Verse 13. - The children of thine elect sister salute thee. Why the change from "you" πρὸς ὑμᾶς in verse 12 to" thee" σε here, if the letter is addressed to a community? The change is very intelligible if "you" means "thee and thy family," and "thee" means "thee in particular." The elect sister herself sends no greeting, because she does not live, as these children of hers do, near the apostle; perhaps she is dead. This message to the elect lady from her sister's children is, perhaps, intended as a delicate intimation that they know why the elder is writing, and join in his affectionate warning. "The last sentences of this letter to the elect lady remind us that it is what it professes to be - a letter to a friend; that the friendship was the more natural and human because it was grounded on the truth; and that other ladies also elect were, like this one, not nuns, but mothers" (Maurice). The concluding" Amen" at the end of this Epistle, as at the end of most of the Epistles, is spurious. Galatians, and perhaps 2 Peter, seem to be the only instances in which the "Amen" is genuine.
1:12,13 The apostle refers many things to a personal meeting. Pen and ink were means of strengthening and comforting others; but to see each other is more so. The communion of saints should be maintained by all methods; and should tend to mutual joy. In communion with them we find much of our present joy, and look forward to happiness for ever.
The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. Not the members of a sister church, as some think; but the children of one who was the sister of this lady, according to the flesh; and who, as she was either a very famous and excellent person, or rather one chosen of God likewise unto eternal life and salvation; and whose children also were walking in the truth, and here send their Christian salutation to their aunt; very likely those sister's children lived at Ephesus, where John resided.