1 Kings Chapter 17 Discussion Page 2

  • Elijah on 1 Kings 17 - 11 years ago
    It was because it has been written, concerning the woman, according to the word of God.
  • Al Seybert on 1 Kings 17:24 - 11 years ago
    It's amazing to me how she recieved a miricle every morning, was going to die without food, then had to see something bigger to get on board and know God is real.
  • Matheka Gerald on 1 Kings 17 - 11 years ago
    Let's compare Elija with todays men of God,being sent to a such hopeless widow!they will think that God is mistaken considering themselves to be holy and alt to 've been sent to prominent women like daughters of the queen and the like,to them this would be like a curse!AMEN.
  • Aisher on 1 Kings 17:14 - 11 years ago
    The cheerful giver's head shall never lack oil. Amen.
  • Annette Okereke on 1 Kings 17 - 11 years ago
    Faith and trusting God when He speaks, even for the mundane things of our everyday activities will lead us to believe HIM for the "big" issues in our lives. Elijah spoke and God honoured his words and ceased the rain, God led him to where He provided for him through the raven and the brook and when the brook dried, God led him again to the widow....faith, trust, hope in our daily work will God will increase our faith even for the monumental tasks ahead of us...
  • OKORIE EKE on 1 Kings 17 - 12 years ago
    I love the faith of this woman, between the time she saw the MAN of GOD and the time she went home to prepare the meal. I strongly believe the devil must have spoken to her in order to discourage her. She was so sensitive in the spirit that she did not let the MOMENT to pass her by. Believers should be sensitive enough to SEIZE THEIR MOMENTS when it comes by.
  • Wesley Townsend on 1 Kings 17 - 12 years ago
    I think of the man of God's obedience that led to the obedience of those around him, that led to a miracle taking place with the widow women's son brought back to life. the key word for all of us is Obedience.
  • Anonymous on 1 Kings 17 - 12 years ago
    It is true what Ralph wrote in his comment.If your heart is true to God AND ONLY GOD. The Holy spirit will always be with you. You will be warned when the devil plans evil against you. Evil comes in mostly very nice, very sweet and very enjoyable things. But even when all the temptations come towards you if your heart is with God yoy will overcome all of them. God never throws anything to his people which they cannot overcome. David sinned a lot. But of all the sins he did he worshipped only one God. God gave him a chance to repent. If we worship only our Heavenly Father thru Jesus Christ and at the same time have a good heart towards others including our enemies no matter what God is faithful He is going to give you a chance to repent. Please pray everyday when you wake up and when you are going to sleep. Praise God in the morning and Thank Him in the evening. Make it a must and you will overcome all.
  • RALPH M. WATERS on 1 Kings 17 - 12 years ago
    Good Morning, in this chapter the last verse stirred a thought in me; A man of GOD will speak the truth. Although situations may come about, whether its even to his own harm, he will speak the truth. For Jesus is the TRUTH, and we are here to pattern ourselves as close as possible. Therebye, You will know a Man of God, from the abundance of his heart. I found many Ministers, Priest, though they have the office, their personnal EGOs, get in the way of their ministering, David, Asa, Josiah, were men of GOD, their hearts were focussed on The Lord, even though their choices were sometimes incorrect, but their hearts, were on GOD. Men of GOD, can be distinguised, by their hearts.
  • Sheliah on 1 Kings 17 - 13 years ago
    THE WORD of Isaiah 43:25 said HE will not remember thy sins. They will be thrown in the sea of forgetfulness. I don't believe GOD reminds us of our sins, we remind ourselves.

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