Judith 11:12

“For their victuals faile them, and all their water is scant, and they haue determined to lay hands vpon their cattell, and purposed to consume all those things, that God hath forbidden them to eate by his Lawes,”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 11:12

For their victuals fail them, and all their water is scant, and they have determined to lay hands upon their cattle, and purposed to consume all those things, that God hath forbidden them to eat by his laws:
- King James Version

For their food stores fail them and their water supply is scant, and they have decided to lay hands on their cattle, and have resolved to consume all those things which God has forbidden them to eat by his laws.
- World English Bible

Commentary for Judith 11:12

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