Women are to be silent in church worship and not take authority over a man by praying or preaching when there is a Christian man present. Women are to teach children and the young women. The Bible says exactly what it means and only by adding to the scriptures can you make it any other way.
Women have the tendency to want to create attractions,especially for the opposite ***.It was no different in the time of Paul.The apostle therefore had to warn agaist this since it could become a stumbling block for purity of minds on the part of the believers.
i want to disagree with Denice.the Bible is straight forward.Women should not teach en preaching is teaching the word of God,the Bible says women must learn in silence with all submisiveness which is not a sin anyway.some feminists will not agree with this word but thats how it is.obedience is better than sacrifice,in as much as women may want to preach the word of God which is a good thing by all means but the Bible forbids women from doing that over men or church because their weakness was long identified and it is better if they dont do it en liv preaching to men.the role of the woman of God has been clearly identified and no need to go against it!
i beleive Adam knew his wife was dead and he eath to save her life -- Know greater love can a man have than laying down his life for his wife, and it worked . If he donot eat he would live , but his wife would died. This is the story of the cross HALLALUJHA
This has personal meaning for me throughout my own process. Meaning a woman will be saved through the experience of childbearing (abstaining with sobriety, being gentle with oneself, embracing the feminine) then continuing with the inspiration of this opportunity to cultivate/restore the feminine qualities within her...even after the process of bearing the child has p***ed
OK, let me give my opinion, since i am not completely aware of where versus :12, in this chapter stands with God:....... Now where it stands with Husband and Wife; this is completely accurate; For the Wife is not to teach the Husband, for the church is not to teach Christ, or even feel like they can, so Wives shouldn't do or think, that it is fitting to teach the Husband; For God made Men logical thinkers, and Women emotional, which is why satan came to create transgression in Man through Women; For emotion, has more influence over us, than logic..... SO YES WOMEN! you have two masters, when it comes to marriage; even if that man is not in Christ, you still have to reverence him, but not at the cost of disobeying God's word. And as far as the church or any other place of authority; OK that's above my pay grade, but i say this: That if the Holy Ghost rules in you; it does not matter what *** you are, if you are being led by the Spirit, but as far as things carnal; Women, to obey and look up to, and cater to, and give dominion over to your Husband, is to do all of the above to God, and it is his will for you, and it is for Men; Not to abuse the authority God has given you over everything, But for you to approach, everything! in tender-gentle Love. AND IN LOVE; IS EVERYTHING GOOD!
we have to understand precept upon precept, and understand what was the reason for this word at this time, it was appropriate for that time, it also doesnt mean that women was not meant to carry or preach the word , but that a woman does not have rule over the man,but the order is that God first, husband, then woman, children, if the husband is a follower of christ.
What is about "suffer a woman not to teach preach) that you can't understand. God is not a respector of persons in Judgement. If you reject the scriptures on the order of God you dilute the word of God. There were prophetesses in the bible but they were not over the people of God.
That women should be silent in church. I beleive that a woman should not teach in the church.1 corinthains chapter 14 verse 34 " Let your women keep silence in the churches:for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commmanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
there are most definately women preachers who are called of god to preach the gospel...i am one of them....i am anoited & called of god....there are women teacher of the word of god too... you definately know when you have benn called of god...god bless each one who reads this...god is no respector of persons....he is equal to all & loves all....
I have a very realistic Hebraic question. I originally got into this dilemma respective of Psalm 110:1 and the Hebrew "adoni". I had been taught that the Hebrew "adoni" only referenced a non-deity (human) or a created angelic appearance. However, when I was reading and researching the subject, I discovered a brief notation in acclaimed BDB lexicon on page 11 that declared this same Hebrew "adoni" is defined to be a "Theophanic angel" (Theophany) with respect to both Joshua 5:14 and Judges 6:13. This BDB cited Theophany then Joshua 5:14 and Judges 6:13 would leave no debate as to the fact that the Hebrew "adoni" can indeed mean a Deity as well as a non-deity. The Hebrew "adoni" is cited some 195 times in the MT but only these 3 Passages can actually suggest a Theophany and Deity. Your response to this concern will be most appreciated. Barney
Concerning 1 Timothy 2:12, I believe it should be understood in God's spiritual explanation. JESUS is the WORD, the AUTHOR of the Bible, the CHURCH composed of real believers, (male or female) in private is "married" to the MAN (JESUS, the Word who is God incarnate). Therefore, let God preach his WORD!
Paul was called to go to the Gentiles. The disciples were told not to go. 1Timothy 2:12 states that "I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over man��. But 2 Kings 22:12-14, was not Huldah a prophetess, a woman? Who was told to go tell of the risen Christ to the disciples? A woman. Who carried The Word and gave birth to The Word? A woman. I am a woman and I love teaching The Word. Be bless.
This was a letter which Paul was sending to timothy for the Corinthian church, a specific church where women were, because of the new found freedom, being careless in their dressings and physical comportment, which was bringing disorderliness and worldliness in their midst. So the apostle of God had to set ORDER. Anything that prevents you from serving God, you should cut it off. What matters is that you do not put any worldly thing first before God, and that nothing hinders you from serving Him. And in doing so, you do not cause others to stumble or sin, but in whatever thing you do, you learn to consider not just yourself but others as well. The point is that God is looking into your HEART. The word of God says that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks into the heart, and out of the abundance the heart, the mouth speaks. If you have the spirit of God in you, be open to God and He will lead you in every aspect of your life and by the way. Look at the women of faith in the bible, was not Esther a judge, or was not Deborah a judge, what about Mary who the spirit of God came upon to be the mother of our king. And what about Ruth, Naomi, Sarah, Anna, etc.. God calls who He wants to call, and uses who He wants to use to be a pastor, teacher, preacher, worshiper, whatever God wills. Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". The Emphasis in this scripture is on YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS. This scripture was also cited in Acts 2:16-17. God bless you all.
I think women can teach women's bible studies and such, however they should not be pastors or teach men. It's not God's will to have men be subordinate to women. The bible isn't for any private interpretation, and the Word is forever established in heaven. FOREVER!
I believe that the word of God is true and will always be. What I am getting ready to say will probably rub some wrong but it is what it is. The bible is broken into three parts, religious, cultural and spiritual. Remember that when the bible was written, women didn't have any rights and were the property of a man. I am not saying that the word of God is wrong because it is not, however we no longer live in a society where God allows slavery or where culture takes place over the word. I pray that all will ask the Lord to send them a mate which compliments the word as well as the principals of the word because misinterpretations such as this is where the family structure falls apart. Remember the five heroines of the word of God and what each of them represented to God and not to man! Peace and Love!
Julian Franciscus Vaughn on 1 Timothy 2 - 12 years ago
1 Timothy 2 is the ABSOLUTE COMMANDMENT of GOD! If people FOLLOWED these SIMPLE ORDERS, then the Church would prosper more. For some reason women don't like to be told THE TRUTH in this chapter, and they proceed to attempt to circumnavigate the scripture. But the scripture comes from GOD...Not me, you or anyone else. Hey I am a GENTILE, ...but the Bible says "all good things ...to the JEW FIRST..then to the GREEK." And I have NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. GOD is a GOD of ORDER, and I RESPECT his COMMANDS. There will be some who try to abuse the command. But those who use the scripture to clearly abuse women or otherwise, DO NOT NEED TO BE OBEYED. But Timothy is RIGHT, it is GOD�S ORDER, it MUST BE OBEYED.
Did we all forget Acts 2:17 that states �And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions�. I am a witness for the Lord. I don't worry about titles nor do I let my good be evil spoken of, but do all things in decency and in order. God will use whom ever he chooses and who he calls he qualifies. There is no respect of persons with him. I carry his word in my heart and I will use it to help others we should all be trying to help someone who is lost and show them the way to God through Christ Jesus no matter what our gender is.
I appreciate Jesus' instructions through Paul as hard as they seem to be able to comply with in our day. I try not to question the teachings as they are but try and appreciate that we do not know everything as our Creator does and that all instructions given are for our own good and to glorify God as opposed to ourselves. Obedience is freedom. Once a woman is freed up to let the men be in charge and lead as God ordained then things start to fall into place. I just started covering my head with scarves and realizing that feminism and all of it's associated trappings are just that- snares. I pray that Jesus will continue to humble me so that he can be glorified. Thank God for Jesus.
Timothy Wayne George on 1 Timothy 2 - 12 years ago
I Timothy 2:11 Clearly women may speak in church, but they are not to be Pastors. Having a ministry at home, and with other women is good. In Titus 2 the older women are to teach the younger women how to love their husbands. This is a ministry that is lacking in the church today. May the Lord bless you richly.
Even though the above comment states that it was a 1st century quote for that church, the scriptures after give the reason; Eve deceived Adam. That being said, God saw that it was good not to allow a woman to have authority over a man in teaching but the authority will always be with the man over the woman.
Mercy, a little jewelry and a little makeup and modest clothing are fine! Cleavage and tight clothing which shows all and leaves men staring isn�t good! Hope that helps! Find a good teaching/preaching church that the ladies are dressed modestly and you�ll be fine!