1 Maccabees
King James Version (KJV)

Why is 1 Maccabees shown with the King James Bible?
8 And when he had taken Jazar, with the towns belonging thereto, he returned into Judea.
12 Come now therefore, and deliver us from their hands, for many of us are slain:
29 From whence he removed by night, and went till he came to the fortress.
32 He said unto his host, Fight this day for your brethren.
37 After these things gathered Timotheus another host and encamped against Raphon beyond the brook.
47 Then they of the city shut them out, and stopped up the gates with stones.
52 After this went they over Jordan into the great plain before Bethsan.
58 So when they had given charge unto the garrison that was with them, they went toward Jamnia.
59 Then came Gorgias and his men out of the city to fight against them.
64 Insomuch as the people assembled unto them with joyful acclamations.
66 From thence he removed to go into the land of the Philistines, and passed through Samaria.