I also believe those verses and others like them. They are in fact from the mouth of God, Himself just as is every verse in the Bible.
But they must be understood and interpreted in the light of everything of the Bible teaches about the nature of salvation.
So, I would ask:
What does it mean to "believe"?
When these verses use the word "world", is it talking about every single person in the world? Or is it saying that God's salvation is not dependent upon what nation we come from. And that salvation is not based upon nationality in any sense.
How does your understanding of the nature of salvation fit into Romans 3:10-18? Or Romans 9?
Thank you Brother , I'm glad we cleared that up . Ive discovered it's very easy to misunderstand and to be misunderstood when communicating on the internet , so much is missed when we can't see each others facial expressions or body language and hear the tones and inflections in a voice . Words are enormously powerful so we need to choose them wisely but on the internet we are only getting a portion of the communication because the typed words are all we are getting and giving .
We seem to be in total agreement on this subject so no worries there . God bless you .
Yes Oseas, I remember that SeanPaul asked this question & I did respond, as did S. Spencer. And we gave him the Scripture, though there was a slight difference in his wording. And now you've confirmed that the "time line you posted it is LITERALLY based in 2 Peter 3:8". How should readers view that statement? If your timeline (and I have no problem with it, give or take), is based on 2 Peter 3:8, it would be logical to believe that, that is the Scripture used to support your timeline, is it not? Then if you used the first part of that verse in support, the question then is, 'what about the second part of that verse (i.e. "and a thousand years as one day")? If we take the first part of a verse, we must take the second part of it as well, because the whole matter is in the whole verse, not just a part of it.
If then 'one day is as a thousand years', then it is true that 'a thousand years is as one day'. Any use of that verse to show that a day equals a thousand years, must also show that a thousand years equals one day. This verse then cancels out your other statement, "the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each (a total of 6000 years)": it all gets cancelled, so that verse cannot be used to prove what you believe, rather the verse is simply an expression of the timeless eternity that God resides in & when His Hand moves, it is not based on our clocks & calendars.
I hope you can see why some of us might be perplexed in your understanding and use of this verse, & not just our responses to SeanPaul.
Proverbs 9:8 says Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Again the Berean standard says a "mocker" which seems just an appropriate a term for such an individual.
This; in short had a lot to do with my own marriage collapsing; as getting an emotional response on my part meant the other party was controlling the situation. Warning against a "narcissistic" entanglement as a purely psychological term in itself isn't a complete spiritual diagnosis but is a good warning against who NOT to enter into marriage with.
I will say that we can learn from everyone. My father has also been quite "narcissistic" as well and such stubborn tenacity and not concerning oneself with what anyone else thinks can be a helpful balance to someone who say is emotionally sensitive and always concerned about such things. Naturally; then opposites tend to attract. We can say that God will teach us things even through sinful; unregenerate man. It is easier said than done when someone is trapped in such a situation; and I'm no expert on coping with it. We can sometimes learn when old age has become advanced how those who have always been unbending and stubborn sometimes become much less so; as well as those who always had a kind disposition can go the other way once the mind starts to deteriorate. In both those examples such as my parents; we of course have to continue to look for ways to reach them for Christ.
Again; I am steadfast on this issue; specifically that no matter how bad a marriage is the scriptures make it clear that without infidelity divorce simply isn't an option; separation IS and of course is needed when personal safety or that of children or other family members is in jeopardy.
Of course a good friendship is a good start; and regaining that perhaps will salvage a relationship. Serving the Lord always has to be the number one priority and that truly is what gives women honor and men character.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Also. 1 John 2:2.
"And he is the propitiation for our sins: (AND NOT FOR OURS ONLY)...BUT ALSO FOR THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD.
I was really hoping to get some input as to church counsel and other supports of marriage. I have argued here before that whenever there is trouble in a marriage there should be a disciplinary procedure and some sort of counselling available. It may be important enough that it should be included in church membership; as to some sort of agreement following the principal in Corinthians ( 1 Cor. 6:7) specifically. Truth be told; let's be honest many Pastors themselves have marriages gone sour or are remarried (as was the case with one of my Pastors in a church that closed about 6 or 7 years ago due to lack of attendance with the older demographics; etc. I may have mentioned it here at some point; when I pressed him it apparently wasn't even infidelity but some issue with drugs or something where he felt justified for his remarriage to be "kept in line". I actually was going to attend a local church the first time where the lady that led me to the Lord along with his son back in 1982; and when I left he was having a conversation with someone asking how his divorce was going. It may be the reason the guy who was my best friend in high school didn't want to keep up communication claiming it was a good church.
My friend in the situation I mentioned has helped this other guy who has separated with things; the latest being moving a tree in his backyard that he didn't want to pay for. He has befriended this guy for years; had he and his wife live with them for a time; etc. He is praying for reconciliation. God has given him a Deacon position in his church and would there be more people like he is. Hebrews 3:12 warns us of a hardness of heart leading to unbelief. 1 Corinthians 13 shows us how love should be; and it is a nice gift to give a married couple so they can meditate on these truths. In this case as well my friend has talked with this guy's wife so that she won't be tempted to harden her heart should the Lord change this guy as is the prayer.
You say: "the merits of His Son's death availed to all"
By that I assume you mean that Christ paid the full penalty required by the Law of God for each and every sin committed by EVERY PERSON, saved or not.
If that were true then GOD must save EVERYONE since they would stand guiltless before the Law of God. And if God were to punish them again, that would be Double Jepardy. And we know that is not the case and would be a violation of God's Justice.
I personally find tremendous comfort in God's elective program. And I can pray not only for myself, but for my loved one's knowing that God is TOTALLY in control of their salvation. And that He doeth ALL things well.
No. You have not understood my third poaragraph correctly. And I quote again:
"God did not look down the corridors of time before He created the world and saw that some would respond to the gospel and some would not. What He saw is the NO ONE would respond. But despite that dismal fact, God in His Mercy chose to save some. God does not tell us how He made that choice. But He did make it crystal clear that it was not because He saw that some were more likely to respond than others or that there was anything inherent in any one of us deserving of salvation. By nature we are all in rebelion against God and will never come to Him."
God ofcourse knows all things. From eternity past to eternity future. What God knows regarding who will and who will not respond to the Gospel, or who will seek Him with their WHOLE HEART, or who will be obedient to His Law in a way that would be pleasing to Him, is summarized in Romans 3:10-18 and other similar passages. In otherwords NO ONE, let me say that again NO ONE apart from the God's sovereign mercy and action in their life will BELIEVE with saving faith which is a gift of God.
The Bible clearly teaches that ALL Mankind is DEAD in Trespasses and Sin. Eph 2:1 And it requires God to first "draw", and then "save" those whom He has chosen to salvation by giving then a New Heart, i.e. a New Resurrected Soul as we read in Ezeikiel 36:26. This is becomming Born Again. That action is entirely God's action. It is not dependent on any action or response on our part. Although it will GENERATE a significant action and response and change in our behavior and attitude toward the Law of God, the Bible. God does this through the HEARING of His Word, the Gospel, as God applies that Word to the Hearts of those whom He is saving.
God's elective program is God's business not our business. Read Romans 9 very carefully.
Why would we want to put our trust in "our action" or "our choice" for our Salvation?
There is absolutely no need for apology. We each have our own way of expressing our thoughts and our own way of putting those thoughts into writing. If I didn't catch what you were getting at, that's on me. I definitely did not mean that we should not be doing what is pleasing to the Lord, or that we should do whatever we want.
We as believers should doing what is pleasing to the Lord, but the only thing He is pleased with are the things we do while under the persuasion of His Spirit leading us to do those things. In other words, anything I do that is pleasing to Him, it is not my doing, but Him doing His work through me. If I, in my own human effort am trying to please Him, and if I believe I am succeeding in my own effort to do what is pleasing to Him, then I have something to boast of. If it's me in the flesh (human effort) doing the work, how can I possibly give all the glory to the Lord?
That's why I say to stop trying. If I apply that to myself, it means that I stop trying in (my own effort) to do what is pleasing to Him and surrender and submit to His Spirit persuading me to do what is right in His eyes. Again, it is His Spirit in me doing the work through me, nothing I'm doing apart from Him. That way, He gets all the glory!
You said, "as you are human, you will fail sometimes, and this is where the sacrifice of our Sinless Redeemer comes in."
I say amen to that! We all fail sometimes; I know I do. But that's the whole point I was trying to make. We will never reach a state of sinless perfection as long as we are in this body of flesh. But when we do fail (commit a single act of sin), we have an advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus. All our sins are covered by His blood, past, present, and future!
Jaz, it's been very nice talking to you. I don't think we have been in any discussions before. May the Lord continue to lead and guide and bless you in all your ways. And may He continue to give you a never-ending hunger for His word.
I agree that many women find that section of Scripture difficult in today's social environment.
It was not hard for me because I believed that God's ways are better than when the world touts as far as what is expected of married women and where we get our "power" from-not ourselves or from "doing it all" or "pursuing my career" or having a 50/50 sharing of home responsibilities.
But I see the so much tension in marriages now with people being guarded as to possibly being 'taken advantage of" or being "taken for granted" or being "put upon" in ways that are impossible to satisfy. This distrust between spouses is a very serious matter and ruins many marriages.
And with the economy as it is, it is so difficult for women to stay home with their children and be able to pay all the bills for necessary expenses. And I know many young women who do not want to stay home with their children because they love their job so much or the comrades at work are too important to leave. So sad that t comes down to that for some.
Anyway, just thought I would chime in. Hope you are doing ok with your parents.
Thanks for the answer. Perhaps it was those scriptures which you mentioned that Nicodemus had to bring in mind. Or perhaps Jesus tried to make him understand that although he was a master of Israel he couldn't have known those things. Because later He said, "12.If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 13.And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." In that way Jesus impled that He Himself was/is in heaven and came down to earth to teach people, He wasn't just an other teacher of the Hebrew Law. Anyway. Thanks. GBU
Not sure if you are a man or woman; not that I need to know; it is hard of course as it was for my ex to listen to scriptures on women being submissive; etc.
I have stated before that counseling in churches before marriage is helpful but may be hard to find; I would think it would be more common in the Reformed church; or OPC where I got my counselling after separating from my wife (something I should have done a lot sooner). "Irreconcilable differences" I suppose was the wording in my divorce papers. In terms of "communication issues" it has been said that is a lame term; probably in part because there is enough yelling that the point should get across from either party in such matters but no one really has a heart to listen.
Of course we all need to consider Jeremiah 17:9 on the state of the heart. Also; of course the concept of a church being a family of sorts was something I am partially responsible for messing up as shortly after we were married we moved away from her home town and stopped being involved in church. Her support system was something that was never fully restored when we moved back again to Pittsburgh but I also was noncommittal and too wrapped up on eschatological issues since they were rather adamantly Post-Mil. As an immature believer at that time I made a lot of mistakes; so I do thank God that now I am able to have been more involved with evangelism; and made a true commitment as a church member; etc.
The fact is; with her working with this guy for nearly 12 years before the "crap hit the fan" or I finally became aware of her infidelity what happened may have been inevitable. Also in eternity it is worth following the Lord now and any sacrifices that need to be made. Overall; I have stated on this site at least one time if not more that there is a blessing to the covenant of marriage and on the flipside; I believe divorce started family decay which has led to the abyssmal state of society overall today.
Overwhelmed. Asking for extra strong protection, intervention and breakthrough for us and all in need as well as for much more love, joy, peace, strength, wisdom, guidance, discernment and to walk in the authority and the power of the Lord. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you.
Hi you might want to consider using this website's "Bible Trivia" you'll find that at the top of the website. Testing your bible knowledge is a way to create more curiosity or desire for God's word and build your faith. It takes time to build faith and desire the things of God. Vegetables are good for children, at first some children don't like what's good for them, however as a child matures and grows a taste and appreciation for vegetables for what is good for them can be established.
Similar for believers the cultivating of the mind of Christ Jesus is new and it takes time to rid the old mind or way of thinking. It takes time to adjust to new things. Jesus is very patient and long suffering with each believer.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
If you accept Christ, you may not feel new right away, even though you are new, just believe it and live right, only believe what God's word has said about you. Only believe...God will satisfy your longing soul.
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2 KJV
Believe the truth of God and not the untruth of the enemy. "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV
Believer's don't walk by feelings, this is a learning way.
Also, you might want to try other types of Christian activities, like art, drawing, music, puzzles, crosswords etc. just to stay motivated and excited about your faith and believeth in God.
For example, I have a picture of Jesus walking on the water I look at this picture it reminds me of that same scripture and helps me think about our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Let us not give up on ourselves, because God will not give up on us.
All I can say is wow, that is real about the realities of marriage. Marriage is a very serious covenant ordained by God. God honors marriage. Having been married, and widowed myself, I learned that open and honest communication along with prayer will help the marriage to work. As believers, we should love what God loves. Many have come to a conclusion of irreconcilable differences. Before a couple gets married irreconcilable differences should be discovered and sorted out. If differences are sorted out during courtship or engagement then not only can divorce be avoided and God honored but the couple may change and discover that they should not pursue marriage a particular person. Some times believers wanting a spouse may feel that God has forgotten them or that they can't seem to find the right spouse. God, our Farther, creator of the heavens and earth, knows where a believer is and has the power to make the believer know who their ordained spouse is if a believer will be patience and seek God for his will concerning their marriage journey.
I also, believe that God deals first with the man, who he should marry, then with the woman who she should accept. So a woman doesn't have to go about searching or hunting for a husband. God will reveal to each man and each woman and will make His will clear to both, collectively and as individuals as they seek God.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 KJV
Seeking God is so very vital because the adversary is always awork interfering with not only marriages but those that God has ordained to be married. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 KJV
Marriages where the husband and wife are working together in the household is vital to Christendom and makes a strong foundation for communities.
SeanPaul in his reply days ago, now page 3, asked on GOD'S days as being 1 day = 1000 of our years, yeah, he asked Is this in the Bible? If so can you point me to WHERE to FIND this? I am not questioning you I'm looking but can not find. (I don't know to whom he asked), wasn't it for you, Chris, by chance?
And then, Chris, what do you think? Is this in the Bible, Chris, as SeanPaul asked? He also asked: Where to find it? SeanPaul wanted to know it. No one responded or gave this information to SeanPaul, I don't know why. How/What would be your answer to SeanPaul on his question, Chris, and Spencer? 'where is written 1 day = 1000 years of our days'? Yeah, where is written? Or is not it written? What do you think?
In the other hand, regarding time line I posted it is LITERALLY based in 2Peter 3:8, yes. What is written there? 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one Day (GOD's Day) is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one Day. Unfortunately because I said to SeanPaul as above explained, i.e. where is written in the Bible what he asked, and no one responded, then Spencer imagined and insinuated I used a HALF of the verse to make the time line, this insinuation is not true, it's a lie, trying to make real what is false. A false premise results in a false conclusion, for this it is unacceptable what Spencer INVENTED, insinuate, and posted. This terrible fact caused me serious discomfort and sadness.
What matters and prevails is the Truth,the Word of GOD is the Truth, the Word is GOD, GOD Himself, self-executing, understand?
I want you all to pray for me and my family,for protection and financial upliftment, secondly my elder brother who is based in Uk that God almighty protect and favour him.
May I ask you a question or two regarding your understanding of the atonment?
Do you believe the Bible teaches that Christ paid the full penalty demanded by the law of God for the sins of everyone or only for for those whom He saves?
If the former, then why would anyone suffer the penalty demanded bt the law of God for their sin? Would that not be a violation of God's justice and double jeopardy?
I'm so sorry Jesse , I obviously didn't make myself clear when I said that I agreed with everything that you said except the last part where you said we need to stop trying . To stop trying , to me , means that I can do anything that I want wether or not I know it to be the wrong thing and therefore displeasing to God , or the right thing , that which is acceptable to Him . As I stated , as I am human I will fail sometimes and this is where the sacrifice of our Sinless Redeemer comes in .
I don't know how much clearer I could have been but obviously I am at fault for not expressing myself correctly . I shall endeavour to do better next time .
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. ( Titus 2:4-6).
Women the way they are wired often don't listen to men on this subject of "submission" but if they can see examples of it; marriages can be saved in the long run. That leads me to my next suggestion
4) Have agreed and strict limits on social contacts; online AND in person. Billy Graham set the bar with not entering elevators with women; and my former Pastor also instructed me not to meet women alone as long as my divorce wasn't final (I would argue beyond that as to my own view on the subject).
This caused another fatal flaw in my own situation; as others who were divorced and independent became influences with my wife; no doubt convincing her that it was ok to pursue her own goals which were influenced for quite some time by her friend at work who eventually became her lover. Trouble at work has brought down many marriages as it brings a convenient situation to have routine clandestine meetings that lead to affairs.
There are other ideas related to money and boundaries with in laws and other family members that should be dealt with before entering a marriage. Nonetheless there are many already married who are going through things they probably didn't plan for as I see periodically on this site. As to the situation in the earlier post; my friend's advice was to mention how husbands should basically sacrificially love their wives; and he is still praying for reconciliation and volunteering to help this man's wife with repairs that her estranged husband won't put the money into.
As with my situation we can do what's right and for the rest of our lives find no reconciliation; but nonetheless we can release bitterness and blame that will eat us like a cancer.
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. The Berean Standard version says "guard your heart" which in my mind is a better expression of the meaning of that verse.
I discussed last night the sad state of affairs of a brother of mine with who used to be a close friend who separated from his wife a couple years ago and who is being disciplined by the church he was a member in. I personally have seen him in the past weeping because of the lost and he and his wife had a wonderful testimony of how they came to faith in Christ in college. I won't get into the details but it appears a pride factor and control over money has caused this rift.
My own marriage was difficult but still our counselor was shocked when she decided to have an affair and pursue a divorce after we attempted a year or two of counselling. As for myself I have shared how scriptural counseling later was given from James and some other scriptures; that at least kept me from outbursts of anger that also were exascerbated by some behaviors of my wife that I won't discuss here either.
People write "pre nups" in anticipation of or preparation for future breaking of wedlock. The best preparation of course is spiritual. My marriage failed but still I will leave some suggestions that have helped others.
1. Before marriage; establish an agreement to commit to prayer and Bible study and remaining in church fellowship. All three of these things became issues after I eloped.
2. Avail yourself of marriage preparation from a Pastor or close friend if such a thing exists in your church. I can't be sure it does today. This was something that I also failed in; giving in to my wife who at the time was active in church and I didn't see that things would change after we moved; etc.
3. Men should have men to confide in and women should instruct younger women. Titus 2:4-6 (see next post).
Oseas. I believe the following is what we are all reading. And this is what you have written:
"Oseas - In Reply - 1 day ago
GOD'S days as being 1 day = 1000 of our years--> 2Peter 3:8
John 5:17-My Lord JESUS said:My Father worketh hitherto,and I work.
GOD sent JESUS in the turn from the fourth Day to the fifth Day, i.e.around 4000 years after Adam,and around 1500 years after Moses.As JESUS said,GOD the Father still was working,in fact until the end of the recent last millennium,the sixth millennium.
Based in the Word of God,on GOD's six Days of creation and one Day of rest(a total of seven days)plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years,so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each(a total of 6000 years)plus a Millennium of 1000 years rest(now a total of 7,000 years)".
So, when you say that you're not referring to 2 Peter 3:8, yet writing, "plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years", then you should understand that you are being very confusing to us. The fact that you are using a 6000 year period and then mentioning 2 Peter 3:8 to support your timeline, indicates that you clearly believe that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years". And as S. Spencer has asked, 'What then would you do when "a thousand years is as one day"? We can't pretend it's not there.
Hi, I would like prayer for my marriage, but to be honest I'd like prayer for me even more. I cannot lie about that. I've done my best to minister to my wife and forgive, and I'm always the one apologizing.. but while I'm doing my best to be a better man it seems like she's doing her best to push the boundaries of what she can say or do against God. Her words and actions are getting worse by the day. She is constantly cursing at me and making rude comments about my appearance or my actions. I am the one who's mostly taking care of the home and I am working extra hours. I am doing my best to listen to her constantly while she's in a good mood and putting my own feelings second or flat out not talking about how I feel at all because it upsets her. I cannot live like this I need fervent prayer please.
Thank you for responding.
I also believe those verses and others like them. They are in fact from the mouth of God, Himself just as is every verse in the Bible.
But they must be understood and interpreted in the light of everything of the Bible teaches about the nature of salvation.
So, I would ask:
What does it mean to "believe"?
When these verses use the word "world", is it talking about every single person in the world? Or is it saying that God's salvation is not dependent upon what nation we come from. And that salvation is not based upon nationality in any sense.
How does your understanding of the nature of salvation fit into Romans 3:10-18? Or Romans 9?
Laban please read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you read. Ask Father God to tell you what to do.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
God bless you Laban.
We seem to be in total agreement on this subject so no worries there . God bless you .
If then 'one day is as a thousand years', then it is true that 'a thousand years is as one day'. Any use of that verse to show that a day equals a thousand years, must also show that a thousand years equals one day. This verse then cancels out your other statement, "the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each (a total of 6000 years)": it all gets cancelled, so that verse cannot be used to prove what you believe, rather the verse is simply an expression of the timeless eternity that God resides in & when His Hand moves, it is not based on our clocks & calendars.
I hope you can see why some of us might be perplexed in your understanding and use of this verse, & not just our responses to SeanPaul.
This; in short had a lot to do with my own marriage collapsing; as getting an emotional response on my part meant the other party was controlling the situation. Warning against a "narcissistic" entanglement as a purely psychological term in itself isn't a complete spiritual diagnosis but is a good warning against who NOT to enter into marriage with.
I will say that we can learn from everyone. My father has also been quite "narcissistic" as well and such stubborn tenacity and not concerning oneself with what anyone else thinks can be a helpful balance to someone who say is emotionally sensitive and always concerned about such things. Naturally; then opposites tend to attract. We can say that God will teach us things even through sinful; unregenerate man. It is easier said than done when someone is trapped in such a situation; and I'm no expert on coping with it. We can sometimes learn when old age has become advanced how those who have always been unbending and stubborn sometimes become much less so; as well as those who always had a kind disposition can go the other way once the mind starts to deteriorate. In both those examples such as my parents; we of course have to continue to look for ways to reach them for Christ.
Again; I am steadfast on this issue; specifically that no matter how bad a marriage is the scriptures make it clear that without infidelity divorce simply isn't an option; separation IS and of course is needed when personal safety or that of children or other family members is in jeopardy.
Of course a good friendship is a good start; and regaining that perhaps will salvage a relationship. Serving the Lord always has to be the number one priority and that truly is what gives women honor and men character.
Here's what I believe.
John 3:15-18.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Also. 1 John 2:2.
"And he is the propitiation for our sins: (AND NOT FOR OURS ONLY)...BUT ALSO FOR THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD.
God bless
God bless
My friend in the situation I mentioned has helped this other guy who has separated with things; the latest being moving a tree in his backyard that he didn't want to pay for. He has befriended this guy for years; had he and his wife live with them for a time; etc. He is praying for reconciliation. God has given him a Deacon position in his church and would there be more people like he is. Hebrews 3:12 warns us of a hardness of heart leading to unbelief. 1 Corinthians 13 shows us how love should be; and it is a nice gift to give a married couple so they can meditate on these truths. In this case as well my friend has talked with this guy's wife so that she won't be tempted to harden her heart should the Lord change this guy as is the prayer.
You say: "the merits of His Son's death availed to all"
By that I assume you mean that Christ paid the full penalty required by the Law of God for each and every sin committed by EVERY PERSON, saved or not.
If that were true then GOD must save EVERYONE since they would stand guiltless before the Law of God. And if God were to punish them again, that would be Double Jepardy. And we know that is not the case and would be a violation of God's Justice.
I personally find tremendous comfort in God's elective program. And I can pray not only for myself, but for my loved one's knowing that God is TOTALLY in control of their salvation. And that He doeth ALL things well.
No. You have not understood my third poaragraph correctly. And I quote again:
"God did not look down the corridors of time before He created the world and saw that some would respond to the gospel and some would not. What He saw is the NO ONE would respond. But despite that dismal fact, God in His Mercy chose to save some. God does not tell us how He made that choice. But He did make it crystal clear that it was not because He saw that some were more likely to respond than others or that there was anything inherent in any one of us deserving of salvation. By nature we are all in rebelion against God and will never come to Him."
God ofcourse knows all things. From eternity past to eternity future. What God knows regarding who will and who will not respond to the Gospel, or who will seek Him with their WHOLE HEART, or who will be obedient to His Law in a way that would be pleasing to Him, is summarized in Romans 3:10-18 and other similar passages. In otherwords NO ONE, let me say that again NO ONE apart from the God's sovereign mercy and action in their life will BELIEVE with saving faith which is a gift of God.
The Bible clearly teaches that ALL Mankind is DEAD in Trespasses and Sin. Eph 2:1 And it requires God to first "draw", and then "save" those whom He has chosen to salvation by giving then a New Heart, i.e. a New Resurrected Soul as we read in Ezeikiel 36:26. This is becomming Born Again. That action is entirely God's action. It is not dependent on any action or response on our part. Although it will GENERATE a significant action and response and change in our behavior and attitude toward the Law of God, the Bible. God does this through the HEARING of His Word, the Gospel, as God applies that Word to the Hearts of those whom He is saving.
God's elective program is God's business not our business. Read Romans 9 very carefully.
Why would we want to put our trust in "our action" or "our choice" for our Salvation?
There is absolutely no need for apology. We each have our own way of expressing our thoughts and our own way of putting those thoughts into writing. If I didn't catch what you were getting at, that's on me. I definitely did not mean that we should not be doing what is pleasing to the Lord, or that we should do whatever we want.
We as believers should doing what is pleasing to the Lord, but the only thing He is pleased with are the things we do while under the persuasion of His Spirit leading us to do those things. In other words, anything I do that is pleasing to Him, it is not my doing, but Him doing His work through me. If I, in my own human effort am trying to please Him, and if I believe I am succeeding in my own effort to do what is pleasing to Him, then I have something to boast of. If it's me in the flesh (human effort) doing the work, how can I possibly give all the glory to the Lord?
That's why I say to stop trying. If I apply that to myself, it means that I stop trying in (my own effort) to do what is pleasing to Him and surrender and submit to His Spirit persuading me to do what is right in His eyes. Again, it is His Spirit in me doing the work through me, nothing I'm doing apart from Him. That way, He gets all the glory!
You said, "as you are human, you will fail sometimes, and this is where the sacrifice of our Sinless Redeemer comes in."
I say amen to that! We all fail sometimes; I know I do. But that's the whole point I was trying to make. We will never reach a state of sinless perfection as long as we are in this body of flesh. But when we do fail (commit a single act of sin), we have an advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus. All our sins are covered by His blood, past, present, and future!
Jaz, it's been very nice talking to you. I don't think we have been in any discussions before. May the Lord continue to lead and guide and bless you in all your ways. And may He continue to give you a never-ending hunger for His word.
God Bless!!!
I agree that many women find that section of Scripture difficult in today's social environment.
It was not hard for me because I believed that God's ways are better than when the world touts as far as what is expected of married women and where we get our "power" from-not ourselves or from "doing it all" or "pursuing my career" or having a 50/50 sharing of home responsibilities.
But I see the so much tension in marriages now with people being guarded as to possibly being 'taken advantage of" or being "taken for granted" or being "put upon" in ways that are impossible to satisfy. This distrust between spouses is a very serious matter and ruins many marriages.
And with the economy as it is, it is so difficult for women to stay home with their children and be able to pay all the bills for necessary expenses. And I know many young women who do not want to stay home with their children because they love their job so much or the comrades at work are too important to leave. So sad that t comes down to that for some.
Anyway, just thought I would chime in. Hope you are doing ok with your parents.
Thanks for the answer. Perhaps it was those scriptures which you mentioned that Nicodemus had to bring in mind. Or perhaps Jesus tried to make him understand that although he was a master of Israel he couldn't have known those things. Because later He said, "12.If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 13.And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." In that way Jesus impled that He Himself was/is in heaven and came down to earth to teach people, He wasn't just an other teacher of the Hebrew Law. Anyway. Thanks. GBU
I have stated before that counseling in churches before marriage is helpful but may be hard to find; I would think it would be more common in the Reformed church; or OPC where I got my counselling after separating from my wife (something I should have done a lot sooner). "Irreconcilable differences" I suppose was the wording in my divorce papers. In terms of "communication issues" it has been said that is a lame term; probably in part because there is enough yelling that the point should get across from either party in such matters but no one really has a heart to listen.
Of course we all need to consider Jeremiah 17:9 on the state of the heart. Also; of course the concept of a church being a family of sorts was something I am partially responsible for messing up as shortly after we were married we moved away from her home town and stopped being involved in church. Her support system was something that was never fully restored when we moved back again to Pittsburgh but I also was noncommittal and too wrapped up on eschatological issues since they were rather adamantly Post-Mil. As an immature believer at that time I made a lot of mistakes; so I do thank God that now I am able to have been more involved with evangelism; and made a true commitment as a church member; etc.
The fact is; with her working with this guy for nearly 12 years before the "crap hit the fan" or I finally became aware of her infidelity what happened may have been inevitable. Also in eternity it is worth following the Lord now and any sacrifices that need to be made. Overall; I have stated on this site at least one time if not more that there is a blessing to the covenant of marriage and on the flipside; I believe divorce started family decay which has led to the abyssmal state of society overall today.
Agape. Rich P
Similar for believers the cultivating of the mind of Christ Jesus is new and it takes time to rid the old mind or way of thinking. It takes time to adjust to new things. Jesus is very patient and long suffering with each believer.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
If you accept Christ, you may not feel new right away, even though you are new, just believe it and live right, only believe what God's word has said about you. Only believe...God will satisfy your longing soul.
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2 KJV
Believe the truth of God and not the untruth of the enemy. "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV
Believer's don't walk by feelings, this is a learning way.
Also, you might want to try other types of Christian activities, like art, drawing, music, puzzles, crosswords etc. just to stay motivated and excited about your faith and believeth in God.
For example, I have a picture of Jesus walking on the water I look at this picture it reminds me of that same scripture and helps me think about our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Let us not give up on ourselves, because God will not give up on us.
I also, believe that God deals first with the man, who he should marry, then with the woman who she should accept. So a woman doesn't have to go about searching or hunting for a husband. God will reveal to each man and each woman and will make His will clear to both, collectively and as individuals as they seek God.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 KJV
Seeking God is so very vital because the adversary is always awork interfering with not only marriages but those that God has ordained to be married. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 KJV
Marriages where the husband and wife are working together in the household is vital to Christendom and makes a strong foundation for communities.
SeanPaul in his reply days ago, now page 3, asked on GOD'S days as being 1 day = 1000 of our years, yeah, he asked Is this in the Bible? If so can you point me to WHERE to FIND this? I am not questioning you I'm looking but can not find. (I don't know to whom he asked), wasn't it for you, Chris, by chance?
And then, Chris, what do you think? Is this in the Bible, Chris, as SeanPaul asked? He also asked: Where to find it? SeanPaul wanted to know it. No one responded or gave this information to SeanPaul, I don't know why. How/What would be your answer to SeanPaul on his question, Chris, and Spencer? 'where is written 1 day = 1000 years of our days'? Yeah, where is written? Or is not it written? What do you think?
In the other hand, regarding time line I posted it is LITERALLY based in 2Peter 3:8, yes. What is written there? 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one Day (GOD's Day) is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one Day. Unfortunately because I said to SeanPaul as above explained, i.e. where is written in the Bible what he asked, and no one responded, then Spencer imagined and insinuated I used a HALF of the verse to make the time line, this insinuation is not true, it's a lie, trying to make real what is false. A false premise results in a false conclusion, for this it is unacceptable what Spencer INVENTED, insinuate, and posted. This terrible fact caused me serious discomfort and sadness.
What matters and prevails is the Truth,the Word of GOD is the Truth, the Word is GOD, GOD Himself, self-executing, understand?
Be careful or else get ready - Matthew 12:32
May I ask you a question or two regarding your understanding of the atonment?
Do you believe the Bible teaches that Christ paid the full penalty demanded by the law of God for the sins of everyone or only for for those whom He saves?
If the former, then why would anyone suffer the penalty demanded bt the law of God for their sin? Would that not be a violation of God's justice and double jeopardy?
I don't know how much clearer I could have been but obviously I am at fault for not expressing myself correctly . I shall endeavour to do better next time .
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. ( Titus 2:4-6).
Women the way they are wired often don't listen to men on this subject of "submission" but if they can see examples of it; marriages can be saved in the long run. That leads me to my next suggestion
4) Have agreed and strict limits on social contacts; online AND in person. Billy Graham set the bar with not entering elevators with women; and my former Pastor also instructed me not to meet women alone as long as my divorce wasn't final (I would argue beyond that as to my own view on the subject).
This caused another fatal flaw in my own situation; as others who were divorced and independent became influences with my wife; no doubt convincing her that it was ok to pursue her own goals which were influenced for quite some time by her friend at work who eventually became her lover. Trouble at work has brought down many marriages as it brings a convenient situation to have routine clandestine meetings that lead to affairs.
There are other ideas related to money and boundaries with in laws and other family members that should be dealt with before entering a marriage. Nonetheless there are many already married who are going through things they probably didn't plan for as I see periodically on this site. As to the situation in the earlier post; my friend's advice was to mention how husbands should basically sacrificially love their wives; and he is still praying for reconciliation and volunteering to help this man's wife with repairs that her estranged husband won't put the money into.
As with my situation we can do what's right and for the rest of our lives find no reconciliation; but nonetheless we can release bitterness and blame that will eat us like a cancer.
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. The Berean Standard version says "guard your heart" which in my mind is a better expression of the meaning of that verse.
I discussed last night the sad state of affairs of a brother of mine with who used to be a close friend who separated from his wife a couple years ago and who is being disciplined by the church he was a member in. I personally have seen him in the past weeping because of the lost and he and his wife had a wonderful testimony of how they came to faith in Christ in college. I won't get into the details but it appears a pride factor and control over money has caused this rift.
My own marriage was difficult but still our counselor was shocked when she decided to have an affair and pursue a divorce after we attempted a year or two of counselling. As for myself I have shared how scriptural counseling later was given from James and some other scriptures; that at least kept me from outbursts of anger that also were exascerbated by some behaviors of my wife that I won't discuss here either.
People write "pre nups" in anticipation of or preparation for future breaking of wedlock. The best preparation of course is spiritual. My marriage failed but still I will leave some suggestions that have helped others.
1. Before marriage; establish an agreement to commit to prayer and Bible study and remaining in church fellowship. All three of these things became issues after I eloped.
2. Avail yourself of marriage preparation from a Pastor or close friend if such a thing exists in your church. I can't be sure it does today. This was something that I also failed in; giving in to my wife who at the time was active in church and I didn't see that things would change after we moved; etc.
3. Men should have men to confide in and women should instruct younger women. Titus 2:4-6 (see next post).
"Oseas - In Reply - 1 day ago
GOD'S days as being 1 day = 1000 of our years--> 2Peter 3:8
John 5:17-My Lord JESUS said:My Father worketh hitherto,and I work.
GOD sent JESUS in the turn from the fourth Day to the fifth Day, i.e.around 4000 years after Adam,and around 1500 years after Moses.As JESUS said,GOD the Father still was working,in fact until the end of the recent last millennium,the sixth millennium.
Based in the Word of God,on GOD's six Days of creation and one Day of rest(a total of seven days)plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years,so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each(a total of 6000 years)plus a Millennium of 1000 years rest(now a total of 7,000 years)".
So, when you say that you're not referring to 2 Peter 3:8, yet writing, "plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years", then you should understand that you are being very confusing to us. The fact that you are using a 6000 year period and then mentioning 2 Peter 3:8 to support your timeline, indicates that you clearly believe that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years". And as S. Spencer has asked, 'What then would you do when "a thousand years is as one day"? We can't pretend it's not there.