1 Timothy Chapter 3 Discussion Page 8

  • Ussarn on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    Just because a women can correctly say what is in the Bible does not make it correct for her to be a teacher or older man in the congregation. 1 Timothy is not the only place in the Bible where men are given the direction to take the lead in the congregation. This is not to say that women do not or have not or will not have a large part in the caryying out of God's will and teaching the truth of God's word but just not from the pulpit.
  • Terri on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    I have always believed that women are not to be preachers. Several months ago I started watching Joyce Meyer on TV. I cannot find anything she says that is not in the Bible. Sometimes we mis-interupt the Bible because some of the vocabulary is different today. Is it possible the word 'Bishop' does not mean 'Preacher'?
  • Marieta Osborn on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    I would like hear comments on the husband of one wife. Some believe it is only one wife at a time or only been married once with no prior marriages.
  • Cj on 1 Timothy 3:7 - 14 years ago
    i thank that this is true for ur character reflects your very person
  • Bruce M. Devitt on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    The office of Bishop if not found following these "orders", and is occupied by one who does not have a wife and children and does not control his own house is then unacceptable in the Church.The commentary states again not the obvious, but does bring us to Jesus's response when he is asked by his Diciples of what will be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the World.He say's "take heed lest any man decieve you.'
  • Mild Bill on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    Though the womans role in the church requires modest apparel and silence(no preaching), Paul instructs the women to learn. Phoebe demonstrated a service to Paul and others which did not require her to speak in the church, and assisting her was not a usurping of the authority of the men, rather, it was serving Paul as he asked. Women teaching children is something within childbearing parameters. Lois, the mother of Timothy, is held up by Paul as instrumental to Timothy's godliness. The woman at the well
    (Gospel of John) in Samaria is a prime example of godly service. The apostles went into town and only brought back food. They never considered telling the residents who was at the well. The believing woman went back into town and brought out the true harvest of souls for Christ. Jesus then probably feasted better than if he only had what the apostles bought.

    When you say,"where do I find the answer?", I would respond to you that the answer is in the numerous examples of women in the service of God. The faith of the Phonecian woman to beg for crumbs, the woman who had a faithful lowly desire to only touch the hem of Jesus's garment to be healed, the sinful woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and annointed his hair with fragrant oil because she believed he was soon to die, etc.,etc.

    Don't get hung up on what you can't do, focus on what you can do.
  • My2cents on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    Lisa, it is my understanding that the Bible is the foundation, or milk, of knowing our God. The new testament introduces seeming contradictions(ie. Keep the Sabbath Holy and then rescuing your livestock, even if on the Sabbath). These seeming contradictions challenge us to mature, or eat meat, in Christ. We are told that through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will receive the Holy Ghost or Spirit, which Jesus sent to us after his resurrection. Having said that, there are many interpretations of the Scriptures, with both sides to this argument supported by Scripture,as you briefly illustrated in your question. Even the evil one uses the Bible and misinterpretes it. I have learned that there is only one Great Counselor,which is the Holy Spirit. We, as mankind, are not smart enough or pure enough to have all of the answers. We do, however, have access to the One who does-The Great Counselor. When I find that I am not able to answer a question by reading the Scripture alone, I simply ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me. The Bible supports this way of thinking, as it records Jesus explaining why he used parables, and how we would be able to understand them. He really is a wonderful, skilled teacher-better than any man, woman,or child. When he answers or explains, your understanding will be so pure, so perfect, that you will know without a shadow of a doubt,His answer. So, go directly to the source, is my advice.
  • Lisa on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    My questions are should women be allowed to preach or be a deacon? In 1 Timothy 3:8 .. I would say NO women cannot. On the other hand in Romans 16:1... looks like women were deacons... What is it? Where do I find the answer?
  • Linda on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    Jesus was God manfested in the flesh read 1st Thimothy 3 verse 16 which says and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh,justified in the Sprit, seen of Angels, preached to the Gentiles,belived on in the world,received up into glory. Jesus was the one that done the preaching God is a sprit that is why mary concevied of the HolyGhost with was the Father.The sprit could not shed blood so our sins could be forgivien. God made himself a fleshly body that is when he became the son. The plan of salvation for the Gentiles is Act 2:38 Then peter said unto them repent,and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. and you shall receive the gift of the Holyghost. When you do this you are forfilling the commantment that matthew speak of in 28:19 may God bless each and ever one of you all out there. Hope this help someone The sign of the time are every where

  • Bill on 1 Timothy 3 - 14 years ago
    We must all remember that we have to take and believe all the Bible and not just pieces of it to believe. As fellow believers in Christ and in order to be saved we must first look to what Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:10-15. With all do respect to woman, they can not be a Pastor of a church. Paul is very specific as to how woman should be and act with regards to the church.
  • My2cents on 1 Timothy 3 - 15 years ago
    As Christians, we all become a part of the body of Christ. That body "part" is not determined by us, but by the Holy Spirit. If any person leads a congregation, it should occur, despite gender as there is no respect of gender in Christ, if that is the role one is called to fill. It isn't right for any person, on the other hand, to be a leader of a congregation, if that person hasn't been labeled as such by the Holy Spirit. Marriage, if based upon love, is an act that includes God, since God is love, and therefore, should not be a dividing factor for either a male or female leader. The problem then comes in if she marries one who would not choose for her to be in service to her God. We can not serve two gods. If the marriage relationship demands that she choose between her husband or her God, then it would not appear that the marriage was "of God" to begin with. If, however, she decided to become a leader, based upon her own desires, then perhaps she was never meant to be a leader in the first place. This ideology applies to any person, man or woman, who might be choosen by the Holy Spirit to lead a congregation.
  • Albertha M. Lee on 1 Timothy 3 - 15 years ago
    Should a woman be a pastor of a church. If she is and marries should she give up that position?

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