All Discussion PAGE 33

  • GiGi - 4 weeks ago

    Pt. 4

    Even though it was God's will for Jesus to suffer and die, accountability still fell on those responsible for His death, as highlighted in ( Mark 14:21).

    God's dispositional will reflects His attitude and what pleases or displeases Him. For instance, ( 1 Timothy 2:4) reveals God's desire for all to be saved and know the truth. This illustrates God's disposition towards the lost, emphasizing His desire for their salvation. Despite God's universal desire for salvation, not everyone chooses to accept it.

    There is a distinction between God's dispositional will and His sovereign will.

    In essence, the will of God comprises three elements: 1) God's sovereign will is manifested in His unchangeable decrees. He decreed that there be light, and there was light. , ( Genesis 1:3)-an illustration of His efficacious decree.

    He permitted Satan to afflict Job And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. , ( Job 1:12)-an instance of His permissive decree. 2) God's revealed will is found in His precepts, provided to us so that we may live in holiness. We have the capacity (but not the right) to violate these commands. 3) God's dispositional will is His attitude. Sometimes, God ordains something that does not bring Him pleasure, such as the death of the wicked as seen in Ezekiel 33:11."

    See Pt. 5
  • GiGi - 4 weeks ago

    Pt. 3

    Because God is sovereign, He must at the very least, God "permits" all events and happenings. Within God's sovereign will, He chooses to allow many things to occur that do not bring Him pleasure. Referring again to the example of Joseph and his brothers, God decided, through an act of His decretive will, to permit the kidnapping and enslavement of Joseph. God's permissive will allowed the sins of Joseph's brothers to bring about a greater good (see Genesis 50:20). Despite every instance of mistreatment towards Joseph, God had the power to intervene, but He "allowed" the evil to take place, and in that limited sense, He sovereignly "willed" it to happen.

    God's revealed or preceptive will is not concealed from us. This aspect of God's will encompasses what God has chosen to disclose to us in the Bible-His precepts are clearly stated. "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God" ( Micah 6:8).

    The preceptive will of God is what He desires us to do (or not do). For instance, we understand that it is God's will for us to speak the truth in love ( Ephesians 4:15), to repent, and turn to God ( Acts 3:19). It is God's revealed will that we refrain from committing adultery.

    Obeying God's revealed will is crucial. As stated in ( 1 Corinthians 6:18), we should avoid sexual immorality. Similarly, ( Ephesians 5:18) advises against drunkenness. God's revealed will, as mentioned in ( Psalm 19:7), serves to guide and enlighten us.

    We are bound to follow God's revealed or preceptive will, although we retain the ability to disobey. Adam and Eve, for instance, were instructed to be fruitful, tend the garden, and avoid a specific tree ( Genesis 1-2). Regrettably, they defied God's instructions ( Genesis 3) and faced the consequences of their actions. We cannot justify our sins by claiming they fulfill God's sovereign will.

    See Pt. 4
  • GiGi - 4 weeks ago

    Pt. 2


    "What is the difference between God's sovereign will and God's revealed will?

    21 de July de 2024


    Human will is quite simple: when we desire something to occur, we "will" it to happen; when we take action, we demonstrate our "will" in the situation. God's will is more intricate. Theologians identify three distinct aspects of God's will in the Bible: His sovereign (decretive) will, His revealed (preceptive) will, and His dispositional will.

    God's sovereign or decretive will is also known as His "hidden" will. It is "sovereign" because it reveals God as the Supreme ruler of the universe who ordains all events. It is "decretive" as it involves God's decrees. It is "hidden" because we often remain unaware of this aspect of God's will until His decrees come to pass. Nothing occurs outside of God's sovereign will.

    For instance, it was God's sovereign will for Joseph to be taken to Egypt, endure imprisonment in Pharaoh's dungeon, interpret the king's dreams, ultimately rescue his people from famine, and receive honor from all ( Genesis 37-50). Initially, Joseph and his brothers were unaware of God's will in these circumstances, but at each stage, God's plan became clearer.

    When Ephesians 1:11 portrays God as the one "who works all things according to the counsel of His will," it refers to God's sovereign or decretive will. God Himself affirms the certainty of His sovereign will in Isaiah 46:10: "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please."

    Due to God's sovereignty, His will cannot be thwarted The sovereign or decretive will of God can be categorized into His efficacious will and His permissive will. This distinction is necessary because God does not directly cause everything to occur. Some of His decrees are efficacious (directly contributing to the fulfillment of God's desire), while others are permissive (allowing for an indirect fulfillment of God's desire).

    See Pt.3
  • GiGi - 4 weeks ago
    BUT.. Scripture says that God desires all people to be saved.

    While 1 Tim. 2 1-8 and 2 Peter 3:9 say that God desires all people to be saved, it does not say that He decrees it to be so. He is compassionate towards His creatures and does shed His goodness upon creation every day with the reliability of day turning to night to day again, rain in season, multiplication of animals to sustain us, and the yearly regrowth of vegetation for our diet as well. He sometimes spares unregenerate people from disasters and yet allows regenerate people to perish or suffer much loss. He allows both unregenerate and regenerate people to prosper and become rich and also allows both to be impoverished. But the Bible never says that all humans will be saved. It clearly teaches that only the elect will be saved.

    I find this excerpt from the site: bibliotodo has a very good explanation for this question. Here is presented the prevalent interpretations to this question. I think it is only fair to present the various sides of this paradox in Scripture. Then is an Excerpt from Marc Sim's blog who explains with a few additional points.

    I encourage each person to give this serious thoughtful prayer, including myself, before deciding on why all are not saved if God desires it to be so.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    GiGi, I will pray with you on your written statement for Trump and our government . We all need God to cleanse the house and to make it better. I hope and pray that others will come on board and pray .

    Only if more people knew the word ?

    John 1:1-4

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2The same was in the beginning with God.

    3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hi Sister- In - Christ, may God bless your Daughter and protect her . God is a good God. In the name of Jesus Christ, may he bless you and your family with joy, peace, love and the most beautiful word of God.

    Please enjoy this verse with your daughter .

    Psalms 100:2

    "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1CORINTHIANS1 15:1-4 the gospel that saves today .
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    " American " , I will pray for our President of America and all our government workers . May God clean up the house and make America strong and mighty in the Lord Jesus Christ .

    In respect to other religions, we are the land of the free.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the true gospel of Salvation today
  • GiGi - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Dear America Needs Repentance,

    Scripture instructs us to pray for those who are appointed to govern, so I do so whomever is in that position. I am praying for President Trump in these times. May God direct His path, leading him to govern well, in justice, mercy, and wisdom. I pray for the U.S.A. and its people, that God will bring many to repentance and faith, that God will turn the tide of what has done so much harm to our country and citizens, and that He will replace evil policies and restore what are good policies. May our government act with integrity and humility, seeking the true good of the citizens living here, working lawfully and honestly according to the constitution and code of law in place, removing laws that are corrupt, and initiating legislation that upholds our freedoms and allows citizens to prosper from the hard work one does daily. I pray that lawlessness is no longer rewarded as well as sloth, that those who can work will be incentivized to work instead of taking welfare, may those who are in true need of assistance be given what they need. May God have mercy on our country and bless us as He has in the past since start. It is my hope that many believers in our country will set themselves to pray and live up to the calling of God in their lives to be imitators of Christ and live godly lives in a wicked world.
  • Zamar2Zion - 4 weeks ago
    Sorry scripture was Revelation 1:19
  • Zamar2Zion - 4 weeks ago
    Revelation 4:1 and beyond are future events that have yet to take place.

    Write the things which thou hast seen(past), and the things which are(ch 2-3, Past-Present), and the things which shall be hereafter;(Future: Tribulation is Revelation 4:1 (no one knows when but the Father) - Revelation 19:11-21 (2nd Coming of Christ.

    We are in Matthew 24:3-14

    God Bless
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hi KidinChrist.

    I concur with Brother Chris, salvation is offered to anyone regardless of their present position!

    In 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul says he was the chef of sinners. Jesus asked Paul in Acts 9:4 "why persecutest thou me? However Paul found grace. Paul was an instrument preserved before the foundation of the world by the foreknowledge of God.

    When we consider the quote in Psalms 5:5

    "thou hatest all workers of iniquity"

    I believe that is those who are perhaps vessels of wrath who refuse the truth and deliberately going against God's will until the end with no repentance. God uses his foreknowledge to determine this as well.

  • David Allen - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Thank you my brother, Praise God for spritual brother and sister in the lord please continue to pray for Magda and myself.
  • America needs Repentance - 4 weeks ago
    Hello all, I am requesting prayer for Donald Trump, that he will do the work of our Father and be protected from Satan's minions. I am asking as a believer of our risen savior Christ Jesus. May God almighty bless America and America will worship God almighty continually forever, ever more.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    David, I'm still with you. Jesus Christ just wants us to cleanse ourselves for good spiritual health . Please continue in His word.

    How do we cleanse ourselves from sin while we are saved in believing the finished work of the cross ? If Jesus Christ is the water of life and we know that the word of God is water, then we read the Bible for cleansing, plain and simple. I recommend reading Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday .

    Maybe God cleanse us with the word ...

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel that saves today
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Adekunlemary , how you doing. Hang on there. Jesus Christ is God Almighty and will here your prayer for Salvation. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Just believe the gospel 1Corinthians 15:1-4 .

    How do we cleanse ourselves from sin while we are saved in believing the finished work of the cross ? If Jesus Christ is the water of life and we know that the word of God is water, then we read the Bible for cleansing, plain and simple. I recommend reading Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday .

    Maybe God cleanse us with the word ...

    Ray, in Christ Jesus
  • JessicaO - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Prayers for you Rosetta. Prayers that you are exalted in due time and that the Lord will reward you with rest for your devotion and hard work caring for husband and that the Lord will open doors for the desires of your heart to be given unto you. I am truly sorry you are going through all this, prayers that God delivers you from all that ails you and renews your strength. God bless.
  • Sister-in-Christ - 4 weeks ago
    Agree with me in prayer that my school aged daughter is protected, has favor, and that goodness and mercy follow her all the days of her life. Pray that she is well liked among her peers and staff and that she is the head not the tail. She is a pleasant, humble and quiet-turned child and not pushy so pray that God exalts her when she needs to be exalted. And that He always blesses her with friends. Prayers for everyone, may the Lord move upon all things that concern us.
  • Christian - 4 weeks ago
    Prayer for healing for my mom and ask that she receive a full recovery and ask for financail increase for me and ask the same for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask that we have finances to support each other while my mom is in the hospital and finances to meet all of our needs and her needs. I ask for debt cancellation and finances to pay off debt for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for a breakthough in buying a home that will Bless me and my mom. I ask for prayer for protection from things trying to hinder my life, my mom life, and all of my family members I pray for daily and often lives and ask for breakthrough in all of the hinderances and from all of our spiritual warefare. I ask for a breakthough in things hindering me from reaching the next rank in the military and ask for prayer that I will no longer be hindered from reaching my next rank. I ask for prayer that I will no longer be hindered in college and that I can complete all of my assignments and stay in school all the way through until I get my degree. I ask for protection from things trying to manipulate and hinder my day and all of my family members I pray for daily and often day today and ask that God fight all aspects of our battles today and the rest of this month for all of us and ask this for my mom as long as she is recovering. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    (Ephesians Part 13):

    Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    It says put on the whole armor of God, which is a command. And this is Aorist Tense which means do it one time. That's very important!

    Put on the whole armor of God. The purpose: that you may be able to what? Stand against the wiles of the devil. The word wiles is the word METHODEA which means methods or schemes. And notice that all of this is to cause us to stand. Not to fight but to stand. Why? Because our position is in Christ at the right hand of the throne of God in the spirit realm!

    What do we have to fight Satan for?

    Ephesians 6:13 - Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    Another command, wherefore take unto you (Aorist Tense), the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand, and that's the word resist, in the evil day, and having done all, that is after everything has been worked out, to stand. In other words, once the dust settles, you're still standing. Stand, not fight!

    Well, this is all I have to share in Ephesians from a Biblical Greek perspective. I will begin with Philippians soon, Lord willing!

    God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    (Ephesians Part 12):

    Ephesians 5:31 - For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

    The word joined is the word glue, glued to the wife. Once you become one, leave mother and father, period! And they two shall be one flesh. That's a quote from Genesis 2:24.

    Ephesians 6:10 - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    The word finally means summary. The armor of God represents the whole book of Ephesians in summary form. Paul is under house arrest. He is chained to a soldier. Some people think that Paul got this description from the soldier that he is chained to. This is something that is a Jewish concept that might have been inspired by the soldier that was there, but the items as elements of the armor is not anything that is new.

    So, he says, finally, my brethren, and here's the first command: be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Be empowered. And this is the only verb in this whole section that is a Present Tense that means be continually empowered in the Lord, literally, in the grip of his strength.

    He pictures the believer as being in God's grip. And God's grip is so strong that we are to draw off of the strength of that grip. But instead, we try to wiggle and squirm. And sometimes we are struggling, where most of the time we're struggling against God. Be still and know that I'm God he says.
  • Jesse - 4 weeks ago
    (Ephesians Part 11):

    Ephesians 5:18 - And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

    And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, or literally a dissipated or destructive life; but be filled with the Spirit;

    The word filled is what is called a present imperative. Be continually being filled with the Holy Spirit. And again, the word filled means to have the human faculties filled. It's influence. Seek to have the Holy Spirit influence your life.

    Ephesians 5:21 - Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

    This is very important: Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Submission to one another, that is to every believer. And just a short technical point. The word submission in Greek means to be in an orderly relationship.

    What that means is there is not a relationship between two people, but between three, you, me, and the Lord. I have to line up with the Lord for a right relationship with you!

    In the book of Acts, the disciples said to the ruling Sanhedrin when they said we will not allow you to preach any more in this man's name, and they said whether it's right to obey you rather than God, or God rather than you, you decide. We're going to obey God!

    To be in an orderly relationship means that I can submit and function with you, but when you put me in a position to sin against my Lord and violate His word, if I were to obey that, I would be out of order. It's a little confusing but it has to do with lining up with people in the Lord. So, when it says submitting yourselves to one another, it means line up with one another in the Lord.
  • David Allen - 4 weeks ago
    please remember my daughters and their young families in your prayers please pray for my mother and please remember Magda W and myself
  • Adekunlemary - 4 weeks ago
    I want pass my waec and neco with jamb in jesus name
  • Chris - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hi KidinChrist. If I may add something to this discussion: you're correct that God has no love for Satan & his cohorts, as they have received their initial punishment for their disobedience to their Creator & usurping their position, by being banished from God's Presence. Now they await for their final punishment in the Lake of Fire ( Revelation 20:10).

    But as far as God's Love for mankind, in spite of those who hate Him & dabble in all types of wickedness or raising their fists against Him, we know from the Word that this is still the day of Salvation that is offered to them and to each one of us. While there is time, the Gospel that went out after the ascension of our Lord is still the same Gospel that goes out today - the only one that offers God's Salvation, demonstrating His Love for all. If God hates such sinnners now, then the salvation message is useless to them & they would be forever doomed. But we have no such instruction from the Bible, except that which was given to the disciples of Christ to 'go into all nations, teaching, baptizing, and to obey'. But if any would not receive them or hear them, they were to depart from there, 'shaking the dust from their sandals as a testimony against their obstinacy'.

    And yet, Jesus taught an important aspect of God's Love & God loving all, in Luke 6:32, "For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them." We can easily understand this verse when we apply it ourselves, but the same principle applies to how God loves us. If God only loved those who returned their love to Him, how does that reflect on God's attitude to both the loving and unloving towards Him? We might fail in this by showing love & favor to those who are kind & loving towards us & not so (or, not so much) to those who despise us, but does God behave as we do, we who have carnal tendencies? If Jesus' Words & Life perfectly reflected His Father, then we know that God still loves all sinners.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hazel, may God open your sons understanding to the free gift that was finished on the cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Praise the Lord for Salvation.

    May God help Peter, his siblings Esther, Grace and Timothy.

    Hazel, May God bless you and give you strength to continue in faith in his word. Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday so you can hear the Lord in His word for direction and instructions .

    Here's are some great verses to study and pray.

    Psalms 100:2

    "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."

    Psalm 37:5

    Commit thy way unto theLord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

    Philippians 4:6

    Becarefulfornothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requestsbemade known unto God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:17

    Praywithout ceasing.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the only gospel in Apostle Paul's epistle that saves today .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Hi again KidinChrist.

    Thanks for the clarity.

    There are those who reject the precious gift of Christ and there are those who are deceived.

    I would refer you to Psalms 5:4-5

    "For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

    The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all WORKERS OF INIQUITY.

    I believe the phrase WORKERS OF INIQUITY refers to people who actively engage in sinful behavior, oppose righteousness and defy God's laws.

  • KidinChrist - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    S Spencer,

    Thanks for your reply and using biblical precepts for explaining. I didn't provide much clarity in my initial question. If one deliberately lives a life of sin, and takes pride in being a sinner by devoting their life to Satan, (i.e. witchcraft, sorcery, ect.) and have a made up mind to hate the Almighty God with all their heart & soul; Does the Almighty God love them? God doesn't love Satan nor the fallen ones that were kicked out of the Kingdom along with Satan. I hope this brings more depth.

    -Peace and blessings
  • Hazel - 4 weeks ago
    Salvation for my son Seth, his girlfriend and a young man named Peter, his siblings Esther, Grace and Timothy.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    True Believer if I may say. Great words you wrote. There is a Famous saying " we are not sinners because we sin, we are sinners because we are born sinners ".

    Now we all know why we are sinners, it's one man's disobedience. " Adam "

    Romans 5:19

    For as by one man's disobedience many were madesinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

    Blame it on Adam disobedience to God for our death, but God gives life .

    1 Corinthians 15:22

    For as inAdamall die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

    We may all die in the flesh some day, but God give life through Jesus Christ .

    Romans 6:23

    For thewagesofsinis death; but the giftofGod is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Ray , in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel that saves today in Apostle Paul's epistle.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Christian, stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ and continue to pray none stop, for God hears you're prayer . Sometimes it's seems God is not there, but He is, in the Bible. Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and God will speak to you and give you good news .

    Be happy with His word.

    Psalms 100:2

    "Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing."

    Keep up the faith and never give up. God is a good God and will never let us down, just keep reading and praying .

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the only gospel in the New Testament that saves today .

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