1 Timothy Chapter 2 Discussion

  • Tunney on 1 Timothy 2 - 12 months ago
    The joy of the LORD is my strength! Many times I have to remind myself of the persecutions I will go through and have gone through because of my faith in CHRIST JESUS.

    I thank the brethren on this forum for their faithfulness and love for the word and the fellow saints. Stand and be encouraged for as GOD reminds us, this too will pass. These verses have helped me... Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 10:13; probably one of the hardest for me - Romans 8:28. And many more- I'm sure veteran saints on this forum can add others too.

    It is difficult, but we are called to be a blessing to as many as possible without expecting any type of return - horizontally. Our blessing will come vertically, from above,

    James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

    Sorry Brethren! didn't mean to be preachy.

    GOD to shine HIS blessed face on you and your family during this wonderful time of praising of our SAVIOR.

    Merry Christmas and have a prosperous New Year!

    December 20, 2023
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 1 year ago
    I don't think that the Franklin Electronic Bible has a sleep/auto-shutdown function, even though it has many other good features. Probably, most folk would use a the KJBO App on their cell phone, a tablet or kindle to read their Bible, which will then go into sleep mode. The KJBO App is perfect to use with an audio function for the passage that you're wanting to listen to before drifting off to sleep.
  • Richard E Cain on 1 Timothy 2 - 1 year ago
    Do you all have a digital electronic hand held bible somethig like a franklin so when i go to bed at night and fall asleep it will shut down?
  • Adam - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    I personally don't like coersion or manipulative tactics to get people to do things. It's probably not in the Bible, but probably done so the pastor can feel validated. I've seen things done in church that might have been sinful they were so manipulative and somewhat dishonest.

    I have no doubt the pastor or leader likes it when people are showing signs of getting into the sermon or worship. I'm sure many work hard to try to motivate others and keep up enthusiasm. But I personally don't like cheer leaders- they are not in control of my emotional state. They have no idea what some are feeling. Doing nothing physically doesn't mean there's not a lot going on spiritually, emotionally, mentally.

    Some aren't naturally very expressive and know if they what someone asked them to do it wouldn't be authentic. Basically I think leaders need to relax and not worry about their perceived reactions from people. I also don't think those attending should be shamed or bullied by church staff just because they don't meet their arbitrary expectations of expressive behavior.
  • Sammi - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    I understand how you feel , I'm a very shy and reserved person who doesn't enjoy being the centre of attention . I think if my pastor was insisting I do this , I might start looking for a different congregation . No one should be made to feel uncomfortable in their own church . Matthew chapter 6 verse 1-18 .
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Hello Winson,

    I agree with Jesse in that no one should compel others to lift hands up in worship, but it can be suggested. And again, one should not do so just to go along with the crowd. One should do so to worship.

    Lifting hands in worship is normative as indicated in psalms of David were many include words and actions of worship and praise. I do think that there is a time and place for all that is acceptable worship. A time to be still, quiet and meditative, a time to be exuberant in praise, a time to kneel and petition God, etc. Lifting hands is just one action of worship that can occur in a communal time of worship. Most people who do not wish to lift up their hands in worship or speak against doing so are those who are very uncomfortable around people who do lift up their hands in worship or would be uncomfortable doing so or too self-conscious. Such people should not judge others' expression of worship, but should examine themselves to see if they do not lift their hands for reasons that are fleshly. Those who lift up hands can do so in a fleshly way, too. We should be focused on God and not on one another or our own selves.

    Here are some Scriptures that speak of lifting hands in worship.

    Ps. 29:8; Ps. 64:4; Ps. 134:2; La. 2:19; La. 3:34; 1Tim.2:8; Ex.17:16; Ne. 8:6; Ps. 141:2. And Jesus lifted up his hands to bless others in Lk. 24:50;

    Scriptures also speak of lifting up our eyes, hearts, souls to God and giving out a shout out loud to God, clapping hands, and calling upon God. m

    Winson, it seems that you are probably most comfortable with worshipping in a quiet, thoughtful way, which is so good to do.

    I would say that the Scriptures speaks of a variety of ways people worship Him and these actions are acceptable to Him.

    For me, having been brought up in a liturgical church, learning on my own that the Scriptures speaks of other ways to worship challenged me to practice these in my private worship in order to become comfortable with doing so
  • Winson james huggins on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    I find it ..well!! I find it not right to be asking people in the service lost or saved to lift up holy hands are we not to be still in knowing he is God in the middle of us who get together on Sunday in service and to hear the Gospel...do we have to be waving hands just because the pastor is asking ?? should we not just be still with ears open for the word...
  • Luke - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Many believe it means women should not preach or prophesy, but that's not accurate.

    It is written how Women do, have, and will prophesy in the end times.
  • Rev. Bruce E. Slack on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Not so musch a comment but a question. I have read the scriptures hundreds of times. But yet 1 Timothy 2:12 still jumps out at me. I have seen a shift in which women are teaching, preaching, being called Pastors, Prophets, Apostles. What rea you thoughts on this in reference to 1 Timothey 2?
  • Annette on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    God said we should always follow him cause you will go threw sick death to have him in your life sometime make you understand it not for you but to help someone else. So we should stay in God.He will never leave no matter what we might leave hide but he wan leave us ,

    And sick come and death we ask where is god he said I am right her just opened you eye reach your hand up open your ear and you will find me.God said I leave you or forsake you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Brother.

    Enjoy your time, It's great hearing you're ok and doing well.

    Enjoy your time.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Thanks for enquiring, brother. All is well - it's just that I prefer to have a large block of time to devote to folk here (i.e. without interruptions that interfere with my meditations & Lord's directing). Unfortunately, that's not always possible in life, even in retirement. However, I do go through all the comments & particularly enjoyed what you shared on 'Replacement Theology', agreeing with your position on it & your various interactions with others, yet refraining from commenting since I felt I had no more to add to that long thread. May the Lord continue to use you to challenge & build up others in our most precious faith.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Hi Brother Chris.

    Hope all is well, Haven't heard much from you here lately,

    May God bless you and all you do.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Pardon me. That should be Hebrews 12:14, not 12:4.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Page 2.

    Be strengthened & comforted dear one, that the Lord is mindful of what you're going through & will give you grace to bear up or give you a way around them. Search out good company with a good moral standing or even believers that you can pray with. Share what you're going through with your teacher or principal & leave the matter with them.

    Hebrews 12:4, "Follow peace with all men"; Matthew 5:44; & I would leave you with Matthew 5:11-16. May the Lord be very near to you & give you strength & wisdom during those times of trial.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Page 1.

    Thank you for sharing some of the pain you are going through at school, Sanaytrah - for being open & honest with us. Unfortunately, bullying, whether at school, workplace, or wherever, is a fact of life & many suffer because of those mindless, sick individuals.

    There could be many reasons for bullying; but two that would be high on the list would be that the bullies themselves are being harshly treated or disciplined at home or by others & they then reciprocate by venting their pent-up emotions on others. Another reason would be that they get into bad company & become part of the group mentality, so whatever evil plans the group decide to do, that then becomes an act by the whole group or individual. Do they know that they do wrong by unnecessarily hurting someone? Yes, they do, but the thrill of afflicting pain on another (helpless) one is greater than considering the grief caused to the victim.

    We can look upon those evil people with sadness, because of their immature callous acts against the innocent & we can pray for them, but so often bullying continues because those in authority (whether at the school or govt. level), refuse to take suitable action against them. Being a much older person than you, I'm dismayed as I look back over the past decades, how far the 'rule of Law' has degenerated, where wickedness is now allowed to thrive. In those days, bullying at school was quickly dealt with, usually by expulsion from school & no other school would accept the bully. If I couldn't answer a question by the teacher, an answer I should have given if I was attentive, almost certainly brought out his boxed set of various sized canes for me to choose from. The 'stick' can often teach us important lessons very quickly. All that's now gone, for fear of 'hurting' these young one's tender hearts & lives - all we do now is breed a generation of rascals, with callous minds intent on evil.
  • Sanaytrah - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Yes you are right. We need to pray for what we need. Not what we want. And we also need to pray for everyone as God says to. And also love one another when things are not going right we need to trust in Jesus and be an example, and do as we are told. It is really hard sometimes, I go through perscution at school. I don't like the school that I am going to. Everyone that I know is mean, and some are really selfish. They don't care about others or don't care about how others feel when they are getting bullied. They also make conclusions that are not even true. Perscution and evil people are everywhere. Christians are the number one people that get it. I'd rather be home schooled to be honest. They judge you and they don't even know you, very well and others are bullied for no reason. I know that we are not perfect no not one is perfect, and that everyone is not going to be a good friend. But if others were in other peoples shoes and seen how they felt or what they were going through. Then they would defeintly change their ways. And just because someone is just not like you. It doesn't give others a right to bully or to judge them. Before others go judging they should take a look at themselves and think about what they were saying. Every single person is guilty and has either bullied someone or even disobeyed their parents. It doesn't change the way we feel but have we ever thought what Jesus thought or what he thinks about bullying or disobeying we need to think of others and care and pray for them. This world need prayer and also Jesus. I am not playing around or joking but I am being honest.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago

    Thanks Philip!!

    God bless you.
  • Philip Christian Parks on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 2 years ago
    1Tim. 2:1 = I exhort therefore , that, first of all , supplications , prayers , intercessions , and giving of thanks , be made for all men.

    Paul wrote this exhortation to Timothy, whom Paul commissioned as a spiritual leader among the saints and church at Ephesus to "charge some that they teach no other doctrine" (1:3). The force behind this exhortation is that every church pastor, teacher, and spiritual leader must adopt this same manner and habit of praying "for all men".

    Supplications are the saints' highly emotional pleas to GOD to grant desperately needed requests that are far beyond the requesters' normal human resources. Supplications express an attitude of helplessness while begging GOD for HIS DIVINE intervention to supply urgent needs.

    The general term "prayer" includes all addresses to GOD of every type and characteristic such as praise, confession, thanksgiving, rejoicing, interceding, and supplication.

    The word "intercessions" describe praying on behalf of others for GOD to supply their needs. By interceding for all men, the praying intercessor acts on their behalf in the same manner The HOLY SPIRIT and CHRIST HIMSELF intercedes for the same before GOD The FATHER (e.g. Rom. 8:26-27; 8:34; Heb. 7:25).

    The expression "giving of thanks" translates from the Greek verb root (transliterated "eucharisteo"; pronounced "yoo-khar-is-TEH-"), meaning ex-pressing deep heartfelt thanks. Its prefix "eu - " means "good" and "well" and implies an attitude of rejoicing. Thanksgiving describes sincere, heartfelt acknowledgment of appreciation to GOD. Scriptures record the term "thanksgiving" approximately twenty-seven times, and in each reference, it is linked with expressing thanksgiving to GOD during prayer (e.g. v.18).

    Paul urge Timothy to pray with great emphasis and purpose for "all men" using the four types of prayer immediately listed. Synonyms for "exhort" include "appeal to", "encourage", and even "beg".
  • Manuel marques teixeira on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    On verse 5, is revealed Gods secret! It's written on the bible:Your way Oh God, is on the Sanctuary. Jesus is Bible's Center. The true Sanctuary is in Heaven. Mouses received God's direct instructions, to built a Sanctuary's rplica on earth, according with the Heavenly one.

    The Lamb of God, Jesus, who was slayn before world's foundation, acording to The Holy Scriptures, is Sanctuary's Revelation. Jesus is God's secret, hiden since before Creation. Salvation's Plan, is God's answer to satan's rebellion, lies and false doubts about God's Justice and love's Character.

    knowing Jesu, is all mankind needs, in order to be saved.

    Knowing God is a redeemed's previledge, for eternity! There is only One God, and is Good, Who is God, said Jesus. God's being eternal, is perfect, and everything He does, is forever, and nothing can be added or taken from God's Moral Law, being God's Character expression.
  • Nicole King-Cason - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    It is not wrong
  • Rick - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Gwen All believers can teach or give practical instruction, but that is not the office of a pastor or deacon, bishop

    which are ordained of have ministries, these are totally different positions.
  • Gwen Frost on 1 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Is it wrong for a woman to teach if she does it to take over where her husband left off before he passed away?
  • Let's be more sensitive to the presence of the Accuser of the Brethern - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Anybody doing anything for Jesus Christ always attracts " Fruit inspectors"

    If women feel the call to minister in Jesus Name; then these men pull out a 20 lb Scoffield Reference Bible and hit them with the LAW.

    Keep scripture in context !! They were sitting behind a screen or across the aisle, leaning over to ask their husbands " (Loud) what does that mean sweetie?

    Paul was a Pharisee before he got saved. Just like US, it takes the Lord a while to work that stuff out of us. Joel 3:28-29, Acts 21:9. 1 Corinthians 12:23, Galatians 3:28__says the ladies may preach and prophesy. Deborah was a judge!

    And DONT write me a rebuke ok, thanks.

    There some anointed (by the Holy Spirit) women in these rooms. My Bible says, "touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm."

    Just now on YouTube I saw a guy saying Pastor Greg Laurie is Apostate because he evangelized rock stars!! The key word here is ACCUSER. Satan is the Father of Lies, and THE ACCUSER OF THE BRETHERN AND THE SISTERS.

    I took lots of women to the streets of Roswell New Mexico to learn cold contact street evangelism. Never once did they discuss hair or nails.

    They had their Bibles, they knew where all the key passages were. When we did courthouse lawn Rapture Movies Night, they ministered the Word. People got saved. They bought their own tracts to hand out too. Those were the days.

    If I've said it 50 times :D everybody will take a comic book tract. They like comics! Go to CHICK TRACTS online. You can read what you're buying. Write your church name on the back. Always sit with your "lambs" and introduce them around at church.

    You may receive the SOUL WINNERS CROWN at the Bema Seat of Christ :O

    I wrapped gifts for people all afternoon. No one likes to do it anymore.

    Guys, Jesus is coming back very soon. The Pope is pushing Israel to give up the West Bank totally.

    It is another key sign. Land for freedom to get the 3rd Temple built. Pray for Israel every day.

  • Mishael - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Go on YouTube and type in, IVERNA TOMPKINS.

    She came to our Church in Tulsa(when I lived there), and she is on fire for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Life. I'm sure she may have a website with literature on how to live in "a mans world." That doesn't insult me to write that, because we live in Gods world !! Ask to be anointed for service.

    Iverna serves up Meat Platters in her sermons. She can be funny and then lower the Truth. I she lived here I'd be there every time the doors open. When she breaks out in praise and song, your spirit knows that is a prayer.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi Dusty. Both GiGi & Rick have, I believe, written well from their perceptions of this (& other passages). If I might add to it.

    Paul's instruction to (Pastor) Timothy was for the administering of the Church, both in his own conduct & the conduct of those that meet each Lord's Day. How people, whether brothers or sisters, share with others (in Bible Study, Sunday School, Youth Group, witnessing, counselling, etc.) outside the main gathering of the Church was entirely up to them with the Lord's leading - there should be no constraints. But while gathered together before the Lord, even to sharing around the Lord's Table, order & propriety are essential.

    For this reason, elders (for policy, direction, leadership & teaching) & deacons (helpers) were appointed. There were no women elders; though women could fill deacon-type positions in their support of the work. Pastoral work which was primarily a shepherding role, could in a sense, be filled by both men & women, as women could rightfully shepherd other sisters or youth. However, today, the Pastor fills the position of the main leader/preacher/teacher - whom we should rightfully (biblically) refer to as the 'leading Elder'. So this position, before the congregation, can only be filled by a man - and this order is not because of a pre-disposition of setting women at a lower level, but of scriptural warrant from the order of creation ( 1 Corinthians 11:3 ff).

    In those early days, both men & women were highly dependent on Church leaders to teach them from the Word & help for Christian living. Nowadays, both men & women can be equally proficient with the Word & quite capable to expound it to others. But for the sake of propriety within God's Plan for the Church, it's best to stay with what is given in the Word, no matter how unreasonable it may sound in today's context of equality & abilities in biblical knowledge & use of spiritual Gifts.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    I have thought about this, too. Is it a custom of the times, like earing a head scarf? Or is it a command for all time. I have heard many different opinions on this. For me, I choose to support this principle that women are to refrain from being in leadership over men. I also, know that there may be exceptional situations where a woman may mentor a man (such those women who mentored Apollos, since they had more complete knowledge of the gospel than he did).

    For me, I like to consider the passage where woman are to be taught by their husbands. I have read that in those times, women and men were separated in the congregation, so if a woman had a question or comment it would have been out of order for her to speak up over the men. She would wait until she was home with her husband to discuss a matter further. I do support this principle, however it does put a responsibility upon the husband to be well instructed and a spiritual leader in the home. Can we honestly say that this is the case in most Christian homes today? No, unfortunately. And what about single women? In Paul's time women stayed with their family until married, so the Father was the head over her. But today, many adult women are out of their parent's household and on their own. Who is their head in this situation?

    I am not one to buck up against Scripture much and I am happy to be lead and taught by men. I am also happy to be lead and taught by a woman as in a women's bible study. I have taught Sunday School for children and youth, but not adults. I have no inclination to teach men in a mixed gender group. I want to follow this Scripture even if it was just a custom for that time. The integrity of my witness is more important than seeking a position above men. But, like the women who mentored Apollo, I would be open to mentoring either sex if led to. But as a married woman I would most likely not mentor a man. I did mentor my husband in the faith before we were married. Feel free to chime in.
  • Rick - In Reply on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Dusty Here's a simple way to view it, next to great men of God there are great women to be a help meet

    I.E. to help pray teach instruct and preach within the structure that God set up. There are instances in he

    old testament where women so to speak took a stand. In the church of God in Timothy the order is men ordained are

    encouraged to lead as pastors and bishops the statement with women in subjection strictly depends on the

    men walking according to Ephesians 5:25-29. So keep this in mind the conditions are always it is written.

    In the old testament there were women prophets and great women of believing like the shunammites

    women who's child was raised from the dead. There are other examples.
  • Dusty Rollins on 1 Timothy 2 - 3 years ago
    Wasn't 1st Tim. 2:12 more of a cultural issue. We see in acts women Paul talking about teaching and great workers in Christ.

    Also, isn't "preaching" different from teaching? They aren't in rule over men but if truly called by God, doing what she is called to do.

    Sorry, lol, this leads to this. If, the verse is to be held above cultural values, how do we justify women in Sunday school teachers?

    I see this used by some pastors and husband's using this verse to pit women "in their place!". I'm not a feminist or supporting an anti church organization. I'm doing an independent study and getting different views. Be blessed, safe and Merry Christmas!
  • Billyj on 1 Timothy 2:6 - 3 years ago
    1 Timothy 2.12

    I do not see any exceptions.

    Women are not anointed by God to teach men . Impossible it breaks his own word .

    Women and children yes . To do what is expected of them . In obedience to the Lord .

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