Job 40:1

“Moreouer the Lord answered Iob, and said,”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Job 40:1

Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said,
- King James Version

Then the LORD said to Job,
- New American Standard Version (1995)

Moreover Jehovah answered Job, and said,
- American Standard Version (1901)

- Basic English Bible

And Jehovah answered Job and said,
- Darby Bible

Moreover, the LORD answered Job, and said,
- Webster's Bible

Moreover Yahweh answered Job,
- World English Bible

And Jehovah doth answer Job, and saith: --
- Youngs Literal Bible

Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said:
- Jewish Publication Society Bible

Commentary for Job 40:1

Wesley's Notes for Job 40:1

40:1 Answered - Having made a little pause to try what Job could answer. This is not said to be spoken out of the whirlwind, and therefore some think God said it in a still, small voice, which wrought more upon Job, (as upon Elijah) than the whirlwind did. Tho' Job had not spoken any thing, yet God is said to answer him. For he knows mens thoughts, and can return a fit answer to their silence.

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