All Discussion PAGE 184

  • Chris - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Brother Jesse (and Jaz), I believe Jesus' Words in Luke 7:47 are directly related to His Words to Simon in Luke 7:40-43. In this passage, Jesus asks Simon which of those two debtors would love the kind forgiving creditor more: the one who owed five hundred pence or the one who owed fifty?

    I sense that Jesus was showing Simon, via this short parable, that this woman of the night came here with a great weight upon her heart: a weight of much sin maybe over a long period of time & hearing of Jesus, she came to the only One Who could forgive her. Thus she expressed her sorrow & unceasing repentance by this act of utter humility of not only washing the feet of Jesus with her tears & anointment but stooping even further to kiss His feet. So, I see a clear but stern message to Simon that this woman, whom he sorely despised, was showing more love because of her need of much forgiveness, than Simon who gave Jesus little respect & having no inclination to self-examination, apart from inviting Him to his house for a meal, as a kind gesture.

    I agree that I do see a message here of a self-righteous Pharisee who believes he has no need of self-introspection bringing on repentance & renewal, when compared to this woman who wept over her sins before the Holy Son of God; yet I see, that Jesus' emphasis here is on the full expression of love & gratitude when one is forgiven for their many sins, whereas those who might 'love little' can include those such as the religiously inclined who offer regular set prayers for forgiveness or even those not giving much regard to the gravity of their sins before God, these would not demonstrate the same tearful emotion that the woman laden with sins displayed. So, I perceive that Jesus is showing us here is the value of true repentance for sins & resulting gratitude, rather than what comes from a heart not so mightily affected by the wretchedness of sin. Forgiveness is the end result, but our response in love may be quite different.
  • Chris - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Page 2. Jesse.

    And so we see Faith in its greatest display here: that full 'persuasion' meant that nothing else mattered when the desperate need for help & restoration drove one person to the only One Who can deliver & heal. And of course, with Nicodemus, John 19:39,40 reveals that he, along with Joseph of Arimathaea, tended with all care to the lifeless Body of Jesus, having believed the Words of Jesus given to Him at the first & now fully persuaded even identifying with Jesus in His Death.

    It appears that Nicodemus was now a new man, grieving over Jesus & separated from the rest of his company of murderous colleagues who no doubt were overcome with joy at Jesus' Death & the end of their problems. I also wonder if that woman's faith held up strongly after her healing & realization that all Jesus had done to her & for others, none other could do "except God be with Him". Blessings.
  • Chris - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Page 1.

    Thanks brother Jesse for that very informative & enlightening explanation on the different parts of those garments. As I considered Luke 8:43-48 & the condition of the woman (both her emotional & physical states), my mind went also to John 3:1,2 concerning Nicodemus. Of course, these are two very separate events, but the similarities seem noteworthy.

    Both the woman & Nicodemus had very clear pressing needs. The one for healing of her persistent, long-drawn-out bleeding condition & the other, of his desperate need to reconcile what his fellow Pharisees believed about Jesus & what was niggling in his own mind of the real truth about Jesus ("for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him").

    They both came in secret/under cover to Jesus. The woman in faith coming under cover, completely oblivious to the multitude pressing upon Jesus ( Luke 8:45), risking being recognized, dragged out & beaten for her 'crime'; as was Nicodemus, in secret from the prying eyes of his peers & probable expulsion - using the cover of darkness, desperate to learn the secret about this Man whom so many hated & would feel justified in killing.

    If either of these two came up openly to Jesus, in public view, they might well have not had their needs met, for reasons given above. But their great need for healing, one for a sick body & the other for a troubled mind & spirit, were greater than the probable results that would have come against them. Onto Page 2.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago
    David homan,

    Sorry, but I don't have an answer for the female Rabbi question. I am not aware of any female Rabbi's in the Old Testament. I don't believe females are allowed to serve as Rabbi's in Orthodox Judaism, but please don't quote me on that.

    What I meant by there was no physical touch, and I should have clarified that, so thank you so much for catching that as what I said does seem misleading. But what I meant is that Jesus did not lay His hands on her or touch her in order for her to be healed. She touched Him, and virtue went out from Him. There was no physical touch on Jesus' part other than her touching Him.

  • Michael homan - In Reply - 8 months ago
    I see why you wantin to tell about that now ha,wow thats excellent research/schooling,,especially when the instructions,blueprint for it all down to the number of the threads came in the bible..

    like instruction of the ark of the covenent and temples curtains etc.those were special craftsman/women back then you can sense the spiritual help they were getin,first time read it thought im gonna make me one, thats what did for living

    i/we do passover since mid 80's. but its standard time one also been doing Lunar would halfto to know the story on that one to understand it,ha...

    the 613 letters of the Ten Commandments is excellent gemstone,thankyou

    Was there female Rabbi;s at some point n if so what were they called.probably not,but just checkin. im still being schooled by a teacher,thats my guided source but yes also ive noticed about the word Sun,..and alot of others words with just one differant letter,,ha But,very good info there,alot of Gems...

    but dont understand one thing,you said she touched the Kanaph ,the border,then last thing you said,there was no physical touch,. jst asking in good honest jest,and for taking time to share this awesome info,nice gift.

    cant Thankya enough

    God bless ya too
  • JOHN J REZZETTI - 8 months ago
    Praise the lord jesus, does he ever stop forgiving. lots of troubles.
  • VincentHenryBallou - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Please pray for my cousin, Iris to recover from illness and be healed
  • Anna - 8 months ago
    Proverbs 21:23: kjv: Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

    2 Corinthians 10:3-5 kjv.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago

    Thanks for sharing your testimony. I enjoyed reading that. I wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about you. I have been going through Matthew's gospel and once I finish with Matthew, I will begin sharing the differences I see between what the Greek text is saying verses our English Bibles.

    I also wanted to ask if you have a spell-checker that might be changing your words. In one post you mentioned a "Masochistic Text" where it should be Masoretic Text. And in your testimony, you mentioned special prayers you read from a "cataclysm." I think the proper word be Catechism. Although, the word "cataclysm" would fit as a better descriptive word for that church!

    Blessings in the Lord!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago

    I completely missed your whole point and I do apologize for that. I think I understand your message better now. I re-read your original post and your question asking about Luke 7:47 where Jesus talks about those to whom little is forgiven, and asking if He means those who haven't sinned very much, or those who THINK that they haven't sinned very much?" Unless someone else has an answer to that, the only answer I am able to give is that in that section of scripture, Jesus is showing a contrast between the love of a sinful woman and a self-righteous Pharisee. What you are saying does make sense. The Pharisees had their own righteousness (Self-righteousness). Sorry I didn't have a better answer!

    God Bless!!!
  • Joe - 8 months ago
    There's a girl I work with that I have affections for, but I don't know what her beliefs are yet (I hardly know her, just met) and I want to ask that you pray that I'm strengthened to release my desire to seek a relationship with her and to follow the Lord's leading with relationships. If she is someone I should speak with, would you pray I'm helped with going the right way about things.
  • VincentHenryBallou - In Reply - 8 months ago
    please pray for my cousin Iris to be healed
  • Grey - In Reply - 8 months ago
    I pray everything u wish for comes true with the guided hand of the lord. you are not alone hun xx!!
  • MazieMae - 8 months ago
    What does it say about premarital sex?
  • Michael homan - In Reply - 8 months ago
    God Bless ya too,much appreciated
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago
    (Part 3):

    Back then even Jesus was called a rabbi, and He had a prayer shawl. The word teacher is DIDASKALOS. HRABI in Hebrew means teacher. Around the 18th or 19th century the whole meaning of rabbi changed to what we know today. Today, it's somebody who's on staff and part of the leadership in the administration. Back then the rabbis were teachers and that is all they did.

    It's interesting that when rabbis would travel (Jesus being a rabbi), He wore a TALLIT. And this woman said if I can just come up and touch the KANAPH of His garment (the promise of Malachi 4:2). Jewish people went around touching the hems and the tassels of Jewish rabbis because they believed in their teachings that if the Jewish rabbi truly was anointed of God, that you could touch his KANAPH and be healed. It didn't always happen. That is just part of their tradition.

    But it was based on God's promise here, that healing in His KANAPH (translated wings) is part of the robe for the rabbis. The reason she comes up behind Jesus is because she is unclean. She is not even supposed to be there in the crowd. But she knows, because she knows who Jesus is and she has heard about Him, so she comes up from behind Him and touches the KANAPH, the border. And immediately she was healed.

    Jesus in Verse 45 says, "Who touched me?" After everybody denied it, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude is thronging and pressing upon you, what do you mean, who touched me? Everybody's touching you! Jesus turns and instructs them and says, "Somebody has touched me: for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me." This was a special ministry that came out from Jesus to this woman. It wasn't a physical touch.

    I hope this was not too long and I do hope that you might find some use with what I have shared here. God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago
    (Part 2):

    Those little tassels, those little threads, there are exactly 613 of them. And they are all made on 12 tassels. And they have to be counted and they have to be exact, 613 threads representing the 613 letters in the 10 Commandments. And those tassels are called the TSITSITS on the KANAPH.

    Now the Jews themselves, why did they go around touching people's robes? Well, in Malachi 4:2, it says, "But unto you that fear My name shall The Sun of Righteousness (and please notice how Sun is spelled). This is one of the passages of scriptures that's used in creation studies in the book of Genesis to show that the way that the Lord created the universe is to represent His relationship with His people. Jesus, the Messiah is called the Sun (SUN) of Righteousness. "But unto you that fear My name shall The Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing in His KANAPH. It says wings, but it is the word KANAPH. And you shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall.

    And so, the TALLIT, or some people call it the TALETH, is the prayer shawl. That's the whole shawl that the Jewish men wear. And the KANAPH is the border, and the TSITSIT are the tassels.

    Now the whole robe, in Numbers 15:37-41, this was the Lord's instructions on the making of this robe, its color, everything about it. And so, putting all those scriptures together, just in their brief summary form, is that whenever a rabbi, and by the way the rabbis back then were different than the rabbis today.

    Rabbis back then in Jesus' day were teachers. They were not on staff. They were not part of the leadership of the synagogue. They were teachers. And that is all they did was teach. In fact, some of them traveled from village to village and charged people money for them to teach their children the Torah (the Law).
  • Jesse - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Hi Michael homan,

    (Part 1):

    I do agree with you about the parallels in the bible. You make an interesting statement about His power going out exclusively to her. With such a huge crowd pressing against Jesus, so many people had to have been touching Him, but His virtue only goes out to her.

    Sorry it took me a bit to get back with you. I needed to find my notes from a study I did several years ago on Luke 8:43-48 which I have outlined as "The Provision for The Hemophiliac." I wanted to share more about what this woman actually touched on Jesus' garment.

    In Verse 43, we have this woman who had a constant hemorrhaging problem and she had it for 12 straight years. Since she had this kind of condition, she would have to wear a red robe, and she would have to call out "unclean, unclean" as she came near people. She was unclean to touch or to be around the public. It's interesting that "Dr. Luke" gives us a little information. She spent everything she had on physicians and none of them could heal her! So, she comes up from behind Jesus and her issue of blood stopped flowing.

    Here's what I find fascinating about this garment:

    Leviticus 15:25 tells us that if a woman has an issue of blood many days out of the time of her separation, if it runs beyond the time of her separation, all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her separation, she shall be unclean. She was unclean for 12 years.

    The KANAPH is the bottom border of the garment, the robe that the Jewish men wore. The TALLIT is the name of the prayer shawl. The KANAPH is the border on the garment at the bottom. Then there are these little tassels that hang down from the KANAPH and they are called TSITTSIT's (pronounced seat-seats). If you ever get the chance to attend a real live Jewish Passover meal, you will notice the little tassels that hang down off of the border, or the KANAPH of his prayer garment. And it's interesting because those cannot just be made by anybody.
  • Momsage - 8 months ago
    A testimony

    i was raised a catholic in the 50s to 60s. i didn't like catholicism and what it taught about god and jesus especially because i had never heard of having a personal relationship with the lord. i was taught his name was to sacred to even mention except in special prayers we read from a cataclysm. when i was in my early twenties i had left catholicism and a few years later some friends were witnessing to tim (my husband) and i and we were saved and really started living for the lord, turing suddenly from living a worldly life to living a true christian life doesn't happen unless there is a true conversion experience; when you repent and give your heart to the lord and that's what we did. tim became a pastor but about 10 yrs later the cares of the world were heavy on our shoulders and we became complacent in our walk with the lord. we had 3 children by then and we let the world beset us. we didn't go to the lord for help. we started to ignore the bible and prayer. tim stopped pastoring and we moved and just stopped being christians. this kind of behavior can sneak up on you so be careful and be sure your relationship is in a good place with the lord. be diligent. for a couple of years of living for ourselves, tim left and divorced me. the kids, (4,6 and 8 yrs old) and i were devastated. i never thought that would ever happen to me, i went to the lord immediately and prayed and repented turning back to him. my. worldly life had become sickening to me and tim leaving was the final straw, so i turned back to the lord and he has been with me ever since then. that was 25 yrs ago and my walk with the lord has been upward and forward and i'm growing closer to him every day. i won't be walking away from him this time.
  • Momsage - 8 months ago
    Now i am sitting here at my computer enjoying the nice little apartment god has blessed me with. my oldest son is my caretaker and he is also a devote christian. we are having a heat wave here in tennessee right now but i praise the lord neither josh nor i have to be out in it. my thoughts and prayers are for those who do have to be and the elderly who may need help. god bless :)
  • GiGi - 8 months ago
    God Is SIMPLE.

    This is not to say that God is not complete as a Being. He is totally complete, lacking nothing that is divine in His nature. But to speak of the simplicity of God is to speak of His complete unity in His essence. He is not made of parts, components, such as our bodies have or things He has created. He is only Spirit in His essential nature and His Being is all of His attributes eternally operating in a unified wholeness and all attributes are always expressed. It has been said that He IS His attributes. Are moral, intellectual, and emotional attributes change, His does not. So He cannot not be any one of His attributes all of the time.

    Another way to think of this is that God is all that He has. He cannot increase or diminish any attribute of Himself because that would be a change in Himself. As humans, we speak of His attributes, but He really does not have separate attributes within Himself. He is all that He is because He is one divine essence.

    You can read in Scripture many was that God says that He IS: a consuming fire, love, Spirit, light. One of the most telling things God says of Himself is how He named Himself to Moses: I AM WHO I AM. Ex. 3:14; a name that speaks to His simplicity, eternity, and self-existence. "ehyah asher ehyeh".

    The God's simplicity of His Being helps us to grasp that He is a Being all to Himself. There is no other like Him. He alone is God, He is the beginning and the end of all things. All that we can say about who He is and all that He has revealed about Himself is Who He Is Always in totally and unity. There is no greater or lesser aspect of God. He is All in All.
  • GiGi - 8 months ago
    Today I wish to speak on how God is SUBLIME

    Sublime describes God's overall exceeding, excelling, matchless, greatness in all of His attributes.

    It is an all-encompassing kind of attribute that speaks to His transcendence, holiness, and awe-inspiring nature. It is attributed to the magnitude of these attributes as well as that of His majesty, splendor, beauty, power, wisdom, profundity, etc.

    Saying God is sublime is saying in all of His Being, He is extraordinary in all of his excellencies, infiniteness, limitless, supremeness in that His whole essence far exceeds anything He has created. He is the paramount of Beings, the Apex from which all things have their source and life. He in incomparable in his glory and exaltation. There is none higher nor who even can come near to His greatness. His transcendent nature is spoken of being "far" as in "Am I not a God who is near (imminent) and I am a God who is far away? (transcendent). Jer. 23:23

    Therefore, sublime is an adjective that sort of "sums up" all the perfections of God as a whole package, so to speak.

    Many of the posts I've made about who God is do overlap, as we will see in the next post.
  • Helen Hall - 8 months ago
    Father god, i come to you on this page for prayers, father i need directions a right now financial blessing. favor on my status my friends bonnie and eddie marriage and healing of her body cleancing of their homes. deliverance from accohol in jesus name crystal and daniel relationship deliverance from alcohol commitment and unity and oneness and family deliverance in jesus name amen
  • Helen Hall - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Jesus says MY GRACE is Sufficient for your weakness2 Corinthians 12.9
  • Helen Hall - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Psalm's 23 The Lord is Sheperd
  • Helen Hall - In Reply - 8 months ago
    I pray pslams 35 now and always over your life in jesus name
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Hi Becca.sue,

    Does our soul live on after we die? Do the souls of the dead roam around on the earth and some are in heaven and some are in hell? This is my understanding, the thought or belief in ghosts or spirits of people, some going to heaven and some going to hell comes from the teaching that the soul is immortal, and the soul never dies. It started when the serpent told Eve you shall not surely die, many ancient nations had different forms of religious beliefs on the immortality of the soul, and what we see today was adopted from Greek philosophy.

    Are there evil spirits, devils, and demons on this earth? Yes, and these are what people are encountering, my understanding of the Bible they are not the souls of people. God told Israel and it applies to us today, not to deal with mediums or spiritualism those who work divination. We see Saul doing it in 1 Samuel 28 and he died because he did it, 1 Chronicles 10:13.

    We sleep in death when we die Psalm 13:3 Matthew 27:52 John 11:11-14 1 Corinthians 15:20. We only put on immortality when we are resurrected, Job 14:13-14 Daniel 12:2 1 John 5:28-29 Corinthians 15:51-54. I hope this helps but you and your husband study it for your understanding, not mine.

    God bless,

  • Viola Cleo Bradshaw - 8 months ago
    Dear Jesus, pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw brain, brainstem, and mind. My mind is out of my body. Pray to stop the enemy and pray my Bet Urim is restored. Pray my life force energy is protected. Pray that my internal voice is still alive. I am not nothing. Pray my sexuality is protected. My talking to myself is abused in my center of consciousness. lift up Eledaa Or Elad and Seth Benjamin Kamphuijs."Then he passed by Moses Proclaiming, JEHOVAH the lord, gracious and merciful, abounding in love, maintaining love for thousands, slow to anger, forgiving of rebellion, wickedness and sin, abundant in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6. Thank you.
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 8 months ago
    God bless you Richard. I pray everything go well. Take care my friend. Amen
  • Jaz - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Hello Dear Brother , I don't disagree with one word that you have replied to me and thank you for them .

    In my message , I wasn't really talking about her , I was talking about those people who were forgiven little and therefore loved little in return and those who think that they are whole and righteous . Their response to Christ is different to that of someone who is able to recognise their own sinfulness . A bit like the men who gather around the woman taken in adultery . The older ones put their stones down and move away from her before the younger ones do , their consciences have had longer to mature and they are seemingly wiser to their own faults .

    I think we need to be the same as those older men no matter how old or young we are , we need to grow a conscience and try to put it next to the amount of pure love that has , and is being ,shown to us by God every day . If we put our own consciences in one side of the scales and the pure love of God in the other side....imagine how low those scales would go on one side but not the other !

    Hope you have a good day today .

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