All Discussion PAGE 21

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Dear A.

    I will be praying for the Lord to deliver you from this terribly abusive relationship and make a way for you to exit both the living situation and the relationship.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Dear !DLHenri-2025

    I am keeping Arthur in prayer this week trusting that God sees Him and hears his pleas and yours. I am praying for an excellent placement for Arthur and that the agency that is supposed to take up the cause of seniors and disabled persons will clear up the matter of not having a case file for him. How incompetent and outrageous! Asking God to sort all these things out for Arthur that he will receive appropriate and compassionate care for his healing and daily life.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Hi Fuji. This term the "third heaven" is taken from 2 Corinthians 12:2, which seems to point to the realm of God's dwelling.
  • E. - 2 weeks ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Also asking for help for K (school, friends, sleep, emotions, enemy attacks), H (health, spasm), myself (unemployed, interview this week, help with red tape), church (strong anointing and truth to be taught, to pray more).
  • E. - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Lord Jesus please help in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you.
  • E. - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Lord Jesus please help them in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you.
  • E. - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Lord Jesus please help in accordance with your perfect will Father. Thank you.
  • Bennymkje - 2 weeks ago
    Mystery of God-generations

    "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations."(Mt.1.17)

    All these generations are to be compared with the generation of Jesus Christ with which the gospel begins. What is so significant in it, one may ask. The blessings of man created 'after our image' is the Trinity in expression; glory of God therefore given after our image,- a body, spirit and the soul. Genesis chapter 2 accordingly enumerates after our likeness So the Garden of Eden is a showcase to glory of the body of the body."And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed." (Gen.2.25)After our likeness the man created male and female(Gen.1.28) are not simply body after our image, but the great mystery of Christ and bride. This is what 'after our likeness' in the fifth day indicates.

    Generation of Abraham and of David are to be set in terms of after our image and of after our likeness. In short blessings of man is set in terms of Father and of the Son. Prodigal Son in the Parable phrases it,"Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,"Mt.1.17 gives us three sets of 14 generations and it totals the number 42. Israel's sin against God is tagged by 42. Compare the authority given to the beast is same number. "and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months./And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. "(Rev.13.5-9) Here we have the Law of Gradation. All those who reject the covenant are lumped as one body against Christ and the church on the other. "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world./If any man have an ear, let him hear." This is the generation of Jesus Christ.
  • !DLHenri-2025 - 2 weeks ago
    today Feb.17 2025. to all the prayer warriors, this is me again and again. back to my son who is the hospital wanting to be released, with your prayers that if he is released, that it would be to a facility that is Caring, understanding the disabled throughout his body. not to hurt him for his heart is already broken into tiny pieces as to non-repairable the let down by the System putting him as a Flower, such as "he loves me, he loves me not" and the majority is: NOT. His carrying a heavy burden of non-Trust. I too am a failure to him. I am his mom. my reaching out to all the resources, and they say, they do not have his case, and it's been an on-going burden and left him without. He almost died this last time with the sugar down to 25, I was Scared, bawling my head off and cursing the system that has a certificate stating, they are there to Help the Senior's & Disabled, not for him, they are too busy for the past few months to years leading on to: we do not have his case, we cannot send a care worker for him because of No Case. What does it take for an System to really care for their position and really care for the Seniors/disabled human. is their any humanity, with passion other than a paycheck. My son called me, I for once said: NO and it hurt so bad for saying NO. I can't live with myself for denying his plea for help when all these years I have always been by him. "lead me to the one who Loves me" to love my child especially when in needs.
  • A - 2 weeks ago
    Protection.All satanic strategies, plots, plans,schemes, schedules of series/ formulae of curses/spells/demonic invocations by MC & BF to attack & destroy my soul, identity,life, belongings & relationships today & calendar holidays to backfire. God reveal all I need to know w.r.t JH, his motives for reeling me into living situation with him, treating me with such disrespect, violence & abuse. I need release from being his scapegoat & any satanic games, labels & false accusations he taunts me with. He has no conviction of sin, no understanding, no truth in him. He can hold conversations with others, but only resists, discourages, opposes everything I say / want to do, God rebuke any of his scapegoat gaslighting, taunting, psychological games/ abuse, labels, gossip about me & playing the victim with neighbor, his family & friends. God keep his witchcraft/ Freemason/ tarot/ shaman associations /far away from me. God help me find a way out & away from this loveless situation.
  • Bennymkje - 2 weeks ago
    Mystery of God-fulness of God

    "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:"(Gen.14.18-19)

    What is the bread from heaven? Jesus Christ of course. "I am the living bread which came down from heaven."( Jn 6.48-51) In the Gospel of St Matthew we have a reference, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."(Mt.1.1)

    "For it pleased the Father that in him (Jesus Christ) should all fulness dwell. The Spirit consequently sets heaven, earth and below on a single standard which is Person specific. Thus the book of Genesis opens with the everlasting covenant and all the blessings of the worlds on Jesus Christ who is the Word become flesh. So bread and wine shall have a bearing on him.

    The covenant decreed by God establishes a Father relationship by which principle of Similitude bread is brought from heaven to earth. By principle of Association Abraham is blessed as the double for the Son since Jesus the Lord from heaven was sent to the world, as only begotten Son. For that matter. heart bears relation to heaven since God made us living soul each abounding in grace. Melchizedek validates Abraham as blessed of God in his Son. Symbolism of wine we see at the marriage of Cana. Jesus made change so water became wine. It is how blessings of God should abound in his Son and for everyone who is created 'in our image'. In the gospel we have the generation of Jesus where Jesus is the son of Abraham and it is after the manner of flesh. But in terms of the covenant Jesus says with emphasis,' Before Abraham was, I am."(Jn.8.58). Similitude of Jesus and Abraham is established so we can appreciate 'being seated in heavenly places. Jesus was in the bosom of his Father (Jn.1.18) similarly we have Abraham, 'and Lazarus in his bosom'. When God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, the same relationship between God and his Son has spiritual basis. Our lives on the earth must be patterned from the world of the Spirit .(Eph.1.3)
  • Fuji - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    I understand and appreciate exactly what you are saying . Personally I have always thought that the third heaven will be the Kingdom of God on Earth , established when Christ returns . We are all reading the same Word but our understanding is not always on the same level , we have to be patient with our brothers and sisters , recognising that God will open our understanding at the pace that He knows is right for each of us as individuals . God is in charge of each one of us on an individual level , He has a personal relationship with each one of us individually and deals with each one of us separately as individuals .

    Imagine if you have lots of children different ages , you can see that they are all different personalities at different stages in their lives . You love them all the same but you don't speak to them and treat them all exactly the same do you ? You wouldn't speak to a twelve year old the same way that you would speak to a three year old would you ? This is how God is with us . When Christ returns we Christians will all be on the same level , regardless of our ages , spiritual ages or physical ages . For now we are all walking the same path but at different places as God sees fit to deal with us . We must be patient and tolerant of each other as God is patient and tolerant with us . He is the most patient and loving parent and we must be a patient and loving family , encouraging each other , not shaming or belittling each other . God reveals to us in His own time . His own time should be respected and not questioned .
  • [email protected] - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    I love that in all things Job praised God almighty, truly a man that understood that he owes all to the creator for all things to begin with him.
  • Mattithyahu22 - 2 weeks ago
    My mother needs prayers, she's going to contact an attorney, pray for the attorney to take it and win her case, my mother deserves to have her money back, she needs prayers of guidance, understanding and bravery. My brother needs prayers too, he having a hard time with his breakup, doesn't function much and barely. Thank and God bless you in Jesus' name.
  • Mattithyahu22 - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Thank you for praying for her!
  • Mattithyahu22 - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    She did, thank you so much for praying!
  • Mattithyahu22 - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Thank you so much! The surgery when really well! I believe prayers like yours helped!
  • What noble are you reading
  • David Allen - 2 weeks ago
    please remember my daughters and their families please remember to pray for my mothers , and please pray for Magda and myself
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Thank you Ray for your heartfelt love & concern for all who engage with each other on these pages; and also for those who read & consider what is shared here but don't respond. Indeed, we are all vitally connected to our Lord & Savior & long to grow in knowledge of His Love & Compassion for all. His Work in us might be very long in duration, but certain it is, to the end that each one will be presented faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. I feel that there is not only great joy in Heaven when even one sinner repents, but also when every child of God has his or her heart being increasingly filled with the knowledge of God & reflecting His blessed Son to others. Thank you for your concern and prayers.
  • Bennymkje - 2 weeks ago
    Mystery of God-spoken word

    Bible is the God document where various hands wrote down as God breathed and it is the word of God, a Spirit. "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."( Jn 6.63) 'The words that I speak unto you' is not simply that of a man but the Word that was God'. So it is the Spirit that is addressing us As for his humanity it pleased the Father that in him (Jesus Christ) that all his fulness should dwell.' Accordingly very little personal details of him is given. It is not gap theory but it was the intent of God to conform you to the image of his Son. Words used in the Bible, Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek are merely like bricks one upon another laid in courses so a spiritual volume is constructed so presence of God is an envelop around the reader. His soul,- inner man with indwelling Spirit are all actively engaged in hearing the word. Without faith, the ear hears and in vain. Isaiah's vision speaks of the spoken word, "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."(Isa.6.8). Similarly the two disciples of Jesus testify, "And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight./ And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"( Lk 24.30-32) Hearing and faith produces the same sensation of 'burning' so it is not Greek or any spoken language but between heaven and the heart of man. Secondly you compare spiritual with spiritual. Jesus declares the doctrine of his Father being in his bosom.(Jn.1.18). Abraham's bosom derives significance thereby. Joseph fees from Potiphar's wife leaving his garment. Cf.Mk.14.52 Gen.39.12. We are to enter into the life Jesus Christ,'and by him all things consist." Spiritual understanding is what we look for.(Col.1.17)
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Dear Ray,

    We have only one Father which art in heaven."And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."Mt.22.8 Yet you set him in Third heaven which is all what 50 years have done for you? Ever learning and yet not coming to truth seems to be on the rise in this forum. It is not Greek perspective; neither is it Hebrew perspective but the perspective of the Holy Spirit is what we need.

    Greek words as are bandied about here and what nit picking! it is like potsherd used by Job to ease his itch.His house is gone but a pot shard can give the hand something to do. "So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning" The latter half begins now and is by asking God to enlighten your eye.
  • Another Sister in the LORD - 2 weeks ago
    I would like to ask for prayer for my adult daughter. She is struggling to forgive herself from sins she committed. She also wants to break up with her boyfriend and is dreading hurting his feelings and ego.

    She is trying to make a new start and is very emotional. She has had an absence from her work history but is wanting to get a job. Scared to get out there. Even though afraid of these things she is showing signs of coming closer to the Lord and this is an answer to prayer. Thank you my brothers and sisters for agreeing in prayer for my daughter. She is a very good daughter and I love her very much. She indicates that she can feel herself change and I know it's an answer to prayer. Thank you so much.
  • Tony Brown on Ecclesiasticus 32:12 - 2 weeks ago
    Ecclesiaticus 32: 1-4, Speaks of a feast that is tacking place. Since you are the master of the feast, don't lift yourself over others. Be as calmly as everyone else for all know who you are and respect will follow you. but don't make others feel belittled. Notice it says take diligent care of the people by sitting down as the rest. When it becomes your time to speak , do so with sound judgement (wisdom), speak not long when there are musicians present, because it is a time to eat, drink, dance, and be merry. The wine is to lift the spirit of laughter, if not over consuming, therefore don't hinder the joy of the feast with your long speech. The feast is not the place for Preaching or a Lecture of learning. If it were wine wouldn't be present. This is not speaking that a minister should not speak with musicians in the church. This is a feast. Preaching and Lecturing has it's place, if you don't believe me listen to ( Deliverance Is Available by Vicki Yohe ) and tell me this song has no place in the Church. However if you believe that music should not be played in your church, it is a sin to you.
  • America needs Repentance - 2 weeks ago

    I give worship and praise to God who created all and I am thankful he loves love us. I pray he will destroy the seemingly endless supplies of chemicals that are destroying lives of our country men and women. I ask for biblical guidance for our leaders/government elected offices. I pray for you and your family that God will bless you all with love and mercy. I pray God will protect and guide America's president and cabinet to eliminate corruption in America. I also ask you pray a pray of thank you and praise to our risen Savior, Christ Jesus.
  • Bronco wildtrak - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Donner, may God bless you and heal you from all illness and weakness for a healthy life to spread the Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ.

    Please read Romans through Philemon for doctrine and pray continually everyday for God to speak to you.

    God is our strength in the word of truth and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

    I like when you use old Adam, but our new Adam is better and will deliver us from destruction.

    May God bless you and you're family in the gospel of grace.

    Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 please read theses verses and pray.
  • [email protected] - 2 weeks ago
    Good evening - please pray for our financial stability during these troublesome times. Please pray for bills to be met and wants & needs met. Please also pray that I remember daily to protect myself by putting on the full armor of God. The devil is a liar! He is the father of lies! "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world".

    Thank you for your prayers!

  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Brothers Chris and Spencer,

    Again, thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I'm happy to know that you both, along with a few other brothers and sisters are still following along in these Biblical Greek Perspective studies. I do wish that the person who asked me to do this was still visiting this forum. I do miss the discussions we had. Knowing that others are being blessed by some of the things I share brings me much joy and encouragement and I thank you all for the kindness you have shown.

    Blessings to you all in Jesus Christ our Savior!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 weeks ago

    Sorry for the late reply. I want to say thank you for reading my studies and you are quite welcome. Also, amen, we shall be delivered! Not only has the devil been defeated, but once we are saved, he knows that he has lost us forever to Christ. The only weapon he has against us is the occupation of the attention of our minds (MERIMNA). He uses everything in his power to keep us distracted and keep our minds occupied on the things of this world in order to take our focus off the Lord. Why? Because by keeping us distracted, he knows that it hinders our growth in Christ, the next step after salvation.

    Blessings to you in Christ!
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Thanks once again brother Jesse for your effort & commitment to both this Book & previous ones. All very much appreciated & serving to remind us again, not only of the truth & wonder of God's Word, but also how important it is for any serious Bible student to yearn to correctly understand what God has given for our knowledge & careful Christian living. Every blessing & eagerly waiting for Colossians.

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