Jesus will always guide us and deliver us in every battle. Jesus will stand before us and save us from every works of the defeated enemy. Be still and know that He is God who will deliver us and protect us from any danger of our lives. Thanks be to God
God is good at all times and he never forsake those that love him. 2ndTimothy 4 is an inspiration to weak Christians. Don 't give up on the fight of faith. Thank you brother Paul
as Chrictians we run trusting the Lord who gives power too weary, and thy Word says He gives power to those who get weary on the way, so for us to manage t finish our race we must acknowledge God that He is the provide, pillar of our strength definitely we will finish our race
Deo Rwanda 's comment contains truth to my life, and you know its truth when you first shy away from analyzing yourself. I should not fear trials, persecution nor suffering. I am constantly praying for blessing in this life and I should welcome the tests of faith, call upon the Holy Spirit to guide me safely and faithfully and store my treasures in the LORD in heaven. I pray to be blessed with the gift of faithful witnessing to all the wonders that have been worked in my life in Jesus name.
Many begin the race, not all finish the race caurse its a faith race, the devil is after your faith, caurse its the only thing that overcomes him. Will the LORD find faith when He returns?
As believers we must walk by faith and not by sight. As we live our everyday life we must live in line with the Word. We should never stop serving God no matter how tough things get. Then when our time on earth is up, like Paul we can say we have fought a good fight, we have finished the course and we have kept the faith.
A fight is not considered a fight unless the opponent is worthy of mention. Satan is noted as spiritual darkness in high places. The only way to win a fight against spiritual darkness is with Spiritual Light!!. We too can not only fight a good fight but we can like Paul, Win!!. What good is a good fight if you don 't win? Let God fight your battles and you 'll win every time!!!
This faith walk is a fight walk. I must fight to keep the faith that my Lord has given to me and add to it. I we start with a measure and add to. It is a walk fight to the end.
Christian life is a life of commitment, determination, dedication, devotion, focus etc. It is a personal race in which every body on earth will give account just like Apostle Paul "i have fought a good fight, i have finished my course " This verse tells us that, every Christian has assigned to a particular task or assignment to perform on this planet earth, after the completion of the assignment or task, he she can finally say, he she has finished his her course. To succeed in this assignment, faith is what we need.
I can understand that Paul is encouraging the believer to keep going and not give up. The Christian life is not an easy one but, the reward is incredible
Paul is making it so clear that the christian race is not just any race but a race that must be run a target and determinations and expectations because their fight to figh and some bitter cups to drink from and also are prices and crowns awaiting those that finished well.
evil doing and punishing Alexzander here in 2timothy 4vrs14 stads for the devil who has block someone s blessing while the fellow is asking GOD to punish that evil for
I want to be too much dedicated to God not to things of this world I m also looking for the really church not those who are plaing church and doing the business
Speaking the truth in love goes well with this under used truth.
Most people rarely speak into one another's lives from a biblical perspective and just as infrequently seek for others to do so in their lives. Lord please help us all especially the household of faith.
I love verse 8 of this chapter, Paul boldly testifies of his reward in HEAVEN, knowing himself and the service to his calling in the work of the LORD. I want to encourage us to do likewise, GOD will help us and we would make HEAVEN amen.
we have to wrestle against all manner of gossip,malace,deceit,lust and anything that diverts us from the way of faith and stops us from directing our minds and effort towards our callind.
As Paul stood in defense of the Gospel and all turned their backs on him worse times are on the when trusted friends will become vessels of betrayal. Paul was relating his experience which Christians should learn that we must put our trust in no man except Jesus who is always there
Truely the race he finish and keep his faith,but today xtian don�t take there cross anymore
to look unto God but things of the world,but my prayer is that God will open our eyes of thinking because end time has are all bless in jesus name(Amen).
Nowadays, the majority of those who call themselves christians are cowards, fearing persecution and suffering, wanting to grow rich in this world and become the poorest and the least in the kingdom of God. People of that kind are enemies of the cross. Brothers and sisters, lest and be on guard because Jesus is near.
i think paul saying that he has fought the good fight, finished his course and kept the faith should be a great challenges that may confront every believers to also do more as he did for we shall be rewarded if we don't grow weary in his work.
I feel that Demas backslided for a season probably because the persecution at that time was too hard or fierce for him to handle. This can happen to christians
that are immature in Christ. Trials of life sometimes can make us feel that people of the world are better off than you because you feel that life id treating them better than you because of the materialism culture. But to be honest when you become matured in Christ you will realise that no money in the world can buy you salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ. I'm just glad that Demas realised his heart condition quickly and turn back to Christ who his mighty to save. Nothing in this present age can take a place of going to heaven. This world is a market we are just passing through, one day will come when we have to live it and go to our resting place. I therefore ask where do you want to spend eternity. This is a choice we need to make while we are here. Heaven or Hell. As a christian we need to continue to check our lives so that we don't end up where we don't want to be. Shalom
Most people rarely speak into one another's lives from a biblical perspective and just as infrequently seek for others to do so in their lives. Lord please help us all especially the household of faith.
to look unto God but things of the world,but my prayer is that God will open our eyes of thinking because end time has are all bless in jesus name(Amen).
that are immature in Christ. Trials of life sometimes can make us feel that people of the world are better off than you because you feel that life id treating them better than you because of the materialism culture. But to be honest when you become matured in Christ you will realise that no money in the world can buy you salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ. I'm just glad that Demas realised his heart condition quickly and turn back to Christ who his mighty to save. Nothing in this present age can take a place of going to heaven. This world is a market we are just passing through, one day will come when we have to live it and go to our resting place. I therefore ask where do you want to spend eternity. This is a choice we need to make while we are here. Heaven or Hell. As a christian we need to continue to check our lives so that we don't end up where we don't want to be. Shalom