Should, we today repent of our sins for Salvation ? Before I knew the gospel of grace in Apostle Paul's epistle, I was a master of repentance. I would run toward the altar and kneel .I would do it before I went to bed. I even repented for other people's sins. Repentance was written on my forehead. By the way, repentance means change of mind .
God changes His mind.
Amos 7:6
TheLordrepentedfor this: This also shall not be, saith the LordGod
God changes His mind.
Jonah 3:10
AndGodsaw their works, that they turned from their evil way; andGodrepentedof the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
God changes His mind.
Genesis 6:6
And it repented theLordthat he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Through out the Bible, Jews are required to repent because they always got into trouble.
Apostle Peter would tell the Jews to repent, they killed Jesus.
Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 may God open our eyes to the Gospel
Apostle Paul repented for writing a strong letter that made the Corinthian Church sad. Apostle Paul is already saved, but he still repented .
2 Corinthians 7:8
For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do notrepent, though I didrepent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season
My point about repentance is, we don't repent of our sins for Salvation. Jesus Christ took all our sins and nailed on the cross.
Colossians 2:14
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way,nailing it to his cross;
Today we believe the gospel of grace and after we have been saved, we can repent or read the Bible for cleansing of the sins .
Ephesians 5:26
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with thewashingofwaterby the word,
May God Almighty in the third Heaven help us to repent more often if needed as a Christian.
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 no repentance required for this gospel of grace
Fuji, remember I told you be not afraid, it's the evil spirit around us that keeps attacking. God wants us to fear him in a good way.
Matthew 10:28
Andfearnot them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but ratherfearhim which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
We can learn from fearing God. God knows how much we can handle.
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Fuji, I know that you are a man of God, your kind words saids it all. There's no lies or hurt of words , it spreading the truth of the gospel.
Just maybe your hearing something different and don't understand. I keep showing the scriptures to back up what I say. Please go over it again and maybe you might see it make sense, just please think about.
Remember, I am only here to spread the good news that was given to Apostle Paul for the Gentiles.
Romans 12:3
For I say, through the gracegivenunto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
May God brings peace and Love to us all for the gospel of grace .
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 there is no fear in the gospel of grace, it's love in believing
I have struggled with walking on the right, narrow path, living with sins, and being unable to break free. Today, I give my life to Jesus Christ. I pray that God cleanses my mind, body, and soul. I pray that my faith will keep me going through the tough times. I am grateful that it's never too late to come to God and ask for forgiveness for our sins. I'm thankful that God is full of grace and is there when we need him most. Amen
How was it Isreal specific? So, the bible is talked to just the people of Isreal Christ church we all are Christ Church. Thats what sounds like what you are saying. Acts 10 is significant as it marks a pivotal moment in the early Christian church, emphasizing the inclusivity of God's kingdom. This chapter reveals that salvation is available to all, breaking down ethnic barriers and highlighting that God does not show favoritism. It showcases the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the importance of spreading the Gospel beyond traditional boundaries, particularly through Peter's vision and the conversion of Gentiles. With God not showing favoritism. All you got is 1st Timothy 3rd chapter and that's talking about the qualifications of a preacher and Deacon that's not saying a woman is not supposed to preach or teach or begin over a man, yet God had so many women in leadership positions. 1 Corinthians 14:34 woman is to be silent in church when Paul was in prison giving instruction to women who were unruly in church, so he told them to ask their husbands after church not saying that women are not to preach. Man has an order Jesus came so that all can be saved, and I am sure it doesn't matter what gender the Messager is. We have churches where there are women leading causes there are a few men or us women who are single and have no husband who are we going to to turn to? The only leg you got to stand on or those two chapters and you still have shown me any proof like I said in Acts chapter 10 salvation was extended to the gentiles thus Peter prejudices against by showing him a vision of all types of animals and he told Jesus that he don't eat unclean things but Jesus told him everything he makes is clean so it's not just Isreal its all of Christ followers just like a typical person who says that Paul said a woman cant preach teach or lead over a man when God uses all Flesh wisdom is refereed to as a woman we women are leaders and we hear from God.
Dear brother , it's impossible for me to be offended by an honest Christian heart such as yours . Free speech is so important , we must be able to talk to each other in an open and honest way without fear . I know I can do this with you and I hope you know you can do this with me .
My most urgent prayer requests that I'm desperately seeking is for God's powerful miracle blessings hands upon my son inside my womb that is forming I'm desperately seeking for god to take full control over my Son inside my womb to protect my baby boy under the shadows of his powerful almighty wings against all evil eyes to blessed my baby boy with all his ten fingers and his ten toes and a strong healthy heartbeat for my son to be completely HEALTHY without any problems or complications I'm desperately seeking for my perfect baby boy to grow strong inside my womb for god to cover my son woth his holy spirit and his holy ghost and his holy blood to walked with my baby boy inside my womb to shine his powerful almighty light completely down on my son for god to blessed me with a safe healthy successful delivery on my due date (JULY-10-2025 for god to send all of his powerful almighty miracle blessings angels to walked with me and my baby boy my son inside my womb I'm desperately seeking for god to blessed me with my perfect beautiful miracle baby boy and for god to blessed me health wise to carry my son full term nine month successful for god to blessed me to give birth naturally and no C-SECTION all naturally with my baby boy
Most of the 613 Law and Statutes apply to widows, orphans, priests, the High Priest, and those that serve in the Temple.
The guarding of the Sabbath, avoiding sexual sin and not eating unclean animals is the foundation for new believers. Those things, and avoiding the pollutions of idols are what allowed people who used to be Gentiles to join Israel in the worship of the Elohim of Israel.
The Eurocentric Theological Model has greatly polluted and twisted the message of the Bible.
The Law is:
"Observe these days, not those days.
Eat these things, not those things.
Have sex with this person, not those persons.
Be honest and kind to everyone, including the heathen."
Fuji, your right 100 percent, Old Testament and the book of Acts and Hebrews speaks of it. But right now as we live in grace in this church age where God is not dealing with the Jews on promises and covenants because they go by sight and we go by wisdom, the Bible has been completed and we have the Holy Spirit.
You know deep in you heart you never saw a Angel of God and I haven't either, they are in Heaven waiting to come down with Jesus Christ.
Fuji, I respect your point of views, people love angels and I do too, but there not here.
When you keep reading the book of Acts, you will notice a lot of changes in the way God deals with the Jews and How He used Apostle Paul to go to the Gentiles.
After you have a understanding who Saul of Tarsus is, please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday for God to speak to you .
Apostle Paul wrote more books then anyone in the Bible, but Jesus Christ is the author and finisher, so I call the whole Bible red words. We don't know for sure if Paul wrote Hebrews, it was written for Jews.
Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus theauthorand finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I love the whole Bible and I rightly divide the Word of Truth so I can understand it better . God gave Timothy instructions how to study the Bible, because the New Testament was just being completed. Apostle Paul wanted no confusion. 2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Please don't take this the wrong way. Just study day and night and God will speak to you and open your understanding to the gospel of grace given to Apostle Paul.
May God bless you and you're family in the gospel of grace .
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel of grace is Salvation for today .
Easy answer: Abraham was called out of UR of the Chaldees; Moses was called out of Egypt. God draws forth those He chooses.
On our end of course we see how many have received the Gospel and how many haven't assuming that it is our efforts that result in more or less believers. Since God according to scripture could even make the rocks cry out and in Revelation speak through an Angel to much of the world clearly we are part of the harvest through sowing seed and some are watering what someone else has already sown.
What we often ignore in these thought processes is those who God doesn't choose to hear the truth. We have to keep in mind that spiritual blindness can result in greater condemnation as it did with the Pharisees or the cities that Jesus warned would have greater judgment for rejecting Him than Sodom. This also should help us to understand why God may close a door to someone; it may not just be the fact that they will never respond but if they reject him they will have to bear the results even in this lifetime of God's anger. This fits into the concept of Predestination as God chastises all those He loves. Those who are called have a time beforehand when they are under God's wrath but still may be favored as God knows the outcome for every soul ahead of time. Many don't consider God's protection and even salvation of a soul before a confession if it is predetermined; again this may be a controversial thought but the testimony of most believers brings an understanding of these things in their lives to show how God led them through a path to ultimately being convicted; confessing and being in time and space a Christian. This affects our eternal future as well; which is more obvious a concept.
Romans 1 and Psalm 19 of course are two great indicators of man being without excuse and held accountable based on the limited understanding through the Creation of the attributes of God.
Continuing on the theme of the narrow; difficult path we of course can look at much of today's so called Gospel and we see what is drawing most of the crowds. I have said before that the testimony of those in the great revivals of yesteryear have mentioned tearful wailing and contrition as the biggest evidence of the Spirit's convictions on people. If we are to have a true move of the Spirit the reaction of any real experience with God is contrasted with our own state. This is bolstered by Isaiah; Daniel and John in their experiences in the Lord's presence; as Isaiah stated "Woe is me" ( Isaiah 6 if I have the right chapter or 9). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding as numerous scriptures indicate. How often to we hear people talking about these topics?
Sadly; especially today as Revelation 2 and 3 indicate the churches often consist of a few faithful among a crowd of unfaithful proclaimers of faith. The challenge is to continue in fellowship especially as we see the end approaching; while knowing when to walk away and when to run as the famous Kenny Rodgers tune suggests. Leaving a fellowshp should be done after much prayer and attempting necessary discipline according to scripture through elders after dealing with individuals in terms of excommunication of a wayward parishioner; but when the leadership is amiss often things are too far gone to be rectified where apostasy is concerned. This is why proper discipleship is important; of ten it seems people overlook that in the Great Commission and simply focus on evangelism. This results in surface level commitments to the Lord when follow up isn't consistent and more interest in a numbers game to fill the seats rather than patient development through discipleship training.
Those in Reformed circles often have a proper concept of their own depravity to avoid some of these errors; nonetheless pride comes before a fall so even true doctrine can make us feel superior.
The capacity to sin makes men often look at Lucifer and his fall now making him known as Satan; the Deceiver; Leviathan; etc.
Why God allowed the free will to bring this downfall to him as well as Adam and how Predestination is involved is another topic.
When we look at Cain we clearly see God's instructions where sin was crouching at the door and apparently there was the ability to master it; this definitely makes us question some views on Predestination; again to be discussed another time. My point on mentioning that scripture was to show that surely Lucifer would have been given some indication or warning of the results of sinning; even though the Word doesn't state it explicitly we can look at the lament of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 and see how God designed him to be originally and apparently some remorse as best as we can understand it from God as to his downfall if I am reading and interpreting the text properly. At any rate we may ask why does sin continue after Adam's fall? It is clear to me from othe verses later on in Ezekiel that a son cannot be held responsible for the sins of his father if he is a righteous man as well as the opposite the descendant of a Godly man can be totally wicked; hence it is the action of sin which we are responsible for. I would argue that it is not our fault we are born with a sin nature any more than the fact that we are mortal after salvation.
This is bolstered by other scriptures to show that those warned about hell were aware more or less of their sin actions as condemning them; again that doesn't absolve anyone from evil thoughts in the heart; but it does show how a 2 year old having a temper tantrum isn't the same as a man deliberately committing evil acts to rebel against God.
Also of course God has the remedy; through the Atonement we can finally die to ourselves and take on a new nature. Most don't want to take the narrow road and wish to stay on the broad and easy path to hell.
Simply put; sin is our actions that break God's law. It can be divided into sins of COMMISSION and OMMISSION-the latter behavior often not considered as much as the first.
When studying to Word we can start with Christ and fewer laws; or go to the Old Testament with the 600 give or take Commandments to see how the Lord operates. Christ came to seek and save the lost and had a ministry of reconciliation with God and came to die as a servant of all when He was the Master and Creator of man and the rest of the universe. If we choose the New Testament as a guideline because of fewer laws we make two mistakes. The first being the fact that the thoughts and intents of the heart are the most important factor so the Pharisees would recieve GREATER condemnation for obeying the Law as well as adding through their own traditions and the predecessor writings for the Talmud further rules. Christ excoriated them for their hypocrisy. Going back to the subject at hand the deeper meaning of not committing murder or adultery examines the state of the heart; hence Matthew 15:19 and surrounding verses don't necessarily excuse outward behavior that appears rightous. It is true following the Old Testament laws that ceremonial ones have been eliminated as evidenced by Peter's stay with the Gentile believer Cornelius in the Book of Acts (chapter 9 I believe). Saturday Sabbath also is trumped or overtaken by Christ in the example of Him doing "work" on the Sabbath as well as His being Lord o the Sabbath as I see it.
At the core of the matter is the fact that we are all conceived in sin. This doesn't mean the act of procreation but the sin nature that is transferred; hence the Son of God had to be born of the Spirit rather than the seed of man (hence the "seed of woman" as Genesis 3 makes clear). Questions as to why evil exists also could in like manner involve an investigation of why sin exists as well as the sin nature with Adam's descendants.
Dear fellow readers: I am attempting to get my father in a facility Monday. In the meantime even though he has dementia I mentioned his anger issues and how Christ could deliver him as he has with me in the past but that he would have to want that.
This is balanced with my understanding of not discussing things with a contentious man; and also I realize that such a domestic environment is not sustainable but for the moment the Lord has assigned me to this since my mom has passed at least when there isn't help available for my dad.
I made an attempt years ago to tell him as I repeated today (of course he forgot) that I loved him with an unconditional love. This doesn't mean that I can have a love for him as with the fellowship of saints; but can not hold grudges as 1 Corithians 10:13 states (if I have the right scripture).
Personally; I have two things to accomplish; the first getting him into the facility knowing about the high wind warnings out for these parts and it may not be adviseable to take him Monday so I am praying there isn't widespread outages as predicted.
When he gets there then there is the other issue of him being retained there against his will; as much as my POA allows for his own good and how to navigate things that day and onward.
I hope to have more to say in the days to come. My mom was angry and said many untoward things to me; as many apparently do when going through illness; in her case cancer. As I stated here in her passing she did have an opportunity to have the Gospel said to her and Amazing Grace and that was on the day of her death when unconscious. I made amends as much as I could before that but have no way I can confidently say she is with the Lord. My father certainly is not saved so I will have to do what I can and leave that to God.
I hope to share wisdom about this subject along with warning believers with unsaved relatives to pray for wisdom from the Spirit before becoming a caretaker.
Prayer for me and my wife so that GOD may always help us as pastors of our church. And that he can use us in a mighty way .also prayers me myself for GOD to help me in my temptation when they come .THANK YOU
GiGi, thank you so much for your warm and loving words of love. I truly believe you love your husband with all your heart and I truly believe you love the Lord the same.
This I say is truly the truth, I once was a fake christian that tried to please man in every church and repented everyday for Salvation, but forgot about my wife. How my wife stuck with me all those years I have no idea. My wife showed me, she loved me so much, she was willing to fight and wait for the Lord to open my understanding of the word of truth. One day I was in my basement working on a project and heard a preacher talk about Saul of Tarsus and how he
persecuted the Jews for believing Jesus the resurrection. Listen to the preacher telling the story of Apostle Paul was like a bright light hitting me very hard. I was trying to find a preacher to preach marriage, but instead I learned the gospel of grace. I am not a perfect husband by no means, but through the help of God and the Holy Spirit, I can do what the Words say. I just want to spread the Gospel that Apostle Paul spread to the world for the love of Jesus Christ in God. The Love I have in me , I give to my wife and that is Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit.
God bless you and you're husband in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit in God.
Ray, in Christ Jesus with my wife , 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel gave my Love . 35 years of marriage
"But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."(Eph.5.13). So we have the judgment of God and it before the light. " And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them." (Rev.20.11) Here we can understand why God began with light under the covenant. The earth that abides forever is lit by light of the Lamb. The world has no place there.The earth and heaven flees away from the face of God as Cain did. He was the wicked one.
God tells Abraham,"For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."(Gen.15.16). It shall be full only when God judgesfrom his throne of light. So what do we make of the extent of the nation promised to him. So Abraham lives," By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:/ For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." (He.11.9-10). These all died in faith.
Why did Israel went to Egypt in the first place. The wicked brethren of Joseph sinned 'against God and before thee'- and Joseph is set as a double for the Son in the covenant, and they had to be brought to light." The Jews rejected Jesus 'when God sent him as his only begotten Son' and they were scattered from their land in 70 CE and as with many times before, their diaspora is not the end of it. The land they now occupy is not according to the will of God."The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have admonished you this day." (Jer.42.19) Jeremiah's words are relevant even this day. They shall be thrown out as garbage,- and we are in for another big one, 2 Pet.3.11-13. 'This day' spoken by Jeremiah points to the day of the Lord. " Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens."
Thank you, brother. it is our duty to pray for others I lift you and your family up in mine thank you and GOD bless you please continue to pray for Magda and myself
"Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham." ( Jn 8.39)
Ishamael also belongs to Abraham.They all were circumcised, a covenant (Gen.17.9) which was not however what God marked for blessing under everlasting covenant. God created man,'in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them./And God blessed themT,(Gen.1.27-28)Abraham and Sarah were blessed for their faith. Jesus here makes a difference of faith with works. So there was no gender issue. Similar to five daughters of Zelophehad. (Num.27.1-11) What Jesus implies is that Abraham's children are 'and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable,' whereas heirs of promise beginning with Isaac and Jacob were like stars. " And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be./And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness."(Gen.15.5-6;Dan.12.3) Male and female primarily is used in terms of faith so Christ and the church had the same DNA as the Son has. This earth is holy, and framed by the word. Sanctify them with thy truth.( Jn 17.17). This earth is New Jerusalem while Adam's children, from Hagar Keturah belonged to mixed people same problem as Ezra faced. 'so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands.'-Ezra.9.2 Their inheritance figures in the vision of Ezekiel. The Lord is there .(Ezek.48.35). It is New Jerusalem while Cabul is the inheritance of sons of Adam.(1 Ki.9.12-13) 20 cities for their disobedience 'against heaven and before thee.'(Lk.15.18)
When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
9 For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
Every time Valentine's Day comes around I remind myself that love in marriage is not about the gifts we give, nor the words professing our love for each on Valentine's Day (although these are always welcome). It is about the way we love each other every day as we walk in the love of our Lord who, in love, gave Himself for us. So the love in marriage is a love of sacrifice for the good of the other, the not seeking our own desires to be fulfilled, but to aid in the fulfillment of the desires of our spouse, the keeping the other's life and future unified with our own life and future, and working at becoming Christlike to one another as the Holy Spirit sanctifies us with His power and grace to grow to be more Christ-like from Glory to Glory. Our highest goal for one another should be for him/her to become all that God desires him/her to become.
My husband and I have been married 45 years now. Our life together has been a blessing and a gift from God. Our love for one another is growing and is being purified by God the longer we walk together with God. We have always believed that it was God who brought us together and we trust that He will bring us through to the end together. For us to not stay married until one of us is called home in Christ would be to deny what God has joined together as being good and best for us and a tearing apart of what God has joined together as opposition to His will for us. We choose His will and rejoice in how He brought us together and has kept us in union with Him this whole time.
May others know blessings in their marriage as we have received from God every day.
Should, we today repent of our sins for Salvation ? Before I knew the gospel of grace in Apostle Paul's epistle, I was a master of repentance. I would run toward the altar and kneel .I would do it before I went to bed. I even repented for other people's sins. Repentance was written on my forehead. By the way, repentance means change of mind .
God changes His mind.
Amos 7:6
TheLordrepentedfor this: This also shall not be, saith the LordGod
God changes His mind.
Jonah 3:10
AndGodsaw their works, that they turned from their evil way; andGodrepentedof the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
God changes His mind.
Genesis 6:6
And it repented theLordthat he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Through out the Bible, Jews are required to repent because they always got into trouble.
Apostle Peter would tell the Jews to repent, they killed Jesus.
Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 may God open our eyes to the Gospel
Apostle Paul repented for writing a strong letter that made the Corinthian Church sad. Apostle Paul is already saved, but he still repented .
2 Corinthians 7:8
For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do notrepent, though I didrepent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season
My point about repentance is, we don't repent of our sins for Salvation. Jesus Christ took all our sins and nailed on the cross.
Colossians 2:14
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way,nailing it to his cross;
Today we believe the gospel of grace and after we have been saved, we can repent or read the Bible for cleansing of the sins .
Ephesians 5:26
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with thewashingofwaterby the word,
May God Almighty in the third Heaven help us to repent more often if needed as a Christian.
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 no repentance required for this gospel of grace
Matthew 10:28
Andfearnot them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but ratherfearhim which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
We can learn from fearing God. God knows how much we can handle.
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Fuji, I know that you are a man of God, your kind words saids it all. There's no lies or hurt of words , it spreading the truth of the gospel.
Just maybe your hearing something different and don't understand. I keep showing the scriptures to back up what I say. Please go over it again and maybe you might see it make sense, just please think about.
Remember, I am only here to spread the good news that was given to Apostle Paul for the Gentiles.
Romans 12:3
For I say, through the gracegivenunto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
May God brings peace and Love to us all for the gospel of grace .
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 there is no fear in the gospel of grace, it's love in believing
He went to the synagogue and healed people on the Sabbath.
That is not "servile" work.
He did not "triumph over the Sabbath."
He guarded it as the only day of the week His Father set aside.
He did nothing except what His Father told him.
Changing times and laws is one of the identifying characteristics of YHVH's chief enemy. Daniel 7:25
The guarding of the Sabbath, avoiding sexual sin and not eating unclean animals is the foundation for new believers. Those things, and avoiding the pollutions of idols are what allowed people who used to be Gentiles to join Israel in the worship of the Elohim of Israel.
The Eurocentric Theological Model has greatly polluted and twisted the message of the Bible.
The Law is:
"Observe these days, not those days.
Eat these things, not those things.
Have sex with this person, not those persons.
Be honest and kind to everyone, including the heathen."
You know deep in you heart you never saw a Angel of God and I haven't either, they are in Heaven waiting to come down with Jesus Christ.
Fuji, I respect your point of views, people love angels and I do too, but there not here.
When you keep reading the book of Acts, you will notice a lot of changes in the way God deals with the Jews and How He used Apostle Paul to go to the Gentiles.
After you have a understanding who Saul of Tarsus is, please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday for God to speak to you .
Apostle Paul wrote more books then anyone in the Bible, but Jesus Christ is the author and finisher, so I call the whole Bible red words. We don't know for sure if Paul wrote Hebrews, it was written for Jews.
Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus theauthorand finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I love the whole Bible and I rightly divide the Word of Truth so I can understand it better . God gave Timothy instructions how to study the Bible, because the New Testament was just being completed. Apostle Paul wanted no confusion. 2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Please don't take this the wrong way. Just study day and night and God will speak to you and open your understanding to the gospel of grace given to Apostle Paul.
May God bless you and you're family in the gospel of grace .
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel of grace is Salvation for today .
Easy answer: Abraham was called out of UR of the Chaldees; Moses was called out of Egypt. God draws forth those He chooses.
On our end of course we see how many have received the Gospel and how many haven't assuming that it is our efforts that result in more or less believers. Since God according to scripture could even make the rocks cry out and in Revelation speak through an Angel to much of the world clearly we are part of the harvest through sowing seed and some are watering what someone else has already sown.
What we often ignore in these thought processes is those who God doesn't choose to hear the truth. We have to keep in mind that spiritual blindness can result in greater condemnation as it did with the Pharisees or the cities that Jesus warned would have greater judgment for rejecting Him than Sodom. This also should help us to understand why God may close a door to someone; it may not just be the fact that they will never respond but if they reject him they will have to bear the results even in this lifetime of God's anger. This fits into the concept of Predestination as God chastises all those He loves. Those who are called have a time beforehand when they are under God's wrath but still may be favored as God knows the outcome for every soul ahead of time. Many don't consider God's protection and even salvation of a soul before a confession if it is predetermined; again this may be a controversial thought but the testimony of most believers brings an understanding of these things in their lives to show how God led them through a path to ultimately being convicted; confessing and being in time and space a Christian. This affects our eternal future as well; which is more obvious a concept.
Romans 1 and Psalm 19 of course are two great indicators of man being without excuse and held accountable based on the limited understanding through the Creation of the attributes of God.
Continuing on the theme of the narrow; difficult path we of course can look at much of today's so called Gospel and we see what is drawing most of the crowds. I have said before that the testimony of those in the great revivals of yesteryear have mentioned tearful wailing and contrition as the biggest evidence of the Spirit's convictions on people. If we are to have a true move of the Spirit the reaction of any real experience with God is contrasted with our own state. This is bolstered by Isaiah; Daniel and John in their experiences in the Lord's presence; as Isaiah stated "Woe is me" ( Isaiah 6 if I have the right chapter or 9). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding as numerous scriptures indicate. How often to we hear people talking about these topics?
Sadly; especially today as Revelation 2 and 3 indicate the churches often consist of a few faithful among a crowd of unfaithful proclaimers of faith. The challenge is to continue in fellowship especially as we see the end approaching; while knowing when to walk away and when to run as the famous Kenny Rodgers tune suggests. Leaving a fellowshp should be done after much prayer and attempting necessary discipline according to scripture through elders after dealing with individuals in terms of excommunication of a wayward parishioner; but when the leadership is amiss often things are too far gone to be rectified where apostasy is concerned. This is why proper discipleship is important; of ten it seems people overlook that in the Great Commission and simply focus on evangelism. This results in surface level commitments to the Lord when follow up isn't consistent and more interest in a numbers game to fill the seats rather than patient development through discipleship training.
Those in Reformed circles often have a proper concept of their own depravity to avoid some of these errors; nonetheless pride comes before a fall so even true doctrine can make us feel superior.
The capacity to sin makes men often look at Lucifer and his fall now making him known as Satan; the Deceiver; Leviathan; etc.
Why God allowed the free will to bring this downfall to him as well as Adam and how Predestination is involved is another topic.
When we look at Cain we clearly see God's instructions where sin was crouching at the door and apparently there was the ability to master it; this definitely makes us question some views on Predestination; again to be discussed another time. My point on mentioning that scripture was to show that surely Lucifer would have been given some indication or warning of the results of sinning; even though the Word doesn't state it explicitly we can look at the lament of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 and see how God designed him to be originally and apparently some remorse as best as we can understand it from God as to his downfall if I am reading and interpreting the text properly. At any rate we may ask why does sin continue after Adam's fall? It is clear to me from othe verses later on in Ezekiel that a son cannot be held responsible for the sins of his father if he is a righteous man as well as the opposite the descendant of a Godly man can be totally wicked; hence it is the action of sin which we are responsible for. I would argue that it is not our fault we are born with a sin nature any more than the fact that we are mortal after salvation.
This is bolstered by other scriptures to show that those warned about hell were aware more or less of their sin actions as condemning them; again that doesn't absolve anyone from evil thoughts in the heart; but it does show how a 2 year old having a temper tantrum isn't the same as a man deliberately committing evil acts to rebel against God.
Also of course God has the remedy; through the Atonement we can finally die to ourselves and take on a new nature. Most don't want to take the narrow road and wish to stay on the broad and easy path to hell.
Simply put; sin is our actions that break God's law. It can be divided into sins of COMMISSION and OMMISSION-the latter behavior often not considered as much as the first.
When studying to Word we can start with Christ and fewer laws; or go to the Old Testament with the 600 give or take Commandments to see how the Lord operates. Christ came to seek and save the lost and had a ministry of reconciliation with God and came to die as a servant of all when He was the Master and Creator of man and the rest of the universe. If we choose the New Testament as a guideline because of fewer laws we make two mistakes. The first being the fact that the thoughts and intents of the heart are the most important factor so the Pharisees would recieve GREATER condemnation for obeying the Law as well as adding through their own traditions and the predecessor writings for the Talmud further rules. Christ excoriated them for their hypocrisy. Going back to the subject at hand the deeper meaning of not committing murder or adultery examines the state of the heart; hence Matthew 15:19 and surrounding verses don't necessarily excuse outward behavior that appears rightous. It is true following the Old Testament laws that ceremonial ones have been eliminated as evidenced by Peter's stay with the Gentile believer Cornelius in the Book of Acts (chapter 9 I believe). Saturday Sabbath also is trumped or overtaken by Christ in the example of Him doing "work" on the Sabbath as well as His being Lord o the Sabbath as I see it.
At the core of the matter is the fact that we are all conceived in sin. This doesn't mean the act of procreation but the sin nature that is transferred; hence the Son of God had to be born of the Spirit rather than the seed of man (hence the "seed of woman" as Genesis 3 makes clear). Questions as to why evil exists also could in like manner involve an investigation of why sin exists as well as the sin nature with Adam's descendants.
Dear fellow readers: I am attempting to get my father in a facility Monday. In the meantime even though he has dementia I mentioned his anger issues and how Christ could deliver him as he has with me in the past but that he would have to want that.
This is balanced with my understanding of not discussing things with a contentious man; and also I realize that such a domestic environment is not sustainable but for the moment the Lord has assigned me to this since my mom has passed at least when there isn't help available for my dad.
I made an attempt years ago to tell him as I repeated today (of course he forgot) that I loved him with an unconditional love. This doesn't mean that I can have a love for him as with the fellowship of saints; but can not hold grudges as 1 Corithians 10:13 states (if I have the right scripture).
Personally; I have two things to accomplish; the first getting him into the facility knowing about the high wind warnings out for these parts and it may not be adviseable to take him Monday so I am praying there isn't widespread outages as predicted.
When he gets there then there is the other issue of him being retained there against his will; as much as my POA allows for his own good and how to navigate things that day and onward.
I hope to have more to say in the days to come. My mom was angry and said many untoward things to me; as many apparently do when going through illness; in her case cancer. As I stated here in her passing she did have an opportunity to have the Gospel said to her and Amazing Grace and that was on the day of her death when unconscious. I made amends as much as I could before that but have no way I can confidently say she is with the Lord. My father certainly is not saved so I will have to do what I can and leave that to God.
I hope to share wisdom about this subject along with warning believers with unsaved relatives to pray for wisdom from the Spirit before becoming a caretaker.
This I say is truly the truth, I once was a fake christian that tried to please man in every church and repented everyday for Salvation, but forgot about my wife. How my wife stuck with me all those years I have no idea. My wife showed me, she loved me so much, she was willing to fight and wait for the Lord to open my understanding of the word of truth. One day I was in my basement working on a project and heard a preacher talk about Saul of Tarsus and how he
persecuted the Jews for believing Jesus the resurrection. Listen to the preacher telling the story of Apostle Paul was like a bright light hitting me very hard. I was trying to find a preacher to preach marriage, but instead I learned the gospel of grace. I am not a perfect husband by no means, but through the help of God and the Holy Spirit, I can do what the Words say. I just want to spread the Gospel that Apostle Paul spread to the world for the love of Jesus Christ in God. The Love I have in me , I give to my wife and that is Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit.
God bless you and you're husband in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit in God.
Ray, in Christ Jesus with my wife , 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 the gospel gave my Love . 35 years of marriage
The only instance I can find of potentially a female angel is in Zechariah chapter 5 verse 9 .
Finally : Hebrews chapter 13 verse 2 .
And of course , we can be as angels to each other .
"But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."(Eph.5.13). So we have the judgment of God and it before the light. " And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them." (Rev.20.11) Here we can understand why God began with light under the covenant. The earth that abides forever is lit by light of the Lamb. The world has no place there.The earth and heaven flees away from the face of God as Cain did. He was the wicked one.
God tells Abraham,"For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."(Gen.15.16). It shall be full only when God judgesfrom his throne of light. So what do we make of the extent of the nation promised to him. So Abraham lives," By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:/ For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." (He.11.9-10). These all died in faith.
Why did Israel went to Egypt in the first place. The wicked brethren of Joseph sinned 'against God and before thee'- and Joseph is set as a double for the Son in the covenant, and they had to be brought to light." The Jews rejected Jesus 'when God sent him as his only begotten Son' and they were scattered from their land in 70 CE and as with many times before, their diaspora is not the end of it. The land they now occupy is not according to the will of God."The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have admonished you this day." (Jer.42.19) Jeremiah's words are relevant even this day. They shall be thrown out as garbage,- and we are in for another big one, 2 Pet.3.11-13. 'This day' spoken by Jeremiah points to the day of the Lord. " Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens."
"Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham." ( Jn 8.39)
Ishamael also belongs to Abraham.They all were circumcised, a covenant (Gen.17.9) which was not however what God marked for blessing under everlasting covenant. God created man,'in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them./And God blessed themT,(Gen.1.27-28)Abraham and Sarah were blessed for their faith. Jesus here makes a difference of faith with works. So there was no gender issue. Similar to five daughters of Zelophehad. (Num.27.1-11) What Jesus implies is that Abraham's children are 'and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable,' whereas heirs of promise beginning with Isaac and Jacob were like stars. " And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be./And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness."(Gen.15.5-6;Dan.12.3) Male and female primarily is used in terms of faith so Christ and the church had the same DNA as the Son has. This earth is holy, and framed by the word. Sanctify them with thy truth.( Jn 17.17). This earth is New Jerusalem while Adam's children, from Hagar Keturah belonged to mixed people same problem as Ezra faced. 'so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands.'-Ezra.9.2 Their inheritance figures in the vision of Ezekiel. The Lord is there .(Ezek.48.35). It is New Jerusalem while Cabul is the inheritance of sons of Adam.(1 Ki.9.12-13) 20 cities for their disobedience 'against heaven and before thee.'(Lk.15.18)
When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
9 For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
Every time Valentine's Day comes around I remind myself that love in marriage is not about the gifts we give, nor the words professing our love for each on Valentine's Day (although these are always welcome). It is about the way we love each other every day as we walk in the love of our Lord who, in love, gave Himself for us. So the love in marriage is a love of sacrifice for the good of the other, the not seeking our own desires to be fulfilled, but to aid in the fulfillment of the desires of our spouse, the keeping the other's life and future unified with our own life and future, and working at becoming Christlike to one another as the Holy Spirit sanctifies us with His power and grace to grow to be more Christ-like from Glory to Glory. Our highest goal for one another should be for him/her to become all that God desires him/her to become.
My husband and I have been married 45 years now. Our life together has been a blessing and a gift from God. Our love for one another is growing and is being purified by God the longer we walk together with God. We have always believed that it was God who brought us together and we trust that He will bring us through to the end together. For us to not stay married until one of us is called home in Christ would be to deny what God has joined together as being good and best for us and a tearing apart of what God has joined together as opposition to His will for us. We choose His will and rejoice in how He brought us together and has kept us in union with Him this whole time.
May others know blessings in their marriage as we have received from God every day.