All Discussion PAGE 266

  • Blessing Adielechi - 11 months ago
    Prayer to choose the right partner
  • Diane - 11 months ago
    Please pray for a very dear friend and her husband who has been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of muscular dystrophy B' is now wheelchair bound whilst requiring full assistance of cares from his wife and 2 sons. B' is of the faith though hasn't attended church since his late childhood. I would so love for our Lord Jesus Christ to help slow the progress of this disease as he continues to deteriorate daily.

    Plus another friend whose husband has been diagnosed with a form of nuropathy affecting his feet/legs hand and arm movements with unknown cause. He faces a daily battle to move.

    I pray in our Lords name
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's machinations: The spirit realm continued

    The enemy of our souls has a problem (actually as sick as he is a lot of issues) but I am focusing on one in particular. He can't stand humans; in reality even those who do his bidding but is out of necessity offering many temporary pleasures to turn men away from God and in reality; of course put people into bondage. Since he can't stand God; Christ or His holiness as well as human beings the last thing he wants is to see someone be drawn to Christ's mercy and salvation through God's love. No doubt that sickens him. Some say his primary motive is to have us in hell with him. Since he hates us already having our company there isn't going to make him feel better; and of course he will be too busy suffering himself to care anyway. It may give him pleasure for now; since he misses out on such suffering until the confinement period of the Millennium is over and the final conflagration occurs; to think of men in constant agony. What he really wants as from the beginning is worship. His motive is simply overthrow of God and heaven which his demented mind still thinks can be attained; but at the same time he probably knows better since his time is short. Daniel 8:10 even seems to suggest he tramples on some of his own demonic horde when cast out of heaven in the Tribulation; likely enraged that they couldn't fight hard enough to keep his position up there any longer.

    The whole Satanic mantra (Such as Aleister Crowley's "do as thou wilt") in a nutshell explains all of the enemy's tactics.

    The devil only wants to serve himself. He will use his best tool music (read Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel 28) to delude the masses.

    He doesn't rule over hell; at least after the cross as souls now go straight to heaven and not remain in the paradise under the earth. His contracts with people can't hold water with the shed blood on the cross of His atonement. 1 Corinthians 15:56; Romans 6:23). Christ conquered sin at Calvary.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's machinations: The soul and the spirit realm

    Slavery in all it's ugly reality from the 1800s in particular in the USA is something most citizens in our nation haven't seen in the better part of 200 years. Sadly with the uncontrolled child slave labor and sex slavery today it may be closer to our backyard than we think. The reality of this should teach us a lesson in regard to how we in the spiritual dimension are basically OWNED and controlled by either Satan or Christ. This is how a book like Philemon could be written; it wasn't that cruelty was to be exonerated (as shown by other verses on the subject of slaves and masters) but it was that our spiritual state superceded whatever our earthly position happened to be in a particular time; culture or nation. John 8:33 shows the myopia of the Pharisees stating that they were never slaves despite the obvious biblical precedent from Egypt in particular as well as Babylon to some extent. The bigger problem; of course was being a slave to sin which means a soul is being held captive by Satan. It also means a soul is estranged and in enmity with God ( Romans 5:10). God is merciful and longsuffering; but that doesn't last forever without repentance.

    There are many ways Satan will come after our soul but they all pretty much amount to the same thing. There are myriads of other faiths besides Christianity and the true God of the Jews in the Old Testament but they all lack definite assurances of a good afterlife; or any individual that has overcome death. They can only use methods of man in reality; whether war or conquest; philosophy; wisdom; etc. We see the same tactics of cults especially in tandem with polytheistic idol worship; these include "Kundalini" experiences; "sweat lodges"; mushrooms and other psychodelic methods of having a "spiritual" experience.

    New Age no doubt uses seduction and enchantments to entice men to commit fornication; along with other "darker" spells to inflict harm.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's machinations: Emotions continued

    Having explored with gravity the situation of those afflicted with emotional problems of darkness and depression we also have to look at other things such as anger; and euphoria. I cannot emphasize enough this point that I am about to make; there is NO love like God's and what His saints will share in heaven and on the new earth for all eternity. Of course Satan will stop at nothing to find ways to circumvent God's laws particularly related to marriage to find a "soulmate" on earth. Without going once again into the subject of what is considered a legitimate marriage; I will leave it at this; a marriage in the Lord is part of God's community and Christ's body on earth. While the struggle with desires of the flesh isn't something unusual; the fact that many who already in theory should be having their needs met are looking to find grass that's greener elsewhere is a peculiar trait to human beings. Somehow we think that we can shortcut God's plan; looking at Abraham and Sarah we see how well that worked when she pushed Hagar on him after the fact. The fact that some seem to find better success finding their future spouse in a bar than even an online "Christian" dating service is telling; and it seems a foreign concept to expect the Lord to provide someone simply by obediently attending church (although the demographics in my church for example are more to old folks like myself).

    Looking beyond trying to find love in all the wrong places; we often forget that our other emotions (jealousy; rage; anger and other bad fruits) often get in the way of reaching out to others for a viable friendship so that anything more is snuffed out at the inception. Again; it is our own deception that makes us think we can change someone after we marry them. I would STRONGLY advise premarital counsel in the church to avoid what happened to me (a divorce after 25 years of marriage).

    I have seen how uncontrolled rage can destroy.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's machinations: Emotions

    In today's society an often soft fabric of emotionally immature individuals CAN be some advantage over the proud generations of parents and especially the grandparents from two generations ago. We see many young people brought up in church and perhaps having some childhood faith going strong into the world; but if they survive long enough they come back to their senses. The problem is of course that many are drawn into a church that appeals to their emotions or worse tickles their ears.

    Of course we have the enemy taking advantage of both sides as he always does; being loyal to no one but himself but gladly pitting his subjects against each other; and if we aren't paying attention; his enemies as well.

    On a personal note; I lost a friend about 13 years ago to suicide. She was bipolar; and seemed to have a viable testimony of faith. She was joyful to be around on her emotional high but I saw her once in an extreme low. Sadly she decided to stop taking medication and she was found dead a few months later. I won't detail it since where I lived someone may be familiar with it in regard to where she was found. What I will say is that in her case her emotions dictated what she felt was her necessity to stop taking meds (perhaps rationalized in her mind). I feel it is necessary to state this here because some will give advice to give everything to the Lord and quit taking medicine. I would just go to scripture and say that we should go to the physician (at that time the priests) to verify healing. This also shows that some need to have supervision; especially anything involving substance abuse or mental illness. I am certain some have in fact been able to get off medicines; but the best way we can help others at times is to make sure we are doing the best to take care of ourselves with God's guidance.

    That being said; there is no doubt the enemy is behind the insane number of suicides in our nation today.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's machinations: PART TWO (further study on Satan's affect on us as individuals)

    Part Two: The battle of the mind.

    In my last post; I ran out of space again; but was getting into the verse where Jesus told Satan to get behind him when Peter was stating that basically going to the cross was not fit for Jesus to do. This shows how Christ expects us as His disciples to rely totally on the Spirit to allow the flesh to be dead. Luke 4:8 is the other verse where Jesus says this to Satan after the temptations in the wilderness. We see a difference between Peter then and after Pentecost as Jesus foretold after he denied knowing him. In all fairness since ALL the disciples ran off their fear for their lives superseded their love for Christ. This truly shows how only trust in the Spirit of God will enable us to face death with courage should it be in the time and place God has chosen. As I have said before it is the end of a life of obedience that Christ and in fact all the Disciples except for John met their fate; the spiritual man grows and matures through self denial and service to that point.

    Our thought processes are determined merely by our old man at birth. Thus characteristic behaviors and routines develop which tend to linger with us even post salvation. There are; of course the affects of nurturing vs cruel parents; abundance or poverty in youth which the Lord is aware of but also weigh in on the enemy's game plan. Of course with the mind along with everything else the enemy attacks us with the easiest thing to do is be determined to TRUST God and reject any thought which isn't captive to His (God's) will ( 2 Corinthians 10:5); compare with 2 Timothy 2:26. We learn to recognize the enemy's patterns after hopefully only a few similar assaults at our weakest points. We learn to discern the Spirit of God which is outside of self from Satan's devices; which always appeals to the flesh and exalting self. RUN IF IT GOES AGAINST SCRIPTURE!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hey Rainwalker,

    Thank you, brother, After the first resurrection, their judgement and rewards, Revelation 20:4 and after the 1000 years is the day of judgment for the rest of the dead. Daniel 12:2 John 5:28-29 2 Corinthians 5:10 Revelation 20:11-15.

    This is our hope, and the promise God has given to us 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, those who are not the chosen and faithful in the first resurrection sleep in death until the day of judgment for all who have lived, Revelation 20:11-15.

    God bless,

  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Amen Ronald, this is also my "spiritual understanding" of this parable.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Before I begin; I want to say that I enjoy the fellowship here; as well as writing postings. If there was any time that I wanted to make an impact it is now on this subject. Other than the attributes of God; at least from my perspective and experience this is needed the most. Many go to either extreme (NOT unique to this subject). People either will exaggerate Satan and allow fear of him to paralyze them or will underestimate the threat. It is; and I hope everyone here agrees with this BEYOND our strength to fight the enemy of our souls; we only have Christ to help us; as evidence of Michael the Archangel appealing to the Lord in the case of the dispute over Moses' Body ( Jude 1:9). Since he WILL kick Satan out of heaven at some point; this is evidence of respecting God; although it could show that the combined forces of angels of God are needed to kick out Satan and his minions.

    It also avoids presumptuous action as well as acting out before the proper time and without the direct command of God which involves a pride of sorts that Lucifer himself was brought to his downfall. In any case; what causes fear is either our own sin which God allows the enemy to torment us with and accuse us; or an unhealthy obsession with the media representation or occult practices rather than avoiding every appearance of evil. Knowing that Satan is the god of this world and offered all the Kingdoms to Christ and that everyone's name that is NOT in the book of life worships his masterpiece the Antichrist Beast we do well to heed to the warnings not to trivialize the enemy we face but to have an Ephesians 6 mindset.

    Satan's "machinations"

    Part One.-Self

    John 12:25 states that if we love this life we will lose it and if we hate it we gain eternal life. Proverbs 16:18 says that pride comes before a fall. Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many ( Mark 10:45) and the verse begins talking about Him serving others than being served. I will discuss Matthew 16:23 next post.
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 11 months ago
    It was a "parable" that is why. Jesus did raise Lazarus from the dead, nothing is recorded about his "sleep". Jesus said, "Lazarus is asleep".. the sleep of death.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan's attacks.

    Yesterday perhaps the enemy (although I suspect it is my pinkie left finger touching the esc key) caused the first part of what will probably be a lengthy dissertation on Satan's methods to be wiped out. It gave me an opportunity to think about some more stuff today. I thought an outline at present would help; perhaps finding some interest out there to detail a particular area.

    Here's a brief summary of what I was starting yesterday.

    1. Self-We are our own worst enemies.

    Attacks on emotions; mind and soul (will present scriptures to follow).

    I wanted to touch on "presumtion" along with other thought patterns within fallen man that can trip us up as well.

    2. Others-Peer pressure; manipulation; flattery and any wrong done by others. This of course is rarely not associated with our own actions; particularly ruminating and fretting rather than taking things to God in prayer

    3. Spiritual warfare: Again; not isolated but oppression for a believer; possession possible for non believers; and all things in the world system. This would include false religions.

    4. Deception. This may be the most concerning and potent weapon the enemy has. The "Trojan horse" approach allows the enemy in the gate whether it is in our hearts or in a particular local church in general.

    General thoughts before we begin the main study.

    When we look at the Antichrist (Satan's main exhibit) we see characteristics of a SUBSTITUTE for as well as blatent blasphemy AGAINST the true Christ. The enemy will always work in two ways; either giving us what we want (in reality being void of real substance); OR he will directly cause persecution (usually through people and often in seemingly ordinary events) but at times goes full force. This outward persecution shows that he has failed in deception and therefore we understand why Paul said he thanked God he was worthy to suffer persecution for His Name's sake. God ultimately allows all Satan does
  • Paul Ross - 11 months ago
    Please pray that God would restore me to a perfect health and healing , Please I,m desperate.Jesus raised the dead, healed the lame,restored sight to the blind,that the works of God might be made manifested in Him. I think I was 14 when I was confined to a wheelchair, I am now 70,and it is agonizing,to say the least. Please, I desperately need your prayers. God said in 3 JOHN 1,2,Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospers He said that,He himself who bore our sins in his own body on a tree,that ye being dead to sin, might live unto righteouness, by whose stripe ye were healed. He said that he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon him,and by His stripe, we are healed. We also read that unto whom the Son of Righteousnesss shall appear with healing in his wings, and they shall go forth leaping from the stall. Jesus promised that whatsoever we would ask in his name, that would he do, that the father would be glorified in the Son. Thank you for your much needed prayers Brother Paul
  • Oseas - 11 months ago
    The first man was made a living soul; the last man was made a quickening spirit.


    The Word,GOD Himself,Who is from everlasting to everlasting, self-executing,He has in He Himself the project written since Eternity how to make man in His image,but GOD is Spirit,how could man see the image of His Spirit?It's impossible unless the Spirit be made physically.

    The Word-the Word is GOD-GOD is Spirit and a Person,He knew it would be impossible He be known and seen in Spirit,even being a Person in He Himself as Word,so when the time arrived in to make man in His image and likeness,through His invisible Spirit and own Person as manifested Word,two distincts Persons,then He said:Let US make man in OUR image,after our likeness.

    The Person of GOD as Word still was in His bosom.The Word had not still been made flesh,then was only a man made of the dust. With the revelation of the Word was given life to the man,through the Word was breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life; and man became a living soul from the beginning until JESUS.


    GOD had planned to make man in His image,but how?once He was Spirit and only One,as whether was alone?First He needed to make an image from He Himself and that's what GOD did with the birth of JESUS.JESUS was born in the turn of the fourth to the fifth Day,in the turn of fourth to the fifth millennium.JESUS was no longer in the bosom of the Father,the Word- Hebrews 1:1-4.

    With the birth of JESUS,GOD could fulfill His wonderful promise to make man in His image,a quickning spirit,as planned.From JESUS until now passed more 2000 years,so we are at the turn of the sixth to the seventh and last Day, the Lord's Day,or seventh and last millennium,the millennium of GOD's Kingdom- Revelation 11:15-18,so in fulfillment of what says the Word,the dead shall be raised incorruptible-1 Cor.15:52-, and we that are alive shall be changed- Philippians 3:20-21.
  • RicoUS - 11 months ago
    Please pray for M. (hemifacial spasm that got much worse recently), K. (school stress, bullying, sleep issues, bedwetting at almost 15, emotionally abusive mom who is not saved, K believes in Jesus but cannot go to church), A (in dysfunctional relationship, the 22nd or so, always the same pattern, causing much hurt to loved ones and herself), E (believer but OCD, anger and fear issues, needs better job, friends, quite lonely, same sex attracted: pray the Lord delivers and heals). Please pray overall for strong protection and salvation of unsaved loved ones and healing and deliverance for us and all in need.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Terry,

    I will pray for you.

    Also, I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands a few years ago. Worked well. But also, Vitamin B-6 helps.

    I also had plantar fasciitis and that was so painful. The podiatrist gave me a boot to wear (the big bulky one) that stretched the muscles in the foot to relieve the fasciitis. I only had to wear it at 15-minute intervals a few times a day and it eventually resolved the problem and pain. So these things are good remedies. I hope you will get the proper treatments for each of your ailments and that God will bring you healing.
  • Adam - In Reply on Isaiah 32:2 - 11 months ago
    That's a profound verse. It's upsetting to see so many people disregard the Bible and verses like this, spread lies about the Bible in order to ban it from school, so young people are no longer exposed to it, and have no moral guidance. The result is, in the USA we have young people acting out, shooting each other, not able to cope with their emotions which are triggered by lies they're told, and evil judges punish good actions while rewarding bad, evil corrupt politicians steal from the people to impoverish them, and now are leading us to a possible world war and possible nuclear war. It's like watching a train wreck occur in slow motion and you feel powerless to stop it.
  • Koopza21 on Isaiah 32:2 - 11 months ago
    An extremly deep verse, humility is a ppowerful thing to grasp. Thank you Yahweh, Yeshua. You are my everything , the journey has been long, i have failed you many times and still i have not found real peace, but you give me peace through your mercy to continue on.
  • Ecalarese - In Reply - 11 months ago
    "When temptation calls; flee." - Understanding and resulting wisdom! (or is it the other way around?) Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
  • Terry - 11 months ago
    I Need Prayer. In Jesus Christ Name I Have neuropathy, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia ,Tarsal tunnel syndrome Plantar Fasciitis.... Prayer, In The Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    Please remember my daughters and their young families in your prayers today, please pray for me.
  • Patricia - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Heavenly Father, I pray that You meet all of John's needs. That all be for Your honor and glory. God bless you John.
  • Texsis - 11 months ago
    Pray all's well or gets better soon. Thanks for all your prayers. God is good !

    In Exodus 12, God smoke all 1st born..yet Pharaoh didn't die. Qs: wasn't he a 1st born? I'm thinking he was & he was allowed to live so as to lead God's ppl to freedom?

    Off the subject..why you ask "were in southern Utah". Do you know ppl here? God bless, Texsis
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 11 months ago
    God is the god of the living and Jesus explained that they are in the presence of Him who made man a living soul. So life must be understood as living two words as one. We have spiritual aspects which cannot be seen separate from our physical bodies. At the mount Jesus transfigured before his three disciples. It is a spiritual body. 2 Co.5:1. It is building of God, eternal in heavens so physical death for the living is to be in their glorified bodies. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.(Ro.8:1).Living or dead they hear. Eye of faith and ear of faith is applied to our inner man. Lazarus heard Jesus and when the last trump is sounded all shall hear. Much of the evil we see in the churches is a lack of appreciation for godliness. Glory of money and celebrity status are all temporary. No man shall continue for long and keep them. They rewarded themselves with 'other man's riches' but shall find to their cost that nothing ever comes free. Satan tempted Jesus with this glory and he refused to take it. Foolish think only of life here and now. Life abundant is living in Christ so death is merely change of vile bodies,-formed out of ground, for spiritual bodies.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 11 months ago

    the dead know nothing at all must be read in its context." For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion./For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." Dead and the living. For to him (Christ) that is joined to all the living there is hope. (Jesus Christ-"I am the Life") Those who have found life know there is a physical death. Hence they keep themselves pure unspotted from the world. They are like the tree planted by the river (Ps.1) and their hope is like an anchor. Jesus explained who the dead are. Luke 9:60 The dead may be workaholic, socially active, volunteers to every politically correct causes.But after soul is cast to hell there would be no remembrance and tey are blotted out of the book of life and book of the lamb. A woman who lives in pleasure is dead.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 11 months ago

    Here is what I understand on Ecclesiastes 9:5.

    I will need verse 3 to get the context.

    Verse 3. "This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, THAT THERE IS ONE EVENT UNTO ALL:....( There's the evil! ) .."THAT THERE IS ONE EVENT UNTO ALL" This speaks of the mindset and philosophy of man under the sun.

    ....yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

    Now Ecclesiastes 9:4-10 continues on with this mindset of man under the sun.

    Some say Proverbs is a book of practical wisdom, while Ecclesiastes is a book of speculative wisdom.

    Ecclesiastes presents us a naturalistic vision of life-one that sees life through distinctively human eyes.

    Perhaps others would like to share their thoughts.

    God bless.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Ricky.

    You will receive different understandings of this. This is something you will need to pray and study for your own conscience. There are some things to question. Is Luke 16:19-31 a parable or is it something that truly happened? Study chapters 15 and 17 and consider what Jesus is teaching.

    One thing that influences our understanding is the Greek philosophy of the immortal soul. When we die do we sleep in death until resurrection or do we go to heaven or go to a burning hell for eternity? What does scripture support? Does scripture say we are awake in death?

    My understanding is we sleep in death until we are resurrected, and the gift of immortality is not given until resurrection to those chosen and faithful. Luke 16:19-31 is a parable, and the context of this chapter is the love of money and stewardship, Jesus was addressing this to the Pharisees who loved money, "No servant can serve two masters".

    God bless,

  • Anna - 11 months ago
    Isaiah 40:31.

    Philippians 4:13. Thank You Jesus!
  • Stephanie V - 11 months ago
    I ask for prayer for health issues I'm facing. I also am asking for prayer that the medicines I have now will help the issues to be completely resolved. Thank you so much for your prayers, and may God bless you!
  • [email protected] - 11 months ago
    Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 9:5 states that " The Dead know nothing at all" How is it that the (rich man) was able recognize Father Abraham and Lazarus being comforted within " Abraham Bosom" as well as carry on a conversation with Father Abraham to tell Lazarus dip his finger in water and touch is (the rich man's) tongue , and also ask Father Abraham to send someone from the dead to tell/warn his 5 other brother's not come to where he (the rich man) was in hell ? If the Dead know nothing

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