2 Esdras
King James Version (KJV)

Why is 2 Esdras shown with the King James Bible?
2 But iniquity shall be increased above that which now thou seest, or that thou hast heard long ago.
3 And the land, that thou seest now to have root, shalt thou see wasted suddenly.
15 So the angel that was come to talk with me held me, comforted me, and set me up upon my feet.
17 Knowest thou not that Israel is committed unto thee in the land of their captivity?
20 And so I fasted seven days, mourning and weeping, like as Uriel the angel commanded me.
21 And after seven days so it was, that the thoughts of my heart were very grievous unto me again,
22 And my soul recovered the spirit of understanding, and I began to talk with the most High again,
29 And they which did gainsay thy promises, and believed not thy covenants, have trodden them down.
30 If thou didst so much hate thy people, yet shouldest thou punish them with thine own hands.
31 Now when I had spoken these words, the angel that came to me the night afore was sent unto me,
39 As for me, I am unwise: how may I then speak of these things whereof thou askest me?
47 And I said, She cannot: but must do it by distance of time.
51 He answered me, and said, Ask a woman that beareth children, and she shall tell thee.
54 Consider thou therefore also, how that ye are less of stature than those that were before you.