2 Timothy Chapter 1 Discussion Page 6

  • Cheryl on 2 Timothy 1 - 11 years ago
    Praise God! My son is a young Christian man and fear is something he speaks about often...I just texted him 2 Timothy. I am sure it will encourage him to put all of his trust in God. One of my favorite comments is - Instead of telling God how big your problem is ..tell your problem how big your GOD is ..Let go and let God! Be Blessed
  • Renewed on 2 Timothy 1 - 11 years ago
    2 Timothy 1 verse 7 is amazing...it renews me daily when i recall it into being. It is so awesome to know that I need not fear anything but only need place it in God's mighty hands. We are not meant to be fearful, we are meant to be powerful beyond means, we are meant to be creatures of love that bond and form strong defences through Christ against the devil and his legions. I praise the Lord daily knowing that i am protected by His Blood and I need not worry about what the world will bring. Thank you Lord...thank you Jesus
  • Rhonda Jacobs on 2 Timothy 1:13 - 11 years ago
    I really am grateful for the scriptures you have shared with me. I have to admit you have touched my soul and made me weep with your empathetic words and I truly appreciate them.

    Thank you
  • Joy on 2 Timothy 1:17 - 11 years ago
    I shall not fear the devil because he(the devil)fears God who is my creator.FEAR means False Evidence Appearing Real. So since they are not real,why would I be afraid of them.
  • Maxwell oti on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    Fear has in time cost me many useful things... Only fools fear, ones a fool and never again... Thank you Jesus
  • Anonymous on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    One should not be afraid of intimidation of the devil, You have power over him.
  • One on 2 Timothy 1 - 11 years ago
    Hallelujah, all praise be to God, for he is far above greatness. Proverbs 28:1 says; "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." And Hebrews 4:16 says; "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." ...... So we see here saints, that Faith is the first step towards God; For FAITH breeds confidants; which cast out fear, FAITH, creates the ability to: telepathically break the laws of psychics; the spirit that God has granted us;(those that believe) is the spirit of God, and God can do anything, so why should he fear? We fear because we have not yet become one with God, but we must saints; So that we can Love with true Love, and maintain peace, and sanity, in our lives, the way God intented it. Amen
  • Hazel on 2 Timothy 1:12 - 11 years ago
    it's very comforting
  • Dennis on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    I,through fear,have been run down, backed over, and left for dead. I testify that Jesus Christ, whom lives in me, still, and will forever more live in me. I will persevere victoriously.
  • Wilmot on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    I like this scripture because it encourages me not to be afraid of anything since Jesus overcame the world and their fore am a conqueror in Jesus name whenever i trust and believe in him.
  • Latrice on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    2 timothy 1:7 is my favorite in the whole wide world
  • Lauren on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    Perfect Love casts out fear and the Holy Spirit empowers us with Love to do God's will. Our minds are free and resound with God's purpose for our lives so that it is no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
  • Dorcus Kebawetse on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    Fear is the weapon to the devil to destroy us
  • Keddyn maloba on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 11 years ago
    Many are the times we christians fear when we are attacked by the devil & his agents,the scripture is clear to us,we shouldn't have th spirit of fear but of courage,yes the fear should be there but of the Lord bcoz the bible says fear he who can destroy both your body & soul.
  • Ariokot jane on 2 Timothy 1 - 11 years ago
    So vital and encouraging to me, in fact it has lifted me to another level of faith.
  • Danielle on 2 Timothy 1 - 12 years ago
    My sister directed me to this chapter especially verse 7. I was going through a stressful time in my life to the point where anxiety was starting to consume me. When I felt overwhelmed, she told me to say that verse. I thank God for His word and His promises. To Him be ALL the glory and honor. In Jesus� name, this too shall pass.
  • Timothy Wayne George on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    @Gikuz Frank,
    God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, with your household. Get baptized into the Body of Christ, and let the truth of the Word of God set you free. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and that God hath raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved. May the Lord bless you richly, my brother.
  • Gikuz frank on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    I need salvation.
  • Moses chukwurah on 2 Timothy 1:12 - 12 years ago
    Isaiah 60:22 the little one himself will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation! I myself JEHOVAH shall speed it up in its own TIME.
  • Adebayo yusuf on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    The Lord has not given us the spirit of fear to fear the devil and his host, but the spirit of love to show concern for the dying world with understanding and self control.
  • Abraham Etebu on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    God has given us the power to stand up for our faith in Him, not being self-centered in His worship and our dealings with our fellow Christians, in the right frame of mind.
  • Louise on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    Fear is borne out of inward (introspective) thinking. God has called us to be outward focused. His command was to love God and love people, while the devil would have us self conscious & self consumed to try and thwart the ability of the believer to fulfill the mandate set for us by Christ. Applying the rest of the scripture "power, love and sound mind" will over-ride and dispel fear, leaving us to be and do in the freedom of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Clint on 2 Timothy 1 - 12 years ago
    Lonnie, we accept Christ and God knew we would! That is what predetermination is! God knows who is or is not receptive to the call to repentance!
  • Fatmata kanu on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
  • Keith W Blevins on 2 Timothy 1:7 - 12 years ago
    Opposite of fear overwelming confidence.Having the love to be concern for the well being of others not being comsume withself. And having that peace which surpasses all understang.
  • Lonnie Crawley on 2 Timothy 1 - 12 years ago

    Sovereign God's is the only "freewill."

    The Bible only concerns itself with two classes of men...Elect and non-elect; dead in Adam, or redeemed (Born Again) from that first death (Rev.20:5&6). The "will" exercised by men in either of those kingdoms is predicated (based on) upon the governing aegis of either camp.

    With the single exception of God-In-Christ, death can't choose life, nor the pot the Potter. He chose His eternal family before earth was created, therefore--neither sin nor merit were factors in His Sovereign Election.

    As above, so below. Babies do not participate in their birth...it happens to them. So it is with spiritual birth... being "Born Again." God chooses when He will redeem individuals, and His sovereign grace (choice) is irresistable at that time. Man does not have the capacity "to choose autonomously against God's eternal purposes."

    Freedom is limited wherever there is a boarder, and both kingdoms have boarders. Only God does not. Men in either kingdom are subjects of, and to, the nature of that kingdom. Human will, therefore, is better described as "Predicatedwill" vrs. "Freewill."

    All praise, honor, glory and worship then are due the incomprehensible, sovereign God-In-Christ alone, Who truly is both Alpha...and Omega.
  • Timothy Wayne George on 2 Timothy 1 - 12 years ago
    It is so important for grandmothers to mentor their grandchildren, as Lois did for Timothy. Also spiritual fathers are very important, as Paul was to his son in the ministry Timothy. Paul encourages him to not be ashamed of the testimony of Jesus, and to be a partaker in the afflictions of the ministry. Thank God he has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. By this we can complete the ministry that is given by the laying on of hands. Also we must thank God Jesus abolished death on the cross, and brought light, and immortality to light thru the Gospel. Thank God for faithful grandmothers, and mothers as we prepare to celebrate Mother's Day.
  • Jason on 2 Timothy 1:6 - 12 years ago
    The. Spiritual gifts(prophecy, healing, words of knowledge, prophecy), can be transferred by the laying on of hands.
  • Lisa on 2 Timothy 1 - 14 years ago
    Paul recieved God Mercy and Grace at a time in his Life when he probably thought he didnt need anyone.
  • Lyle on 2 Timothy 1 - 14 years ago
    paul did't trun himself around. God stopped him in his tracks . We do have free will to obey but Gods the transformer. 1cor 10:13

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