My past sins were forgiven and remembered no more by God when I sincerely asked Him for forgiveness. When He forgave me I was justified in His sight because of the divine sacrifice of Jesus. I was regenerated and became spiritually born again. A new creature in Christ. Justification is through the atonement of Christ. The only part I play in becoming perfect is my obedience to God's word. Do you not want to discuss this with me anymore because you can't answer the questions and comments I made. Because you didn't. Not a single one. But I will quit discussions if you want to.
The roller table is so awesome. Whoever invented it has brought relief to millions! I miss that as I am no longer getting chiropractic care as my lower back is pretty much rehabbed. I am down to a monthly massage that seems to be working well. If was so wealthy that I didn't need to be concerned about monthly outgo I'd hire someone to give me a massage every day!
But that is not my situation so I am grateful that I can have this respite. Did about 6 hours of gardening the over Friday and Saturday, so the massage helped assuage sore muscles. But I am glad that I am sore due to being able to do something physical rather than 4 years ago when I just hurt all day while I was working fulltime as a Kindergarten teacher. The Lord has blessed me with an early retirement where I could take time to rest my back daily in a recliner and then, after a year, be able to begin doing gardening in short spurts, Now I can do about 3 hours of physical work before I get sore and need to stop. That is really good progress and I get to do it all on my terms each day, so I have a lot of control in this, reading my body cues and trying to do something physical when I can bear it. Praise the Lord!
Jesse, this site has helped to be more purposefully prayerful and I am thankful for that. I wish I could pray for every request but that often does not avail itself to me to do so. But I do read every request and hope to keep these in mind. Such as when I am praying for someone's children to be saved, I ask also for all those similar request on the site that I cannot recall specifics and I pray for my sons and daughter in laws, too. Same is true when someone wants to have a more vibrant and deep walk with the Lord. I will ray for that person and then lift up all the others who have similar needs as well, trusting that the Holy Spirit knows all the details and prays with me. Isn't it beautiful that He does that with us!
Thanks for your kind words of me. That is my aim, but do fail.
I am endeavoring with all my heart and strength to follow after the instructions of Proverbs 3:5-7. I believe and often recite Romans 8:28 with my whole heart. Most of my life, I have put my trust in the Lord, and tried to serve Him. Now, in my eighties, I am in a desperate spiritual battle with my wife's serious illness. I am asking for prayer for healing and for God's help to endure with grace and mercy, the trials that my wife and I now face.
I'm Nacho from Bogot in Colombia. I met Jesus years ago, but very recently, like more than a couple years back, I met Him the real way: in a Reformed Church. The point here is that I'm still struggling hard with lust, sometimes alcohol abuse, and pride, and so many other things.
I love studying the Holy Scriptures and Theology, but I feel I'm not making better progress at all as I'm battling against lust mostly. I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, but anyway, I feel I can walk with Him in a more serious way.
I sincerely ask you to pray for my soul, I do not want to get lost in the world and end up like many: in hell. I sincerely want to stop sinning and start doing things better every day. May the Lord Jesus help me through His Spirit. Amen.
This explanation is with no doubt awesome! However, I'm still confused. What about the name "Jehovah"? This name appears in the ASV, personally I think it's also a proper name for "LORD" or "Yahweh". Thoughts?
You have always been so thoughtful and caring about others, always praying for those in need, everyone here, even praying for those of us who aren't asking for prayer. It is comforting to know that you pray for all of us. I like your "tradition."
I see a chiropractor every two weeks and after my adjustment, I get some time on the roller table. What a great time to spend praying instead of filling my mind with less important things.
Most of the time someone says "whatever" it is done with contempt or indifference or dismissiveness to the person being addressed which I consider to be a sin. So, I am with you on calling this out. We all really need to be careful about "worldy-minded" terms and responses we let creep into our own interactions with others. We do need to keep a guard on our mouth so that we are speaking in ways that are honest but respectful, avoiding wording that are from a heart of scorn, sarcasm, haughtiness, and patronizing to others we are speaking to. That is challenging. Part of maturing in our holy living is to have the honestly of others who are willing to let us know when we have sinned so that we can correct our behavior and seek reconciliation with the one we have sinned against.
SeanPaul, keep up the good work in this way. None of us want to sin against God, but we are still in this nature corrupted by sin and so we will fall, but it is the righteousness of Christ that we receive that is for us "sinless perfection" and certainly not a perfection that we possess within our human nature that we have until we die. Knowing that we are in a spiritual battle with sin and evil within us is wise because we are more likely to heed the correction of the Holy Spirit and less likely to fail to be watchful of our speech and conduct and desensitized to the sinful ways we choose to engage in.
Today I had my monthly massage and another "tradition" I do is spend time during the massage praying for those who are in pain and hurting since I am getting something done to me that is peaceful, healing, and helpful to my body. Since I am grateful to have this privilege, I just want to also petition for those whose lives are more difficult.
Hi SeanPaul: The only laws I have ever said have remained are the 10 God gave with us Himself on the two tablets written by his own hand; the 10 commandments and since we obey them until this day this is proof that Jesus didn't replace them He just summed them up with His two. Compare them and you will see.
You said: "I pray that you are sinless and GOD takes you as he did the other 2 in the bible, so you do not have to know the suffering of death." Really, you're praying this for me? You know very well I won't be raptured that way, that I, hopefully, will go in the rapture of the church, so I sense a bit of sarcasm in that statement, however, if God choses for me to die instead, I may be suffering physically, but certainly not spiritually, He will be at my side helping me in every way and loving me so I'm not afraid of death.
The wages of sin is death, so for fear you have sinned and not realized, do you just pray from getting up to going to sleep that Jesus will forgive you so you don't die in sin and earn the wages promised you, eternal condemnation? I can't imagine having to live with the sorrow of knowing I am a sinner all through my christian life. Where is the joy in that? And how do you witness to someone if they know they will have to be constantly checking themself to be sure there is no dirt of sin on their soul and in their life. No thank you, I'll take living a holy life because of the infilling of the Holy Ghost. I look back on my day and wonder what it is that I have done that is sinful. I can't think of anything, unless just thinking I haven't sinned in some way is a sin. Very confusing. SeanPaul: will you please answer this comment with a list of sins you committed on 6/9 which is the day I am writing this. I'm not being personal, I just wonder what the sins are we commit daily. God Bless :)
I hope you are learning your new job responsibilities well. I will pray for the Lord to intervene and grant you a workable work schedule. I also pray and will continue to pray that God will help you overcome the depression that is so difficult to bear and go about life's business. May you have the peace of Christ in your heart and the glory of the gospel in your mind.
I do hope that the Lord helped you receive all that you are owed from your employer. May He bring you all that you need financially at this time. Amen.
I will keep your request in my prayers as I pray for my middle son to also begin relationships that help and heal his sense of loneliness and brokenness. I hope you will pray for him , too.
Dear Sandra, I will be praying for your son and wife today. May God bring to them and their relationship all that is fitting and good and take out what is not good nor helpful, or anything that displeases our loving God and harms them.
Dear Heavenly Father, DA needs his lungs to be healed of disease, as You already know. We know that You attend to the prayers of Your chosen children, so we lift up DA to You with this need in the name of Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are the one who does miracles in situations that seem that all has been tried and nothing more can be done, or in situations where a persons asks You first off for a miraculous work addressing their need. Either way, Father, You indeed are a good father and loves to bless Your chosen. Give ear to this prayer for a miracle for Private. We trust that You will do all according to Your perfect will, yet You tell us to ask of You in the name of Jesus, Your Son, and so we ask this in the name of the one who died for us. Amen.
The KJB was, absolutely, written by the Holy Spirit who is quite capable of inspiring man to write the bible from the correct ancient manuscripts that He wanted to use to give us the KJB 1611 just as God wanted it to be. How can He not? It's the Holy Spirit moving on them just as we say He moves on us. God wants mankind to believe in and understand Him and His plan for the salvation of souls and so He gave us the Word so we would be able to. Either you believe the word of God was written by the Holy Spirit and given to us in 1611 exactly as He wanted it to be or you don't. If you believe that men of today, who have used different manuscripts then the Holy Ghost, have printed books acceptable to God, then that's between you and the Lord but the King James Bible has been the accepted version for century.
Satan knew he wouldn't be able to temp the Word away from the children of God so he replaced it instead, with his versions. He presented Christians with a "new" bible that is easy to read and study and they went for it. I have done a comparison study of the KJB to two modern versions: NIV and ESV and there are many errors, especially verses that diminish the deity of Christ. How can anyone trust a bible versions that leave out the Name of God numerous time, that diminish the deity of Christ more then once and leaves out verses? These versions may say something that is true to the KJB at times and deciding to use these versions just for study is up to you, but let others discover, through prayer and seeking God as to which bible He wants them to read. Promoting the use of these books that are wrong is why I will speak out whenever someone mentions these false works.
I've seen videos of people asking some You Tuber what bible they should use and trust to be their "bible."These christians should be asking God that question. This didn't use to be a problem since the KJB was the accepted Holy Ghost inspired versions for centuries.
Now people are so confused with so many versions out there they are desperate enough to ask some stranger on YouTube.
I know I'm what a lot of people call "KJB only" and in a sense I am but I don't believe people are condemn to hell if they use the modern versions. Their salvation does not hing on that. But I strongly believe they could be lead into believing false doctrine which could harm their walk with God, eventually leading to destruction. I went to a non-denominational church once and really enjoyed it until the pastor told me he didn't believe the KJB was written by God, his bible was the NIV. I stop going.
Here are just three examples of corrupt verses compared to the KJB: Matthew 18:11 KJB "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." In the NIV and ESV: The verse is eliminated. It isn't there. A verse that speaks in plain, easily understood English that shows that Jesus is the Messiah, was eliminated. Luke 4:8: " KJB "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." NIV: "Jesus answered, "It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." ESV: "And Jesus answered him,"It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve." Ephesians 3:14 KJB: "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," NIV " For this reason I kneel before the Father, ESV "For this reason I bow my knees before the Father," (Again, diminishes the deity of Christ.)
I know it is between a christian and the Lord what bible versions they choose to use but I would think they would want the one God choose to give His children. I believe it is part of my respect for God"s truth to tell the good of the KJB and the harm of the modern versions. I emphatically believe the KJB is the Holy Ghost inspired Bible and meant for His children to trust and love. God Bless ;)
About being sinless, I see in your reply that you use Leviticus, you do know there are 3 different types of laws in Leviticus, there is a preacher name Voddie Baucham video This is why I pick and chose. It is about a different subject but if you go to 13 min to 21 min he explains this better than I can about these Laws. The Moral laws, Civil laws, Ceremonial laws, and if you follow the Ceremonial Laws you could be committing a sin and not even know it. For when Jesus sacrificed himself many of the old covenant was replaced with his new covenant. Like gentiles can eat shrimp and shave ect. and don't have to make offering for sin.
Hebrews 10.
For Jesus said it is not what you put it your mouth that makes you unclean but what comes out of your mouth.. Matthew 15:11Ephesians 4:29
I mention these 2 verses because you also replied to I think Chris with "Whatever". I travel for my work and when people first started saying this I asked a waitress who used that saying what it meant. By the rules of this website #1 the parts in () prevent me from explaining what that words meaning really is. Not judging just saying sometimes we sin and don't even know it. I know the more I read the Bible the more thing I find are sins.
I pray that you are sinless and GOD takes you as he did the other 2 in the bible, so you do not have to know the suffering of death. Genesis 5:24 , 2 Kings 2:11
Thanks you for explaining the difference and use of the name and by whom, Now I know the difference. I don't think Bible hub will burn as I was only translating Old Testament, and the Old Testament was given in Hebrew and was given to them as there laws in Hebrew.
In KJV there are 3 different uses of the name. LORD and Lord and lord. Psalms 110:1(A Psalm of David.) The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. I think this explains it best.
KJV Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2 , Exodus 6:3, Isaiah 26:4 LORD = GOD JEHOVAH, LORD GOD of Israel
KJV Psalms 110:1, Matthew 25:11, James 2:1, Isaiah 49:14, Luke 20:42, 1 Corinthians 9:1 Lord = Jesus
KJV 2 Samuel 24:3, Luke 16:5 lord = a King or one of authority
I actually found the Psalms answer on u-tube form someone studying the KJV 1611 he was proving the KJV is the true word of GOD and just so happened to answer my question at the same time. I added these verses I found because I didn't mention any books or verses in my original question because it is every translation in Old Testament I compared no matter which book or verse. And I also found this.
Yahweh is the name of Israel's God and the God who came to earth as Jesus Christ, Yahweh in the flesh. Matthew 1:21 says, "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." The name Jesus is from the Latin form of the Greek form of Yeshua, which literally means "Yahweh saves." So Yahweh will save His people from their sins, and simultaneously Jesus will save His people from their sins. This is just one of many instances where Jesus and Yahweh are equated.
And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
It is interesting that all of this verse as to the work of the Spirit seems to be in regard to Christ; and seems to be rather indirect as to the individual. Rather than defining particular sins or even the sin nature; the sin of unbelief which led to the most serious errors of the Pharisees who deliberately blinded themselves to the truth and then God no doubt hardened them further is the focus here. For righteousness is again pointing toward Christ; and the focus being perhaps at His next phase at the "Second Coming" and how He will be the righteous King. We are reminded of John 20:29 said to Thomas that blessed are those who have NOT seen yet believe. The third part of this verse is judgment; but it points to Christ again; but this time to Satan's condemnation already established; rather than our own.
Since this verse is a positive influence leading to salvation for His elect and one of condemnation for the unregenerate; we see that this by default puts us in the position to face what Satan does as he is our de-facto ruler if Jesus isn't. (see Matthew 25:41). Hell wasn't apparently created for us but if we are cursed we end up there. Our ruler the prince of the power of the air ( Eph. 2:2) is controlling the masses through his elaborate economic and spiritual world system which is coming to its full and ugly climax as we see Babylon in both forms described in Revelation 17 and 18; and in much of Jeremah in the O.T.
Isaiah 10:7 states Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few.
This shows even Antichrist doesn't know how bad he is
Further examination of John 16:8 as to righteousness
John 16:8 And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
I have examined this verse in light of sin; but thought before I continue with the other two aspects of the verse in detail; I should mention that UNBELIEF is something that not only the world but all of us-in reality are in a state of before being regenerated; as that is the first role of the Holy Spirit. When Christ was present on earth; it was clear that after multitudes; presumably almost everyone in Israel knew of Christ's undeniable miracles ( John 11:47) and also of the Apostles ( Acts 4:16) that deliberate unbelief would be the precursor of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; where Beelzebub was said to be the source of Christ's strength; or others such as the sons of Sceva and the sorcerer in Acts would attempt to gain this power in their own strength or attempt to get it through money. The end result; clearly didn't go too well for these individuals; and no forgiveness was offered for blasphemy of the Spirit ( Mark 3:29 said early in Christ's ministry). Christ said all things against Him or the Father could be forgiven ( Matt. 12:32) but not against the Holy Spirit-and that also is set for the future reign of the Lord on the earth as well. Let us all be as the man in Mark 9:24 and ask Jesus to help us with our unbelief!
Now as to righteousness. Jesus says because He goes to the Father and we no longer see Him that the Spirit testifies of righteousness. I would think this implies that all who truly know Christ now are as the result of the unseen work of the Spirit.
As odd as it seems; when Christ was here physically as to Him being God that had to be revealed from above.
Dear Heavenly Father , I lift up Michael and his financial situation to You today in the name of Jesus. Please guide him through this financial situation and bless him as addresses this debt situation. Pour out your blessing on him in every way, to the praise of Your glorious Name. Amen.
My past sins were forgiven and remembered no more by God when I sincerely asked Him for forgiveness. When He forgave me I was justified in His sight because of the divine sacrifice of Jesus. I was regenerated and became spiritually born again. A new creature in Christ. Justification is through the atonement of Christ. The only part I play in becoming perfect is my obedience to God's word. Do you not want to discuss this with me anymore because you can't answer the questions and comments I made. Because you didn't. Not a single one. But I will quit discussions if you want to.
God Bless :)
is to put others legitimate needs before your own
when a person puts themselves last on the list,to do
there secretly putting themselves first
The roller table is so awesome. Whoever invented it has brought relief to millions! I miss that as I am no longer getting chiropractic care as my lower back is pretty much rehabbed. I am down to a monthly massage that seems to be working well. If was so wealthy that I didn't need to be concerned about monthly outgo I'd hire someone to give me a massage every day!
But that is not my situation so I am grateful that I can have this respite. Did about 6 hours of gardening the over Friday and Saturday, so the massage helped assuage sore muscles. But I am glad that I am sore due to being able to do something physical rather than 4 years ago when I just hurt all day while I was working fulltime as a Kindergarten teacher. The Lord has blessed me with an early retirement where I could take time to rest my back daily in a recliner and then, after a year, be able to begin doing gardening in short spurts, Now I can do about 3 hours of physical work before I get sore and need to stop. That is really good progress and I get to do it all on my terms each day, so I have a lot of control in this, reading my body cues and trying to do something physical when I can bear it. Praise the Lord!
Jesse, this site has helped to be more purposefully prayerful and I am thankful for that. I wish I could pray for every request but that often does not avail itself to me to do so. But I do read every request and hope to keep these in mind. Such as when I am praying for someone's children to be saved, I ask also for all those similar request on the site that I cannot recall specifics and I pray for my sons and daughter in laws, too. Same is true when someone wants to have a more vibrant and deep walk with the Lord. I will ray for that person and then lift up all the others who have similar needs as well, trusting that the Holy Spirit knows all the details and prays with me. Isn't it beautiful that He does that with us!
Thanks for your kind words of me. That is my aim, but do fail.
I'm Nacho from Bogot in Colombia. I met Jesus years ago, but very recently, like more than a couple years back, I met Him the real way: in a Reformed Church. The point here is that I'm still struggling hard with lust, sometimes alcohol abuse, and pride, and so many other things.
I love studying the Holy Scriptures and Theology, but I feel I'm not making better progress at all as I'm battling against lust mostly. I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, but anyway, I feel I can walk with Him in a more serious way.
I sincerely ask you to pray for my soul, I do not want to get lost in the world and end up like many: in hell. I sincerely want to stop sinning and start doing things better every day. May the Lord Jesus help me through His Spirit. Amen.
I mostly appreciate it, my brethren.
"Tradition of a woman," I like it!
You have always been so thoughtful and caring about others, always praying for those in need, everyone here, even praying for those of us who aren't asking for prayer. It is comforting to know that you pray for all of us. I like your "tradition."
I see a chiropractor every two weeks and after my adjustment, I get some time on the roller table. What a great time to spend praying instead of filling my mind with less important things.
I hope you have a great week also!
Most of the time someone says "whatever" it is done with contempt or indifference or dismissiveness to the person being addressed which I consider to be a sin. So, I am with you on calling this out. We all really need to be careful about "worldy-minded" terms and responses we let creep into our own interactions with others. We do need to keep a guard on our mouth so that we are speaking in ways that are honest but respectful, avoiding wording that are from a heart of scorn, sarcasm, haughtiness, and patronizing to others we are speaking to. That is challenging. Part of maturing in our holy living is to have the honestly of others who are willing to let us know when we have sinned so that we can correct our behavior and seek reconciliation with the one we have sinned against.
SeanPaul, keep up the good work in this way. None of us want to sin against God, but we are still in this nature corrupted by sin and so we will fall, but it is the righteousness of Christ that we receive that is for us "sinless perfection" and certainly not a perfection that we possess within our human nature that we have until we die. Knowing that we are in a spiritual battle with sin and evil within us is wise because we are more likely to heed the correction of the Holy Spirit and less likely to fail to be watchful of our speech and conduct and desensitized to the sinful ways we choose to engage in.
Have a blessed evening. Sean Paul
Today I had my monthly massage and another "tradition" I do is spend time during the massage praying for those who are in pain and hurting since I am getting something done to me that is peaceful, healing, and helpful to my body. Since I am grateful to have this privilege, I just want to also petition for those whose lives are more difficult.
So her is another "tradition of a woman".
HOpe your week goes well, Jesse.
You said: "I pray that you are sinless and GOD takes you as he did the other 2 in the bible, so you do not have to know the suffering of death." Really, you're praying this for me? You know very well I won't be raptured that way, that I, hopefully, will go in the rapture of the church, so I sense a bit of sarcasm in that statement, however, if God choses for me to die instead, I may be suffering physically, but certainly not spiritually, He will be at my side helping me in every way and loving me so I'm not afraid of death.
The wages of sin is death, so for fear you have sinned and not realized, do you just pray from getting up to going to sleep that Jesus will forgive you so you don't die in sin and earn the wages promised you, eternal condemnation? I can't imagine having to live with the sorrow of knowing I am a sinner all through my christian life. Where is the joy in that? And how do you witness to someone if they know they will have to be constantly checking themself to be sure there is no dirt of sin on their soul and in their life. No thank you, I'll take living a holy life because of the infilling of the Holy Ghost. I look back on my day and wonder what it is that I have done that is sinful. I can't think of anything, unless just thinking I haven't sinned in some way is a sin. Very confusing. SeanPaul: will you please answer this comment with a list of sins you committed on 6/9 which is the day I am writing this. I'm not being personal, I just wonder what the sins are we commit daily. God Bless :)
How did things work out for your need? Let me know how I can pray for you now.
I hope you are learning your new job responsibilities well. I will pray for the Lord to intervene and grant you a workable work schedule. I also pray and will continue to pray that God will help you overcome the depression that is so difficult to bear and go about life's business. May you have the peace of Christ in your heart and the glory of the gospel in your mind.
I do hope that the Lord helped you receive all that you are owed from your employer. May He bring you all that you need financially at this time. Amen.
I ask right now-God eradicate this fungus that has persistently attacked Kathy for years.
Heavenly Father, help Kathy and her former husband stop smoking. It is so difficult to do and they need your power to do so.
And, Lord, deliver Lee from alcohol abuse. Bless Kathy's family in great ways. Amen.
I will keep your request in my prayers as I pray for my middle son to also begin relationships that help and heal his sense of loneliness and brokenness. I hope you will pray for him , too.
Dear Heavenly Father, DA needs his lungs to be healed of disease, as You already know. We know that You attend to the prayers of Your chosen children, so we lift up DA to You with this need in the name of Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior. Amen.
I will pray for God to hear your requests.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are the one who does miracles in situations that seem that all has been tried and nothing more can be done, or in situations where a persons asks You first off for a miraculous work addressing their need. Either way, Father, You indeed are a good father and loves to bless Your chosen. Give ear to this prayer for a miracle for Private. We trust that You will do all according to Your perfect will, yet You tell us to ask of You in the name of Jesus, Your Son, and so we ask this in the name of the one who died for us. Amen.
I have prayed for your daughter and grandchild today.
The KJB was, absolutely, written by the Holy Spirit who is quite capable of inspiring man to write the bible from the correct ancient manuscripts that He wanted to use to give us the KJB 1611 just as God wanted it to be. How can He not? It's the Holy Spirit moving on them just as we say He moves on us. God wants mankind to believe in and understand Him and His plan for the salvation of souls and so He gave us the Word so we would be able to. Either you believe the word of God was written by the Holy Spirit and given to us in 1611 exactly as He wanted it to be or you don't. If you believe that men of today, who have used different manuscripts then the Holy Ghost, have printed books acceptable to God, then that's between you and the Lord but the King James Bible has been the accepted version for century.
Satan knew he wouldn't be able to temp the Word away from the children of God so he replaced it instead, with his versions. He presented Christians with a "new" bible that is easy to read and study and they went for it. I have done a comparison study of the KJB to two modern versions: NIV and ESV and there are many errors, especially verses that diminish the deity of Christ. How can anyone trust a bible versions that leave out the Name of God numerous time, that diminish the deity of Christ more then once and leaves out verses? These versions may say something that is true to the KJB at times and deciding to use these versions just for study is up to you, but let others discover, through prayer and seeking God as to which bible He wants them to read. Promoting the use of these books that are wrong is why I will speak out whenever someone mentions these false works.
I've seen videos of people asking some You Tuber what bible they should use and trust to be their "bible."These christians should be asking God that question. This didn't use to be a problem since the KJB was the accepted Holy Ghost inspired versions for centuries.
Now people are so confused with so many versions out there they are desperate enough to ask some stranger on YouTube.
I know I'm what a lot of people call "KJB only" and in a sense I am but I don't believe people are condemn to hell if they use the modern versions. Their salvation does not hing on that. But I strongly believe they could be lead into believing false doctrine which could harm their walk with God, eventually leading to destruction. I went to a non-denominational church once and really enjoyed it until the pastor told me he didn't believe the KJB was written by God, his bible was the NIV. I stop going.
Here are just three examples of corrupt verses compared to the KJB: Matthew 18:11 KJB "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." In the NIV and ESV: The verse is eliminated. It isn't there. A verse that speaks in plain, easily understood English that shows that Jesus is the Messiah, was eliminated. Luke 4:8: " KJB "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." NIV: "Jesus answered, "It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." ESV: "And Jesus answered him,"It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve." Ephesians 3:14 KJB: "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," NIV " For this reason I kneel before the Father, ESV "For this reason I bow my knees before the Father," (Again, diminishes the deity of Christ.)
I know it is between a christian and the Lord what bible versions they choose to use but I would think they would want the one God choose to give His children. I believe it is part of my respect for God"s truth to tell the good of the KJB and the harm of the modern versions. I emphatically believe the KJB is the Holy Ghost inspired Bible and meant for His children to trust and love. God Bless ;)
About being sinless, I see in your reply that you use Leviticus, you do know there are 3 different types of laws in Leviticus, there is a preacher name Voddie Baucham video This is why I pick and chose. It is about a different subject but if you go to 13 min to 21 min he explains this better than I can about these Laws. The Moral laws, Civil laws, Ceremonial laws, and if you follow the Ceremonial Laws you could be committing a sin and not even know it. For when Jesus sacrificed himself many of the old covenant was replaced with his new covenant. Like gentiles can eat shrimp and shave ect. and don't have to make offering for sin.
Hebrews 10.
For Jesus said it is not what you put it your mouth that makes you unclean but what comes out of your mouth.. Matthew 15:11 Ephesians 4:29
I mention these 2 verses because you also replied to I think Chris with "Whatever". I travel for my work and when people first started saying this I asked a waitress who used that saying what it meant. By the rules of this website #1 the parts in () prevent me from explaining what that words meaning really is. Not judging just saying sometimes we sin and don't even know it. I know the more I read the Bible the more thing I find are sins.
I pray that you are sinless and GOD takes you as he did the other 2 in the bible, so you do not have to know the suffering of death. Genesis 5:24 , 2 Kings 2:11
In KJV there are 3 different uses of the name. LORD and Lord and lord. Psalms 110:1(A Psalm of David.) The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. I think this explains it best.
KJV Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2 , Exodus 6:3, Isaiah 26:4 LORD = GOD JEHOVAH, LORD GOD of Israel
KJV Psalms 110:1, Matthew 25:11, James 2:1, Isaiah 49:14, Luke 20:42, 1 Corinthians 9:1 Lord = Jesus
KJV 2 Samuel 24:3, Luke 16:5 lord = a King or one of authority
I actually found the Psalms answer on u-tube form someone studying the KJV 1611 he was proving the KJV is the true word of GOD and just so happened to answer my question at the same time. I added these verses I found because I didn't mention any books or verses in my original question because it is every translation in Old Testament I compared no matter which book or verse. And I also found this.
Yahweh is the name of Israel's God and the God who came to earth as Jesus Christ, Yahweh in the flesh. Matthew 1:21 says, "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." The name Jesus is from the Latin form of the Greek form of Yeshua, which literally means "Yahweh saves." So Yahweh will save His people from their sins, and simultaneously Jesus will save His people from their sins. This is just one of many instances where Jesus and Yahweh are equated.
And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
It is interesting that all of this verse as to the work of the Spirit seems to be in regard to Christ; and seems to be rather indirect as to the individual. Rather than defining particular sins or even the sin nature; the sin of unbelief which led to the most serious errors of the Pharisees who deliberately blinded themselves to the truth and then God no doubt hardened them further is the focus here. For righteousness is again pointing toward Christ; and the focus being perhaps at His next phase at the "Second Coming" and how He will be the righteous King. We are reminded of John 20:29 said to Thomas that blessed are those who have NOT seen yet believe. The third part of this verse is judgment; but it points to Christ again; but this time to Satan's condemnation already established; rather than our own.
Since this verse is a positive influence leading to salvation for His elect and one of condemnation for the unregenerate; we see that this by default puts us in the position to face what Satan does as he is our de-facto ruler if Jesus isn't. (see Matthew 25:41). Hell wasn't apparently created for us but if we are cursed we end up there. Our ruler the prince of the power of the air ( Eph. 2:2) is controlling the masses through his elaborate economic and spiritual world system which is coming to its full and ugly climax as we see Babylon in both forms described in Revelation 17 and 18; and in much of Jeremah in the O.T.
Isaiah 10:7 states Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few.
This shows even Antichrist doesn't know how bad he is
John 16:8 And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
I have examined this verse in light of sin; but thought before I continue with the other two aspects of the verse in detail; I should mention that UNBELIEF is something that not only the world but all of us-in reality are in a state of before being regenerated; as that is the first role of the Holy Spirit. When Christ was present on earth; it was clear that after multitudes; presumably almost everyone in Israel knew of Christ's undeniable miracles ( John 11:47) and also of the Apostles ( Acts 4:16) that deliberate unbelief would be the precursor of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; where Beelzebub was said to be the source of Christ's strength; or others such as the sons of Sceva and the sorcerer in Acts would attempt to gain this power in their own strength or attempt to get it through money. The end result; clearly didn't go too well for these individuals; and no forgiveness was offered for blasphemy of the Spirit ( Mark 3:29 said early in Christ's ministry). Christ said all things against Him or the Father could be forgiven ( Matt. 12:32) but not against the Holy Spirit-and that also is set for the future reign of the Lord on the earth as well. Let us all be as the man in Mark 9:24 and ask Jesus to help us with our unbelief!
Now as to righteousness. Jesus says because He goes to the Father and we no longer see Him that the Spirit testifies of righteousness. I would think this implies that all who truly know Christ now are as the result of the unseen work of the Spirit.
As odd as it seems; when Christ was here physically as to Him being God that had to be revealed from above.
Thank you for asking, they have sent him home but he is in a lot of pain, but it looks good thank you for your prayers.
God bless,
I will pray for you.
Dear Heavenly Father , I lift up Michael and his financial situation to You today in the name of Jesus. Please guide him through this financial situation and bless him as addresses this debt situation. Pour out your blessing on him in every way, to the praise of Your glorious Name. Amen.