 5th Act).

    This quote is in the play regards the death of MacBeth's wife. There are shades of Ecclesiastes here of vanity and life passing as a vapor; but also the idea of the second part of this verse in 2 Corinthians 7:10...

    "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death." This verse shows the futility of those who; like Judas Iscariot regret the consequences of their sin; whether on themselves ultimately or how it affects others (in his case leading to suicide). We can see the same sort of mindset with Pilate who in John 19:11 was told that others had greater sin but nonetheless his attempts to release him were not out of reverence for His holiness but attempts to quell extremes of rebellion from both the Jews and the Romans in making a wrong decision. Ultimately; both these cases show cowardice which is one reason people will go to hell according to Revelation 21:8.

    We shouldn't assume that emotion shouldn't accompany true repentence leading to salvation but that it is the Spirit which takes over and the emotions are part of a cleansing process. When given a new heart we are transformed from the inside out and can't help but cry out to God; as Isaiah did "woe is me" ( Isaiah 6:5). This shows the humble and contrite spirit David describes in Psalm 51 and elsewhere. Penitence from any other method assuming some goodness we have in ourselves apart from Christ is meaningless. This is what makes those from a Christian family background have to test themselves to see if they are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5). We can't change our hearts from mere assent of doctrinal statements or scripture. More to come.
  • David Allen - In Reply - 1 year ago
    thank you and God bless you brother , prayers for you as well
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember my daughter Jessica and her family in your prayers today please remember me
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago

    Directions, Cardinal

    Omnipresent God has no use for cardinal directions, as we know the term. However the Spirit in order to present the will of the Father and how the Son shall fulfill them gives us certain clues. Firstly he informs us the authority of God having a seat. It is the throne of God. He is enthroned over many waters, "The Lord sitteth upon the flood" (Ps29:3,10).

    God sends a river and it waters the Garden, which is set on the east of Eden. Here we have two kingdoms of the Father and of the Son, which represents a garden, which is set as a snapshot of the worlds he framed by the word of God. It is the world of the Spirit as God is a Spirit. It is in harmony with the reconstituted Time. This being the case what do we mean by 'the east'?

    As the God document the Spirit is delineating a holy family representing the heirs of promise in his Son. (Ep.1:3-4). After the fall he is sent out from the garden. "Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken./ So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." (Ge.3:23-24)

    Noah's descendants in their dispersion were set on the east side. (Ge.11:2-3).In all these there is only one direction for the fallen man, which is in terms of the throne of God, that is in the Son. The east is a remainder of salvation.

    Promotion comes neither from the east or the west. (Ps.75:6-7) Redemption of saints come from where the carcase is. "As the lightening comes out of the east, and shines even out to the west" indicate cardinal directions as we understand the term.

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