1 Timothy Chapter 2 Discussion Page 7

  • Ken morton on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Concentrate on what verses 1-7 say. grace to all- for unity in the body of Christ. We need to be humble enough to recognize that God has given roles for men and women. Not the same, but they complement each other for the good of the whole body.
  • KNIGHTMARE on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    2. PETER
    3. JAMES
  • Lelouch on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    we ought to follow the rule on ho to study the scriptures by rightly dividing the word of truth, so that we can flee from the bondage of tradition and corruption by the doctrines of men, we are now free, we are not under the law. 2 timothy 2:15
  • Andrew on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Hello ,my concern is In the book of Ephesians 4vs8 when the Gift was giving to man ?was the gift only given to man and not woman ,please explain .
  • Claude on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    It's my understanding that this was written for that time , not to be confuse with who is teaching the gospel today. Paul speaks glowingly about those women who labored in the gospel and whose name is written in the book of life . He speaks of. those women who use their homes as churches , this had to be sanction by the Holy Ghost.
  • Edwin Muir on 1 Timothy 2:1 - 9 years ago
    Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. HE our gracious,merciful,holy FATHER and LORD Is 1:18 Beautifully reasonable as we are Kings and Priests in training to reign with our LORD and CHRIST , JESUS . Prov 8:30,31.KJV says it best. GOD KEPT AND KEEPS HIS WORD.SOME High minded patented bitter,even dangerous versions,eg:NIV,NLT on Jer 23:33 on they remove A MERCIFULLY severe warning not to sow confusion re our GODS ALMIGHTY CHARACTER. HE THE BURDEN BEARER , OMNISCIENT AND OF INFINITE UNDERSTANDING.Usurper s Excuse is that some cant handle the grammar used in a supposed age of better education and enlightenment.Waiting trustingly on GOD will bring revelation as HE speaks through the Word and blessing as we obey. Acts 5:32 , 1 John 2:24 OBEY THE EXHORTATIONS :FIRST OF ALL and be blessed,with persecutions:- Ps 116:12,13 and Prov 8:30,31 KJV our Joyous inheritance. 1 Cor 14:4,5 and 31 ,Ephes 4:16, Gal 6:6 our 1 Peter 1:22 service.And G BU in it Amen.
  • Vendi on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    verse 4 . God does NOT intend that ANYONE perishes in sin.God wants ALL people to be saved!And that includes me and you.What a mighty God we serve!
  • Mine' on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    When I spend time with my Heavenly Father in the word, it removes the cares and worries of this present world away. When I take time for God, it causes me to realize just how much I need him. Every word of God fills me with the Life of Christ Jesus. It 's full of wonder and promise. Sharing God 's wonder: I had a mole in the back of my head and it was growing It was making me feel very uncomfortable. I decided to trust my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, that he would remove it from me. Then I made my decision not to let my mind wonder away from God. Then as the days passed it began to cause some pain, but I did not let it move my faith. I checked it every day or every other day. Then one day I checked the mole again and it was much smaller. I checked it again the next day and found it even smaller than the day before. The mole is so small now I can hardly feel it anymore. I write this with a heart of Gratitude and Thanksgiving to our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. With Jesus there is always Hope !
  • Sherri on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Sherri- I think we are to do as the word say keep ouiet, that,s one of the world,s biggest problem women don,t want to stay in place.
  • Becky on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    I sure don 't think we are supposed to fight for authority. We can be actively teaching in many areas. He said he is not suffering them, he is not putting the burden on them to fight for the right. Personally I don 't have an issue with this, everyone is in charge of something because we have different gifts and we should all bring them to the table to serve God not self.
  • S.Smith on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    The context of Timothy 's words have to bear in mind the point in history when they were written. Women are much better teachers of children than men. Especially when it comes to literacy and social skilling. That is why there are a massive more female teachers in schools than male. Men as a whole lack the patience to teach in the modern world. Although there are some that can handle the stresses involved most lose the plot too easily. So Timorhy, who was probably correct at the time given that men always dumbed down women 's community standing was ultimately not able to account for 2000 years of civilisation structural advancement, and educational needs for a modern world. Doesn 't mean he wasn 't correct at the time.
  • Shelia on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    I do believe if God use a donkey to speak , than a woman can give the Gospel, we are call according to the purpose, of the will of God , we are to preach,the acceptable time, the Gospel of Jesus , no one but God will close my mouth, and tell me not to give the word of God,
  • Mark on 1 Timothy 2:4 - 9 years ago
    God desires everyone to be saved. God does not predestinate some to hell. God gives us the choice to accept Jesus or reject Jesus and what Jesus did on the cross die to be the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus paid for my sins. I accept it. Now I need to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and not trod over his spilt blood carelessly. Lord Jesus help me when I fail you!
  • Khiel irlandez on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    One of the most powerful verse : Glory to God that He is our Lord
  • Mine' on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    God the Father promises the whole world peace and quiet when we pray for others. It 's His desire for us all. This means that lives are changed. In verse 8: Everyone everywhere should pray, lifting up holy hands, and without doubting. We all need prayer. There are people in the world today, that are not submissive to God the Father, and find it difficult to be submissive to all authority. God desires that we come to the knowledge of the truth, and submission is the way.
  • Wendy hooks on 1 Timothy 2:11 - 9 years ago
    i wish all women will obey this word of God instead of rebelling against the word they call themselves teaching all men instead allowing the men to obey God
  • Bless on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Will have all men to.be saved! Whow! ransome for all, testified due time! Double wow! This was a letter. he never knew some gentile would be waisting precious time debating or struggling with things that wete for jews because he didnt want to let go of jewish tradition. Peter was the same way. Those are my big brothers and my father still used them.
  • Guadalupe chapa on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Well,according to this teaching, there would be much less sufferring and homelessness in the world if everyone did all he or she could for their neighbor in need. But that is not what happens. Also, about women being saved by child bearing, what of the ones who never have children because the don 't marry or just physically is not able. What then? I don 't see things wrong with woman teaching women. There are subjects that are gender related and better handled by women for women. Yes women should not teach men the Bible. Unfortunately, nowadays,a lot of men have let down their responsibility to God Almighty. As was in the days of Debra the Judge.
  • Elijah Radio Prophet on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    :Norman Ferguson The word of Yahweh is Undeniable. Jesus said, " Not one Jot nor Tittle shall change. "God Said? I do NOT believe! " is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Please reconsider, brother.
  • SHea on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    As a woman.... I 'd say it IS suffering to be asked to teach or have authority over a man! The guy needs to have authority over himself and teach himself and to ask me to do so is asking me to bare a horrible frustrating suffering that I would never want!!!! Let him learn on his own first and then seek me out!!!
  • Winston Johnson on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    The word of God is The words of God all we have to do is obay
  • Norman Ferguson on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    This particular chapter speaks primarily of a certain time and place when modesty was subdued and the apostle Paul had to address the situation and rein in the conduct of the women in the church. These instructions were given to him after seeking the mind of God concerning the matter .then
  • Rhonda Archer on 1 Timothy 2:8 - 9 years ago
    I think i 've not been too nice, lost my temper, just basically feel rotton. Wish I were Timothy more will remember his words of wisdom. Amen.
  • Norman Ferguson on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    This particular chapter speaks primarily of a certain time and place when modesty was subdued and the apostle Paul had to address the situation and rein in the conduct of the women in the church. These instructions were given to him after seeking the mind of God concerning the matter .then
  • Gabrielle on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    Well than what do people have to say of Pricilla and Aquila who taught Apollo an evangelist of the 1st century?
  • Oddora on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    God speaks on many thing and is known to dwell on or even further teach us on many subjects in more details.My question is this,upon research why is this only mentioned once in the Bible that women should be silent?
  • DON STEPHENS on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    either we take the word of god literally or we take it figuratively. If figuratively then there is no literal salvation, and if we are to take it literally then we are to believe the whole word of God literally. For heaven and earth shall both pass away but not one jot nor one tittle of Gods word shall pass . God does not intend for woman to be in control nor for her to be the head of anything.
  • Masawa paul on 1 Timothy 2 - 9 years ago
    Thank for all those comment only to add that young adult and fathers are much reluctant about the mission and thats why women do take that opportunity also when we believe in christ God is able to see us and it comes when we submit ourselves to God is when devil will flee away from us the way it happens during the time of job
  • Isabelle haupt on 1 Timothy 2:5 - 9 years ago
    it 's referring to positions the first man to do God 's will sinned, the last man Jesus had to complete it. Gen. 6th day man was created. Adam was formed later to do God 's will to the creation men women, it doesn 't mean he was the first man. Christ certainly wasn 't the last man.
  • BRIAN FONTENOT on 1 Timothy 2:9 - 9 years ago
    Yehng a woman is NEVER to be a minister or a pastor of God 's church. NEVER. God created man then he created a woman from Adam. I hope this helps you to understand a little more. God Bless. If a woman is a pastor of a church I would run away fast from that church I would not want ichibod written on my church. That is an abomination unto the LORD.

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