1 Timothy Chapter 2 Discussion Page 13

  • Carl on 1 Timothy 2 - 13 years ago
    Leonard van Dijk's - I believe that this means all men without distinction and not all men without exception. In context we see a variety of types of individuals that Timithy is exhorted to remember in prayer, Paul doesn't say to pray for all of humanity. In turn God's will is for Jew and Gentile alike, and all men in regards to station.
  • Disciple on 1 Timothy 2 - 13 years ago
    Malachi 3:6 I am the lord God and I change not..
    God does not change neither does His word. Men and their wiser than thou wisdom is revolving daily, twisting the word of God to their benefit.
    Man does not hate God. Satan does. Satan's spirit gets into man which cause man to flaw and rebel. That is why God is almighty and His wisdom and might is not like our own nor can be understood by those that seek there own way.
    God is so good that he gives us a choice to choose right or wrong. He is not a forcful God.
    From the beginning of time God uses a man to guide, lead and instruct those that will receive him. (First reference) Deuteronomy 18:15-22
    God uses a man not women.
    1Timothy 2:12,13, Isaiah3:12, 1Corinthians 11:3
  • Olanrewaju on 1 Timothy 2 - 13 years ago
    As far a the bible is categorised as the world of God by understanding Apostle Paul should not be crucified the emphasing that women should remain silence in the church.may i be convinced with fact,therfore the western civilisation dear not condermthe verses of bible by insinuaition
  • Edith Steiger on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 13 years ago
    I disagree with this scripture. This was a first century church where the custom of the day was for women to be quiet and in subjuction to their husband. This seems to have been written through the eyes of this custom. How can a custom from the first century fit with the 21st century?
  • Jim on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    hen iwas a child living in acoal camp in wva if women didnot preach or spread the word of God you probley would not heard of it very few men spread the word down there most of them worked in the mines and off their work time they drinked God said that He would pour His Spirit out upon all flesh and His sons and daughters would prophisize I donot understand why Paul wrote this for over 30 yrs I have been under 2 women pastors and have not seen such dedication to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ with having to put up with much harasment from men pastors also my wife is a full gospel preacher filled w/ the Holy Ghost annointed w/ the power of God
  • Leonard van Dijk on 1 Timothy 2:4 - 14 years ago
    is it: All men/people, or all mankind of people?
  • Raphael Mugo on 1 Timothy 2:2 - 14 years ago
    Helpful thank you
  • Barb on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    thank you for responding. im like a sponge, and seeking water to fill me up. and i cant get to much god, theres so much to learn and its nice to find the anwsers while its on my mind. thanks again
  • Revivalandreformation on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    Paul is speaking out of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He says that a woman's place is not in a leadership role where men would be placed under her. God put man over the woman, and if these roles are reversed, then they will find themselves out of God's will.
    Now Jesus did not die for all men nor did He die for traditions, He died for those preordained to receive the gift of salvation. When Scripture says 'the whole world', it actually means those picked out of the whole world. If that wasn't the case, then there are many in hell whom Christ died for. This is silliness. I have many good posts on my blog that discuss this all important subject and the subject of women and their roles in the church. I would be happy to discuss these subjects with any and all who wish to.

    Bless you Barb for your willingness to search out the truth.

  • Barb on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    and if this is true, that god wants women to be silent in church, then that also so means no teaching in the chruch and that would to me mean children also,for you cant have it both ways,
  • Barb on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    i do no go to church where there is a female paster, i have a wonderful paster, this was brought up after thanksgiving dinner with a group of christains, and this was a veiw of one of the group. and there are many who believe this is pauls wishes and not gods, i havent yet brought this up to my paster. im a beginner and starving to know more and when i read this i have mixed feelings. how would i know if this is of god, or of paul, i dont want to spread wrongs. tell me how to tell if this is a tradition, or gods word,
  • Barb on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    is it not true that paul is stating this, it is pauls wishes. for women not to preach, and is it not true that jesus died for not only of our sins, but all the traditions that used to be, for all of us need to be spreading gods word, i feel here the simple word is I,as in paul. please someone give me feed back on this, i would enjoy to talk about this and your veiws.
  • LeiLei on 1 Timothy 2 - 14 years ago
    I was wondering about this verse, because I go to a church that has a woman as a pastor and I was wondering was it the right church for me since the Bible says for a woman to learn in silence and fo her not to teach.
  • Kip on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 14 years ago
    Very good quote!
  • Anonymous on 1 Timothy 2:9 - 14 years ago
    If you have a young lady in your church by the age of 15 and her mother gives permission to die her hair pink in the top. Would it wrong or would you say she is not being modest?
  • Macmac on 1 Timothy 2:9 - 14 years ago
    yheng to answer your question if you would please go to jw.org download the July 2010 Awake. There you will find the article entitled The Bible's Viewpoint Should Women Be Ministers it is very enlighting hope it helps.
  • Macmac on 1 Timothy 2:9 - 14 years ago
    This Scripture is referring to dress and grooming. For women to be modest and not draw undue attention to themselves or dressing in a way that sends the wrong signals and this principle also apply to men.
  • Yheng on 1 Timothy 2:9 - 14 years ago
    does it mean that women would have no right to teach or being the leader of every church they belong?like pastoral group?to serve the word of god?only man?

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