Prayer for protection at work that cause me to feel angry and upset and I ask that THE LORD will vindicate me and Bless me so I can have peace at the work place and I ask for the same for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often that I have on my heart only and I ask that You can guard all of us from all attacks from the enemy in Lord Jesus Christ Name Father God I pray, amen.
Thanks for your reply , it was a good read . In case you haven't been following the thread , my main point wasn't much to do with Jesus asking Peter if he loves him , that was the person I was talking to who was posting about that but no matter , I enjoyed your message and thank you for it . So you think it was just a coincidence that Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus asks Peter if he loves him three times ? Bearing in mind Luke chapter 17 verses 3+4?
I believe that denying that you know Jesus is stated in the Bible as a sin , if we deny him he will deny us , so....Luke chapter 17 verse 3+4 ?
I do think that Jesus asks Peter three times because Peter sinned against Jesus three times by denying that he knew him and Jesus is giving Peter the prompt to repent of that sin so that Peter is forgiven for it . Repentance is never a game , it's a very real and necessary part of God's plan of salvation for us , in Christ .
S Spencer: There are 2 more parts to my posting. Perhaps you should read them all before you comment and, may I suggest you read them with more care this time. If you want to believe that having the Holy Ghost with you and in you are the same thing that's up to you but don't call me a sinner because I don't agree with you. That is rude, to say the least. Just for others who may read your comment about what I posted I in no way said if you weren't filled with the Holy Ghost you weren't saved. Spencer has twisted my words. You have to be saved before you can ask God for His precious Holy Spirit to come into your soul; saved and sanctified wholly. It's all there in my 3 postings. Read 1 Corthians 14.This whole chapter deals with the correct way speaking in tongues is to be used by the church. God Bless
"Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or bad motives. "
pleas read it as
"Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall not accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or to bad motives. "
Q: If the volume of man is determined already what does it mean 'now is the day of salvation,' ? I mean how do we guarantee our salvation?"
A:St Paul refers to God 'who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," meaning that we are part of the cloud of witnesses, which is only indication of what we shall be. Apostle John also adds to our understanding. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." So how we should we live now? "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure."(1 John3:2-3). As he is pure is what St Paul writes 'to be conformed to the image of his Son."(Ro.8:29). "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."(Ep.1:3-4)
Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or bad motives. So we need silence those who are inimical by our good works. Satan is thrown out of heaven but his unclean spirits rake up controversies."For the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night./ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death"(Re.12:10-11). So our battles are fought in heaven and oly we need trust in our Saviour Lord.
Thirdly "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." (Je.10:23). This calls for daily renewal. St Paul speaks of our reasonable service,"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(Ro.12:1-2)
Hello Lola4ever. From what you have written & not knowing all that you have experienced in your life, my first thought is that any person who has been truly saved (i.e. made an unforced conscious decision to depart from one's awful sinful state to that of longingly looking to Jesus for their salvation) is born again from God & receives His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God indwelling you & ministers to you in every way possible; such as in your desires, needs, aspirations, when tripped up/trapped by sin, of counsel, encouragement, teaching, warning, and even discipline). Even at the tender age of 13, you should have experienced some of this & sensed the ministry of God in your life.
Now what took place later on (maybe as you went into your late teens & twenties) you would know, but my belief (even from my own experience) is that the Holy Spirit very quickly alerts us when the line of godly living is being crossed - for that is His Work in our lives. Did you ever sense this alerting & correcting work in your life? Even as the Lord spoke to a Church in The Revelation, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent". ( Revelation 3:19). Because Jesus loves His children so much, His discipline is always given in love & for full restoration. When a person who believes he is saved & has absolutely no sense of the Spirit's Ministry of guiding, convicting & drawing back into fellowship, then that person has never known the Lord, for He always deals with us as children & not as illegitimate. ( Hebrews 12:5-10).
From your submission, it appears that you have sensed this estrangement from the Lord but now felt that He has cut you off. I think that the Lord has brought you to this point in time to repent & return to your first love, having allowed you over the years to taste the world & indifference to Him & find them unsatisfying & sinful. He sometimes allows us slack, but He will always draw us to repentance & restoration. Is this you?
I have been a believer my whole life. I was saved and baptized when I was 13years old. I have not treated my salvation the way I should have over the years. For the last 2 years, I have been questioning my salvation. It has been very hard. At the first of July, it felt like The Lord was cutting me off because heart had gotten hard. My question is this, if I were saved, would I have felt that the Lord was cutting me off?
Prayer! That's what is needed! Prayer is something you can ask of us.
That is what we can and will do!
Philippians 4:6-7 reads "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
T-rex if you haven't received Christ as your savior, do so and if you have already he's all you need.
I'd like to give you some advise that does come from the Lord because He is the one who was with me when I studied and wrote the comments I am going to refer you to. I just posted these comments and I'd like you to consider reading them and letting God and only God, through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, reveal the truth to you. It is on the infilling of the Holy Ghost with tongues as evidence. I know this is a topic most Christians don't want to talk about, let alone consider believing in, but I would like to ask you to just simply study what I've posted and decide for yourself. This doctrine will give you much more strength, power and comfort to deal with the pain and whatever is troubling you so much, if you accept it into your heart.
I posted it under: discussion, bible questions and discussions, christian life and leave a comment.
To understand why Jesus asks Peter three times the same question one must examine the question itself.
Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me more than these?". These who? Many people think that Jesus means the other disciples. But why would Jesus ask such a question to Peter? Did Jesus use a scale for His disciples' love to Him? Did Peter actually love Jesus more than the rest? Did Jesus ask him to confirm his love to Him which was bigger than the others? If Jesus actually meant that it would had been an insult to the others.
The "these" is the ship, the nets, the fish, the material things, Peter's life before meeting Jesus. When they followed Jesus they abandoned their profession. And now Peter goes back and he drags 6 more disciples with him into that. But Jesus didn't call them for that, for going fishing. They had to be in prayers to receive the Holy Spirit. They have a mission now. The ship, the fish is the past. The future is their mission. "Peter do you love me more than your previous life which you left when you met me? If you really do love more than it then please understand that you have a mission now, to feed my sheep, this is what you have to do now, leave your ship away, I will take care of you now, didn't you see how mush fish you just gathered?"
Peter seems not to fully realize what Jesus is trying to tell him. Like us who sometimes do not get what God tries hard to make us realize, to make us understand what our christian life really means, what comes next when we believe in Christ. To abandon
everything that we love that may become an obstacle in our christian path. So Jesus asks him again and again until Peter finally gets what Jesus means.
I believe Jesus asking Peter 3 times was not because Peter denied Him 3 times and now had to cofirm his loyalty 3 times. I don't think that God plays such games.
If we love God more than other things in our life and try to live righteously God will provide for us the necessary for a living.
Does the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues remain with the church today? Many Christians truly believe, that this wonderful gift of God to His precious church, was only for the early church and it has become a doctrine no more, as if it just faded away, to be ignored or even condemned. The devil hates the things of God and is always trying to confuse God's children so in his evil way he spreads this lie.
The infilling of the Holy Ghost, as we read in the scriptures, is the gift God gave to His church on the day of Pentecost. He had promised this Gift and while the church was tarrying in the upper room and had prayed until they were in one accord He infilled them with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak in languages unknown to them.
They were gathered in the upper room because they were afraid of the Sanhedrin who were persecuting Christians. But after they received the Holy Ghost they were no longer afraid and went forward and began preaching in many different languages so all the people could understand them. Peter wasn't the only one who preached and because of the power of having the Holy Ghost IN them the church flourished as it did and this gift remains in the church today.
We do have the Holy Spirit with us when we get saved but having the Holy Ghost IN us gives us greater strength, knowledge, discernment, understanding and much more power to stay righteous as a child of God. We are fighting the DEVIL; we must desire all the power we can have against him.
Disregarding this blessing is disregarding a gift from God and why would you do that? Because grandma or mom or dad or your pastor TELLS you it isn't of God? Did you study, after serious prayer and maybe even fasting, to learn for yourselves about this doctrine? Why wouldn't any child of God want to be blessed this way? Perhaps fear that it is of the devil, would God give a gift to His church that is from the devil? Or it seems too evil and crazy because that is the way people on social media act and God's people don't act that way. This is wrong thinking, the poor souls on social media that behave badly are being deceived by the devil. You need to study to know the truth. Find out for yourself, study and don't listen to anyone but God - including me. Forget or at least compare sermons you've heard denouncing this doctrine with what the bible teaches with an open mind toward God.
Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" makes the question hypothetical or could be or could be not, so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away or not the love of God won't and as for the "putting away childish things" The CHURCH OF GOD was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, that was not a childish experience.
Salvation comes first and then if you also ask God to take the desire for sin, the want to live a sinful life out of you, that you want it gone forever you are asking for your sin nature to be gone and you are fully sanctified. God has destroyed, killed, crucified your sin nature. Then your soul is pure and holy and if you simply ask to have the Holy Ghost to fill you He will, but keep praying until you pray in the heavenly language God has for you. It's beautiful and you will experience only joy and peace and power. The devil will have nothing to do with it. He can't interfere with you when you are praying with Jesus.
I've been filled with the Holy Ghost for over 40 years and I, nor the church I was a part of then, ever acted the way that is seen on social media. This is the way the devil confuses christians and makes the things of God appalling to them. There are scriptures that tell how a Holy Ghost filled christian should act whether alone or in a gathering of other christians. Search for it in, hopefully, your KJB. Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" is a subjunctive form of speech meaning hypothetical or an uncertain situation." (Merriam Webster Thesaurus), so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away the love of God won't. I hope you will find this blessing for yourself.
I have read the other comments and they are very good. In your studying you might want to use the bible tool biblehub(dot)org. It has a bit of a learning curve but once you understand it it can be a help with understanding the original Hebrew and Greek words. Just find the verse you are reading and when it comes up go to Strong's or stg and then down on the right side to the verse at the King James Bible link and choose the particular word you want to understand. It will take you to Strong's definitions and can be a big help. I'm sure, if you want to do this, that you will understand better once you try it. There is much more to this website so please don't give up as you learn it.
This is my opinion, but I'd like to caution you to not use any modern versions of the bible in your studies. No bible claims, and rightly so, that it was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit except the KJV. So why go to a version written by men? The language may be more modern but even in that they have erred. I'm not saying you use these corrupt versions, but just in case I wanted to warn you against them.
Greetings, I'm having a difficult time making a big decision and feel stuck and under pressure. I'm tempted by things to numb the pain and struggling to hold it together. God bless.
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.
Just man- Doing the will of God
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy -Reginald Taylor Jr interpetation Everything he does must goes
Valuing Public opinion over moral intergity
Value public opinion- views prevalent among general public
Moral integrity- A way of life that involves being honest, fair, obedient and living in a way that honors God's ways. Keeping your word.
Ways you can overcome valuing public opinion are
Moral intergity- Having moral intergity has blessed me and to overcome public opinion values
Psalms 119:1 GW
Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the Lord.
Trust in God's promises Deuteronomy 7:9 KJV Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Seek Peace
Isaiah 9:6 KJV
The Holy Spirit holds the ablity to enter peace in a persons heart.
Be Kind
Controlling one words and behaviors embracing and holds the ability of Christian principles-Refrain and avoid from evil.
Colossians 3:12 KJV
Jesus ministry great purpose and John the Baptist paving the way "teaches us that our actions, even if they seem futile or costly, can have a lasting impact beyond our understanding."- My interpetation Saving someone from being hurt.
God's values is a 'foundation of righteousness and truth, not on the fleeting approval of others."-
My Respond:" Not just do what we say and you can have what you want" If it's not of God's will. God will not let it work and will eventually fail.
Q: "Wisdom has prepared a table and is it to which the Spirit refers as the supper of great God?"
A: You cited the invitation of the angel in the sun to all the fowls in the mid-air. Blessings guaranteed for man under the covenant takes care of all life forms."Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled./Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."(Pr.9:5-6). Wisdom literature carries several instances so the ancient landmarks set up by her lead the simple to the way of understanding. Israel refused. "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."(Je.6:16;Pr.22:28). This template all laid out is a word wide web and it is called path of life. The indwelling Spirit is to guide you safely and prevent from walking into snares the devil has set up."Thou wilt shew me the path of life: In thy presence is fulness of joy; At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."(Ps.16:11)
What you quoted arises out of the great controvery over Zion."Forit isthe day of the LORD'S vengeance,andthe year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.." (Is.34:8). The invitation to all the fowls in the year is deemed as the recompense for denying them their dues. God allowed the nation of Israel to their lusts but sent them leanness to their souls. "for ye have wept in the ears of theLord, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore theLordwill give you flesh, and ye shall eat." (Num.11:18,31-33)The quails sent by God did not help the nation but the fowls of the air would be compensated. Another instance was when Abraham made a sacrifice, "And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away."(Ge.15:11). Volume of the wicked does not erase their guilt but demand recompense. (Re.19:18)
Prayer for Blessed protected week for me and my family members I pray for daily and often and I ask that The LORD will Bless me to keep my current job or Bless me to find an immediate replacement in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen, I also ask that The LORD will Bless me to have absolute answers to things I have been having on my heart that I am not sure if it's GOD or not and that the LORD will Bless me to find my future spouse as soon as possible, and I connect this to all who connects and have similar issues in their life and connect this to you and your family members you have on your heart or loved ones in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you for your prayers it means a lot to me. I ask that if you see this in this prayer in the archives that you still pray as led and I ask that The LORD will Bless you for your prayer and connection no matter the time difference in Lord Jesus Christ Father God I pray, amen.
I believe that denying that you know Jesus is stated in the Bible as a sin , if we deny him he will deny us , so....Luke chapter 17 verse 3+4 ?
I do think that Jesus asks Peter three times because Peter sinned against Jesus three times by denying that he knew him and Jesus is giving Peter the prompt to repent of that sin so that Peter is forgiven for it . Repentance is never a game , it's a very real and necessary part of God's plan of salvation for us , in Christ .
Second para
"Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or bad motives. "
pleas read it as
"Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall not accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or to bad motives. "
Q: If the volume of man is determined already what does it mean 'now is the day of salvation,' ? I mean how do we guarantee our salvation?"
A:St Paul refers to God 'who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," meaning that we are part of the cloud of witnesses, which is only indication of what we shall be. Apostle John also adds to our understanding. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." So how we should we live now? "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure."(1 John3:2-3). As he is pure is what St Paul writes 'to be conformed to the image of his Son."(Ro.8:29). "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."(Ep.1:3-4)
Secondly we have to fight the good fight because we are freed from the law of sin the wicked world shall accept it but instead impute our salvation in a bad light or bad motives. So we need silence those who are inimical by our good works. Satan is thrown out of heaven but his unclean spirits rake up controversies."For the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night./ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death"(Re.12:10-11). So our battles are fought in heaven and oly we need trust in our Saviour Lord.
Thirdly "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." (Je.10:23). This calls for daily renewal. St Paul speaks of our reasonable service,"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(Ro.12:1-2)
Now what took place later on (maybe as you went into your late teens & twenties) you would know, but my belief (even from my own experience) is that the Holy Spirit very quickly alerts us when the line of godly living is being crossed - for that is His Work in our lives. Did you ever sense this alerting & correcting work in your life? Even as the Lord spoke to a Church in The Revelation, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent". ( Revelation 3:19). Because Jesus loves His children so much, His discipline is always given in love & for full restoration. When a person who believes he is saved & has absolutely no sense of the Spirit's Ministry of guiding, convicting & drawing back into fellowship, then that person has never known the Lord, for He always deals with us as children & not as illegitimate. ( Hebrews 12:5-10).
From your submission, it appears that you have sensed this estrangement from the Lord but now felt that He has cut you off. I think that the Lord has brought you to this point in time to repent & return to your first love, having allowed you over the years to taste the world & indifference to Him & find them unsatisfying & sinful. He sometimes allows us slack, but He will always draw us to repentance & restoration. Is this you?
Prayer! That's what is needed! Prayer is something you can ask of us.
That is what we can and will do!
Philippians 4:6-7 reads "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
T-rex if you haven't received Christ as your savior, do so and if you have already he's all you need.
He already knows what you need.
I will be praying for you.
God bless.
May I ask, Where in scripture does it say speaking in tongues is the (EVIDENCE) of the Holyspirit being in us?
Also, If the Holyspirit is with us it's because he's IN us!
If you don't have the Holyspirit IN you you haven't been born again!
Do one have to speak in tongues to be saved? NO!
There's instances of some believers using the gift of tongues, but that does not teach that speaking in tongues is EVIDENCE of salvation.
None of the gospel presentations in the New Testament mention tongues.
John 3:16-18
Ephesians 2:1-10.
Acts 4:12.
Acts 16:31;
Romans 10:9-13.
1 Corinthians 15:3-8. Ephesians 2:1-10. ect
If speaking in tongues was necessary for salvation, or even the primary signifier of salvation, we would expect to read much more about tongues.
We have been given Christ!
We have Christ spirit in us!
There's gifts of the Spirit and that is performed by one gift. CHRIST!.
There's also fruit of the Spirit.
That's what needs to be present in a believer. Fruit!
If it's evidence what one is looking for it should be fruit! That means you are connected to the Genuine vine as mentioned in John 15
God requirements for righteousness is perfect and the only way a believer achieves that is Christ righteousness imputed over unto us.
You are given a covering, (Robe of righteousness) to cover the imperfection within you!
You're not perfect and don't meet God's requirements without this covering witch is an atonement for your sins.
Just to think you are perfect in the flesh shows an sinful nature.
1 John 1:8-9.
God bless.
I'd like to give you some advise that does come from the Lord because He is the one who was with me when I studied and wrote the comments I am going to refer you to. I just posted these comments and I'd like you to consider reading them and letting God and only God, through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, reveal the truth to you. It is on the infilling of the Holy Ghost with tongues as evidence. I know this is a topic most Christians don't want to talk about, let alone consider believing in, but I would like to ask you to just simply study what I've posted and decide for yourself. This doctrine will give you much more strength, power and comfort to deal with the pain and whatever is troubling you so much, if you accept it into your heart.
I posted it under: discussion, bible questions and discussions, christian life and leave a comment.
God Bless :)
To understand why Jesus asks Peter three times the same question one must examine the question itself.
Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me more than these?". These who? Many people think that Jesus means the other disciples. But why would Jesus ask such a question to Peter? Did Jesus use a scale for His disciples' love to Him? Did Peter actually love Jesus more than the rest? Did Jesus ask him to confirm his love to Him which was bigger than the others? If Jesus actually meant that it would had been an insult to the others.
The "these" is the ship, the nets, the fish, the material things, Peter's life before meeting Jesus. When they followed Jesus they abandoned their profession. And now Peter goes back and he drags 6 more disciples with him into that. But Jesus didn't call them for that, for going fishing. They had to be in prayers to receive the Holy Spirit. They have a mission now. The ship, the fish is the past. The future is their mission. "Peter do you love me more than your previous life which you left when you met me? If you really do love more than it then please understand that you have a mission now, to feed my sheep, this is what you have to do now, leave your ship away, I will take care of you now, didn't you see how mush fish you just gathered?"
Peter seems not to fully realize what Jesus is trying to tell him. Like us who sometimes do not get what God tries hard to make us realize, to make us understand what our christian life really means, what comes next when we believe in Christ. To abandon
everything that we love that may become an obstacle in our christian path. So Jesus asks him again and again until Peter finally gets what Jesus means.
I believe Jesus asking Peter 3 times was not because Peter denied Him 3 times and now had to cofirm his loyalty 3 times. I don't think that God plays such games.
If we love God more than other things in our life and try to live righteously God will provide for us the necessary for a living.
Does the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues remain with the church today? Many Christians truly believe, that this wonderful gift of God to His precious church, was only for the early church and it has become a doctrine no more, as if it just faded away, to be ignored or even condemned. The devil hates the things of God and is always trying to confuse God's children so in his evil way he spreads this lie.
The infilling of the Holy Ghost, as we read in the scriptures, is the gift God gave to His church on the day of Pentecost. He had promised this Gift and while the church was tarrying in the upper room and had prayed until they were in one accord He infilled them with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak in languages unknown to them.
They were gathered in the upper room because they were afraid of the Sanhedrin who were persecuting Christians. But after they received the Holy Ghost they were no longer afraid and went forward and began preaching in many different languages so all the people could understand them. Peter wasn't the only one who preached and because of the power of having the Holy Ghost IN them the church flourished as it did and this gift remains in the church today.
We do have the Holy Spirit with us when we get saved but having the Holy Ghost IN us gives us greater strength, knowledge, discernment, understanding and much more power to stay righteous as a child of God. We are fighting the DEVIL; we must desire all the power we can have against him.
Disregarding this blessing is disregarding a gift from God and why would you do that? Because grandma or mom or dad or your pastor TELLS you it isn't of God? Did you study, after serious prayer and maybe even fasting, to learn for yourselves about this doctrine? Why wouldn't any child of God want to be blessed this way? Perhaps fear that it is of the devil, would God give a gift to His church that is from the devil? Or it seems too evil and crazy because that is the way people on social media act and God's people don't act that way. This is wrong thinking, the poor souls on social media that behave badly are being deceived by the devil. You need to study to know the truth. Find out for yourself, study and don't listen to anyone but God - including me. Forget or at least compare sermons you've heard denouncing this doctrine with what the bible teaches with an open mind toward God.
Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" makes the question hypothetical or could be or could be not, so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away or not the love of God won't and as for the "putting away childish things" The CHURCH OF GOD was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, that was not a childish experience.
Salvation comes first and then if you also ask God to take the desire for sin, the want to live a sinful life out of you, that you want it gone forever you are asking for your sin nature to be gone and you are fully sanctified. God has destroyed, killed, crucified your sin nature. Then your soul is pure and holy and if you simply ask to have the Holy Ghost to fill you He will, but keep praying until you pray in the heavenly language God has for you. It's beautiful and you will experience only joy and peace and power. The devil will have nothing to do with it. He can't interfere with you when you are praying with Jesus.
I've been filled with the Holy Ghost for over 40 years and I, nor the church I was a part of then, ever acted the way that is seen on social media. This is the way the devil confuses christians and makes the things of God appalling to them. There are scriptures that tell how a Holy Ghost filled christian should act whether alone or in a gathering of other christians. Search for it in, hopefully, your KJB. Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" is a subjunctive form of speech meaning hypothetical or an uncertain situation." (Merriam Webster Thesaurus), so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away the love of God won't. I hope you will find this blessing for yourself.
I have read the other comments and they are very good. In your studying you might want to use the bible tool biblehub(dot)org. It has a bit of a learning curve but once you understand it it can be a help with understanding the original Hebrew and Greek words. Just find the verse you are reading and when it comes up go to Strong's or stg and then down on the right side to the verse at the King James Bible link and choose the particular word you want to understand. It will take you to Strong's definitions and can be a big help. I'm sure, if you want to do this, that you will understand better once you try it. There is much more to this website so please don't give up as you learn it.
This is my opinion, but I'd like to caution you to not use any modern versions of the bible in your studies. No bible claims, and rightly so, that it was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit except the KJV. So why go to a version written by men? The language may be more modern but even in that they have erred. I'm not saying you use these corrupt versions, but just in case I wanted to warn you against them.
God Bless :)
Valuing Public opinion OR moral intergity
Value public opinion- views prevalent among general public
"God is always present to lead and guide to strengthen and support. God's Love is always constant"
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.
Just man- Doing the will of God
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy -Reginald Taylor Jr interpetation Everything he does must goes
Valuing Public opinion over moral intergity
Value public opinion- views prevalent among general public
Moral integrity- A way of life that involves being honest, fair, obedient and living in a way that honors God's ways. Keeping your word.
Ways you can overcome valuing public opinion are
Moral intergity- Having moral intergity has blessed me and to overcome public opinion values
Psalms 119:1 GW
Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the Lord.
Trust in God's promises Deuteronomy 7:9 KJV Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Seek Peace
Isaiah 9:6 KJV
The Holy Spirit holds the ablity to enter peace in a persons heart.
Be Kind
Controlling one words and behaviors embracing and holds the ability of Christian principles-Refrain and avoid from evil.
Colossians 3:12 KJV
Jesus ministry great purpose and John the Baptist paving the way "teaches us that our actions, even if they seem futile or costly, can have a lasting impact beyond our understanding."- My interpetation Saving someone from being hurt.
God's values is a 'foundation of righteousness and truth, not on the fleeting approval of others."-
My Respond:" Not just do what we say and you can have what you want" If it's not of God's will. God will not let it work and will eventually fail.
Written and Spoken Word by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
Q: "Wisdom has prepared a table and is it to which the Spirit refers as the supper of great God?"
A: You cited the invitation of the angel in the sun to all the fowls in the mid-air. Blessings guaranteed for man under the covenant takes care of all life forms."Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled./Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."(Pr.9:5-6). Wisdom literature carries several instances so the ancient landmarks set up by her lead the simple to the way of understanding. Israel refused. "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."(Je.6:16;Pr.22:28). This template all laid out is a word wide web and it is called path of life. The indwelling Spirit is to guide you safely and prevent from walking into snares the devil has set up."Thou wilt shew me the path of life: In thy presence is fulness of joy; At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."(Ps.16:11)
What you quoted arises out of the great controvery over Zion."Forit isthe day of the LORD'S vengeance,andthe year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.." (Is.34:8). The invitation to all the fowls in the year is deemed as the recompense for denying them their dues. God allowed the nation of Israel to their lusts but sent them leanness to their souls. "for ye have wept in the ears of theLord, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore theLordwill give you flesh, and ye shall eat." (Num.11:18,31-33)The quails sent by God did not help the nation but the fowls of the air would be compensated. Another instance was when Abraham made a sacrifice, "And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away."(Ge.15:11). Volume of the wicked does not erase their guilt but demand recompense. (Re.19:18)
23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.
FATHER, bless us with Your courage to abide fully in Your word. 2 Timothy 2:15
September 25, 2024